Companion plants are herbs, flowers, and vegetables that improve the growth of your main garden crops. Vision. Flowers are the most effective and beautiful ways to interplant in the garden. Known predominantly as a cover crop, white clover is a nitrogen-fixer and living mulch. Thankfully, as organic growing methods become more popular, modern researchers continue to explore these old-time strategies for interplanting flowers, herbs, or vegetables with strawberries. While they do their work as a symbiotic companion plant, you can also enjoy harvests of deliciously fragrant herbs for seasonings, cocktails, and teas. Heres what I found. Planting marjoram near your rosemary can help to improve the growth of both plants and add some delicious flavor to your meals. Strawberry 5. It is also a light feeder that wont compete with them for nutrients or water. If you live in an area with extra hot summers, strawberries can benefit from the light shade of rhubarb to keep them cool. I had some strawberries escape and move in under the blueberries but they weren't very vigorous. The strong minty smell is very unattractive to pesky lygus bugs, aphids, and mites. ~ Jeff. Selecta Ice Cream has a moreish, surprising history. Mow it every 1-3 weeks and it will continuously bloom without spreading too widely. Creeping Phlox ( Phlox stolonifera) Photo: Benefits: Attracts predator insects and conditions the soil. Borage is technically a wildflower (more on wildflowers later), but I thought it deserved a special mention. All About Gardening 2023 All Rights Reserved. On the pest protection side, studies in organic Florida strawberry fields found that green lacewings (Chrysoperla spp.) Keep in mind that blueberry plants prefer a soil pH of 4.5-5.5, which is more acidic than what most plants can tolerate. Any of the above wildflowers will work great as a companion plant for just about any fruit, vegetable, or herb plant. Learn more at. Instead, consider mint as a ground cover or border crop nearby. In fact, they may need to be pinched off to keep the main plant more robust and bearing more fruit and some send out only a few. Basil provides blueberry plants with increased pollinators (when it flowers) and ground cover. Post author: Post published: April 11, 2023 Post category: homemade huckleberry liqueur recipe Post comments: ernie adams' dwarf cars for sale ernie adams' dwarf cars for sale Further south, you can wait until fall. Avoid planting brassicas like kale, cauliflower, and broccoli near your strawberries, as well as all types The USDA partnered with Universities to create these free agriculture extension services. These plants help protect each other, especially when theyre allowed to grow wild over a broad expanse of land. Companion planting aims to mimic nature by creating symbiotic relationships between plants that mutually aid each other. They are both low in sugar and high in vitamins and minerals. I prefer to keep it out of the strawberry rows themselves and instead plant it in the pathways. How to Plant It: Plant rows of scallions between your strawberry plants or tuck them into any open space. Even if you buy a bush (or several bushes, as they arent self-pollinating. Research shows that certain species of companion plants simultaneously attract natural enemies of the pests, creating a built-in control method. Plants that compliment blueberries include: Evergreen Trees: Most types of evergreens including but not limited to evergreen shrubs, spruce, pine trees, yew, fir, and juniper make great companion plants for blueberries. Plant radish rows about 4-6 from your strawberry plants and they will be ready to harvest before the strawberries begin fruiting. In the case of strawberries, symbiotic plantings mimic their natural habitat. However, avoid planting dill with carrots, caraway, and nightshade. However, this isnt an exhaustive list, so feel free to explore other wildflower varieties! The wildflowers variety of colors is visually appealing to pollinators and provides a good mix of nectar and pollen they can use as energy and food. 5. Plus, who doesnt want more blueberries to freeze for winter snacks? Make micronutrients available to your crop. In turn, your strawberries will grow much better and also your yields tend to be higher. gardener Posts: 831. Strawberries act like ground cover to keep the soil around the blueberry shrubs moist and weed-free. We all scream for ice cream! When properly implemented, the blueberrys companion planting can provide a wide range of benefits, such as improved pest control, nutrient cycling, and improved pollination. Comfrey alsofixes nitrogenin the soil, meaning its roots attract beneficial bacteria which take nitrogen from the air and store it as nitrates in the soil, ready for plants to use. This cold-tolerant green grows quickly and is about the same height as full-grown strawberry plants. fuschia blossoms lure in all the best pollinators. Explore your options below and pick out whatever fits your fancy. Keep them about 12 away from strawberry plants. Benefits: Loosen soil and maximize yields. They are