Each time you take the feat, you gain the benefits for a different school of implements. never need to make an actual attack. You must make any decisions you would make about the delayed blastincluding designating target positions, choosing infusions, and determining or shaping the areawhen you first use the blast. | Forge Engine SRD (In other words, they either have a power point reserve or have psi-like abilities.) This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. | Warrior, Rogue, Mage SRD If the spell effect already causes creatures to become shaken, on a failed save, add the duration of this metamagic effect to the duration of the shaken condition imposed by the spell. If you have no ranks in the appropriate skill, you can't use the occult skill unlock, even if that skill can be used untrained. These temporary hit points last for 1 hour. Benefit: You gain access to occult skill unlocks for any skills in which you have ranks. When that character unleashes a simple blast, yours is triggered, creating a composite blast for which the two simple blasts meet the prerequisites. | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) You cannot gain the benefit of multiple abilities that require expending focus by expending your psionic focus once; each effect requires its own instance of expending psionic focus. Just as nonpsionic characters rely on feats to grant them new abilities and improve upon their existing abilities, so too do psionic characters use feats to unlock hidden potential, improve their powers, and increase their options. The caster level for this ability is equal to your character level, and the save DC is equal to 10 + your Intelligence modifier. Learn more. Benefit: Twice per day when you shift mental focus from one implement to another, you can add the same number of points to the latter implement that you removed from the former. Benefit: You gain the ability to cast a 0-level knack from the psychic class's spell list. The range of guidance increases to 120 feet. Once per day while your third eye is open, you can use the read aura occult skill unlock after 1 minute of intense concentration. | 2d20SRD to add extra points to your Phrenic Pool throughout the day, and several Prerequisites: Phantom class feature, phantom with the deliver touch spells ability. The blast uses the Constitution modifier of whoever provided the substance infusion and the Dexterity modifier of whoever provided the form infusion. However, whatever metakinesis she applies affects the entire composite blast. Check out our other SRD sites! Touch AC scales very little from level 1 Special: Additional unusual facts about the feat. Using this feat doesn't use up your one daily use of the read aura unlock, which you can still use either to read another type of aura or to read an emotion aura without taking the penalty associated with this feat. Members of other classes can take combat feats provided they meet the prerequisites. Traveller SRD For a complete list of spells, see the SRD Spell Index. Special: You can take this feat multiple times. A character doesnt need the appropriate metapsionic feat to activate an item in which a metapsionic power is stored, but does need the metapsionic feat to create such an item. Prerequisites: Cha 13, Knowledge (planes) 3 ranks. Improved Psi-Like Ability [Psionic, Racial], Psionics Expanded: Advanced Psionics Guide, Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store, Week 43: Playable Ancestries: Headless (PF1e), Week 18: Master Class: Cantripothurge (PF1e). Normal: When feinting against a non-humanoid, you take a 4 penalty. will be difficult for the Psychic to handle. When you expend your focus in this manner, your concentration check is treated as if you rolled a 15. If you have more than 10 ranks in the base skill, this bonus increases to +4. Benefit: This entry describes what a feat enables the character ("you" in the feat description) to do. | 13th Age SRD A variant of the Dark theme, with stronger color contrast. Prerequisites: Psychic Sensitivity or ability to cast psychic spells, Perception 1 rank or Sense Motive 1 rank. The following format is used for all feat descriptions. Your implanted trick spurs the body in battle. Prerequisite: Phrenic amplification class feature. My GM is pretty adamant that the metamagic Still Spell and Silent Spell exist for a reason, and that Thought/Emotion components are clearly detectable in the same way - and what's more, that with Deceitful & Cunning Caster, I take the same -4 penalty to Bluff attempts for . Prerequisites: Int 13, Linguistics 3 ranks. This entry is absent if a feat has no prerequisites. You have opened your mind to the more advanced disciplines of basic psychic magic. | Cairn SRD | Five Torches Deep SRD See my Wis: If Its effects don't stack. Legal Information/Open Game License. This duration doesn't have to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. You can use all of your occult skill unlocks more often and you are more talented at using them. Benefit: A traumatic spell causes lingering memories of pain and suffering in creatures harmed by it. Hit Points: 6+ hit points is tiny. You are more adept than most at shifting mental focus between your implements. to level 20, going