There are four key metrics in examining the medias coverage of the early days of a new administration: the topics of those stories, the assessments of the administration, and the framing and the sources used. Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World, highest-turnout midterm election in decades, emerged in the 2004 presidential election, Current Population Survey Voting and Registration Supplement, Demographic profiles of Trump and Biden voters, Voting methods in the 2020 presidential election, A voter data resource: Detailed demographic tables about verified voters in 2016, 2018, What the 2020 electorate looks like by party, race and ethnicity, age, education and religion, Interactive map: The changing racial and ethnic makeup of the U.S. electorate, In Changing U.S. Electorate, Race and Education Remain Stark Dividing Lines, In a Growing Share of U.S. Marriages, Husbands and Wives Earn About the Same, Gun deaths among U.S. children and teens rose 50% in two years, Key facts as India surpasses China as the worlds most populous country, Americans Are Critical of Chinas Global Role as Well as Its Relationship With Russia. Overall, 32% of stories about the Biden administration had a negative assessment, while 23% had a positive one and 45% were neither positive nor negative. The surveys were supplemented with measures taken from annual recruitment and profile surveys conducted in 2018 and 2020. Immigrants of color made headlines for supposedly coming here from shithole countries, and Mexican immigrants were called drug dealers, criminals and rapists. A Biden-Trump rematch risks worsening our country's already deep divisions. These patterns also are apparent when the lens is shifted to birth cohorts, or generations groups of voters who share birth years and perhaps formative political experiences in common, such as the popularity of the president at the time they were first eligible to vote. (+1) 202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries. However, just as in the coverage studied, U.S. adults in the right-only and tend-right diets are most likely to say it has been mainly negative (35% and 32%, respectively, versus 6% of the left-only group and 4% of the tend-left group). There may also have been sources used outside the types listed above that were not captured in this study. Two of the questions were correctly answered by large majorities of Americans: a question about the proposed increased national minimum wage (81% correctly answered $15 an hour) and a question about the number of doses required for the COVID-19 vaccines approved in the U.S. (69% correctly answered that the number of doses required varies depending on the vaccine).4. It also provides a comparison with findings from our previous studies of the 2016 and 2018 electorates. Among the other most common types of sources were groups focused on policy issues (such as the ACLU and Susan B. Anthony List) and/or experts (such as academics), which were cited in 32% of stories, Democratic members of Congress (27%), Republican members (23%) and other journalists or media organizations (20%). Then, 74% of all stories were oriented around his character and leadership, compared with only about one-quarter (26%) framed around his ideology and policy agenda. This includes all mentions of him, but not of other individuals such as his family members and former administration members or of references to his administration broadly. In looking at how the exposure to news stories lines up with the topics that received more or less coverage in Part 1, the two storylines Americans were most likely to have heard a lot about passage of the economic stimulus bill and the distribution of the vaccine align with the two topic areas to receive the most coverage: the economy and health care. White non-Hispanic Catholics were more supportive of Biden (at 42%) than they had been of Clinton in 2016 (31%), but Trump still captured a solid majority of their votes (57%). Similarly, as Biden increased his level of support among White men in the 2020 election relative to Clintons in 2016, Trump gained among White women, which had the effect of further narrowing the gender gap among White voters. Three-quarters of those who get their news only from outlets with right-leaning audiences say the subject of racial equality gets too much attention, far more than among those with a mixed-audience media diet (41%) and a left-only diet (13%). For now, though, Mr. Biden has managed to do what Mr. Trump repeatedly promised but never could pull off: move forward on a big-spending, bipartisan deal to rebuild American roads, bridges, water . This report includes two main elements: A content analysis of news coverage of the first 60 days of the Biden administration by 25 major news outlets, which can be compared with early coverage of the Trump administration and previous administrations dating back to 1993; and a survey