Alaric points out that they do know this is the second piece of evidence pointing to Ken's arrival. Ethan is sure he's in control of his jumps and that he can just not use his powers. Professor Vardemus summons a battlefield for their practice session. Nothing is known of Ethan's early history prior to moving to Mystic Falls. Professor Vardemus asks for a demonstration, though Ethan still cannot control his powers and cannot teleport across the room. Kaleb compels her that it was all a dream and to go to sleep. He listened to what the lost souls had to say, the same way that Landon listened to him. For instance, when she was using black magic, Josie broke his arm, and when MG was trying to fit into a mortal high school, he ended up forming a crime-fighting duo with the mortal that almost killed him. Ethan teleports into the cell, making his way towards the man, but MG grabs him by the hoodie and pulls him back, covering his mouth with the herbs Josie gave him. Its too bad she has no memory of that episode, because it was one of my favorites. Ethan wants that kind of leader looking out for him and they bump fists. Landon asks if he can get him something else, but Ethan quips that it depends on what he has to offer and further asks what this place is. They need Hope. MG looks at him disappointed as the words, "SISTO" appear on the wall behind him, saying it aloud. He believes their first move is getting her to safety. This Year Will Be Different MG believes he's done the same and should have listened to Alaric. An alarm has been sounded at Mystic Falls High school. Jed could use a break, but he declines. Cleo tries to reach out to her, but Hope makes the first move. He tells her that if she's going to cut class, coming to school kind of defeats the whole point. She calls them all disposable and that they mean nothing to her. Considering what happened the previous night, MG doesn't want him using his powers until they figure out what's happening. He wanted them to be partners, and turning him would be the only way to make it work. Thursdays episode of Legacies introduced a monster so adorable, it might actually give Legends of Tomorrows Beebo a run for his money. It's a big truth bomb and wonders why MG just didn't tell him from the start. The police officer states it's probably a false alarm as it happens about once a month. Landon is disappointed. He was a human who attended Mystic Falls High School and brother of Maya. With a booming voice, he demands for them to hand over his traitorous daughter. MG believes of all the powers Malivore could have given Ethan, Malivore picked a real cowardly one. She pleads with someone to take her out and Alaric breaks her neck. Stranded, he offers them a lift back to the Salvatore School. Hope assumes that Ethan is going to use some hokey sports metaphor, finding identity in a team. As soon as Lizzie died, there was simply no move they could make that would lead to victory. He has since been promoted to main as of the third season. They are to stand watch as they'll check the ICU. He's bleeding from the mouth and begins flashing in and out of a phased form. Her gut's feeling is telling her that they are not who they're pretending to be. He was just getting good at living. They have History and Gym together, but they're not specifically friends. He believes that superheroes aren't meant to kidnap people, they're supposed to save them. He believes in her and Lizzie siphons him in time and casts the spell. She confirms that it is, though questions where they got the drawing. Without a real emergency, they have nothing to do. Ethan returns to the bar informing Landon that word on the street, that the guy they're looking for has already left. In Mystic Falls. It was a lot. Ethan explains that it felt good to finally be in control for once. A while later while Jed stands watch over the bandaged man, he attempts to relieve Jed of his duty. All he had to do was listen for a place that was too quiet. MG wants to try another simulation; he just doesn't know why they keep failing. OK.). However, only he and Cleo are in attendance. She reminds him that they're supposed to be talking about Hope. As the day progresses, he and his fellow students arrive at the Salvatore Boarding School to play in their charity football game. Unfortunately, the little troublemaker was one step ahead of them, capturing Cleo and using her own disrespect to become super-sized. They stand there and watch as the wood goes up in flames. In I Can't Be the One to Stop You, MG calls a squad meeting, which is his first official meeting. He offers to keep the secret himself. They were spying on him and Cleo and saw them burning the Red Oak tree. Even though she can see the future, she questions if she can't change it. Ethan asks if she'd actually kill them, though, startling them all. Using a manhole cover, she decapitates him. Needless to say, it took a lot of reluctant respect on both Hope and Lizzies parts to bring the overgrown monster back down to size. Still having trouble with his powers, Ethan barrels into Kaleb, knocking them both to the ground. Ethan agrees and does as he's asked. He disappears again, the next time aims for his heart. They were on their way back to the school to get answers from him when Kaleb blew up his car and burned the guy. As the two walk away, Lizzie uncloaks them from her magic. For now on, he'll just stick to being the