The now-restored Circle of Eight brokers peace, except that Rary turns traitor, plots to murder everyone, and flees into the Bright Desert. **, * 576 CY ** Autumn (1 week after Brewfest): Ehrendil does research at the Guild of Wizardrys library; Norah mixes with archmage Jallarzi Sallavarian; Rose mixes with Guildmaster of Thieves Org Nenshen; Sariel crashes classes at the University of Magical Arts; Stel and Maura protected at the Temple of Rao. The end came swiftly in 586 CY, when rivals for the throne, perhaps including the fiendish Duke Szeffrin of Almor, attacked the capital after hearing news indicating Ivid V had died or been deposed. (Players Guide to Greyhawk 9), Outer dependencies of Aerdy gain sovereignty. * 575 CY Reports of massive raiding by giants across the western kindgoms. [1], In 75 CY, Overking Tenmeris died and was succeeded by his wife Yalranda, the first and only Overqueen of the Great Kingdom, and an influential member of House Rax-Nyrond but a Cranden by marriage. 375 The Free City of Greyhawk achieves its first period of greatness under the rulership of Zagig Yragerne. You should check them out. ** In 446 CY, the herzog granted an audience to representatives of Irongate, who went to Zelradton to air their grievances. upgrade now The war ended in 446 CY when Ivid I was crowned Overking, due in large part to the death of all other viable contenders. * 576 CY ** Autumn (1 week after Brewfest): Ehrendil does research at the Guild of Wizardrys library; Norah mixes with archmage Jallarzi Sallavarian; Rose mixes with Guildmaster of Thieves Org Nenshen; Sariel crashes classes at the University of Magical Arts; Stel and Maura protected at the Temple of Rao. Cuthbert expends huge amounts of energy to simulate the death of the Circle, and after contributing immense aid to a party in overthrowing Vecna, is himself greatly weakened. During Zelcors coronation in Rauxes later that year, an ominous sign appeared in the sky, a complete eclipse of the noontime sun above the capital. Ivid IV is assassinated by his son, Ivid V. (2090 OR) (The following years from 557-583 CY are called The Times of Struggle by historians. We think you'll have a much more enjoyable experience. Zagig built for himself an enormous castle complex . (3013 OR), 580 CY Magnificent Talking Goat Party formed in Greyhawk; The Declaimers of Stroun predict the downfall of Tenh. Might of Iuz grows. * 394 CY ** Elven Queen Eldrell liberates a 4,500-year-old Suel elemental prison under the Hellfurnaces mountains. * 575 CY ** Winter: Wizardry Guild of Greyhawk sponsors its first expedition to storm-locked Blackmoor. **, * 799 BCY ** Keraptis and his remaining evil gnome followers move into the dungeon under White Plume Mountain. 213 CY. * 459 CY ** The Mightyhammers of Clan Dankil adapt drow trap techniques to create the Assassins Run in the Valley of the Mage. The Index is based on previous work of Jason Zavoda through '08, and his work as continued and updated by Eric Johnson, Richard DiIoia, Jason "PupickDad" Jacobson, a French fan group, and numerous other fans over the years. The Great Kingdom of Aerdy, commonly referred to as the Great Kingdom, was a major nation-state which dominated the south-eastern Flanaess from 1 CY until 586 CY. By 356 CY, Overking Portillan could not even prevent his own cousin, the viceroy of Nyrond in Rel Mord, from breaking with the Malachite Throne and declaring his independence. (3018 OR). The Malachite Throne destroys them to a person. Not to mention "times before now"! Despite creeping insanity, he ably defended his realm from the combined forces of the Golden League (579-580) and civil unrest during the Red Death plague of 581. (3010 OR), 577 CY The expedition of Archmage Marinian of Willip is lost searching for The City of the Gods north of Blackmoor. A viceroy in Dyvers administered the Viceroyalty of Ferrond, including its Northern Reaches (now Perrenland and lands north and northeast of the Vesve Forest). (From the Ashes 6), Before a planned assault on Ratik, the Northern Barbarians mutiny, refusing to fight any further for a god they have lost faith in. (1016 OR), 375 CY Zagig Yragerne begins construction of Greyhawk Castle. GreySage Joined: Aug 03, 2001 Posts: 3296 From: Michigan Send private message: Thu Jul . This tale begins more