The arrow points to the section you will use for the current round. Nectar tokens will be placed on and removed from her Spent Nectar Collection card over the course of the game, but they are only used at the end of the game to compete for nectar scoring. Each edge of the map has 6 spaces on it: the sides each have 3 indented spaces that are still on the edge. If not, stop and return all food cached here this turn. Symbols may repeat (i.e., tokens on two different spaces both count). Before drawing a face-up card with the nest type shown, you may: When activated: If the player to your right has a in their personal supply, tuck a from the deck behind this bird. Randomly select the first player and give them the first-player token, but Automarazzi still goes last. If you do, lay 2 on this bird or gain 2 from the birdfeeder. To this value, add the number of action cubes Automa has on this goal tile (if any). In total there are currently, 24 pink-powered bird cards in the Wingspan game - including the European, Oceania, and Asia expansions. You must have at least 1 of the targeted items to score points for a goal. Draw a bird card from the deck or bird tray. You may tuck cards that you did not draw during the activation of this power. This may differ slightly from the number of birds on your player mats, if birds have moved during the game. The discarded bird can have other habitat icons, but it must also have a grassland habitat to qualify for this power. It is normal cached food for other purposes, such as the Pellet Dissector bonus card. The 4 types of nests are: Star nests are wild. For example: Automa always fulfills any condition required to gain from your triggered power. When activated: All players lay 1 . This goal was added to give players another reason to look closer at the art. You may discard any number of to draw that many additional bonus cards. When played: Draw the 3 face-up in the bird tray. This will cause the person to the right of the first-player token to have 1 cube left at the end of the round when everyone else has finished their turns. You gain a seed token no matter what food die you removed from the birdfeeder. You may discard an egg token or a nectar token, to draw an additional bird card. If they find one, they keep it, and it counts as a point at the end of the game. For example, if all of your habitats have 3 birds in them, your habitat with the fewest birds has 3 birds in it. When you use this birds power, tucking is part of the actions cost and is mandatory. Food cached on birds does not count as part of your supply. When activated: Draw 1 for each empty card slot in this row. If you discard , it is returned to the supply. Cache 1 or 1 from the birdfeeder (if available) on this bird. You may cache it on this bird. Note: If no space improves her progress, she simply navigates to the first available space, ignoring the goal. For example, you might keep 2 bird cards and 3 food, or you might keep 4 bird cards and 1 food. For example, if the wingspans of the first 3 birds in your forest are in ascending order, but the fourth bird in your forest has a wingspan smaller than the third bird there, the length of your sequence is 3, in which case this bonus card would grant 3 points. If the players tied, then pass it to the other player. They lay 1 ; you draw 2 . Count all Duet tokens on spaces that have any nest symbol ( ). You can toggle these on/off in this sites settings . If there is a choice on your die face (/), choose only 1. You must follow all other rules about how to play birds: it must be a bird that can live in that habitat, and you must discard the food and egg cost for that bird. If it can live in , tuck it behind this bird. Roll them up to 3 times. This can be powerful for increasing your abilities in multiple habitats, and for scoring on end-of-round goals. If you do, gain 1 , , or , if there is one. Remove a die from the birdfeeder and put it on the table. You both lay 1 . It should only change value after the players turn, but instead, changes values on all other players turns. If you have nothing to discard, you cannot give a bird card. Count how many birds you have that have the symbol shownbirds whose power allows you to draw a new bonus card. The sequence need not consist of all birds in the habitat, and it need not start or end with the first or last bird in the habitat. In other words - if I were using a pink power, let's say "if a player gets eggs, this bird lays an egg on another bird", I am the second to last play to play the turn. Discard any eggs and food from that bird. This counts as both a) tucking a card and b) a predator succeeding, and triggers birds with pink powers accordingly. If you do, you may tuck 1 from your hand behind this bird. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. In addtion to exchanging resources during your turn (see below), playing with Automarazzi affects setup, round structure, and end game scoring. You may play the cassowary in an empty space, but then you must pay its egg cost and you do not lay eggs or gain fruit. Three of the rows are habitats where your birds will live. You may discard a bird card to gain an extra food from the birdfeeder. As noted on this card, you can cache exactly 1 food token when its power is activated by placing it on the bird card. Food is primarily used to play bird cards. Remove the dice from the birdfeeder when you gain the food, as you would normally. You draw 1 additional from the deck. Game end: Cache up to 8 from your supply on this bird. No, once you play a bird, its permanent unless specifically removed by the power of another bird. Birds that eat rodents roll all dice that are not in the birdfeeder. Pay the birds food cost. They may interact with the Automa. These nest icons can be important for end-of-round goals and bonus cards. Choose dice one at a time. When activated: Gain 1 from the birdfeeder (if available). Am I allowed to play my pink power since the tile person starts the turn? Once you fail, this birds activation is over. This bird allows you to tuck a card from your hand for a point, then lay an egg. Keep 1 bird, if there is one. Using the end-of-round goal scoring card for the current round, match the current rounds goal tile to the symbols on the card to find the base value. The birds can be shuffled into the deck to be used as regular cards and can quickly be recognized and pulled out of the deck to use with the player guides when teaching new players. You may discard any 1 food to reset the bird tray. If not, discard it. When activated: Discard 1 from your supply. Then, you may reroll any of the 5 dice a final time, for a total of up to 3 rolls. Do the following twice: Draw an Automa card and place it on top of the Adjust Spent Nectar card so the cube icons on the Automa card (if any) align with the habitat icons. The egg may be laid on any bird under its egg limit. When you use this power, you may activate the brown when activated powers of your birds in any order. Do not count or . When played: Instead of paying any costs, you may play this bird on top of another bird on your player mat. Keep up to 5 bird cards and discard the others. wingspan: 1 n linear distance between the extremities of an airfoil Synonyms: wingspread Type of: distance , length size of the gap between two places When activated: Tuck a from your hand behind this bird. Instead of 2-3, it should say 4-5. Count the birds you played that have wingspans over 65cm. This power allows you to discard a seed to take 2 cards from the deck and tuck them behind the bird. When activated: Roll any 3 . I decided not to force them to be included just to make the distribution of cards work for the Historian card. When activated: Choose 1-3 birds in your . Compare the average score of you and your teammates against Automarazzis score. Adjust her collection of spent nectar at the end of each round. When played: Draw 3 new bonus cards and keep 1. If you do either, tuck 1 from the deck behind this bird. Once between turns: When another player takes the gain food action, gain 1 from the birdfeeder at the end of their turn. When played: All players lay 2 . When activated: Look at a from the deck. Then draw 3 and keep 1 of them. You may apply this power to gained before or after activating the Verditer flycatcher. In Flock mode, ties are friendly: For example, if 2 players are tied for first place, they both get full points, and second place is still available. When activated: Cache 1 from your supply on any bird. A bird holding eggs in excess of its egg limit still qualifies for the Avian Theriogenologist bonus card. When activated: Discard any number of to gain that many from the supply. In the digital game it obviously has to have a logical flow so it happens literally between player turns. Green is the default, but blue is good for new players. Then gain 1 from the birdfeeder. When activated: Tuck 1 from your hand behind this bird. Place 1 of Automas action cubes on the current rounds goal tile of the goal board. When played: Draw 1 new bonus card. If you use this power, you pay neither the food cost nor the egg cost for these birds. you spend nectar as part of a birds food cost (nectar costs paid with an = are not placed on the spent nectar space. Wingspan Oceania Expansion Designer Elizabeth Hargrave Artists Natalia Rojas & Ana Maria Martinez Jaramillo This second expansion to Wingspan focuses on birds in Australia and New Zealand. Note that Round End Teal Powers do not trigger Once Between Turns Pink Powers. The repeated bird must be in the same habitat. If a bird has the option to live in more than one type of habitat, it cannot count toward this bonus. Each token on a bird card is worth 1 point at the end of the game. Within the group that did not activate the power, turn order starts with the active player after they have finished their own turn. When activated: Steal 1 from another players supply and add it to your own supply. When activated: Gain 1 or from the birdfeeder, if there is one. You may discard any 1 food to reset the birdfeeder. All players may