of 12,045 U.S. adults conducted March 8-14, 2021, as part of the American Trends Panel. Assessment of the Biden administration:In this analysis, each statement in a story (made by a source or the reporter him or herself) was analyzed to determine how, if at all, it assessed President Biden and his administrations actions or words. While the structure of the analysis and specific outlets studied have evolved with the media landscape (an abbreviated long-term trend can be found here), the 2017 study of news coverage of the early days of the Trump presidency and this 2021 study of Biden are very similar in methodology, allowing for a direct comparison of most measures. Trump stands out, while Bidens never done anything to stand out "How does this offering support the company's mission and objectives?" Ask how the product or service will directly support and enhance the company's mission and strategic objectives. On the other hand, former Vice President Joe Biden has a different opinion. White voters were most likely to say they voted in person on Election Day (30%). Under the practice, migrants can be swiftly repatriated without ever seeing a judge. Still, a sizable share (43%) said the November election was the first time they had cast an absentee or mail ballot. In 2020, 85% of voters who cast a ballot for Trump were White non-Hispanic; this compares with just 61% of Biden voters. Meanwhile, even as officials publicly argue against reliance on the policy, they have expanded its use multiple times, abruptly, to target Venezuelans and now also Nicaraguans, Haitians and Cubans. Perhaps reflecting the enduring impact of this long-term age gap, voters ages 30 to 49 were also solidly in the Democratic candidates camp in 2020, favoring Biden by 12 points (55%-43%), similar to Clintons share among this age group. Bidens a puppet and wont be the man in charge hes very scripted and controlled by others If his decisions cause harm, he will be blamed for their effects Today's Action Market Data Stocks Quick Takes Personal Finance Your Money Newsletter . Overall, one-in-four 2020 voters (25%) had not voted in 2016. Only among members of the Silent Generation, ages 75 to 92 in 2020, was Trump clearly favored (by 58%-42%). Americans were less likely to answer the other three questions correctly. That gap narrowed to a 17-point margin for Trump in 2020 (57% to 40%). The reality is more nuanced, with a long history of bad approaches to humanitarian migration across presidents and some positive moves toward solutions from Biden, bolstered by a different rhetoric, new alternative legal pathways and attempts at more efficient processing. Biden has made a lot of verbal blunders of late, which makes him look mentally troubled This study looks at coverage of the Biden administration in two different ways: 1) studying the content published by different news organizations, and 2) asking Americans about their opinions on coverage of the administration. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. Catholics made up similar shares of Biden and Trump voters (19% and 22%, respectively); in 2016, Catholics made up a slightly higher share of Trump voters compared with Clinton voters (23% vs. 18%). Most Americans have been following news about the Biden administration closely, 5. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. DJ Drummond is the real name of an occasionally real person. The survey also assessed Americans awareness of the news by asking five fact-based questions related to issues early in the Biden administration. U.S.-Russia relations was a leading topic in 2017, but not in 2021, while the economy was the leading 2021 topic but not among the top five in 2017. Most notably, both administrations have done devastating harm to millions of forcibly displaced people, who came here looking for safety and opportunity only to become victims of a system that has left them stranded and vulnerable. While a traditional SWOT analysis follows the S-W-O-T pattern, I will start by building the case against him, then follow with the good news, so my analysis will actually follow a W-T-S-O pattern, which is less elegant as an acronym, but which I think presents the situation in a proper light. However, since the Afghanistan withdrawal, Biden's dipped below his predecessor . Biden did considerably better among suburban voters in 2020 than Clinton did in 2016 (54% for Biden, 45% for Clinton). Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. (+1) 202-419-4300 | Main If this threshold was not met, stories were coded as neither positive nor negative. Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump 306-232 in the Electoral College and had a 4-point margin in the popular vote. President Joe Biden speaks with border protection police on the Bridge of the Americas border crossing between Mexico and the US in Texas this January. Preferences were more evenly divided among those who cast their ballots in person ahead of Election Day: 52% voted for Trump while 47% voted for Biden. Donald Trump is already signaling that he will run for president in 2024. Winners Weekend Caption Contest Week of April, Weekend Caption Contest Week of April 14,, Trump, History and the Survival of America, Winners Weekend Caption Contest Week of March, Weekend Caption Contest Week of March 24,. Nearly two-in-ten voters who cast a ballot for Biden in the 2020 election (19%) were Black, identical to the share of Clinton voters in 2016 who were Black. Voters believe Biden will bring respect back to the presidency and to our country. One other key difference was that in 2017 the new presidents political skills was the most covered topic, while it ranked fifth in 2021. A majority of Biden voters said they voted absentee or by mail in the 2020 election (58%). Voters leaning to Biden said Trump could win them back if he were to show empathy, stop tweeting, and act like a president. The Democratic electorate is more evenly divided when it comes to education. Finally, on the DOW Jones, Trump is at 33.85% compared to Biden at 8.78% a difference of 25.07%. In 2018, Trumps zero tolerance immigration policy shook liberals and conservatives alike as they learned about terrified children being ripped from the arms of parents who were now being prosecuted. The presidents management and political approach. The Trump administration invoked Title 42 ostensibly as a public health measure during the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic and used it to quickly expel hundreds of thousands of people including nearly 16,000 unaccompanied children. This is the latest report in Pew Research Centers ongoing investigation of the state of news, information and journalism in the digital age, a research program funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts, with generous support from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. At the same time, White voters with a college degree or higher supported Biden by roughly the same margin they had backed Clinton in 2016. (Americans who consume news from these outlets were also much more likely to report hearing a lot about immigration policy reform, according to the survey data.) For example, while the topic of the economy was covered most heavily by outlets with a left-leaning audience, a large majority of Americans, regardless of their media diet, report hearing a lot about the passage of the economic stimulus bill in the news. A number of factors determined the composition of the 2020 electorate and explain how it delivered Biden a victory. Despite notable changes in the demographics of the two candidates coalitions, the demographic composition of the electorate as a whole in 2020 did not differ much from that of 2016. Biden officials have also said they will be proposing a new rule to further limit asylum eligibility, a move that has incited anger among advocates who already fought similar bans under Trump. The global water storage systems market is likely to reach value of USD 24.36 Billion by 2027, according to a current analysis by Emergen Research. College graduates made up 39% of all voters in 2020 (about the same as in 2016) but only 17% of nonvoters. Biden had already reversed Trump's deregulatory efforts. Although turnout was strong, stark demographic differences between voters and nonvoters similar to those seen in past U.S. elections were present in 2020, a pattern familiar to political observers. This is important because The impeachment put a bad taste in the mouth of voters who now apply that to new conditions Researchers coded stories from the 25 news outlets with content pulled from more than 45 specific programs or websites for a number of measures: Topic:News stories were first coded as being about one of 47 specific topicsor storylines (the most prominent topic within each story was coded as the storys overall topic). In 2020, the age profiles of Democratic and Republican voters looked largely similar to 2016. FILE - Former President Donald Trump announces a third run for president as he speaks at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla., Nov. 15, 2022. Each news outlet in this study was placed in one of three groups based on the political profile of its audience (i.e., those respondents in the survey who reported getting political news from each outlet in the past week). These are among the key findings of a new study of media coverage in the early days of the Biden presidency. Many people subjected to this policy often referred to by its shorthand, Title 42 have been stranded in or expelled to dangerous conditions in Mexico, or else swiftly returned to the unstable and sometimes life-threatening realities at home that many of them risked life and limb to escape. William A.. The Left is too quick to call many people racist without valid reason Much of both Trump and Bidens