light feeders and wont compete with strawberries for nutrients or water. They come back every year but spread fairly slowly. For those of you who didnt know how these plants grow, or who need to brush up on it. Both plants are perennials and can grow well together, with the rhubarb providing shade and protection for the strawberries. Strawberry. You can also use dill in your garden to repel pests such as spider mites and cabbage loopers (source). As mentioned earlier, one study showed that planting borage with strawberries significantly increased the yield and market quality of the berries, with 35% more fruits and 32% more weight. How to Plant It: Interplant carrots in rows 4-6 from strawberry plants. Instead, grow nasturtiums along a nearby fence or plant them in the perimeter of your berry patch. Legumes are part of the pea family and typically include: Cover crops are used to improve soil health by slowing erosion, retaining water, preventing weeds, and controlling pests and diseases. By Logan Hailey It is quick to establish, but it can quickly grow 24-40 tall and wide. Because of this, comfrey is a great plant to use for growing in and improving poor soils, making it a pioneer plant in ecological succession. Benefits: Attract predatory insects and pollinators. Phacelia could be considered a queen insectary plant. Garlic also repels onion flies, ermine moths, and Japanese beetles. It keeps away many pests that enjoy nibbling on the flesh of strawberry fruits and their foliage namely wasps, aphids, mites, and parasitic flies. Thyme. These beautiful pollinators will gladly fly over to your strawberry patch to aid in spreading pollen around their flowers as well. There are many novelty strawberries to choose from, likely some you haven't heard about! Bees and butterflies also love borage. In this article, organic gardening expert Logan Hailey examines the best companion plants for your tomatoes this season! Plant blueberries near flowers like lilacs What makes them ideal companion plants? Mountain Laurel 10. Wildflowers are an amazing addition to your garden, especially if theyre within range of your strawberry plants. I like to keep things orderly with a row of basil between two rows of strawberries, but you can also scatter the plants about. Our ice cream simply tastes better because its made better. I like to plant them at the ends of rows, in the corner of strawberry raised beds, or scattered amongst the planting. 11 Best Plants to Grow With Blueberry 1. How to Plant It: White alyssum plants can grow about 6-12 wide. Pineberries As they have a very similar growth habit, you may also consider growing pineberries nearby to your blueberry bushes. All blueberry bushes need acidic soil a pH between 4 and 5. One of the most well-known companion qualities of dill is its ability to attract pollinators and beneficial insects such as ladybugs (which feed on spider mites and aphids). The ripe berries have a dark blue color and often have a white, waxy coating. What Not To Plant With Blueberries Most annuals (vegetables and flowers) do not do well with blueberry shrubs. Strawberries provide blueberry plants with benefits such as increased pollination from their flowers, along with providing a ground cover for the blueberries. Location: Zone 6 in the Pacific Northwest. Blueberry bushes work wonderfully well as companions to strawberries while strawberry patches can make nice evergreen ground cover even when its not But the benefits arent only aesthetic! Corn. These runners will produce daughter plants that remain attached to the mother plant. How to Plant It: Tulsi basil is easy to direct sow or transplant directly in your strawberry patch without worrying about it spreading or outcompeting your berry plants. How to Plant It: Mat forming thyme (sometimes called mother-of-thyme) only grows 2-3 inches tall and comfortably snuggles beneath strawberry plants. But the creeping varieties are even more beneficial because they provide a low-growing soil cover. WebNot only will companion planting make your gardening project more efficient, but good companion plants can also improve soil conditions, provide shade, deter pests and attract pollinators. Read more. This lowkey variety of thyme will vine along the soil surface and act like a weed-suppressing pillow for your berries to lay on. Tulsi has a range of herbal benefits for humans and strawberries alike. They both enjoy acidic soil and are not fussy 2. Benefits: Attract beneficial insects and repel pests. consume more strawberry pests than any other insect predators. Try our 7-Select Banana Cream Pie Pint, or our classic, 7-Select Butter Pecan Pie flavor. WebStrawberries make a good companion plant for blueberries. If you have a small garden or you grow strawberries as annuals, you may want to interplant vegetable companions for greater diversity and maximum use of space. Planting borage ( Borago officinalis) in your garden is always a great bet. So, if you are planting strawberries this season, luckily, you have plenty of options to companion plant with your strawberries. It is adorned with small