discard 1 from their hand to gain 1 from the supply. If it has a when played or game end power, you may use it. When activated: Gain 1 from the supply or tuck 1 from the deck behind this bird. This bonus card grants points for a long enough sequence of consecutive birds with wingspans in ascending or descending order in your wetland habitat. You are still competing as individuals, just as you Only take food to play a bird if that'll net more points than laying eggs twice. Return any action cubes on the goal tile to Automas supply. When activated: Choose a food type. To tuck a card, place it face-down under a played bird card. Birds with no nest do not count as having a nest type. When activated: All players gain 1 from the supply. Other than assigning players to a certain set of dice and cards, the groups do not have any meaning in the game. Reshuffle the Automa deck and place it beside the tracker card(s). If the wingspan of the top card is equal to or larger than your predators power, discard the card instead. There are also several birds with powers that allow you to gain additional bonus cards. Hi, I'm interested in buying. The egg will stay there for the rest of the game, unless discarded. Choose 1 bonus card to keep, and discard the other. Yes. This power allows you to lay an egg on 1 or 2 birds with a bowl (or star) nest. You cannot use this power if you have not laid any eggs yet. Count how many unspent food tokens you have at the end of the game. Any player may discard 2 resources of the same type (e.g., 2 ) or of 2 different types (e.g., 1 and 1 ) to draw bonus cards. (Note that you will never roll more than 4 dice, because when all 5 dice are out of the birdfeeder it must reset immediately.) Different versions of these words (such as Canadian) all count: Birds in your habitat with the fewest birds. The board has 2 sides, each using a different scoring method. A sequence may include two or more birds with the same wingspan. The birds with this power all are known for spending time in mixed flocks with multiple bird species. When activated: Gain 1 face-up that can live in . When activated: For each bird in this column with an on it, draw 1 . In this example the white player placed their Duet token on a bowl nest symbol in the grassland region. This method uses the side of the goal board that has spaces labeled 543210 next to the space for each goal. Star nests count toward this goal. When activated: Discard any number of from the tray then refill it. You may cache any or all of them on this bird. Multiple eggs on one bird each count. Also, each egg on the bird cards on your player mat is worth 1 point at the end of the game. You may even select the same action multiple times, which is absolutely allowed! For example, if you need 1 fish, you could use any other 2 food tokens instead. Your turn is over. Each bird counts just once, regardless of how many eggs it has. If <75cm, tuck it behind this bird. There is no limit to how many times you can do this. If you find that this rule makes the Chihuahuan Raven and Common Raven in the base game too powerful, remove those two birds from the deck while playing with the Oceania Expansion. When activated: You may move 1 from this bird to your supply. You keep the extra card. In the unlikely event that no eggs remain in the supply, use a temporary substitute. For example: Count the number of birds you played that have the cavity nest symbol shown on the card. Use an action cube to mark your score on the goal. When played: Steal 1 from each of your neighbors. Cookie Notice This is optional. When played: Discard up to 6 . The space must be in the region of the Duet map that corresponds to the. This rule only applies to unspent nectar in your personal food supply. This may differ slightly from the number of birds on your player mats, if birds have moved during the game. Within the forest, this bonus card grants points for a sequence of birds that is in ascending or descending order by their point value. When activated: Roll all dice not in birdfeeder. If you run out of food tokens, you can cache cards instead. This indicates that the birds power involves drawing additional bonus cards. This will usually occur through taking the . That means if you max out at 5 minutes each turn, that's 130 minutes or just over 2 hours for your set of turns. Count the total number of eggs your birds have laid in your wetland habitat row. Count the eggs in the habitat specified, then divide by 3 and round down. Once between turns: When another player takes the lay eggs action, this bird lays 1 on another bird with a nest. Agra. Powers on bird cards may include these icons: This indicates that the bird is a predator. This is good for new players. Some powers involve choosing from a set of cards or dice in turn order (e.g., the Ruby-throated Hummingbird from the base game). When activated: If this bird has no birds to the right of it, you may move it (only the card) to the player mat of the player on your left (you choose its habitat). Alternate food costs