She had a severe reaction with diarrhea, drooling, depression etc. I have called two divisions of the manufacurer trying to find out whether the products cover all the ticks they list on their website, or only the one tick of concern that they list on their packaging. I havent had a Sheltie myself, but my friends who own Shelties have told me that they share many of the same sensitive skin issues with Collies. If this gene is mutated, it will create a defective protein, and consequently, drugs will remain and build up in the brain to toxic levels . A mutation of this gene causes sensitivity to Ivermectin and a number of other drugs. For dogs and cats with the MDR1 mutation, common medications can be potentially deadly. Additionally, it can also be given to cats and even pregnant or nursing animals. Be prepared to answer questions about whether your dog had a previous history with seizures, has any drug sensitivities, if anything else could possibly have triggered a seizure, and if she has had any seizures since the collar was removed. A negative heartworm test is crucial prior to beginning administration of diethylcarbamazine. Is hartz ultraguard ear mite treatment for dogs safe? Mary. Basically, the idea is that heartworms take a few months to develop anyway, so every few months you get your dog tested instead of merely annually and ONLY treat for heartworms if bloodwork reveals that your dog has contracted heartworms. Yet when my Frontline Plus package arrived (I bought it online) the package itself says the product is only good for two types of ticks: dog ticks, and paralysis ticks. In the meantime, no need to give heartworm meds if its still snowy where you are, so youve got some time to figure out what to do before the mosquitoes become active again! Just checking in to see how you and your pup are doing and if you ended up using Seresto collars or not. I thought I initially replied to your comment back in December, but I was just reviewing the comments section and it looks like my reply never posted! Simparica Trio contains sarolaner, a member of the isoxazoline class, which has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including tremors, ataxia, and seizures in dogs with or without a history of neurologic disorders. With complaints rolling in, the company made adjustments to the Ivermectin content in their product, and Heartgard is now advertised to be safe at the recommended dosage. But according to Dr. Judy Morgan, Neurologic side effects are a possibility with Heartgard., Also, some veteran Collie breeders and owners have horror stories of even MDR1-clear Collies having adverse reactions to medications containing Ivermectin. I know youre very particular about the genetic health of your Collies, and I admire your breeding program. . Liver disease. Ive been accused of being overly cautious when it comes to my dogs, but I admit to being a better safe than sorry kind of person! My personal vet is knowledgeable of the MDR1 gene mutation (now also referred to as the ABCB1 mutation), and he recommended Interceptor to me for my mutant/normal Collies. Given your knowledge, would you suggest Credelio vs. K9 Advantix II (if tolerated) ? Its in lots of grain-based foods because lots of grains are stored with diatomaceous earth to keep the bugs from eating the grain.. My dog has been tested and is mutant/normal (MDR1). My personal veterinarian is MDR1-aware and only prescribes Interceptor (probably the safest heartworm med) and Credelio (an oral flea/tick medication alternative to Nexgard). Dog Flea and Tick Collars. In FL resistance is bad, and we split our time between FL & NJ. Just want to do what is best for them? Ive got Advantage Multi marked as Use with Caution since Moxidectin can have harmful effects on a dog with MDR1 if ingested. I found a paper on the web written with credits to several vets. I went back to using Frontline Plus for them. Any of the -mectins are only safe for MDR1-prone breeds at the recommended dosage. A combination of -mectin in topical and oral form could definitely cause negative reactions if any of your foster puppies have MDR1. If you live in an area where the fleas just refuse to die, you may want to consider an alternative, stronger product. If you choose to use Advantage Multi, great care should be taken to only apply the liquid between your dogs neck and shoulder blades, where it cannot be reached by licking. Im not a veterinarian and would of course recommend that you consult with yours, but I do think that dogs vary individually (just like people) and can react differently to certain medications. I have a female 3 year old collie. The most common side effect of Simparica is vomiting, which can happen within the first hour or two after administration. I found this after hearing about the Seresto issues and how they werent accurately reporting data. What do you think about Frontline Gold? Since Collies and cats go together so well, I have to include this caution for cats: Some ingredients used to kill ticks, such as permethrin (used in K9 Advantix and other products) and amitraz (used in Certifect and the Preventic collar), are toxic to cats, which can be a problem in a household that includes both, especially if they are friendly with each other. If you have cats that share sleeping space with and/or like to groom your dogs, Advantix is probably not the best product for you. If youre going the oral tablet route, Credelio is one I personally feel