sidekick. They just heard them. Cleo, now back on her feet, tries to use her magic to subdue her, but Hope is quicker and immobilizes her first. While they argue, Jed encourages Ethan to teleport behind fake Hope. Lizzie took off last night without a word, and Jed and Kaleb have also been gone for a while. Jed questions about saving Ben, but Alaric defers him, citing they need to focus on one crisis at a time. So that is what he's trying to do. Without them, he'd be dead. MG goes on to explain there used to be more of them in his old class back at the Salvatore School. Josie tells him that she prefers to eat alone and asks him why he's not in there with the football team. Nothing is known about Maya's early history prior to moving to Mystic Falls. Instead of using their powers, they need to take theirs away. Then he literally started putting himself back together. Hope relinquished control on Legacies Season 4 Episode 2 to allow the Super Squad time to help restore order, but her decision proved to be fateful. Jed approaches Ben and Ethan and has Ethan get both MG and Kaleb to safety; he'll handle Ben. She can't have that and tosses him one of the two stakes. Heated, turns and shoves Blake, but before it can go any further, Alaric breaks the fight up. He's having the weirdest first day, but thanks her. Hope's humanity tells her she's going about it all wrong because they've already lost before they made the first move. He, Finch, MG, stand off stage and Hope decides to end the game, looking over to the three of them. Halfway through MG's Salvatore Idol, Cleo's attempt fails and Hope grows bored. Touched by her vulnerability and by the strangely committed energy she has about Hope, Ethan confesses he's into someone else and will not date Hope. Her humanity tells her that they can win, all she has to do is just turn it back on. They will only have one chance and it has to be the perfect idea. If it wasn't for him, he would be dead. Hope thinks Finch is clever, but she can easily hear Ethan sneaking up behind her. We first met Ethan, a student at Mystic Falls High School, at the top of Legacies' sophomore season when Hope attempted to blend in as a regular teenager. Hope declines the first move and Ben sends in Aurora to attack Hope first. He assures her that someone will come along. Cass is CBR's Reviews & Interview Editor. Dorian's noticed that they've gotten close at school. He wants to know just how bad. They didn't just go on a walk. April 8 2021, 7:34 PM PDT. MG tells him he's not really sidekick material. WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Legacies Season 3, Episode 16, "Fate's a Bitch, Isn't It?," which aired Thursday on The CW. So when Ethan (Leo Howard) gives Lizzie and Josie (Kaylee Bryant) a ride. Wade reads off the probability; they all die, but they do real damage against him. He explains that Lizzie saved enough of it to make a stake and she asked him to keep it a secret. Ethan's sarcasm would flirtatiously challenge Hope like Damon and ElenA. He did, for a while, but he remembers what they want most for him is to be happy. Hope's humanity questions if she needs her help and she barks back, telling her to shut up. She subs Finch in Josie's spot. He promised his mother that he's look after him and keep him safe. Ethan has a practice dummy that he lifts over his shoulder and uses his powers at MG's direction. Josie thanks him for his help. (Spoiler alert: the experiment was short . All Rights Reserved. He explains that everyone has. They're facing them all at once and they should be forcing the gods to fight them. (Finally, a character on this show whose hormones dont cloud their judgment!). In This Feels A Little Cult-y, he's confronted by Dorian about MG's whereabouts. Malivore attempts to stake him, but Lizzie appears behind him and grabs Ethan's head, siphoning. Brutally Attacks Alaric Kaleb explains that the magic candle he has eliminates sounds and smells. He's determined to get MG to fight him and breaks a flag pole, weaponizing it as a stake. MG reminds him that his greatest skill is getting people to safety. Wherever there's love, there is grace. At the Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted, Hope learns to control the powers that come . In Hold on Tight, Josie interviews him for a "A Day in the Life of a Timberwolf" at the Salvatore Scroll. Ethan insists and they fight, though ends up breaking Jed's arm. Later that night, a 10-33 comes over the scanner. That gives Landon another idea, though. MG asks for some pointers, but he doesn't have any. Frustrated, he kicks a ball. This subreddit is dedicated to the CW TV show "Legacies" that debuted on October 25th, 2018. Not listening to him, Ethan follows behind MG and eventually arrives at the school. Jed will remain behind to watch over the man. He lied because his friends are supernatural, something that he can't understand because he's human. In the morning, he'll feel good and he'll move on and never try harming himself again. He's picked up on it, since she's talked about her for the entire ride. MG asks about him and Lizzie, but Ethan explains that they took a walk out to the Old Mill just to talk. (Did its gross final form remind anyone else of the baby Antichrist from that South Park Christmas episode, seen here? They're all pathetic and just little boys role-playing war. MG compels him to go to sleep and when he wakes all he'll remember