from an You are viewing the legacy Pathfinder Reference Document website.Paizo Inc. has now partnered with Archives of Nethys to provide the online version of the Pathfinder RPG rules at pfrd.info. Psychic. as a whole is fine, and you only get three amplifications before you get Major | Open Fantasy SRD Prerequisites: Ki pool class feature, still mind class feature. Psyche - Traits - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition Database Close Deck Character Creation + Ancestries Archetypes Backgrounds Classes Skills Equipment + All Equipment Armor Shields Weapons Feats + All Feats General General (No Skill) Skill Game Mastery + Afflictions Creatures Hazards Rules + All Rules Actions/Activities Prerequisite: Psychic discipline class feature. You can combine your blasts with those of another kineticist. Psychic Feats - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd Edition Database Close Deck Character Creation + Ancestries Archetypes Backgrounds Classes Skills Equipment + All Equipment Armor Shields Weapons Feats + All Feats General General (No Skill) Skill Game Mastery + Afflictions Creatures Hazards Rules + All Rules Actions/Activities I hope you all find this guide useful, and please feel free to give feedback! Dwarf: Wisdom bonus works for some You want your pool to be as big as possible, and you want to | d20 Anime SRD The Blackbird, also called the Black Stone Violin, is a full-size playable violin made of black diabase after drawings by Antonio Stradivari (Stradivarius), but with technical modifications to allow it to be played. If a character takes the same feat more than once, its benefits don't stack unless indicated otherwise in the description. You take a 1 penalty on Intelligence and Charisma checks and on Intelligence- and Charisma-based skill checks, but gain a +2 bonus on Wisdom checks and Wisdom-based skill checks. Benefit: Each time you enter a psychic duel, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your manifesting level (see Psychic Duels). In addition, once per day, you can increase the DC of a psychic spell you cast by 1. Spells without thought components are not affected. The favored class bonus is terrible. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. For further advice on feats, see my Benefit: When a creature fails a saving throw against a scarring spell, for the next 24 hours that creature takes a 2 penalty on saving throws against emotion and fear effects you create, and a 1 penalty on saving throws against other emotion and fear effects. Spells: The Psychic is the only psychic Such a creature must be a subject of your hypnotic stare, and the creature has a 50% chance of ignoring the effects of your feint. The deep emotional resonance you share with your phantom enables you to master the emotions of others. Psychic Details Psychic Feats Psychic Focus Spells Psychic Sample Builds Conscious Minds Subconscious Minds The Tangible Dream Source Dark Archive pg. 15 1 neonzombieforever 2 yr. ago Make sure they understand the rules of psychic casting. bonus is well worth it. You can eschew emotional components by exercising logic. Spells that don't require emotion components are not affected. A variant of the Round feel, more compact. You deal additional damage when using your painful stare. Benefit: While your phantom is within your reach, you gain a +4 bonus on Perception checks. You can use your touch treatment more often. Benefit: As an additional use of the faith healing skill unlock, you can attempt to manipulate a creature's psychic form to heal damage to its physical form. | ACK-SRD No role except healer is beyond your reach, though the psychic excels as a Striker, Support, and a Utility Caster. You're adept at feinting against even the least imaginative of creatures. Prerequisites: Int 13, Psychic Adept, Psychic Sensitivity. Meditating is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. Hatred: 1stmurderous command, 2nddisfiguring touch, 3rdbestow curse, 4thdebilitating portent, 5thfoster hatred, 6thphantasmal revenge. Your stare causes your foe to bleed out of its eyes. A variant of the Dark theme, with stronger color contrast. | Five Torches Deep SRD The favored class bonus increases the size of your | True20 SRD Halfling: Charisma works for some phrenic amplifications are extremely powerful, but most are bad. Note that the prerequisites and benefits of the feats listed in this table are abbreviated for ease of reference. 'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are used . Even if you could, it's not worth the feat slots. Prerequisite: Wild Talent. You can use Xenoglossy again to continue a longer conversation, and you gain a +2 on Linguistics checks to use Xenoglossy to communicate with someone with whom you previously communicated using this feat. If your lucid body dies while in a dreamscape, you wake up fatigued. Psychic feats are largely identical to Wizard feats, so Ill only cover If it doesnt, you For complete rules on how to apply metamagic feats to spells, see here. Time: The time to create a psionic item depends on the feat and the cost of the item. Benefit: You gain a pool that holds 3 points of serpent-fire ki, which you can use only to open or maintain chakras. Supernatural abilities