than twelve centuries ago, when Oeridian tribes wandering the vast central plains of Oerik beyond the Flanaess in the Far West were driven to the east by a series of raging conflicts that culminated in the infamous Twin Cataclysms of prehistory. * 337 CY ** Elven Queen Eldrell Yeni Surinen of the Divine House of Larethian appears in the Duchy of Ulek. . Lord Holmer, leader of the Knights of Holy Shielding is captured and taken to Dorakaa. (, Logue, Nicholas. Fall of the Onnwall and Idee; Halfling Blight in Elmshire; Night of Terror on the Wild Coast; Elves reclaim Lendore Isle. * 372 CY University of Magical Arts founded in the settlement of Greyhawk. * 576 CY ** Autumn (week before Brewfest): Rose, Ehrendil, Norah and Sariel arrive in the City of Greyhawk. Geoff and Sterich are conquered by the invaders. THE GREAT MIGRATIONS (human peoples driven east due to empire wars) * 276 CY Remaining gnome followers of Keraptis now gone from White Plume Mountain. (2060 OR), 537 CY King Belvor III of Furyondy dies in his sleep. **, * 1000 BCY ** Records show the weapons Blackrazor, Wave and Whelm all in possession of Keraptis at this time. The offer turned out to be a ruse, and the ambassadors were imprisoned, tortured, and executed for Overking Ivids enjoyment. However, the houses had no agreement as to who would succeed Nalif. **, * 406 CY ** Jaran Krimeah born to the House Rax within the city of Rauxes in the Great Kingdom of Aerdy. They named that vast ocean the Solnor (literally, the birthplace of the sun), and along its shores they founded a series of small states. This article was transcribed from Wikipedia. CAST OF PLAYER CHARACTERS "White Dwarf Interview: Gary Gygax - the man who made it all possible". (From the Ashes 7), The Battle of Innspa marks the peak of the Aerdy invasion of Nyrond. (2094 OR), 561 CY The Wizard Murq captures and kills many of the children of the nobility of Greyhawk. All give a sense to the events of centuries past. ** (752 OR), 113 CY Alisedrans report of The Hanging Glacier. (LGG, 65). HRONOLOGICAL. The Brithel family are robotics experts, rivals to the famed Kwalish who lived just north of The Valley. ** Age of Great Sorrow [ edit] In 198 CY, Selvor the Younger prophecied an Age of Great Sorrow. (1028 OR), 394 CY The publishing of Pontus Hardiggins, halfling traveler extraordinaire, journals and his description of Esmerin, the land of giants and halflings in the Lortmils. (1029 OR), 400 CY Voorman Perren unites cantons of Perrenland. [citation needed][5], Regrettably, the Turmoil Between Crowns also resulted in the destruction of the Royal Guild of Navigators, the august body responsible for developing a more accurate method of navigating the oceans and seas of Oerth, by creating a system of longitude and latitude. * 344 BCY Vecna is betrayed by Kas the Bloody-Handed; his empire falls. Both forces are lost to the poisons of Csipros Erd, the Geysers of Death located somewhere in the maze of valleys and hills north of the Barriear Peak region. * 91 CY ** Keraptis leaves White Plume Mountain; his fate after this time is unknown but his gnomes remain behind. **, * 576 CY ** Autumn: Theft of magical items spark rumors in the City of Greyhawk that the wizard Keraptis has returned to White Plume Mountain. With the fracturing of the Great Kingdom at the end of the Greyhawk Wars, the members of the once formidable Knight Protectors remain scattered and as such . Age of Great Sorrow commences . **, * 540 CY ** Stelfast Holren born near Errantkeep under the prosperous dominion of House Naelax, a noble family in The Great Kingdom. Almor is conquered in short order. Livingstone, Ian (August/September 1979). * 422 BCY Invoked Devastation wipes out Balunish Empire, Rain of Colorless Fire wipes out Suel Empire. (3016 OR), 583 CY Destruction of Shield Lands; Ossians Raid, fall of Medegia; Rise of the Pomarj; Fall of Geoff and Sterich, Conquest of Bissel; Usurpation of the Lordship of the Isles, Fall of the Sea Princes. Centuries past, when Greyhawk city was still a burgeoning riverbank trading post, Zagig was already a powerful magician. [4][6], The resulting lasted nine years, ending in 446 CY with the crowning of Ivid I and the granting of greater autonomy to the provinces of Medegia, Rel Astra, Almor, North Province,[citation needed] Bone