This view is reflected in the number of new products introduced yearly; New Product News reports that in 1990s, there were 13,244 introductions with 10,301 introductions coming from food categories. C) high levels of direct competitio, Latia is a popular fruit juice brand in the food and beverage market. Due to sales promotions, the demand for product increases and the manufacturer can avail the benefits of Economies of scale. Sales promotions are frequently used as part of the promotional mix and influence the final stage of the purchase process in the customer journey. d. An increase in i, A ______ is when manufacturers direct their promotional efforts toward channel partners to convince them to order and stock products. 1 lakh for a 10 second exposure during prime time. The "free gift with purchase" promotion is simple: a customer spends a requisite amount and gets a gift as a thank-you. (Photo: Public Domain) Google's marketing mix (4Ps) is a major factor in the global success of the business. Second, the increasing tendency of businesses to focus on short-term results has helped spur growth in sales promotion, which can provide an immediate boost in sales. c. increase customer loyalty and brand value of a product. Retailers usually pass along to consumers the discounts they receive from manufacturers. C. as the products of rival sellers become more strongly differentiated. 3. Reasons for the Growth of Sales Promotion Sales Managers are Under Great Pressure to Produce Results Quickly. Mass marketers utilized national advertising to get directly to consumers, creating a demand for the heavily advertised brands that stores could not afford to ignore. D. All of the above. D) emphasize customer service and loyalty. 11. usage-related thoughts about a product are vivid in a consumer's memory. A. exploit economies of scale B. target small customers C. differentiate the product D. increase switching costs E. target customers who are less sensitive to price, Advertising by monopolistically competitive firms can do all of the following except A. lower the consumers purchase price. Consumers obtain _____ benefits when taking advantage of sales promotion offers, including a sense of being a wise shopper, and/or a need for stimulation and variety. Dealers can be helped in many ways and the following are some of the popular form of assistance. Sales Promotion of Industrial Products, 9 types of Consumer Sales Promotion tools, Point of Purchase & Direct Mail Advertising | Merits & Demerits, Advertising and Publicity | Differences | Similarities, 10 Positive Social Effects of Advertisements, Control of Salesmen | Meaning | Need | Methods of Control, Advantages of a Good Salesmen Training Programme, 8 Important Functions of Advertising Agencies, Accountlearning | Contents for Management Studies |. The corporate structure's greater focus on short-term results has spurred the growth of sales promotion, designed to boost sales for a limited time through a temporary campaign. Ans 10: e.emphasis on short-term results in b) Increased business complexity. c) Clash of corporate cultures. Those sales promotions used as a form of price discount must now be treated as reductions in sales revenues. 7. A sales promotion, or promo, is a set of marketing strategies used to boost the demand for a product or service, raise brand awareness, and increase revenue. C), Joe is developing the marketing mix for his company's new line of power tools. A reason for the growth of sales promotion is _____. a. innocent exaggeration for effect b. emotional appeals to consumers c. subliminal appeals to consumers d. value-added promotions e. a straightforward promotional message, In the context of SWOT analysis, which of the following best exemplifies a firm's external opportunity? This led to a sharp reduction in the number of trucks that the company had to use and increased the amount of fresh food on store shelves. emphasis on short-term results in corporate-reward structures. Growth of Super markets. Creates demand for products. Assume that Coppertone invests heavily in trade allowances to encourage retailers to stock and promote QT, its skincare product designed for a quick suntanned look without the dangers of sunbathing. Get more customers for a product. -Price matching and randomized pricing -Price matching, brand loyalty, and commodity bundling -Randomized pricing, pri, For years, Publix Grocery Stores have attempted to develop a strong brand image and has recently started to develop a strong brand relationship. Joseph Mair has recorded one such policy statement in the Handbook of Sales Promotion; the policy says: 1. Increase sales by 10% over last year. E. None of the above. Being a self-starter is advantageous since a lot of jobs require some level of personal responsibility. Sales promotion definition . To encourage impulse buying and attract first-time buyers, sales promotion is used. Customer feedback is crucial for business success, and you can combine it with a sales promotion to entice customers to give it. Copyright 10. (a) Price matching and randomized pricing (b) Price matching, brand loyalty, and commodity bundling (c) Randomized pricing, price discrimination, and cross-subsidization (d) Pe. In some cases, the manufacturer and the dealer may undertake cooperative advertising campaign. Also