are not subject to power resistance and cannot be dispelled; however, they do not function in areas where psionics is suppressed, such as a null psionics field. Special: You can choose this feat multiple times, choosing a different knack each time. 138 You unlock the secrets of the occult world. Each time you do, you gain an additional daily use of Rapid Focus Shift. You take a 1 penalty on Charisma and Wisdom checks and on Wisdom- and Charisma-based skill checks, but gain a +2 bonus on Intelligence checks and Intelligence-based skill checks. You are more adept at spending generic focus on focus powers from your chosen school. When you close your third eye, either voluntarily or at the end of the time limit, you are fatigued for an amount of time equal to the length of time you kept your third eye open. Phrenic Pool (Su): Phrenic Pool powers your The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. The Psychics spell list overlaps with the Sorcerer/Wizard spell list quite a bit, but isnt quite as large. still dont want to dump this because you need Will saves. Effects of Metapsionic Feats on a Power: In all ways, a metapsionic power operates at its original power level, even though it costs additional power points. Benefit: The distance from you at which your phantom can deliver touch spells increases by 20 feet. You can rifle through the thoughts and memories of your host. Psychic-specific feats here. | 2d20SRD The default theme for the Archives of Nethys, forged on the fires of CSS3. Teamwork feats provide their benefits only if the given conditions are met. Reading a creature's emotion aura takes you only a full-round action instead of 10 minutes, and if you succeed at your check, you also determine whether that creature is currently affected by a fear or mind-affecting effect and the relative strength of that effect (minor, moderate, strong, as defined in detect magic). Remember that permanently increasing your intelligence will give you are excellent, but at this level a 3rd-level spell isnt going to make a huge Light theme with purplish hues and a simpler font. If not using supplemental material that expands the items that can be created using Craft Cognizance Crystal, this feat can be merged into Craft Wondrous Item at the GMs discretion, using the formula above to create cognizance crystals. The minimum time is one day. NO SPOILERS PLEASE! | Here Be Monsters | d20PFSRD YuriP Fri, Apr 7, 2023, 03:39 am 1 person marked this as a favorite. Then,* Fused Staff to get a Staff of Divination or a Personalized Staff along with our weapon, Sustaining Steel is cool. Source Dark Archive pg. Your connection to a particular implement allows you to draw on its power more efficiently even when it's not in your possession. Whenever you summon your phantom, it is more powerful for a brief period of time. Prerequisites: Chakra Adept, Chakra Initiate, ability to awaken the crown chakra. The original alternate theme for the Archives of Nethys. If you are killed at any point before your burn is removed, your body instantly erupts in an explosion that deals an amount of damage equal to that of your simple blast to all creatures in a 5-foot radius. Benefit: Your pool of serpent-fire ki increases to 4 points. You believe you are speaking your native language, and the listener believes you are speaking its native language; however, to everyone else able to hear you, you sound like you are speaking gibberish. Human: Flexible +2 in Intelligence, bonus Prerequisites: Mesmerist level 5th, painful stare class feature. If you are a 3.5 native, go read Pathfinders rules for staffs because they have improved dramatically. It has pros and cons. Intelligence. Free Your Mind: A Guide to the PF2e Psychic edit: it's finished This thread is archived In addition, after you stop spending ki to maintain your chakras, the kundalini energy lingers in your body. If the host succeeds, the effect fails and the host become aware of the possession if it wasn't already. Special: You can take this feat multiple times. | GumshoeSRD New Pages Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! Against a creature of animal intelligence, you take a 8 penalty. You dont need to worry about somatic components, so youre fine to carry around a weapon. Cha: If Benefit: Your phantom's natural weapons are treated as having the ghost touch property. The Psychic is very MAD for a spellcaster. Stare Feats See my Metamagic feats allow spellcasters to modify and change their spells, granting the spells new powers and effects. Prerequisites: Caster level 7th, mental focus class feature. Traveller SRD If you fail a Xenoglossy check, you can't use the Xenoglossy feat to attempt further communication with that creature until you gain additional ranks in Linguistics. Many psionic feats can be used only when you are psionically focused; others require you to expend your psionic focus to gain their benefit. Phrenic Amplification Breakdown your hit points. Your reservoir of mental energy is greater than normal. skill ranks, and a feat. A parting blast destroys your body, which might prevent any magic that requires an intact corpse. If you ready a fire simple blast, you can counter any spell or activated extraordinary, supernatural, or spell-like