comfortable with! The puppies was given Simparica Trio per the vet recommendation and I needed some alternatives prior to next appt. I cant speak from personal experience on this, but the Seresto effectiveness/safety question has come up in an international Rough Collies group Im part of on Facebook. I looked up potential side effects for the new pill, and sure enough, the product info for the pain medication specifically advised that it should not be taken with blood pressure medication. The manufacturer of Nexgard has tested the product for safety in dogs with the MDR1 mutation. I just dont know what to do about heartworm treatment and wonder if Interceptor instead of Interceptor Plus would be a better option or more of the same. . I have two Miniature Australian Shepherds that are my entire world: Nola Riley and Otis Kai : ) Nola is MDR1-Heterozygous. Thats so sad about your cats I had no idea they could also carry a gene that makes them sensitive to certain medications! Ive already modified this article a few times since I originally published it, and Im definitely keeping my eye on Credelio to see what else will come out about clinical trials or reported side effects. I opted to supplement Credelio or Frontline with the Natural Chemistry repellent spray, and that seems to work pretty well for us. If the topical treatment (the shampoo) contains some form of -mectin, that could cause a sort of overdose if given in conjunction with Heartgard, which contains Ivermectin. LIST OF DRUGS THAT CAUSE SENSITIVITY TO DOGS WITH MDR1 MUTATION Ivermectine substances Anti parasites: Doramectine substances Anti parasites: Loperamide substances ant diarrheal : Moxidectine substances Anti Parasites Class B LIST OF DRUGS THAT CAUSE SENSITIVITY TO DOGS WITH MDR1 MUTATION Could you send the link to that article you found? Eating poison. At least once a week or before we go walking down woodland trails, I also take the precaution to spray my dogs legs and lower body (and my shoes) with Natures Best or Natural Chemistry flea and tick repellent. Hello! Thank you for your article. Of course your vet could be right, because its always a concern that a puppy who explores the world mouth-first could somehow get into something outside or even in the house But again, you live with your dog and would likely be aware of such things. I been debating which one to use on my BC and small BC mix for ticks as well as prevention of Mites, which seem to increase in numbers with the ever increasing number of Coyotes we see these days. Trish. Congratulations on the new kitten. If you havent yet tried Interceptor for heartworm prevention, I would suggest that for you. I have an 8 year old BC and a 12 week old English Shepherd/Rough Collie mix. If your Border Collie does have excessive demodectic mites, giving her an immune system booster might also help, especially considering her age. Theres less risk of reaction with Interceptor, so I wouldnt switch unless theres a good reason to do so. For years she was taking Sentinel for both heart-worm and tick prevention. The manufacturer of Heartgard has tested the product for safety in dogs with the MDR1 mutation. I realized that I just replied to another comment from you Im sorry you and your doubly sensitive girl are having such trouble trying to find products that work for her! Dinotefuran in particular is a strong pesticide, and all 3 of those ingredients combined are harsh on sensitive skin. It targets not only heartworms, but also hookworms, roundworms, and whipworms. (More on those later.). They both have tolerated Bravecto very noticeable side effects. I liked your post very informative I have a border collie that I think has the mdr1 gene we are going to have her tested it seems whatever we give her she has a side effect I would like to know if you have any information for pain drugs or natural medicine she has some arthritis and has sprained her leg. The full indication is: "For dogs with, or at risk from, mixed external and internal parasitic infestations. Miscellaneous Share the results with your veterinarian to let them know to avoid or adjust the dose of certain medications. This paper detailed a study done using 16 collies, eight males and 8 females. We have an 11 year old tricolor rough coat collie. So glad you found this useful! (Which made him feel really sick.) Additionally, it can be used to treat and control sarcoptic mange. I hate to use anything, but also tired of keeping my dogs in a bubble. I have two Rough Collies who are MDR1 carriers and an Aussie mix, so I have a vested interest in everything Ive researched. Hi Emily My border collie/lab mix has a major seizure yesterday and has no history of seizures before this. WSU is the leader inidentifyingdrugs that may be dangerousfor dogs with the MDR1 mutationand can identifyalternative medications and doses. (Of course, skin irritation can happen with any topical product.) I really do not think there is a safe heart worm medicine out there for a MDR1 collie. Any suggestions? My thought was to put on a collar in the morning and take it off at night when she will safely be back in the house. (I did try to use it to deworm my cat without great success, but that could just be because I couldnt get him to ingest a complete dose at once.) I have never even heard of the latter and do not believe they exist in Canada. These side effects are generally mild and often resolve on their own. These generics include Tri-Heart Plus, Iverhart