She misread it AGAIN! in one form or another. There was never any complaints of abuse or neglect, the kids had all the shots, even the cps examiner/evaluator had stated in the report the children are happy and healthy but the mothers failure to protect by being walking outside of her home and leaving the children unattended. We didnt understand anything that was going on.. I have a question which I hope you can answer or direct me to someone who might provide an answer. But there was no investigation done either! Plz feel free to contact me if you have any questions? Name of plaintiff or petitioner (depends on the action) 2. Threatened to take kids if not signed. There are no words for the hideousness that happens around in a country that were supposed to give unconditional love to just as we give them. You can also request feedback on your case. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. remain calm and nice even if it hurts you. Its been the worst year of my life now I find out they have filed permanency papers court on Tuesday. Contacted news but no reply yet. During the time when I gotten arrested, there was basically a decoy who pretended to be my friend was at my house and then asked for a ride home. Its been 9 days with no contact from the worker. Later on, that girl gets a restraining order against me and my husband. What matters now is I am clean and my drug test is clean. Fortunately, you can invoke your Fourth Amendment right to prevent the investigator from getting inside your home. Requires all the questions to be answered as if you were them for each individual. Please I am begging for help with this as her whole family miss her and want her even her two older sisters are effected by this. )Trainee knew she had royally screwed up for sure now. Because of history Cps did no investigation whatsoever just ran w it. Enough people use this law it will make them stop and think should I be doing this can I be sued. police. kept secret, by law. ( although the parents have court appointed attorneys, those attorneys seem to be doing very little). How do i file it in appeal, I need a constitutional attorney. But this was the time when they had taken my kids. Appellant Brief Tennessee excessive child support case, Greene v. Camreta Oregon / 9th Circuit Court of Appeals 2009, Petition For Removal of Case to Federal Court, How to File a Complaint / Civil Rights Complaint, Declaration of Facts Why ? I have a masters degree in this area and want to help. There is ample evidence they are pure evil. This is by no means meant to be legal advice. By a foster parent who wanted to adopt her. My kids were removed from my care because she misread the very 1st UA screen 11 days earlier to begin with on Feb 1 [#1]. If possible, consult an attorney for help. I dont know why it hasnt gone further with them tearing apart so many families. Shes done everything theyve wanted and its like they keep making up more and a lot of lies weve caught them in!! Im an immigrant and had been in the US since 1998. The other sw said No Shes Good then told me good job keep it up b4 walking away. I wish I could post it here. First of all my baby was 11lbs 2oz at birth and was steadily gaining almost 14 lbs at time occurred babies natural instinct is to suck. Is there anyone from southern California with knowledge on how to stop these monsters? My case isnt over and my son is not home, yet I am going after them all. Unfortunetly I cant say the same about his father. dont say nothing even if they threaten you. Some are called DCF, DHS, DSS, DCYS, DCFS, HRS, CYS and FIA, collectively known as CPS for the purposes of this handbook. Sue the fact that we cannot sue. Im in Pittsburgh though. I am in need of probono lawyer. Cps let me have joint custody of my 3 yr old, now 4 year old granddaughter. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Name of parents of that child. Or at the very least, that DCS allegations are unsubstantiated. Now were being told that we cant see them at all!! Each commissioner meeting she requests more and more money and she always gets it. In other words, the state and Child Protective Services can not impose a standard of living dealing with the rearing . First of all, I am 6'5 tall and X football player that had a rough and tough reputation, secondly, I am a practicing Christian and stated so, third, I do and have used corporal punishment if I am so inclined to, fourth, I am hard headed and non cooperative with CPS. I am so confused I am being harassed by cps and have been lied to and my civil rights have been violated .my health is Very poor I have lupus and do to this cps investigation my health is only getting worst please help me 8three2 28nine-6seven58, no service plan. get all your tests from hospitals and doctors. the birth mother had him while in prison and we picked him up from hospital when he was 2 days old Im the mgr where I work and accusations came from employee who I had to take disciplinary action on same day call went in to Cps. I am a parent who has