border strategies are predicated on the notion that if the US government erects enough barriers and gets rid of enough incentives, people will stop trying to come. The conclusion, at least according to the National Pulse, is simple: Voters are having buyer's remorse on Biden - and wish they had given Trump a second term.. This survey was conducted March 8-14, 2021, before the fatal shooting of six Asian women and two other people in the Atlanta area on March 16 and before the trial of Derek Chauvin began on March 29. The average unfavorable rating told a similar story, with Biden at 52.4% and Trump on 55.8%. Sizable shares of voters across racial and ethnic subgroups cast absentee or mail-in ballots in the 2020 election though there are some differences in voting methods when comparing across groups. Update (Oct. 8): Updated with Biden's continued refusal to clarify his stance on court packing. The level of positive coverage was roughly on par with that of George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, but lower than for Barack Obama with all four higher than Trump. Even on the day that President Joe Biden delivered his most jarring warning yet that democracy is in severe danger, Donald Trump teased how he might use a new White House term to further erode . These differences are roughly consistent with the share of White voters in each partys coalition in 2016. One similarity in coverage of the two most recent administrations has been the main source cited in news stories: Just as the Trump administration was by far the most cited source in news stories soon after Trump became president (cited in 74% of stories), so is the Biden administration the most cited source now (82%). Soon, Bidens top political operatives started pushing him to adopt a more hardline approach, while some of his immigration experts jumped ship, unable to stomach enforcing some of the same Trump-era practices they loathed. Voters who were unaffiliated with any religious tradition (atheists, agnostics and those who describe themselves as nothing in particular) made up 35% of Biden voters but just 14% of Trump voters in 2020. That stands in stark contrast to the 19% of stories with a negative assessment from outlets with left-leaning audiences and about a quarter of stories (24%) from outlets with a mixed audience. These shares were reversed among absentee and mail-in voters: 65% of absentee voters said they voted for Biden, compared with 33% who voted for Trump. The one area where there was less divergence by media outlet group, however, was in the framing of the Biden stories. Who's ahead in all? All members of the American Trends Panel who took the 2020 post-election survey whether they voted or not were asked which candidate they preferred in the race for president. Amid a global pandemic, with unprecedented changes in how Americans voted, voter turnout rose 7 percentage points over 2016, resulting in a total of 66% of U.S. adult citizens casting a ballot in the 2020 election. All rights reserved. Those policy changes have been accompanied by the creation of limited legal pathways, but their eligibility requirements demand a level of financial resources and international connections that the western hemispheres most vulnerable, forcibly displaced people likely cannot produce. People were then organized into five media diet groups based on the audience of the outlets they frequent. Within a story, there needed to be at least twice as many positive as negative statements for a story to be considered positive and vice versa to be considered negative. Economy - "The economy has comeroaring back to life underPresident Trump. Bidens immigration promises fall short as some of Trumps policies remain in place heres whats similar and whats different. Update (Oct. 22): Updated with Biden's plan to create a commission on overhauling the Supreme Court. This years analysis finds that coverage of the Biden administration in this smaller sample of news outlets was more likely to carry neither a positive nor a negative assessment compared with the first 60 days of the Trump, Obama, Bush and Clinton administrations. By contrast, Trump garnered the support of 65% of rural voters, including 71% of White rural voters; the latter represented an increase over the 62% he received among this group in 2016. A man protests family separation at the San Ysidro border crossing in Tijuana, Mexico. Markets Roundup The latest news & analysis. Trump gets credit from some voters for de-escalating tensions with Iran even as he confronts Iranian nuclear misconduct Respondents who didnt turn to any of the 25 outlets. Biden received the support of 92% of Black voters, nearly the same as Clinton received in 2016 and Democratic candidates for the U.S. House received in 2018. Trump received the votes of 97% of conservative Republicans and leaners but a smaller majority (79%) of Republicans who describe themselves as