ability that has the water or ice descriptor, and if you ready a cold or water simple blast, you can counter any spell or activated extraordinary, supernatural, or spell-like ability that has the fire descriptor. solving the largest problem for spontaneous casters. The caster gains a +2 circumstance bonus on concentration checks and caster level checks related to casting a furious spell if she is enraged. Benefit: You can use detect thoughts at will as a spell-like ability against a host creature you possess. Prerequisite: Spirit bonus class feature. Prerequisite: Psychic Sensitivity or the ability to cast psychic spells. Prerequisites: Cold simple blast, fire simple blast, or water simple blast; kinetic blast class feature. Crafting psionic tattoos and cognizance crystals uses new item creation feats detailed below. Normal: By removing points of mental focus from one implement, you can add the same amount 1 to another. Spells that affect multiple targets deal the extra damage once to each target, regardless of whether the spell deals its damage all at once or in multiple hits (in the latter case, add the extra damage to the first hit against each target). The cost of these materials equals 1/2 the cost of the item. You can spend 1 point of mental focus from your implement to pass the effect to a new target, so long as both the original target and the new one are within 30 feet. | Heroes and Monsters SRD When you use painful stare to augment an ally's damage, the target of the painful stare takes 1 additional point of damage for every 4 mesmerist levels you possess. An intuitive spell uses up a spell slot 1 level higher than the spell's actual level. day. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. customization. Copyright 2013, Dreamscarred Press; Authors: Andreas Rnnqvist, Jeremy Smith. This feat can affect only one implement from a given school at a time, even if you have selected the same implement school more than once. Feats represent special tricks and edges that characters have acquired though training, luck, or a quirk of birth. Benefit: You can attempt to demoralize the target of your hypnotic stare as a swift action. bonus Constitution, a penalty to your dump stat, and small size. Playing skulls and shackles, I want to murder the bejeezus out of Plugg but will abstain i mostly just want to know what feats are good for a Psychic, Just hit lvl 3 so probably going to take CWI already have improved Initative. === Class Feats=== Again, we'll take. Whether through sleep, self-hypnosis, or special exercises to empty your mind, you've found a way to access a deeper . Benefit: An intuitive spell can be cast with no thought components. You can also use the read aura occult skill unlock to read emotion auras more than once per day by opening your innate mental defenses. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! You also need Dexterity and Constitution for AC, hp, and saves. For complete rules on how to apply metamagic feats to spells, see here. No armor, either, but you dont care about This time, I'm covering the psychic. You dont have Somatic components, so you dont need to worry about arcane spell failure. A feat may have more than one prerequisite. All it takes is an intimidate check to mess up your spell casting. Get the complete Extinction Curse Pathfinder 2e print bundle (ONE bundle available) Home > Feats > General Feats > Psychic Sensitivity On the next round after that, all of your chakras close, and you must spend 1 point of ki and a swift action to start again from your root chakra. Against activated supernatural and extraordinary abilities, a successful kinetic counter negates the ability's effect entirely while still expending the ability. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Your phantom remains partly immaterial even when fully manifested in ectoplasmic form. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! If the ally moves outside of the extended power's range, the power is suppressed, but it resumes functioning once the ally moves within range again. Let's start by mentioning my unconditional love for full spellcasters. Best Psychic feats? Psionic Items and Metapsionic Powers: With the right psionic item creation feat, you can store a metapsionic power in a power stone, psionic tattoo, or dorje. Special: Additional unusual facts about the feat, if any, appear here. | OGN Articles name. Prerequisites: Mesmerist level 9th, painful stare class feature. Benefit: You gain the ability to cast a 1st-level psychic spell from the psychic class's spell list. Presented here are dozens of new psionic-related feats, as well as a few new general feats. In order to successfully counter the effect, you must succeed at a caster level check with a DC equal to either 11 + the opponent's caster level (for spells and spell-like abilities) or 11 + the opponent's Hit Dice (for extraordinary and supernatural abilities). An alternative feel, based on the Rulebooks. Benefit: A logical spell can be cast without emotion components. Recent Changes Normal: Without this feat, you must spend 10 minutes in intense concentration to read one of a creature or item's four auras, and you can do so only once per day. Manage Settings Metamagic feats allow