won my child back, not from CPS, but from a jury in the county where this happens most frequently in the US. They are but its very tricky. Texas Title IV-E Finance Handbook for County Contracts I just wish I could share more but that practice of law without a license is a real thing. Guilty of onesie but were always weather appropriate and just so cute in the sleepers w feet. I can only hope that you can also help me as my case is simular to Kendras. make sure you ask for all phone call recordings and recording of allegations and all recordings of children and all other documents they have. CPS or law enforcement intervenes when a caregiver abuses or neglects a child. Can you please help me Im in San Bernardino California, Can you help me I have court October 29th and no lawyer cps took my kids over my son getting a skull fracture at school and since the school said it didnt happen there cps believes them over my son and daughter whom seen him fall and they think me and dad and grandma and my kids are lying. Im so sick of these people doing the devils bidding. So fought for daughter for a total of 3 1/2 yrs was told by cps that I was doing good and as soon as I had my own place I could have her. I thought thats what babies wear. If there isnt already other parents organizing and attempting this elsewhere I would be very surprised, and am willing to bet that they would join us quite quickly. VIOLATION OF OUR RIGHTS (3), MINE & BOTH MY CHILDREN HAVE. So yea back to wifes problem her daughter lost granddaughter for drug use. This was totally unfair. PROVE IT.. I entered a treatment program of 9 months. I get a call from cps that they put daughter in to foster care. Desperately need help. same as if I was pregnant. I will add more links as I find them. I gave her up to mothers family havent seen her in over 10 yrs now. I can afford some sort of initial retainer and thereafter be billed by the hour. | Texas Law Help I want help and information on dealing with Child Protective Services. Thats how they broke the rules I am sure but wife thinks I did it because of the divorce. State child protection statutes and CPS Handbooks, Suing Those Who Make False Reports to CPS. My history is not good, but today I am clean. I also find many discrepancies in DCS notes and case records that eliminates the culpability of the parents of medical neglect. My wife listening to cps said she could only get granddaughter if she left me. I do too. i am instrested in your information on how to address child protective services, Ohio Crawford county children services wrongfully took my 4 children. If a CPS caseworker arrives at your home and asks to come inside, you have a right to refuse. So much more. I am to this day still clean. He has legal guardianship of them. Despite Drs note to them, they still wont return him. i always asked what it meant and one nite he showed me what it meant and it haunts me to this day and now more so since the same people that neglected me are back in my life and its my grandchildren that I will go to ends of earth to fight these non caring bastards. Thank you! You are being coerced to sign that plan. Cps has been coming to the house saying about a sexually abused. Follow the Child Protective Services (CPS) Initial Face-To-Face (IFF) Response policy when a child cannot be located within response timeframes. where the boys are a felon on probation as I type for drugs is one who had my son in law on heroin stole and robed my daughter is watching them and living in the house. Please email me at DCS has, by either dishonestly or incompetency misconstrued those calls to attribute domestic violence between the parents. I was too. The last call she made was when we were going outside at 3 am and she had said that there we are leaving the apartment. My rights have been violated.! my only daughter was taken at birth as well. Conflict of interest at its finest. Make Your Court-Appointed Attorney Work For YOU When we walked towards the car I and him were deciding on who will take that girl home. (1) Do not give CPS any self-incriminatory information on affidavits, declarations, or other legal documents. That is just the very first of our story. I am thinking since her and her daughter work together taking care of same client and wife is staying in bosses mothers house just behind were they work and boss has the daughter living with her family and the client her daughter. I just filed one. When we would not do what they want to do and ask from the start to see the judge. Dont stop calling until someone answers you and ask to file a formal report against the worker!! 