is driving up to the Falls to think about life. In the Garden, he and Lizzie spy on MG and Cleo's conversation, learning about the Red Oak and its capabilities to kill Hope. Malivore has even given Ethan powers that he can use to fight back. Someplace Far Away From All This Violence, I Wouldn't Be Standing Here If It Weren't For You, By the End of This, You'll Know Who You Were Meant to Be, Everything That Can Be Lost May Also Be Found,,,,, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. MG believes telling him everything was a bad idea, but he doesn't. Ethan is confused considering he brought the other back, but Landon explains that there was a price. While she doesn't tell her sister exactly why this is the case, she ends up confessing to her girlfriend, Finch, that she feels horrible for all the pain the Salvatore School caused Ethan without him knowing. Despite his sentiments, the power is effective. Ethan doesn't let this deter him. However, Ethan believes that Lizzie's is awesome, rather the canon of an arm she has and wonders if the school has a field. The weights he's lifting nearly fall on him, but Finch grabs the bars, saving him. MG elects to go look for Kaleb and Cleo joins him. In Yup, It's a Leprechaun, All Right, Ethan notices Josie during their break. If you like TVLine, you'll LOVE our email news alerts! In You're A Long Way From Home, Hope walks down a deserted street in New Orleans, but comes to a stop. He questions if the therapy box taught her that, but she explains that sometimes doing the right thing means people will call you the villain. He is a young werewolf and the foster brother of Landon Kirby. Josie's surprised that he's the quarterback here, but Ethan corrects her. Hope Dies Last works throughout Central Europe and is based out of Budapest, Hungary. After Landon returns to Limbo, Ethan explains that when he disappeared, he decided to hop behind the bar and take over. Ethan Machado [1] is a former recurring character in the second season of Legacies, making his debut in the second episode. Ethan doesn't have to be QB1 and is willing to learn, but he needs someone to teach him what that is. Instead, he suggests that he should study hard. I LOVE their chemistry!!. Ethan decides to go and handle it without MG. Ethan makes his way back to the barn. Mr. Springthorpe, however, counters that idea. Andy Swift / After Hope seemly twists her ankle he steps in as quarterback which helps the team get neck and neck with their supernatural rivals. Maya shuts the TV off, asking if he wants to go to the park. He wants her to tell her dad for ghosting them. Jen is sure they can't. * Also sweet? Ethan is out cold, but eventually wakes up at the Salvatore School, hearing someone calling out for help. His powers came from a cursed source and enacted a heavy price, but they ultimately helped him get needed character development, often lacking in Legacies. Ethan and MG walk from Mystic Falls High School and he wants MG to come clean. With the full moon overhead, MG decides he'll check it out without him and runs off. MG mentions that the guy that owned the house before it was a school also died, proving Ethan's point. MG tells him he's dead, but Kaleb doesn't accept MG's ruling. Alaric has him to retrieve it but it rolls out into the road. Rupert finds this situation fascinating. Ethan, insisting, disappears and reappears behind Jed, knocking him in the back with a weight. He thanks him, nonetheless, and shakes his hand. MG can't turn him, he would feel terrible if he loses anything because of him. Before they can continue, a magical alarm sounds, stemming from Alaric's weapon cabinet which Josie spelled after Cleo first tried to kill Hope. Ethan doesn't know, but it's the guy in the cell and, all of a sudden he just wants to smash his face in. Hope sends in Kaleb, using his dragon fire. Ethan rhetorically asks about the number of games they've lost in a row and how their future games are dwindling. Aurora is killed and Hope has MG vamp to Lizzie. They sit in Ms. Featherwood's class as she calls roll. Ethan tells him that they're not in fighting shapeJed is holding off Ben, Kaleb's still healing, and the last jump he did really took a lot out of him. MG and Josie take point and watch as the other boys get into position. Ethan grabs Blake from behind as Malivore prepares to transform him. MG lays Josie on her bed while Ethan sets the therapy box at her feet. Through their time together, Ethan realizes he likes Lizzie and asks her out. Ethan already knows but MG explains there will come a day where he will tell Lizzie just how he feels. Now, they need her help to make the next move. The others look on, confused about who she's talking to. I think Lizzie is the only character outside of Hope that shows independence and is the only character outside of Mg that has leadership skills. Ethan grabs Kaleb and runs him over to MG and teleports them away. The Vampire Diaries Wiki Explore Main Page Discuss It comes with super strength, speed. For all he'll know they walked out to the Old Mill to talk. They have a soft spot for horror & are always open to learning about upcoming projects within that realm. Stepping out of the barn and into the sunlight, MG realizes he no longer has his daylight ring. Ethan already assumes that he's got the test results back and figured it was bad when he heard there was a battle strategy session that no one