March,[citation needed] and Ahlissa. AGE OF GLORY (rise of human empires, magic and conquest) The viceroys had near total autonomy within their realms to efficiently deal with local problems, answering only to the Malachite Throne. * circa 6000s BCY Torhoon Empire falls; Olman people escape to southern Flanaess. By 100 CY, there were four such viceroys. The leader of the Fists, Sevvord Redbeard, soon allies himself with Iuz. So proceeded an inexorable decline that began as the rulers of House Rax became progressively neglectful, decadent, or dimwitted. ** [1], In 645 OR (1 CY), Grand Prince Nasran of House Cranden declared universal peace throughout his empire. (From the Ashes 6; Greyhawk Wars Adventurers Book), The Shield Lands refuse an offer of alliance with Furyondy, and are soon overrun by Iuzs forces. (Crypt of Lyzandred the Mad 2), The Wars end with a Brotherhood-inspired general peace treaty, the Pact of Greyhawk in the month of Harvester. * 455 CY ** Tysiln San captured in the Valley of the Mage, becomes lover/First Protector to the Exalted One/Black One. . He is corrupted by it. AGE OF AERDY (rise of The Great Kingdom) [3] It continued to grow over the next century under the rule of the Overkings of House Rax, notably the ambitious Erhart I and Toran I. Ivid III murdered all possible Naelax rival claimants to the throne, and imprisoned his sons and daughters in a grand palace for his own safety. * 574 CY ** Winter: An unending winter storm forms above the northern Archbarony of Blackmoor. * 452 CY ** Jaran Krimeah, now known as The Black One, arrives in The Valley and champions its elven, gnome and human peoples. The priesthood of Hextor officially deposes Ivid V as Overking. **, * 556 CY ** Bahkgarr the bullywug born in the Mistmarsh. c. -14,010 Population: 2,618,200Human 79% (Os), Elf 9% (sylvan 90%, high 10%), Halfling 5% (stout), Dwarf 3%, Gnome 2%, Half-elf 1%, Half-orc 1% Languages: Common, Nyrondese, Old Oeridian, Elven, Halfling Alignments: LG, LN*, NG, CG, N Religions: Heironeous*, Beory, Rao, Pelor, Zilchus, Norebo, Pholtus, Ralishaz, Boccob, Delleb, Celestian 261 years ago Future city of Greyhawk established as a trading post. (2046 OR), 513 CY Rise of Horned Society; humanoids take Pomarj. (Demigod Zagyg appears.) Manshen divided the western marklands into the Viceroyalty of Nyrond, ruled by a junior branch of House Rax from Rel Mord, and and the Viceroyalty of Ferrond, ruled from Dyvers. * 556 CY Slave Lords organization begins terrorizing coastal settlements around the Sea of Gearnat. Nasran founded the See of Medegia and granted it to the faith of Palor. * 406 CY ** Jaran Krimeah born to the House Rax within the city of Rauxes in the Great Kingdom of Aerdy. The following terms are sometimes used to describe eras in the history of eastern Oerik: A sudden, unexplained disease causes the koprus kopura food source to diminish. **, * 574 CY ** Winter: An unending winter storm forms above the northern Archbarony of Blackmoor. Despite the new moniker, power in the new empire would not become truly centralized until 1 CY, when Grand Prince Nasran I declared universal peace throughout the land and took the title of Overking of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy. An time period that started 213 CY when the rulers of the Great Kingdom started to fall. The first appearance of Mayaheines avatar on Oerth. , so there's nothing to lose. no risk refund guarantee (935 OR), 310 CY Beginning of the Formation of the Shield Lands. Overking Zelcor promptly abolished the astrologers order for trying to recreate earlier hysteria and banished the members to Rel Astra. ** (2084 OR), 555 CY The Frutzii are conquered by the Schnai. **, * 1400 BCY ** Drow forces push Suel wizards out of their underground dungeons below the Hellfurnaces mountains. (3004 OR), 571 CY Irongate joins the Golden League and drives Ivids forces under the Herzog back to the South Province. * 724 BYC ** Ctenmiir born to dwarven Clan Ironfist under the Yatil Mountains. During the Age of Great Sorrow, some dwarves, such as those allied with what would become the Iron League, were happy to assit their human allies in throwing off Aerdi-imposed shackles, while others, who had profited greatly from trade with the honorable lords of Ratik and Bone March, assisted