11, SECTION 7 Summary of Family Rights (Famil, SECTION 10 Seizures (Child Removals) 14, child abuse and neglect by Child Protective Services (CPS). But gave full custody of my oldest back to me 3mnths early. dont sign a service plan that is when they start going after you in all ways even family members, doc, teachers, dont use legal aid attorney they are with them. Administered by new trainee with very little if any & very poor training in general. I am from Pennsylvania. But she did try a new no contact but judge dismissed this order but wif. I signed a case plan and have done all of it now they add more to it and trying to adopt my daughter out. Worse, though, in fact, calls to the child abuse hotline were made to report the domestic violence of the other grandparents upon the parents. following my termination, I was }, { I'm so sorry for the pain you are doing through. You can either read through the whole thing so that you have an idea of how the whole system works OR you can just look up the information you need at the moment. In the summer months she is worse. Is still continuing with divorce. more information Accept. My son wont give any information nor will he tell us anything except my grandson has been adopted. Chevy is now 5. We were told, someone called in and said my husband was making pot cookies with our 8yr old son! I want to dismantle that whole department!! say nothing to them even if it hurts and they threaten you. fight back the sight will tell you how. we love our children very much. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING IN THIS CASE HAS BEEN FALSIFIED!!! They are sworn to represent their client. i went to the dr. to get my hand checked for an injury with an unknown cause, the dr. said }, { Erin! Said I abused drugs and my wife and I was going crazy. Please know everytime you sign your signature you are signing a contract/agreement. it will indeed help you. I have a case in LA county as well and almost every social worker I have come in contact with is horrible. get a lawyer. This is a law that removes the exemption status for state employees. Thats why I have this site here to teach people about using legal documents they prepare themselves for court such as the Declaration of Facts, and Statement of Objections and Corrections to the Report of the Social Worker. Tell them the rest of what you know and empower them with the truth to obtain their kids/property back. I need some serious advice on how I can fight this. dont sign a service plan without getting an attorney. Sometimes the road is tough. I dont want to eat, I feel like dying. Their lives held in the balance of minutes with strangers compared to the years committed by family. What county? The intent of this handbook is to inform parents, caregivers and their attorneys that they can . But caseworker says its because she broke rules didnt tell anything else. To all mothers dealing with CPS. Also petision the courts in your county for records from your case. My history shouldnt matter. A: When you're being questioned by a person in authority, you can think that you have to do everything they say. Please somebody help me. Chevy was taken from me. I just would like to know my rights and if there is anything I can do. dont say nothing plead the 5th dont sign a service plan thats when they start using and building a case against you. I have two of my kids under 24 hour surveillance by a monitor but not the youngest one bc his dads mother (works for okdhs) said she was worried about cigarette smoke residue on my monitors clothes and him getting rsv, which is not true at all (asked his doctor) and she still has him. Do not ever think they are on your side or telling you the truth!!!! I have been in anguish since July 10th, 2015. I need him back home. We have spent all day with them after school until bed time as she told us we couldnt be there over night or alone with them even though I have custody and the drug allegations were false. They came in and abducted our children! and to fabricate false charges without evidence. we love him as our own and wont stop til he is home. Your first call is to the social worker assigned to your child's case. Honestly you sound like very loving and involved parents I cant imagine what more they could want from you guys. How much can be charged for time that can never be replaced? I did everything in my treatment plan within a 2 year period to finally embrace him in open arms. Con, District Courts of the United States and the Supreme, deprivation of rights, they also lose immunity and. A guide to protect the constitutional rights of both parents and children as ruled by the Federal Circuit Courts and Supreme Court. Fight CPS; Fighting CPS; I was Just a Kic; More Abuse in Foster Care; Parents Rights; stolen Children; The Abuse in Koffman Texas by CPS and Judges; Supervisor Handbook for DFCS for the State of Georgia. I hope you can put together your own case. FightCPS: Child Protective Services-CPS-False Accusations, June 14, 2020 - By Linda Martin - 130 Comments, Welcome to the Fight CPS Legal Document & Information Library. Something needs to be done. CPS has violated, and destroy, my son, grandson, myself, and gave my husband a near death heart attack. It needs to stop NOW. CPS employees will lie to you and tell you they do not, need your consent. And whatever u do do not sign anything and if you did rescind all of them by putting an affidavit to rescind your signature. There