Read: 9 types of Consumer Sales Promotion tools. ii. b. help customers resell products that have no market value. The sales promotion department usually arranges such contests to increase the efforts, and energies of the sales force. He decides to use a consumer-oriented sales promotion that has an expiration date and requires the purchaser to submit proof of purchase, A junior marketing executive at MegaGrain Cereals suggests increasing the package size and price of its best-selling brand without increasing the amount of cereal inside the box. Each hiring opportunity will be different, so weighing the pros and cons can help you make the right choice at the right time. In case of bulky and costly goods which cannot be displayed physically, display materials, posters, show cards act as promotion materials. a. Study sales promotion techniques and characteristics, as well as sales promotion examples. Sales promotion can be effected in several ways. Focusing on the short term, sales promotions are designed to immediately: increase exposure and capture attention. Sales promotions can help to increase or reduce trade inventories. stimulate demand and encourage purchases. Advertising "puffery" is a term for ________. The issue of sales promotion has been receiving increasing attention from both advertising and marketing professionals and academicians. The balance of power has shifted away from manufacturers and toward retailers. Sales promotions can help to increase or reduce trade inventories. An autonomous self-starter wont crunch under the pressure or get overwhelmed and will even know when its appropriate to ask for help if needed. Management estimates it will lose 10,000 units in sales if it does. It is a way for companies to be charitable. d. increased media effectiveness. 1. Sales promotion tends to produce sharp and fast increase in sales of the brand. By inducing more sales through sales promotion, inflow, of cash increases; This could be one of the objectives of the firm. Many grocery retailers find it easy to rationalize slotting allowances on the grounds that their net profit margins in selling groceries are minuscule (typically _____ percent) and that slotting allowances enable them to earn returns comparable to those earned by manufacturers. Manufacturers estimate that retailers pass through to consumers _____ of the trade funds that they provide to retailers. decreased brand parity and price sensitivity Several reasons can be cited for this dramatic growth in sales promotion! The behaviors that a manager displays can affect everything from employee turnover to morale. C. Healthier profit margins than in a mass-market segment. b. The regular selling price per case is $24, but Supershop received a 15 percent discount off the regular case price. (a) produce the good at the lowest cost (b) adopt many trade restrictions (c) revalue the currency (d) enter into an orderly marketing agreemen, Suppose a chain of convenience stores recognized its system of supplying its stores with food. This is an example of a(n) _____ allowance. The growth of huge supermarkets necessitated the need for aggressive selling. B. Intense competition. a. retailers, consumers, and the sales force. Secure the best managers by defining your promotion criteria and then providing team members with the tools they need to achieve the benchmarks youve set. On-the-shelf promotion is another reason for its growth. Can be used to gain attention to advertising, iv. As a rule, companies use sales promotions within a limited period via various channels - social media, email campaigns, websites, etc. Problems are inevitable, so promote someone who is not scared to face them. Current produc, Q1. 1. Promotion looks to communicate the company's message across to the consumer. Which of the followin, A manufacturer wants to increase purchase rates of his product and reward those customers who make multiple purchases. b. They have been criticized as representing a form of bribery. It is used to provide extra value or incentive to customers and can be in the form of coupons, discounts, freebies, contests, sweepstakes, loyalty programs, and more. Historically, the manufacturer held the power in the channel of distribution. C) but this can hu, Many small business owners use a {Blank} strategy to move stale, damaged, or slow moving goods or to encourage shoppers to purchase merchandise before an upcoming season. The ability to hear employees out and adjust the course of the conversation will lead to the most efficient outcomes. i. High cost of media advertising such as newspapers and TV, is one of the main reasons to find more cost-effective forms of sales promotion. percent of total U.S. marcom expenditures. 5. 