the other way. The plague known as the Red Death sweeps across the Flanaess. * 576 CY ** START OF D&D5e 2020 CAMPAIGN ** Invasion of northern barbarians into North Province prevents the Great Kingdom from retributive action against Nyrond. His fatuous son Malev was uninterested in the office and proceeded to secretly auction it off to the highest bidder among his relatives., Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, The arms of the Great Kingdom, as depicted in the, SEE North Kingdom {Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdy}, War Captain's Companion Boxed Set: Book 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 18, 19, 25, 36, 45, 46, 48, 52, 54, 55, 60, IBC, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24, 25, IC, 8-14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 26, 28-30, 35, 37, 40, 47, 53-56, 69, 78, 79, World of Greyhawk Boxed Set: Glossography, City of Greyhawk: Folks, Feuds and Factions, 2-11, 17, 19-28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36-39, 42, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, 58, 61, 63, 70, 79, 84, 89, 15, 40, 42, 43, 47-49, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79-81, 81, 93, 95, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 14, 13, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 32, 2-5, 8, 14, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28-44, 45, 46, 58, 69, 70, 72, 77, 88, 106, 116, 123, 128, 153, 156, 161, Back Cover, Living Greyhawk, Living Onnwal Gazetteer, D&D 3.5e, 9, 10, 12, 21, 22, 33, 36, 42, 59, 60, 64, 73, 84, 87, 89, 92, 93, 94, 105, 112, IC, 4, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 34, 35, 36, 41, 44, 46, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 63, 64, 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 99, 100, 103, 104, 106, 110, 111, 113, 123, 124, 125, 139, 141, 148, 150, 151, 156, 158, 172, 2, 3-7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 24, 25, 37, 44, 45, 59, 7, 140, 141, 227, 241, 257, 259, 264, 278, 5, 6, 10, 11, 15-20, 23-26, 28, 30, 33, 34, 39, 40, 55, 56-61, 68, 70, 73, 74, 85, 92, 94, 97, 100, 102, 110, 113, 115, 117, 119, 128, Navigators, Royal Guild of (Great Kingdom), North Kingdom {Great Kingdom of Northern Aerdy}, 6, 11, 21, 24, 35, 36, 37, 54, 58, 72, 73, 75, 89, 91, 93, 96, 105, 139, 146, 147, 148, 151, 153, 158, This page was last edited 10:54, 13 April 2023 by Greyhawk Wiki user. Ivid II quickly fell into dementia and was in turn assassinated by his own son, Ivid III, in 497 CY. [7][8] The son ascended to the throne in 556 CY, taking the name Ivid V.[5], By the sixth century CY, however, the Great Kingdom had shrunk to a fraction of its size, limited to the lands east of the Harp River and Teesar Torrent, and north of the Iron Hills and Thelly River. [5] The herzog of North Province, the charismatic and ambitious Ivid of Naelax, made a claim to the throne, which was supported by most (but not all) of House Naelax. His son Malev rejected the throne, secretly auctioning it off to his cousin Zelcor. Nasran was by all accounts a wise and dutiful ruler, and few openly begrudged him his claim. * 498 CY Greyhawk officially becomes a Free City after severing ties with The Great Kingdom. The battle results in a decisive defeat of the Great Kingdoms armies. The settled lands were divided among individual Aerdi noble families, notably the houses of Garasteth, Cranden, Darmen, Rax, and Naelax. [5], In 587 CY, most of the remaining former Great Kingdom united under Prince Xavener of House Darmen, who took the title of Overking of the new United Kingdom of Ahlissa.[5]. (917 OR) The Malachite Throne soon became known as the Fiend-Seeing Throne, and it was widely believed (with good reason) that the Ivid overkings consorted with evil outsiders. (2089 OR), 556 CY The discovery the unusual halfling casket in the River near Courwood. Greyhawk is not like FR - a lot of things were left up to DMs to make up. University of Rauxes sacked. The Malachite Throne destroys them to a person. * Norah Brithel, dwarven alchemist/artificer, wields Whelm (Colette Brown) * 524 CY ** Norah Brithel and Ehrendil Stone become friends working together in The Valley. Prince of Furyondy/Provost of Veluna kidnapped. ** (3011 OR), 579 CY Reformation of Coinage in Greyhawk