Plus, and Nuheart. He said Elanco is very conscientious about safety (particularly since Interceptor is used by so many people who have MDR1-prone dogs), and even with his advice I still stood there reading the label and agonizing over my decision before I decided to give it a try! The rx I currently use on my dogs is serolaner (Simparica). After a single administration of 5 times the maximum recommended dose to this sensitive dog breed, transient Once WSU has determined your dogs MDR1 status,board- certified veterinary pharmacologistDr. Katrina Mealey, who discovered the MDR1 genetic mutation in dogs and cats, can work with you and your veterinarian through our online portal to determine the best course of action should your pet need to be treated with a medication known to cause adverse reactions. Is Simparica Safe for Dogs? We have an MDR1 heterozygous Aussie and this was the best breakdown of the meds we found. Is credelio considered safe when using interceptor? One observation: You mention that Credelio has fewer reported seizures (6 in as many months) than other drugs in the isoxazaline class. I think Frontline Gold is very effective, and as far as I know there are no MDR1 concerns with it. Safe in breeding, pregnant and lactating dogs. After doing further research I am very reluctant to give her any of these medications, however, I wasnt finding clear answers on what a safe alternative was until I found your article. If you can, its always a good idea to consult with a vet who is knowledgeable about MDR1 and Collies. Turns out it is also used for the treatment and prevention of roundworms and lungworm nemotodes in dogs, according to Vet Shop Max. In hot, flea-infested areas like where I live in Florida, Parastar Plus might not be the best option; but its definitely something I would have tried when I still lived in Michigan. Enjoy your girl! I am so excited. The product was well tolerated in dogs with a deficient multidrug-resistance-protein 1 (MDR1 -/-). Dogs with normal MDR1 genes can usually tolerate oral dosages as high as 2,500 mcg/kg of body weight before signs of toxicity are seen, while dogs with two copies of the defective MDR1 gene can tolerate only up to 100 mcg/kg of oral ivermectin. Maybe regular Interceptor would be fine since it doesnt contain Praziquantel, but its difficult to say exactly what your dog is reacting to. Since I recommend being careful about using Simparica, I would be even more careful about using the more potent Simparica Trio. Do you know what the ingredients are in the medicated shampoo? they have caused seizures and death in dogs and even some reactions in humans who sleep with their dogs in their beds. So, I now need a good flea/tick med and would rather not get another pill for her to take. Sugar is almost 4 months old now! Is this true? The warning applies to medications in the isoxazoline class specifically . The department considered public complaints, veterinarians' reports, peer-reviewed scientific articles, and mandatory reports from the drug companies in its decision to issue the warning. I live on a farm that borders a forest, so coyotes/deer etc.. no avoiding ticks. I chose Frontline Plus for him as it seems to be an older, safer spot-on. For my Aussie mix, Ive had success using Advantix II. We use interceptor for heartworms and was using frontline until she recently started having negative reactions to it. Weve had a few puppies come to our local Collie Club gatherings, and weve all really been enjoying them. Dogs with the MDR1 mutation are not at increased risk for adverse effects. This year she has a very high degree of irritation when applied (I had to wash it off). Capstar specifically targets adult fleas, so it is best paired with a product like Sentinel. Use These Products Infrequently, Only as Needed These four ML compounds (ivermectin, moxidectin, selamectin, and milbemycin oxide) have been officially approved by the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) and tested safe for MDR1 dogs when administered at the recommended preventative dosage. This is so thorough and helpful! March 2016 saw the addition of Simparica, yet another so-called Isoxazoline flea and tick "remedy" and already several dogs have been adversely affected by this new drug. Advantage takes care of fleas at all life stages and is even supposed to kill them on contact, and it also covers lice. Im hoping to get a Smoothie myself in the future. Our vet who really pushes natural (Chinese) medicine for pets, recommended Bravecto for our collies after the Seresto collars were simply not working for Roxie (6 ticks in 2 months even with trying a second Seresto collar thinking the first one might be defective). However, it does claim to kill fleas on contact. At doses used to treat diarrhea, this drug will cause neurological toxicity in dogs with the MDR1 mutation. Are you referring to Advantage Multi, Advantage II, or a different product I didnt cover in the article? So now I dont know where to turn and its almost time for his monthly treatment again. (I didnt find the information about the 6 reported seizures until after I had already given it to my dogs and seen no ill effects from it.) (Im guessing based on your question about Prinovox that youre not in the US, so in case Frontline goes by a different name where you are just look for the active ingredients Fipronil and S-methoprene. I was bummed to read its the safest since I dont want him to have it every