4. They already have a working knowledge of company culture and processes. Sales promotion increases demand. a. the increase in power for the manufacturers over the grocery stores. The _____ strategy consists of a manufacturer directing personal selling, trade advertising, and trade-oriented sales promotion to wholesalers and retailers. By developing unique brand names, companies pursuing vertical expansion can avoid a transfer of equity from a 'lower' brand to a 'higher' brand, but they sacrifice some ability to transfer associations from the parent brand to the extension. (Balasubramanian, Kumar 1990, Ailawadi, Farris, Parry 1997; Balasubramanian, Kumar 1997), i. The owner advertises in the local newspaper to attract customers. b) relying on brand loyalty. High cost of media advertising such as newspapers and TV, is one of the main reasons to find more cost-effective forms of sales promotion. Although sales promotion is an important strategy for producing quick, short-term, positive results, it is not a cure for a bad product, poor advertising, or an inferior sales team. General Mills periodically offers a deal to the trade that permits retailers to deduct 15 percent from the invoice merely by placing an order during the period which General Mills is "dealing" a brand. In many cases, consumers have reached a point of boredom due to excessive advertising on TV. A reason for the growth of sales promotion is _____. Whether it be important holidays like Christmas or more personal reasons like a birthday, giving your customers incentive to shop will give you a surge in sales. On-the-shelf promotion is another reason for its growth. The advertisi, A retailer that has many people browsing in their store, but few people actually buying products, needs to strive to increase its a. innovativeness b. advertising c. conversion rate d. market segment e. consideration set, Vertical brand extensions, which extend the brand up into more premium market segments or down into more segments, are a common means of attracting. Media advertising tends to be impersonal whereas sales promotion is more personal, linking the manufacturer with the customer. Which of the following is a form of trade allowance? (Neslin, Quelich, Henderson 1982). This aspect of the job drives employees the mostthe ultimate reward for dedication and loyalty towards an organization. This is an example of a _____ strategy. Avoiding the Salary Trap for Long Term Growth . They are therefore resorting to more . Extensive research has shown that the effects of short-term price promotions on sales are themselves Line short-term. a) Too many other c. The particular combination of product, place, promotion, and price is called A) marketing position. d) Antitrust implications. In order to avoid paying slotting allowances, a manufacturer can _____. copyright 2003-2023 If someone hasnt mastered the skill of their current job, they are not ready for promotion. d) All of the above, Consumers buying products online have dramatically affected the ____ variable of the marketing mix. Hiring from within saves costs of recruiting, interviewing, and onboarding. a. push strategy b. skimming strategy c. multi-marketing strategy d. pull strategy. Drive sales for the existing stock. There are a number of reasons that are favourable to the growth of sales promotion: Increasing Competition. Pamphlets, circulars, booklets, etc., are used to describe product features, constituent parts, its various uses, methods of operating them and so on. c. An increase in its customers' disposable income. There are numerous reasons for the growth of the sales promotion. D) marketing mix. a. permanently stop an established brand's declining sales trend b. Firms that use nonmonetary rewards are most likely trying to: A) reinforce achievement and sales growth. i. Firms may offer contests to attract customers by offering substantial cash or merchandise price cuts. Disclaimer 9. A reason for the growth of sales promotion is ___. Complimentary products can be promoted jointly (e.g. One of the most important aspects of communication is listening. a. d. gain another firm's customers. These tw, A company that rewards its salespeople based on the number of sales made can expect: a. Heroin has a slight affinity for opiate receptors. In theory, a promotion requires more work and effort in a job. Therefore, Spykar Jeans comes up with such discounts, which helps them in increasing their sales and also in stock clearance, Sales promotion can obtain feature pricing, displays, and other dealer in-store support. Sales promotions can devalue your brand:. C) the rate of growth and the number of national outlets. Not every internal promotion will be better than an external hire. Thanks for the timely response, appreciate it. How should edible insect companies incorporate sustainability in their consumer promotions t, Which of the following actions is unlikely to help make a company's branded footwear more competitive vis-a-vis the brands of rival firms? Demonstrations are conducted to inform the public or consumers in the target market about the attributes and utilities of the product. Go through your candidates for promotion and grade each on their fundamental soft skills. It helps marketers to realize a variety of objectives. Product managers are also using sales promotion as a tool to differentiate their brand from that of competitors in the short term. How should trade promotions be structured to maximiz, A low-cost leader can translate its low-cost advantage over rivals to superior profit performance by: A. underpricing rivals and attracting quality-sensitive buyers in great enough numbers B. maintaining the present price, and using the lower-cost edge to, Which of the following is an advantage offered by co-branding? Sales meetings and conferences are also arranged for the purpose of educating and inspiring the sales force. b. decreased brand parity and price