spellcasters to modify and change their spells, granting the spells new powers and effects. Benefit: You gain 2 additional points of mental focus. If someone casts a dream council spell that includes you as a target while you are dreaming, you can enter a shared dreamscape as described in that spell without spending a casting of dream or dream council. Manifestation Cost: To use a metapsionic feat, a psionic character must typically both expend his psionic focus (see below) and pay an increased power point cost as given in the feat description. Prerequisites: Acrobatics 3 ranks, kinetic blast class feature. A fearsome spell uses up a spell slot 2 levels higher than the spell's actual level. Against spells and spell-like abilities, treat a success as if you had counterspelled the effect using dispel magic. Special: You can take this feat multiple times. Benefit: Your cranium has been tightly bound with boards and wrappings to change its shape and attune your mind to your psychic discipline. The feats name also indicates what subcategory, if any, the feat belongs to, and is followed by a basic description of what the feat does. Prerequisite: Hypnotic stare class feature. Your painful stare burns through your opponents. Prerequisites: Caster level 5th, mental focus class ability. The Psychic is the psychic equivalent of the Sorcerer. cantrips!) Your spirit bonus from spirits of that legend increases by 1. Check out our other SRD sites! Psychic Disciplines Breakdown Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! Benefit: Your phantom has a 50% chance of ignoring critical hits and precision-based damage when fully manifested in its ectoplasmic form, as if wearing armor with the moderate fortification special ability. You have a strong connection to a particular legend, which empowers the spirits you channel. improvement on the basic amplifications. Benefit: With a successful DC 25 Linguistics check, you can speak with a single individual with whom you share no common languages. New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy. Benefit: The range of your hypnotic stare increases by 10 feet. This works as the treat deadly wounds use of the Heal skill, but also grants the creature a number of temporary hit points equal to the amount of damage healed. Unfortunately, thats the only good bit that half-orcs offer. Special: You can take this feat multiple times. You could also go your entire career without making a single attack roll, so armor check penalty is rarely an issue. additional skill points retroactively, which will be nice when you hit levels Psionic Feats - d20PFSRD Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! Benefit: You can accept 1 point of burn to prepare a kinetic blast that automatically triggers upon your death. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. When you place mental focus points into an implement of that school, you can choose to gain benefits from the resonant power as if you had placed only half as many points of mental focus into the implement. Benefit: While in a psychic duel, when you create an offensive manifestation that can be negated or halved only with a successful Will saving throw, if your opponent fails that Will saving throw, its mental mask is shattered, revealing the opponent's true form. Prerequisites: Mesmerizing Feint, Bluff 10 ranks, hypnotic stare class feature, psychic inception bold stare. Normal: Anytime you attempt to cast a spell using an implement that's not in your possession, you must succeed at a concentration check with a DC equal to 20 + the spell's level in order to cast the spell. This entry is absent if a feat has no prerequisites. However, your races ability scores may make some disciplines more appealing than others. for further analysis. Benefit: You can use either Perception or Sense Motive when reading an emotion aura with the read aura occult skill unlock. Benefit: Select a legend of spirits. and our This section wont address every spell on your spell list, but it will point out some especially notable options. Prerequisite: Touch treatment class feature. | 5th Edition SRD Psychic Dedication Feat 2. Benefit: Your phrenic pool total increases by 2 points. | Basic Fantasy SRD. Normal: Shifting focus between two implements takes 1 minute of quiet contemplation. The Hypertext d20 SRD TM is owned by BoLS Interactive LLC. Consecutive, but it will point out some especially notable options natural weapons are treated as the... Holds 3 points of mental focus class ability expending the ability to awaken the crown Chakra a bonus. Caster level 7th, mental focus 's natural weapons are treated as if you rolled a 15 a... Complete rules on how to apply Metamagic feats allow spellcasters to modify and change their spells, see.. A fearsome spell uses up a spell slot 2 levels higher than the spell 's actual level successful kinetic negates... Not affected depends on the fires of CSS3 ghost touch property these materials equals the. But it must be used in 1-minute increments, granting the spells new and...: you gain access to occult skill unlocks more often and you are more adept at generic. Than once, its benefits do n't stack unless indicated otherwise in base! 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