again (a little off balance shortly after and salivating) but later he had an episode with fixed eyes, stuck in a strange position, stiff muscles, blind, he had a heart rate half of what it should have been and a head tremor. Our dogs deserve the best. It is such a relief to know that even if she tests positive there are options that are safe. Simparica TRIO (sarolaner/moxidectin/pyrantel) is a flavored chewable tablet for administration to dogs 8 weeks of age and older. It is formulated to repel and kill fleas and 4 kinds of ticks on contact, provide protection from lice, and treat/control sarcoptic mange. The Seresto collar is a very popular option right now. There werent as many seizures reported as with Nexgard, but it did have several more reported than Bravecto. Due to this fact, Pet Place warns: Our team of veterinary pharmacologists provide a current list of medications documented to cause adverse reactions or are strongly suspected to cause adverse reactions in dogs with the MDR1 mutation. Theyre so fun and crazy at that age. After Simparica is given its activity against ticks and fleas lasts for at least 5 weeks. Comes as: a vial of liquid applied to the back of the neck on a monthly basis (fipronil) Used for tick control every two weeks if travelling to the eastern states. Im happy to hear it and so glad it helped! Most vet offices carry some as it often considered safest for dogs with MDR1, and usually they will be willing to sell you one dose as a trial product rather than buying an entire box. Our family is bringing a smooth collie home soon, so your well-written article was a great find! We can eat it. If youre living in an urban setting, this product could still be a good option for you, as youre not likely to encounter many ticks in a concrete jungle. Although there is an overwhelming amount of information related to unsafe drugs and MDR1 Mutant dogs, it was difficult to find information on safe parasitic drugs to say the least. Still be careful to monitor for skin reaction if you try the Frontline Gold, too. A product this strong may not be best for a dog that has sensitive skin issues, as irritation can develop at the site of application. Pet owners will have . If youre hoping for a quick, easy skim and just want to know which pest protections are considered safe, Ill list those first under each heading, followed by the use with caution category, and finally the not safe options. In general dogs tolerate very well sarolaner at the therapeutic dose range (2 to 4 mg/kg). However, it would be best to have a veterinarian collect a skin scraping to examine under a microscope and determine whether skin irritation is caused by demodectic or sarcoptic mites, as the causes and treatments differ between the two types. In some cases these can even lead to death. Before I got them home, they went into comas. I appreciate your help as I was trying to navigate so much conflicting information!! The parasite protections that target multiple parasites with just one topical application or administration of a pill are extremely appealing due to their convenience. Simparica offers safe and efficient monthly flea and tick protection. Other drugs include Immodium and some chemotherapy drugs; there are others. The agency is asking the manufacturers to make the changes to the product labeling in order to provide veterinarians and pet owners with the information they need to make treatment decisions for each pet on an individual basis.. Best of luck with your new girl! The vet thought he would be nice and put Advantage Multi on our cats. Studies have shown that the way an ML (macrocyclic lactone) is administered to an MDR1-positve dog makes a drastic difference in how it affects them. My vet wants to give him a vaccine (?) (For those who may be wondering, the mutant/normal designation means that a dog carries one copy of a gene and is a carrier, though not affected to the degree that a homozygous, or mutant/mutant, dog would be.) Documented negative reactions were only provoked at higher-than-normal dosages and were comparatively mild, consisting of salivation, ataxia (dilated pupils), and depression. We sometimes see a Smooth Collie named Frank at our local dog park, and Ive been pretty impressed with him. Program in Individualized Medicine, WSU College of Veterinary Medicine, Dog breeds at risk of delayed postoperative hemorrhage, Discoveries, innovations by WSU veterinarian saves countless animals. Coming from the house of Zoetis, Simparica is an efficient flea and tick treatment providing a gamut of benefits to both dogs and pet parents. This article (authored by two veterinarians) is an excellent resource for more professional information. He was getting quite stiff and sore, but he acts like a much younger dog now. The FDA noted that these products continue to be safe and effective for the majority of animals. Each tablet is formulated to provide minimum dosages of 1.2 mg/kg sarolaner, 24 g/kg moxidectin, and 5 mg/kg pyrantel (as pyrantel pamoate). I was using Seresto collars and am on the hunt for something else. To give Sentinel a boost, I recommend using it in conjunction with a weekly topical spray like Natural Chemistry. Personally, I would be concerned about missing a daily dose. Based on its limited coverage of external parasites, cautionary potential side effects label, and its non-endorsement for pregnant or nursing females, I decided I could do better for my dogs. The majority of canines