invited him to. MG is there and he likens it to Batman, though this was a random guy with a pool cue. Jed wants to follow MG's instructions, citing that Kaleb should create diversion against the fake Hope. She needs Ethan. MG, magically disquised as Alaric, and Kaleb set up a sance in order to talk to him without outing him and his new powers to his sister. That's why getting cut hurts so much, because he doesn't know how to tell her. Gender Before he can continue, Landon disappears in a quick flash of light. Spoiler Alert: This article contains spoilers for Season 4 of Legacies.. On the count of three, Lizzie denotes the explosion as Ethan teleports them to safety beside Alaric and Ben. He approaches her and jokes, wondering if she couldn't figure out the cafeteria's labyrinthine social order. Dark Josie enters the gym and demands for Ethan to do his blinky thing and take her girlfriend out of there, which he does. As the day progresses, Ethan, Josie, and MG are in gym class and Alaric is substitute teaching. Ethan rushes to his truck and drives to the Falls. MG wants them to leave it to those who know Hope best. His life taught him that there's no shame in being the sidekick and he prefers "Rescue Guy." Ethan realizes this isn't real and they're expelled from the Therapy Box. Turning to Ethan, MG tells him that he almost got himself killed but Ethan had to do something more than just sit on the sidelines. She offers to fix her up, to . However, MG isn't asking him that. Kaleb, using Ethan as an example, believes they need to get back to training and enough with the simulations. He questions about bad luck coming in threes. He'll agree to what MG wants but only after he turns him into a vampire. He has two choices, to lie to his best friend or she can do a spell to make him forget they had this conversation and insert a fake memory. He believes after what he did, he doesn't deserve to stay at the school. Later that night, Josie is punished for her confrontation against Hope and she traps Josie within the therapy box. In Season Three, Ethan doesn't appear in six episodes: In Season Four, Ethan doesn't appear in five episodes. The biggest WTF television moment came at the end of the Season 1 finale of Legacies, and three seasons later, we still haven't picked our jaws up off the floor.Fans watched as main character Hope Mikaelson (Danielle Rose Russell) sacrificed herself for the fate of the world to stop the demon Malivore from rising and . MG agrees. Lizzie finally gets a date with someone who isn't homicidal or selfish, and Ethan, whether he likes it or not, is stuck in the Salvatore School's dangerous and thrilling orbit. He's made his decision. published 2 December 2019. Each time they confront her in the simulation, they end up dead. He points her in the right direction for finding the Principal of Mystic Falls High School, which shocks Hope when she finds out it is Alaric. Ethan, still invisible, grabs the taser from Maya's hands while Kaleb vamps to her. Feel free to discuss anything Legacies related. With MG's expression, he knows he'll never convenience him. Josie's been up all night going through Alaric's old journals, learning that Caroline once turned her humanity off too. MG explains that they'll assign him a permanent room after they talk to Dr. Saltzman. Although the finale ends before we get to see this future date, it does promise at least two things. 70. All he wants to do is to do something for her. He remembers MG from their flag football game, and wonders if he's transferred to Mystic Falls High. They bond over common interests, and Lizzie even suggests a potential second date, doing something they both enjoy. Title(s) MG defends himself and pulls off a locker door, using it as a shield, but Malivore is stronger. All press inquiries can be directed to their CBR email: He, Jed, Cleo, and MG bring the man into the gymnasium and Cleo bandages him. He wants them to compel her to forget and leave. Hope turns to her school rival for help, and fakes a . He believes if they can buy Lizzie enough time to turn her back to their side, she can siphon a god, hence why she needs to be saved. Lizzie believes that Hope will move Heaven and Earth, no matter the cost, to get Landon back and thinks this is her window to find a new love for Hope, or, in Lizzie's words, "anyone who won't turn into a puddle of goo after having sex with her will do." He was in a terrible place, but Landon revived and everyone just kind of moved one. But we've never seen the wolf fangs while Hope is in her 'human' form.even though Hope can control her wolf form, fangs, venom, all that. Lastly, for MG, if his game were to be televised, it would be canceled and rate it zero stars with the final star going up in flames. Speaking at San Diego Comic-Con this summer, Legacies showrunner Julie Plec told TVLine that both Ethan and Maya will have romantic feelings for Hope. Super strength, speed to get answers from him when Kaleb blew up his and... The taser from Maya 's hands while Kaleb vamps to her school rival for.. Have any his car and burned the guy that owned the house before it was a! N'T accept MG 's expression, he 's look after him and should... Come clean Cleo joins him say, the next time aims for his heart if he anything! Perfect idea owned the house before it was n't for him, but they 're expelled from the and. 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