sensitivity. \\b. The introduction of a certain amount of fun and excitement into promotions which customers can enjoy as participants. A critical marketing task for a venture desiring high growth is to . A. 5. Increasing advertising expenditures in those geographic re. To encourage impulse buying and attract first-time buyers, sales promotion is used. When a new brand fails to generate the promised sales volume, some retailers charge _____ to offset warehousing costs. Sales promotion can introduce a new or improved product or different packaging, v. Sales promotion can be used to neutralized competitive advertising or sales promotion. Similarly, sales force contests are arranged to stimulate the efforts of the salesmen. Banking and Financial Services free Notes download, Business communication BMS Notes Download, Financial Institutions and Market notes, Financial Institutions and Markets BMS Notes, Integrated Marketing Communication BMS Notes, Principle of Management free notes download, Production & Total Quality Management BMS Notes, Objectives of consumer and Trade Promotion, Marketing of educational and Consultancy Services, Marketing of Health and Insurance Services, Marketing of Hospitality and Tourism Services. Which of the following is FALSE regarding trade allowances? All posted questions are reviewed and answered by dedicated volunteers (students and teachers) from around the globe. a. undermining competitive competencies b. building customer loyalty c. milking the market for product desires d. renewing a customer ba, Trade Promotions: Why do manufacturers such as Kraft and Sara Lee offer trade promotions? 1. C. Discounts arising fr, Frequent price cutting by firms in an industry, frequent introduction of new products by firms in an industry and intense advertising campaigns are indications of A) high power of buyers. Suppose you have the following information. Many supervisors analyze employee performance to determine if they deserve to be promoted to higher roles. While it may not be the case for your company, there is a general assumption in the consumer market that if a . Did the retail alterations take place in-store, online, or both, and why was this important? Prohibited Content 3. c. control prices. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. Once a company has worked on the product and price elements, it is time to start a conversation with the consumer about the product. Option b) It is incorrect because sales promotion increase is not related to lower brand parity or price sensitivity. B) product life cycle. This increase of attention can be explained by two major interrelated factors: first, the nature of sales promotions - it brings certain measurable (as opposed to advertising) impact on sales, which attracts many marketing managers; it also has been proven . Sales Promotion can be termed as a process that drives short-term promotions to increase the demand and the subsequent sales for the said product. People who are money conscious buy such jeans. a. price b. promotion c. market d. distribution e. product, Manufacturers and retailers have a difficult time selling products based primarily on a sustainability message, yet consumers believe sustainability is important. For example, after a customer makes a purchase, you can offer 10% off their next purchase if they agree to take a feedback survey on their experience. A reason for the growth of sales promotion is ____. They are trained for arranging sales talk, sales approach and methods of meeting customers objections. Media advertising tends to be impersonal whereas sales promotion is more personal, linking the manufacturer with the customer. Which of the following is NOT a factor accounting for the shift from consumer advertising to promotion? Sales promotion can obtain trial of the product: Innovate or Die nowadays may be the slogan for many companies, especially in food and health industry. With this promotion, companies lower the cost of an item for a specific period. The target of sales promotion can be _____. 0. Which of the following statements is true? Brand equity is stabilized. Can be used to obtain additional shelf-space for promoted products in retail outlets during the period of sales promotion, vii. Stimulate demand for a short term by making . Ultimately, the basic reason for the growth of spending on sales promotion is that it is now recognized as a very effective marketing strategy. Trade Sales Promotions are the key to driving sales, building market share, and increasing customer loyalty. D) the quality of the goods an, The main benefit of a multi-domestic strategy is that it: a. exploits scale economies in product development and marketing b. is cost-saving due to product and marketing standardization c. takes advantage of location economies d. responds quickly and effe, Shopper marketing emphasizes ___________________ between manufacturers and retailers on in-store marketing like brand-building displays, sampling promotions, and other in-store activities designed to capitalize on a retailer's capabilities and its custome, Managers regularly face the choice of increasing advertising expense or reducing price to increase sales in the Oligopoly market structure. d. wholesalers, retailers, and manufacturers. How should edible insect companies incorporate sustainability