are specified with an asterisk [*] next to the food cost.). Multiple eggs on one bird each count. Randomly select one of the Automa-only bonus cards for Automa to use during the game. She never places more than 1 Duet token per turn and will not place more than 15 Duet tokens per game. Gain the benefit of that slot. When activated: Choose 1 other player. When activated: Repeat one power in this habitat. When played: Lay 2 on each other bird in this column. Before the game begins, if it isnt clear from where you locate Automarazzis area, assign her a seat at the table so you will be able to resolve these powers. From the 3 face-up cards on the bird tray, pick up all that meet the requirement of Automas bonus card. You gain a total of 1 food. When you stop, if the birds total wingspan is less than110 cm, tuck them behind this bird. Once between turns: When another player takes the lay eggs action, lay 1 on a bird with a wingspan less than 30cm. When activated: Discard any number of . This is an official rules reference for Wingspan by Stonemaier Games. No power allows you to lay more eggs on a bird than its limit allows. Points are only awarded to the player who contributes the most to each end-of-round goal: For example, you must have at least 1 grassland bird to score points for the most birds in the grassland habitat goal. When played: For each in this birds cost, you may pay 1 from your hand instead. Game end: Cache up to 5 from your supply on this bird. Count the total number of eggs on birds with a ground nest. First activate your game-end bird powers (but not for the Automas birds), then uUse the scorepad to add together the following for your score: Example: In this board snippet, the white player receives 4 points and the black player receives 3 points. If you succeeded, cache 1 food on this bird from the supply (do not cache more than one food after each roll). Players in each group only have access to the birdfeeder and bird tray of their group. Star nests count as cavity nests for this bird. example ( made up card) once between turns you may lay an egg How does the term "once between turns" on the purple cards, work in a 4 player game. The Great Crested Grebe card (from the European Expansion) has 2 birds facing the same direction: it counts as a single card that has a bird facing left. If there is only one face showing in the birdfeeder, you may reset it before gaining the food. When activated: Discard 1 from any bird. When activated: Look at a from the deck. When activated: Give 1 from your hand to another player. In other words: directly to the left, right, top, or bottom (not diagonal). If you do, gain 1 from the supply. Wingspan 3D Feather for Marking of Used Once Between Turns - Etsy This Board Games item by MouseDenGames has 69 favorites from Etsy shoppers. When activated: Reset the birdfeeder. At the end of each round, discard any remaining face-up cards and replenish them with 3 new bird cards. For the birds that you played into the grassland, count how many different nest types you have. Example: Draw 1 bird card, then you may discard 1 egg to draw another card. Gesture navigation is very natural and satisfying on touch screens. Count the total number of eggs your birds have laid in your grassland habitat row. ONCE Between TURNS: When another player takes the "gain food" action, if they gain any number of mice, also gain 1 mice from the supply and cache it on this card. At any point during your turn, you can give bird cards from your hand to other players. If there is only one die face showing after taking all the invertebrates, you may not reset the birdfeeder to look for more. The wingspan of each bird is used for comparison for some bird powers. Discard all of the you drew for this birds activation this turn. You are always included in all players.. Wingspans of exactly 30cm count toward this bonus. When activated: Draw 1 from the deck and add it to your hand. When activated: If this bird has no birds to the right of it, you may move it (only the card) to the player mat of the player on your right (you choose its habitat). To avoid confusion, be sure to wait for both active players to finish their turns before moving the turn-order dial. When activated: Repeat a brown power on one other bird in this habitat. Place them on bird cards (up to the birds egg limits; any excess is lost). Using the key in the section for the current round, start from the left-most die face icon and select the first die face available in the birdfeeder. If not, discard it. This bird is a nest parasite in the wild: it lays eggs in other birds nests. Draw clockwise, starting with the current player. Each time, if you roll at least 1 or , cache 1 here. For example, a bowl nest, a platform nest, and three star nests can count as five different nests. The Common Loon has 1 bird facing in each direction, so it qualifies for both goals. For each resource Automa would gain and any resources she would lose in exchange, do the following: When you give something to Automa, it is returned to the