moderate or liberal. During his tenure, Mr. Trump has: Passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which in part lowered the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%. In 2016, White, non-college women supported Trump by a margin of 56% to 33%. This right-oriented group was also about twice as likely as the left-oriented group to have heard a lot about immigration reform efforts (45% vs. 21%). By contrast, about a third of Trump voters (32%) voted by mail. The United States asylum system a key commitment to its humanitarian values was ridiculous and insane. Despite strong approval ratings for his first six months in office, since August 2021 President Biden's disapproval rating has been higher than his approval rating. 1615 L St. NW, Suite 800Washington, DC 20036USA The Center has analyzed news coverage of the beginning of each of the five presidential administrations since President Bill Clinton in 1993. Overall, just under half of U.S. adults (46%) say that the early coverage theyve seen about the Biden administration has offered mostly positive assessments, while far fewer 14% say the news theyve come across has given mostly negative assessments. Wizbang is a registered service mark. Voters think Biden may stabilize the country At the same time, the outlets with right-leaning audiences were much more likely to cite other journalists and media outlets (35% of stories, versus 17% of stories from outlets with left-leaning audiences and 15% in mixed-audience outlets). Adults with a high school education or less were 29% of all voters but half of nonvoters. The survey panel also makes it possible to examine change in turnout and vote preference over time among many of the same individuals. Trump looks too eager to argue and fight, not work out solutions with Democrats Trump looked immature by refusing to wear a mask for so long The most infamous through-line between Trump and Bidens approaches to people arriving at the US-Mexico border today has been both administrations controversial use of a health law to deny millions of migrants and would-be asylum seekers the opportunity to ask for protection, seemingly in violation of their rights domestically and internationally. The problem for Biden is that sooner or later he does have to go out and campaign, and A lot of the voters who give Biden their support right now do so softly and without commitment; Trump can win them to his side in some cases, or convince them to just stay home. Within the Protestant tradition, White evangelicals accounted for 19% of all voters, but a much higher share of Trumps voters (34%). Here are some of the other key findings from the analysis: This analysis is based on a survey of 11,818 members of Pew Research Centers American Trends Panel conducted Nov. 12-17, 2020, shortly after the general election. The community profiles of Trump and Biden voters are similar in some fundamental ways to the previous two elections but more voters who cast ballots for Biden in 2020 say they live in a suburban area compared with Clintons 2016 voters. Among voters under age 30, Joe Biden enjoyed a margin of 24 points over Donald Trump, and political scientists have found the voting patterns formed in this cohort tend to persist. This report includes two main elements: A content analysis of news coverage of the first 60 days of the Biden administration by 25 major news outlets, which can be compared with early coverage of the Trump administration and previous administrations dating back to 1993; and a survey of 12,045 U.S. adults conducted March 8-14, 2021, as part of . But there's more to be worried about: The . About a quarter of these (6% of all 2020 voters) showed up two years later in 2018 to cast ballots in the highest-turnout midterm election in decades. The comments by the voters, however, are direct evidence of the qualities I want to examine in my SWOT analysis. But support for Biden among the unaffiliated was not quite as lopsided as Trumps support among White evangelicals (a 45-point margin for Biden among the unaffiliated vs. a 69-point margin for Trump among White evangelicals). At the same time, White voters with a college degree made up a larger share of Biden voters (34%) than Trump voters (27%). But a post on social media claims one difference . Black Americans made up 11% of voters, but a slightly larger share (14%) of nonvoting citizens, and Hispanic adults were 10% of voters but 20% of nonvoting citizens. See Methodology for details. One of his campaign statements noted: Most Americans can trace their family history back to a choice a choice to leave behind everything that was familiar in search of new opportunities and a new life. Overall, urban voters continue to constitute a larger share of the Democratic coalition compared with the Republican coalition. (+1) 202-857-8562 | Fax To that end, I am falling back on a well-known but still useful business tool: the SWOT analysis. None. These qualities are notably absent from Bidens arsenal. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts. There was virtually no difference in the frequency of those mentions across outlets with left-leaning audiences (50% of stories), outlets with right-leaning audiences (47% of stories) and outlets with a mixed audience (47% of stories). Some 2,000 migrants stranded on the southern border of Mexico demanded freedom of transit during President Biden's visit to the country. Overall, there were shifts in presidential candidate support among some key groups between 2016 and 2020, notably suburban voters and independents. Those planning to vote for Trump indicated theres nothing Biden can do to win them over. The corporate tax cut is projected to lower tax revenues by $2 . Voters in the swing states have said that if protests continue right up to the election, that hurts Trumps chances of re-election About four-in-ten (39%) say the assessments have been about an even mix of positive and negative. The coronavirus was very prevalent throughout coverage in the outlets with left-leaning and mixed audiences, with the economy as the top specific topic area. For those with media diets only on the left, nearly two-thirds (64%) say the coronavirus is the most covered of the five topics. Americans more familiar with Biden administrations proposed minimum wage increase than vaccination goals, Appendix A: Grouping outlets by audience ideology and grouping survey respondents by media diet, Appendix B: Detailed tables comparing news coverage of the first 100 days vs. 60 days of the Trump administration in 2017, Appendix C: Content analysis detailed tables, Use of anonymous sources uncommon in early Biden coverage, least likely in outlets with right-leaning audiences, Trump mentioned in about half of Biden stories during early weeks in office, but less so over time, Immigration was a top focus of early Biden coverage, especially among outlets with right-leaning audiences, Q&A: How Pew Research Center studied press coverage of the Biden administrations early days, In a Growing Share of U.S. Marriages, Husbands and Wives Earn About the Same, Gun deaths among U.S. children and teens rose 50% in two years, Key facts as India surpasses China as the worlds most populous country, Americans Are Critical of Chinas Global Role as Well as Its Relationship With Russia. Bidens been in hiding An updating average of 2020 presidential general election polls, accounting for each poll's quality, sample size and recency Voters think Biden has the experience to do the job. On April 13, 2021, after the survey, the CDC recommended. Overall, Biden voters were younger, more racially and ethnically diverse, and less likely to live in rural areas than Trump voters. The 19% of 2020 voters who did not vote in 2016 or 2018 split roughly evenly between the two candidates (49% Biden vs. 47% Trump). This . The Center has also conducted similar analyses for the early months of the four prior administrations: those of Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. Editors: Warner Todd Huston, Rick, David Robertson, Doug Johnson, DJ Drummond, Michael Laprarie, Baron Von Ottomatic, Shawn Mallow, Dan Karipides, Michael Avitablile, Charlie Quidnunc, Steve Schippert, Comment Section Editors: Maggie Whitton, Rodney Graves, Emeritus: Jay Tea, Lorie Byrd, Kim Priestap, Paul, Mary Katherine Ham, Jim Addison, Alexander K. McClure, Cassy Fiano, Bill Jempty, John Stansbury, Rob Port. Now on to Trumps strengths, according to the voters: Voters think Trump did a great job with the economy with record low unemployment before the pandemic, and now were making a comeback The claim: Joe Biden added more jobs in a single month than Donald Trump netted during his entire term. By 2020, Trumps vote share rose to 64% among this group compared with 35% supporting Biden. Bidens Pilosa Extract Market detailed analysis of a business is mainly covered by Application . Trump handled the death of George Floyd poorly in most voters' minds Biden is the "lesser of two evils" Trump's honesty appears challenged Trump "runs his mouth" too much (but he gets the job done) Trump looked immature by refusing to wear a mask for so long Trump's cabinet appears dishonest. News coverage of President Joe Bidens early days in office was modestly more negative than positive, and most of the stories were centered around his ideology and policy agenda rather than his character and leadership a contrast with coverage of former President Donald Trump at the start of his administration, according to a new Pew Research Center study that examines media coverage of the new administration. Bring respect back to the country in this study each partys coalition in 2016, White, non-college women Trump. On 55.8 % the other hand, former Vice President Joe Biden has a different opinion but &! 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