yellow flowers in early summer, which look like honeysuckle flowers. Yarrow is another favorite of green lacewings, as well as ladybugs, hoverflies, and predatory wasps. Their broad flat leaves can also help suppress weeds. There are three main types of blueberry bushes on the market: highbush, lowbush and hybrid half high. Some send out many runners. Strawberries If you have room for both of them, we highly recommend planting strawberry bushes with your blackberry bushes. Pick up 2 cartons of Signature SELECT Ice Cream for just $1.49 each with a new Just for U Digital Coupon this weekend only through May 24th. Fortunately, they dont tend to spread. Catnips delicious nectar is irrestable to pollinators and predatory wasps, yet its unique chemical composition is repulsive to insect pests. For example, a recent study showed that borage interplanted with strawberries saw an increase in strawberry production, with 35% more fruits and 32% more yield by weight (more on borage later). All complicated botanical jargon aside, its a lot easier to get the pollen into the center with the help of a bee. Even though strawberry flowers can pollinate themselves with the help of wind, new research has shown that bee-pollinated berries have higher yields and better fruit quality. Keep rhubarb on the perimeter of the patch. More specifically, oaks take between 30 to 40 years to grow (source), but dont let that dissuade you! are a very common companion flower for a variety of crops, including strawberries. Good companion plants for strawberries include spinach, lettuce, peas, beans, onions, clovers, thyme, garlic, and borage. Thinking of growing strawberries in your raised garden beds this season, but aren't quite sure where to start? For best results, plant basil near blueberries, asparagus, and nightshade. They are easy to direct sow in late spring alongside strawberry crowns. ), Homestead Money: 50 Simple Ways to Make a Living (& Average Earnings), 5 Reasons Apple Trees Wont Grow (& How to Fix It). Another popular allium companion, scallions are even more slender and non-competitive than garlic. You can harvest asparagus spears around early summer right around the time strawberries begin fruiting. Sometimes these benefits are one-sided, while others are mutual. A few plants are companion planting superstars. You dont want yarrow to crowd or shade your strawberry plants, so keep it a couple feet away from the berries. honeyberry companion plants. The jury is out as to whether nasturtiums actually repel these pests or act like a trap crop to lure them away from your crops. You can expect thyme to flower from May to September. 7,753 talking about this. Thyme has undeniably fragrant leaves that keep all sorts of pests at bay. Ideally, this is no more than 50 feet away as it maximizes the chances pollinators will visit both the wildflowers as well as your strawberry plants flowers. One of the most coveted summer berries, strawberries are decadent in breakfasts, smoothies, and desserts. Catnip. These fast-growing green onions can fit in practically any open space to repel pests and add another edible crop to the mix. The rest of the summer, it is a classic green shrub. Planting basil directly next to strawberries is known to improve plant vigor while keeping pests at bay. Either way, at least the bugs wont be eating your strawberry plants! Raspberry bushes are a perennial summer staple that can produce fruit for up to 20 years with routine care and regular pruning. Just be sure you get the creeping cultivars, not the standard wooly bush types. Holly 6. (Answered), Why Blueberry Bushes Wont Grow (& 6 Ways to Fix It), Permaculture: The Secret to Self-Sustaining Food, Homesteading vs Farming (Which One is Best For You? White clovers fragrant flowers are very popular amongst pollinators and predatory insects, which can help improve the yields and pest-resistance of your strawberries. Like thyme, dill is another drought-tolerant herb, native to the Mediterranean, and is part of the parsley and celery family. Companion planting is selecting specific plants to place together to achieve benefits, such as increasing pollination or repelling pests. False strawberries have fruit that grows upwards and doesnt have a lot of flavor. A thoughtful companion planting with blueberry can help it thrive and it is also important to be aware of plants not growing near it. WebWhile not technically a companion plant, strawberries can be grown alongside rhubarb for mutual benefit. It is perfect for creating small beds or acting as a ground cover at the base of a large tree. Netflix Original Flavors. This means that they can pollinate themselves. Asparagus is one of the best strawberry companions because it has a complementary root system and different growing seasons. And they made it hard to weed the buttercup because they blurred together. They are easy to plant and grow. For starters, strawberries never taste even a fraction as delicious at the grocery store as they do from the garden. Cilantro does well with plenty of water, due to its shallow roots, so it should not be planted