supply and she gets hoard tokens instead. You may lay 1 additional . If you use another card to copy the effect of the Grandala, test whether you laid an egg on that card instead. They gain 1 from the birdfeeder. Each token on a bird card is worth 1 point at the end of the game. Tuck 2 behind this bird and add the other 2 to your hand. Instead, wait until the end of your turn before refilling empty spaces on the bird tray. This should be an option for invite-only games, during game setup. Birds whose beaks are pointing straight ahead (or straight up) dont count toward either the left-facing goal. When activated: Discard 1 . This bird is known for caching extra food and saving it for later. You will have already discarded nectar when the Grey-Headed Mannikin is activated, so if you want to use it to play a bird with a nectar cost, you will need to use the 2:1 food conversion to obtain the nectar. When activated: Give 1 from your supply to another player. There is no hand limit. You can also. These powers are indicated by the icon to the left of the power (not within the power text). Once between turns: When another player takes the gain food action, gain 1 or from the birdfeeder at the end of their turn. Each player may choose a different or the same die, including the die a player just rolled. It is important to keep action cubes in the left column of the action taken throughout each round. You will be assigned to a group that has its own bird tray and birdfeeder, and you will only use that groups Count the number of Duet tokens on the map in the grassland. Count the bird cards still in your hand at the end of the game. In other words - if I were using a pink power, lets say if a player gets eggs, this bird lays an egg on another bird, I am the second to last play to play the turn. You may discard any of these to tuck that many from the deck behind this bird instead. Round end: Choose 1 other player. You can adjust Automas difficulty to suit your play style. Wingspan European Expansion Bird Cards Note that this list has been sorted by feathers/points. Each token on the card at the end of the game is worth 1 point. This is optional. No Food: A crossed-out circle means a bird does not have a food cost. With thea die face that shows , , or , gain 1 token of either type (not 2 tokens). Birds that have no nest symbol and no egg limit still do not qualify to receive eggs from this bird. When activated: Discard 1 from your hand. Then, she will return to the side she started from, move to the next row (upwards or downwards, depending on whether she started from the top or bottom row of the map), and check each space in that row, continuing like this until she finds a spot to place her Duet token. These cards tell you the base value when scoring Automas end-of-round goals. = Reminder: You may spend any 2 food tokens as if they are any 1 food token. A bird card can never hold more than this number of eggs. If you do, lay 1 on any bird. However, the other active player is only affected after finishing their turn. The Greylag Goose, Cettis Warbler, and Eurasian Green Woodpecker have the power that they count double toward end-of-round goals. Place an action cube in the leftmost exposed slot in the lay eggs row on your player mat, and use the actions on the space in the order they are printed: To lay an egg, gain an egg token from the supply (color doesnt matter) and place it on a bird card that has space for it, according to its egg limit. PWA install icon for Google Chrome and Brave. The 2 players that the turnorder dial points to are the active players. See: Gain Food and Activate Forest Bird Powers. Cache 1 from your supply on each. The birds with this power are known for gathering in large single-species flocks. These powers are resolved when all turns in the round have been completed, but before scoring the goal for that round. For this end-of-round goal, Natalia has 2 sets of eggs. Count the total number of birds you currently have in your wetland habitat row. The Automa uses bonus cards to determine which bird cards she takes when she uses the play a bird action. Count the number of birds you played that only have the forest habitat symbol. You may count each star nest as any other type or as a fifth type. When activated: Count the on all of your birds. When activated: Each player gains 1 from the birdfeeder, starting with the player of your choice. If you do, play another bird in your . You may count star nests as wild and include them when you lay eggs. When played: All players draw 2 from the deck. Count how many tokens you have on these 9 spaces, and award this goal to the player with the fewest tokens. This bird allows you to tuck a card from your hand for a point, then draw a card. As described on these cards, you can build a flock of a certain species by tucking cards face-down under that bird card. Star nests count as bowl nests or ground nests for this bird. / If not, discard it. If you tuck at least 1 , lay 1 on this bird. 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