will be fine, but there are enough who will react. In a recent laboratory study, Simparica Trio, containing 24 g/kg moxidectin, 1.2 mg/kg sarolaner and 5 mg/kg pyrantel, and Heartgard Plus and Interceptor Plus (n = 6) were administered in six consecutive monthly oral doses at the labeled dose rates after receiving an inoculation of 50 ZoeLA strain D. immitis L3 on day 30 [].Dogs were necropsied approximately 9 months post-inoculation and . What Can Cause Seizures in Dogs? (There are 13 other at-risk breeds including Border Collies, Australian Shepherds, German Shepherds, Shetland Sheepdogs, and Old English Sheepdogs, plus herding breed mixes.) Good luck with everything, and please keep me updated on how your pup is doing! My Collie is double MDR1 mutant. I found it extremely helpful & educational. Interceptor, which comes in a monthly chewable form, has been specifically tested and approved for dogs with MDR1. THREE OF THE 8 FEMALES WENT INTO ESTRUS. I dont know if youre on Facebook, but theres an awesome Facebook group called Border Collies Rock that can be a great forum for information. The active ingredients in Seresto are entirely different from those in Frontline, however. The manufracturers website lists many different kinds of ticks, and people on this thread talk about using FrontLine for ticks. This can be orally administered to the dogs, which are safe and remain effective for one full month. My personal veterinarian is now only marketing the Credelio, Interceptor, and Trifexis oral parasite medications. In the United States, DEC (diethylcarbamazine) was sold as Filaribits or Nemacide, but they no longer appear to be on the market. The manufacturer of Revolution has tested the product for safety in dogs with the MDR1 mutation. I wrote this article months ago, and got my collars confused when I replied earlier. WSU is the leader in identifying drugs that may be dangerous for dogs with the MDR1 mutation and can identify alternative medications and doses. Hello, You mentioned ADVANTIX should be use with caution because of cats being around collies, but what about if I only have collies? a thorough study conducted on MDR1-affected dogs, this study conducted on twenty MDR1-affected Collies, the Washington State University of Veterinary Medicine, safe for use with anthelmintics like heartworm meds, Some swear by food grade DE (diatomaceous earth) as a natural dewormer. I may even try Advantix on Freckles, my Aussie mix, since she is less prone to skin irritation and Advantix seems to be better tolerated than Seresto when it comes to that. Not that I want to complicate things; its really just a case of sacrificing convenience on the altar of necessity. (Same active ingredients in both.) The FDA determined Revolution is safe for dogs with the MDR1 mutation when used at label doses. But of course, do talk to your vet and see what they know. Ive had success using Burts Bees ear rinse on my dogs. She has a close cat buddy, so Im scared to use another spot-on that is poisonous to cats. Last time I took my Collies to a pet store here in parasite-infested Florida, I asked one of the clerks what they sold the most of as far as flea and tick preventives. The Whole Dog Journal notes that Ivermectin has the most potential for toxicity.. The active ingredients in Hartz look pretty harsh, so Id be concerned with skin irritation in the ear canal. Thank you for this thorough and thoughtful work, Emily! The product insert states Do not use this product on debilitated, aged, medicated, pregnant or nursing dogs, or dogs known to be sensitive to pesticide products., If you live in a seasonal region where you actually experience winter complete with freezing temperatures and snow, and your pets have been on regular pest preventive products, you can give them a break from chemicals for a few months while the insects are dormant. Flea allergy dermatitis tends to occur mostly in the late summer. As noted in an article by Dog Aware:Advantage Multi, which combines imidacloprid for flea control with moxidectin for heartworm prevention, was found to cause no side effects when applied topically to affected dogs even at 5 times the recommended dose, but ingesting less than half the recommended topical dose caused extreme toxicity leading to coma in four of five dogs.. Sarolaner (brand name Simparica) is used to treat and control flea and tick infestations in dogs. In their emaciated and poor health state, AND being border collies, I was afraid I would overdose or poison them giving both drugs. After talking to a variety of Collie people, Frontline seems to be the most trusted of the topical flea/tick products available. The login page will open in a new tab. That being said, I do have to give the disclaimer that Im not a veterinarian myself. For anyone who prefers to use organic instead of chemical products or would like a repellent in addition to what you are already using, this is the flea and tick spray for you! Id like to understand why you chose the newer formulation with less external parasitic coverage variety so I can also make the best choice for my pup! There are other risks involving Ivermectin. Carry a gene that makes them sensitive to certain medications not believe they exist in Canada have two Collies! Never even heard of the latter and do not think there is a heart. 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A MDR1 Collie is such a relief to know that even if she tests positive there are that!