near herbs that like a well-drained, drier soil culture. Companion planting is an easy way to incorporate more biodiversity into your garden while growing more robust strawberry plants. The anise-flavored seeds are also widely used in baking and as a digestive herb. For example, using the above graphic, heres how a temperate companion plant group could look with blueberry plants: Pine trees also make a good overstory for blueberry plants, especially due to their slight increase in soil acidity. Make sure to leave a good amount of space around the roots so your plants dont compete. If you want to plant strawberries this year, right about now is the time to do it if you live in a cool climate. Grow them at least 5 feet away from each other. And similar benefits can be found when interplanted with blueberry plants. Elderberries Elderberries are twice as lovely because they have edible flowers AND edible berries. And these voracious (yet beautiful) pest-eaters happen to love hanging out amongst white alyssum flowers. The corn provides a trellis for the beans to climb, the squash provides a ground cover, and the beans fix nitrogen in the soil. Marigolds produce a natural pesticide compound in their roots and spread it to the surrounding soil to repel nematodes. Check out, The Top 10 Benefits of Companion Planting, The Top 10 Companion Flowers for Gardens, Vegetables, & More, Are Coffee Grounds Good for Blueberry Plants? This herb is often grown for its seeds, but it also makes a great companion for strawberries. For pollination, the lovely little white blossoms of sweet alyssum are frequented by honeybees, native bees, and butterflies. Fortunately, there are a number of different options you can plant, depending on your preferences. However, comfrey grows well with just about any plant. Benefits: Repel pests, retain moisture, suppress weeds, and act as living mulch to keep strawberries off the dirt. Meaning, they can and will spread and grow all through the growing season and, if treated properly, come back and produce berries year after year. Evergreen Trees Isnt science wonderful? Perhaps this is why there are dozens of modern plant diseases and detrimental pests that attack strawberries in both commercial and garden settings. Are you thinking of adding some strawberries to your garden, but aren't sure how long they are going to take to grow? (Nestle Ice Cream would be a distant second, ahead of Magnolia.) Companion Flowers for Blueberries Yes, blueberry bushes work wonderfully as shrubs, while strawberry patches can make nice evergreen ground cover even when not producing berries. In contrast to monoculture (growing lots of one species in a small space), polyculture plantings have been proven to reduce pest pressure by making it harder for them to find strawberry plants. We dont recommend outright planting purslane in your garden. Cheese, ice cream, milk you name it, Wisconsinites love it. Cranberry Bushes 9. Borage can help defend strawberries from worm attacks while also attracting important predator insects like parasitic wasps. If youve been wondering which companion plants are best for strawberries (and which to avoid), this complete guide will dig into all the details of our favorite strawberry companions. Marjoram. How to Plant It: Lemon balm is a spreader, but not as aggressively as its mint cousin. The best companion plants for blueberries are strawberries, clover, legumes, oak, pine, and wildflowers. After a decade of health issues, I found the only thing I needed was to eat fresh food. Dogwood trees & shrubs. Strawberry Basics. Benefits: Fix nitrogen and maximize yields. Seed or transplant creeping thyme every 6 within your strawberry bed and allow it to form a weed-suppressing mat over the soil surface. If youre craving strawberry-basil lemonade, mojitos, or a summer balsamic salad, you must plant basil in your strawberry patch! Studies show it is particularly helpful for repelling strawberry spider mites. The pungent onion-like smell of chives keeps bad bugs away while the beautiful (and edible!) Also known as starflower, borage is an annual herb native to the Mediterranean. Strawberry plants need bees. honeyberry companion plants. You wont be sorry you invested the time and effort into a few of these beauties. But nothing can quite compare to the fragrant, juicy sweetness of a vibrant red berry picked straight from the garden. They were only scavenged in the wild. Caraway is another herb that helps deter pests from strawberries. The most common reason why blueberry plants have foes is due to them requiring a more acidic soil pH. Is about the same height as full-grown strawberry plants and they will be ready to harvest before the strawberries provide! Incorporate more biodiversity into your garden is always a great companion for strawberries include spinach lettuce... Jargon aside, its a lot easier to get the creeping varieties are even more slender non-competitive... Crop nearby comfortably snuggles beneath strawberry plants or tuck them into any open space repel. 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