City; beginning of infiltration of Horned Society into Bandit Kingdoms; The Outbreak of the Red Death, and the Change of Istus. * 498 BCY The lich Vecna founds an empire through the central Flanaess. -217 CY Founding of the Kingdom of Aerdy. * 254 CY Ferrond province breaks from The Great Kingdom, becomes the independent Kingdom of Furyondy. * 397 CY The mage Tasha becomes an apprentice to Zagig Yragerne. **, * 528 CY ** Ulanu Flickflower born in Orchid Brook at the Lortmil foothills in the County of Ulek. * 1423 BCY Vecna born into an untouchable caste among the Flan people. Perranders, Velunians, Furyondians, and Tenhas each establish independence in a series of minor but bloody wars. * Rose Flickflower, halfling paladin, wields Blackrazor (Lexi Greenberg) It was the prudence of House Cranden that solidified the realms power structure over the next century. Aerdy nearly doubled in size, and was thereafter known as the Great Kingdom, though its ruler still held the old nationial title and office of Grand Prince. ** The herzog (great prince) of North Province, Ivid I, then laid claim to the throne. They oversaw a fractured Great Kingdom, but they did so with iron fists and villainous glee. In 428 OR (-216 CY), the scion of House Garasteth, Lord Mikar, became the first grand prince (equal to a king). (1035 OR), 416 CY The paladin, Myro, conquers one of the bandit kingdoms and declares himself king (1041 OR), 430 CY Vlek Col Vlekzed establishes the Hold of Stonefist. (LGG, 39-40). Gray Hawks are small . (1090 OR), 461 CY Demi-human realm of Ulek affected, demi-human realm of Celene revealed (although it is also affected in the eyes of the Great Kingdom, this hidden Elven realm actually just decides to open communications with the human kingdoms at this time). In the year 645 OR (1 CY), Grand Prince Nasran declared universal peace in the empire, taking the new title of overking. (1084 OR), 450 CY Myro is destroyed by a joint force from Nyrond, Furyondy and the Shield Lands. [1], This began an era of decline for the Great Kingdom, with successive Overkings being increasingly decadent and incompetent, leading to the gradual collapse of the Great Kingdom. 5 out of 5 rating for Age of Worms Adventure Path. * 573 CY The Kingdom of Furyondy declares perpetual war against Iuz; the Wegwiur wolf nomads of the north, lords from the Shield Lands and elves of the Vesve Forest join in alliance. ** Otiluke, Tenser murdered again, and Bigby severely injured. The second adventure path after Paizo learned the ropes after Shackled City, Age of Worms has the most classic feel, flow and theme of any adventure path. This essentially brought an end to the Great Kingdom. (3007 OR), 575 CY Appointment of the Peoples Constables in Greyhawk City. * 781 BCY ** Mountain inhabitants of Tostenhca all die, said to be due from a curse placed by Keraptis using his Null Enigma device. * 576 CY ** Autumn (Brewfest): Stelfast Holdren and Maura arrive in the City of Greyhawk, are almost kidnapped by Evangelor Umpirt and other Slave Lords; Rose, Ehrendil, Norah, Sariel save the centaur and his young ward. * 466 BCY Baklunish and Suloise empires turn to goblin, orc and ogre tribes for mercenaries. This article is a stub. * circa 9000s BCY Yuan-ti (snakefolk) empire on the continent of Melavi (Hepmonaland). Claimants to the throne marched on the capital of Rauxes, when the city was engulfed by a wild and unpredictable magical effect. ** The Viceroyalty of Nyrond, which eventually included Urnst, was ruled from Rel Mord by a junior branch of House Rax. * 1538 BCY Break with Suel, founding of the Baklunish Empire. * 1 CY Empire of Aerdy (aka The Great Kingdom) proclaimed. House Rax was unable to present a strong contender for Nalif's heir, leading to agreement among the major noble houses that it was time for change. Captured and taken to Dorakaa ( 3007 OR ), Outer dependencies of Aerdy gain.. Prince ) of north Province, Ivid I, then laid claim the! * Drow forces push Suel wizards out of their underground dungeons below the Hellfurnaces mountains betrayed! Fr - a lot of things were left up to DMs to make up were imprisoned,,. Kingdoms armies decisive defeat of the Great Kingdom of Furyondy Invoked Devastation wipes out Balunish Empire, of. 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