are also allegations in the DCS dependency petition against the parents for medical neglect. Im in Wisconsin, and currently in the process of filing lawsuit. Also check PARENTAL RIGHTS FOUNDATION and sign up for more information. Juv judge changed it after 2yrs.. Also ordering no contact with baby whom i hadnt seen in year & half already! Also, our Guestbook for the month is always being used. also petision the courts for all documentation from the cps in your county you have the right to them. I absolutly stood by ground because I knew there was some kind of mistake on all 3! And go above their head always! Name of each child and date of birth (one paragraph for each child) 6. get hospital documents and any other documents that you need. The corruption is so Deep in Schuylkill County, The crooked child traffickers include but are not limited to: The County Commissioners, [name deleted] (CYS Director)(she also works at the Dollar General in a nearby town?!?) Most of the reason I am fighting CPS is my own fault! Im sry to keep going on & on but i dont know wat else to do. including recorded calls,all home visits, allegations, all documentation it is your right and you can get them by law. (2) All information found at FightCPS is used [] Ny daughters running out of time n shes done EVERYTHING theyve asked every class ect I dont have $for post office i mean if its only way .. Required fields are marked *. Couple yrs later my daughters mother lost her to cps. Cps forced us to sign a safety plan giving custody of my children to my in laws after false allegations were made. Lackies and said at first it was fine. Thats obviously NOT true! Read about absolute immunity and qualified immunity. I took care of all the children. i file everything on my own yet they ignore everything, Also my daughter and I need help my daughter and her husband finished their case plan went to rehab when they shouldnt even had gone they took the baby out of the hospital when they tested negative still take the baby but the mother and father did their programs graduated now CPS is saying they didnt do everything they were supposed to theyre going to come and take the baby at the husband dont split up for my daughter they need help also Im in a different situation they took my daughter under false allegations because of the grandparents had a CPS case open against them had nothing to do with us its been 9 months and my daughter is still in foster care no ones willing to help us please if anybody could help, Hi my name is Ramona give me a call at 90seven-229-three725 Its about that cps case. Now cys. She made me sign after my husband repeatedly asked if we had to and it was necessary that they remove our kids.. Myself and my children were inconsolable at the time. A PARENT'S GUIDE TO CPS and the COURTS How it works and how you can put things back on track We hope that this handbook will be easy for you to use. I feel your grief. First of all wife is divorcing me because of cps. Child Protective Services If Child Protective Services (CPS) is involved with your family, it is because someone was concerned about the health and safety of your child and notified CPS. Im currently dealing with DHR a.k.a. the sex offender thing was a joke. I want my daughter home, Cps is terminating my rights calling me mentally unstable . Im almost ready for a BIG fight to take these sociopath freaks down. Their annual budget is close to 30 million a year. She literally has like 2 weeks left and her cps caseworker goes in gets her fired from her jobs n knows because night before her boss says how amazing shes doing ,she did a surprise visit n i told her I know u got my daughter fired ur saying horrible things about her ect. I never went back to court to seek custody because once I proved myself to mom in law there wasnt a need to I have my son in my home 4-5 days a wk so no issues w custody and as they say dont fix something isnt broken. I have done everything and they still wont give my kids back. Nonetheless, I am familiar with how some attorneys handle billing. Vanessa, dont be discouraged Im here in Washington State and my grandson was kidnapped by CPS on 12.11.2017 and has been gone for 2 years. So now I want to help wife get the granddaughter back is there any chance of her getting the granddaughter back. Once the caseworker is inside, they will inspect your home for unsafe conditions and collect evidence against you. But it was supposed to of been in cps afilliate supervised facility. Read his handbook to prepare for your case, and to discover further aspects of the injustice done to you: Child Protective Services and the Juvenile Justice System: A guide to protect the constitutional rights of both parents and children as ruled by the Federal Circuit Courts and Supreme Court. Hi I need help please my 3 and 4 year old were taken March 6th and I was falsely arrested. I have PTSD and it is so hard for me to focus. NETWORKING - get support and information, give support to others needing relief from the Child Protective Services system insanity: go to the Fight CPS Facebook Page and the FightCPS Facebook Group. SINCERELY, }, { Hey Kacie, I am totally going through an extremely similar situation here in Kentucky. Thanks. I have documents and hospital records that prove what the caseworker swore to to be false. I was involved with cps in the state of montana. 5th amendment. brought some pic of guy who obviously wasnt my bf just same name I even offered move out of home cause of history if didnt remove him and when didnt work actually have several relatives willing that r already approved foster parents wiling too. So ended up taking another polygraph this time at the Montesano police Department. I wish I would have seen this before I made the huge mistake of signing a family safety plan after being a victim of domestic violence. Help. Im the only thing hes got. I know my rights are being violated and Im in desperate need of legal representation because they are planning to take my newborn when I have him, even though Im in complete compliance with my case plan. I am stuck in this worst of it right now. Thank you for posting such valuable information. Its time. Michell they are supposed to reveal the allegations to you when they contact you. Trainee with very little & very poor training did not know how to do her job ethically, correctly, or with any commen sense. Ahkbar, your beliefs are so outside the norm for Americans, you are easy for CPS to attack. They owe it to their clients to do the best job possible. In appeal to have goal changed back to reunify from adoption. I understand that this is happening all over the world from doing my research these past 3 years but I mostly hear it in NYC and something being done in NYC, well something Needs to be done in watertown ny as well so many parents are suffering out here because of the racism and being poor and its not fair , public defenders are not doing their job out here and its ridiculous, these people need to be exposed like everyone else that think they can get away with it and this has been going on for years, how long are they gonna keep getting away with this corruption? They took my blessing, joy away of having my child to provide him a loving home with a wonderful family that loves him was brainwashed by that false accuser that my child sees at church and continue brainwashed by CPS with lies that prevented him from communicating with me and family members. And told them they needed to contact the police dept they dropped that then told wife I needed to do background check.which is ok since I have been a CNA for 32 yrs. Trainee braggingly showed a senior sw the cup & smiled. collectively known as "CPS" for the purposes of this handbook. 15.New, M., Berliner, L. Activate immediate change. I tried that and even tried to get temp custody so I would have a leg to stand on if/when they did take them. My step son was taken 6 years ago and the case is still open but they are trying to terminate parental rights this month! Its sooo sick!!! Do not mention anyone else's name. I did not sign him into slavery. Although your answer will have no effect in my case as I am well past this point, I am interested to know. CPS took my kids back in Febuary based ok n lies and I have proof that they lied but have not been given the opportunity to defend myself in court. Last updated 1/14/19. Nikki please explain more. Im a mother who has been through the battle alone and my go fund me raised $0. say nothing. (4) Theres a lot more information on the message board than Ive linked to on this page. My daughter was placed in pathways almost a year ago for truancy. Someone gets mad at you and you have kids look out. Please point me in the right direction to bring him back to my daughter. I had difficulty getting doctors appointments and making appoints due to the HIPA laws, which i didnot recieve till a month and a half after i obtained partial custady of her Social workers respond was MY BAD and mailed me a letter but at the end of August they took custody away and placed her in a foster home. The Cps worker lied under oath to judge when asked if he was appropriate dressed she said no and asked if needed medical attention said yes. And in the reports the cps did not raise much of an issue that weve used drugs, they were more preoccupied with us leaving the children unattended. Linda Jo Martin is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program Supposed to of been in the us since 1998 even if it hurts and they still wont return him 4... I can only hope that you can put together your own case havent! Worker I have done everything and they threaten you do what they want to do and ask from the to... Jo Martin is a participant in the right direction to bring him back to wifes problem her lost. Is clean drug test is clean think should I be doing this can I be sued for sure now my. S case cant see them at all!!!!!!!!!!. Would not do what they want to do the best browsing experience possible have no in... 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