in their consumer promotions, The rivalry among competing firms tends to be more intense: 1) when demand for the product is growing slowly, buyers have low switching costs, and the actions of any one company to attract more customers and boost market share have strong direct impact o, Which of the following is a valid reason or strong signal that a company should consider changing from a low-cost / low-price strategy for branded footwear to a different strategy? The air of change is gaining momentum after the introduction of economic liberalisation.Due to increase in competition, companies are finding it increasingly difficult to compete on quality. vi. 3. Homework Clinic is a free homework helpline for anyone who signs-up. Most brands are being perceived by consumers to be more or less similar within a given price range because of the inability of manufacturers to develop truly differentiated products. In markets with heavy competitive forces, brands must do all they can to attract and retain customers. increased brand loyalty We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. 2. a. the increase in power for the manufacturers over the grocery stores. It provides reluctant decision makers with an incentive to make choices by increasing the value offered by a particular brand and also reassures the indecisive consumer. a. growth of sales promotion b. decline of sales promotion c. de, For marketers, the benefits of having achieved brand loyalty include: a. less likely consumers will try the competition b. lower marketing costs associated with reaching loyal customers c. decreased price sensitivity among loyal customers d. all of the ab, Alberton's supermarket prominently displays the prices of its brands side-by-side with prices you may pay at competing grocery stores for the same brand. Advertising Has Become More Expensive and Less Effective. It is an important promotional strategy to -. What impact do trade promotions have on the supply chain? A sales promotion is a temporary incentive to purchase a product. Its hard to justify promotion when the employee doesnt want it in the first place . Increased intake of vitamin D has been shown to reduce fractures up to 25% in older people. a. product b. price c. distribution d. research e. promotion, The overall value of a brand to an organization, the extra money that consumers will spend to buy that brand, is called brand: a. extension b. experience c. equity d. awareness, _____ entails modifying an existing brand, directing it to a new market segment, emphasizing new product uses and benefits, or altering a brand's image. Employee Promotion means the ascension of an employee to higher ranks. Sales Promotion is a marketing discipline that utilizes a variety of incentives techniques to structure sales related programs targeted to consumers/trade/ and or sales level, that generate a specific measurable action or response for a product/ service. So for example, a single soap may cost $1 but a combined package of 5 units of soap might cost you $4, giving you a 20% discount on the purchase. The company that ow, Distribution, price, promotion, and product are all elements of: a. a target market b. a marketing strategy c. the marketing mix d. a consumer good e. a business strategy, Which of the following is NOT a tactic for reducing the bargaining power of customers? (Desiraju 2001) Obviously in these conditions one of the best ways to get your product noticeable to consumer and to make them switch from other brands is sales promotions techniques. Given the risk, why would a marketing manager use penetration pricing? iii. A brand name, price, and distribution system have been decided. b. He may deduct the prices of such new goods on each minimum quantity of product purchased. c. retailers, consumers, and manufacturers. There are many unbranded jeans sold at shopping malls and places like linking road, bandra which are bought at half the price of actual branded jeans. In contrast to advertising, which typically, though not always, is relatively long term in orientation and best suited to enhancing buyer attitudes and augmenting brand equity; promotion is more short-term oriented and capable of . One way for a country to obtain an absolute advantage in marketing a product outside its borders is to _______. During this stage, weaker competitors begin to drop out of the category. Therefore, Spykar Jeans comes up with such discounts, which helps them in increasing their sales and also in stock clearance, Sales promotion can obtain feature pricing, displays, and other dealer in-store support, Sales promotions can help to increase or reduce trade inventories. 7. While advertising presents a reason to buy a product, sales promotion offers a short-term incentive to purchase. A reason for the growth of sales promotion is ____. Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Privacy Policy 8. The manager believes this precipitous decline may be due to the extensive marketing campaign a competitor is, Holistic marketers achieve profitable growth by expanding customer share, ____, and capturing customer lifetime value. d. This is due to the direct administration into the bloodstream. A major international study conducted in Germany, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States found that price-related promotions have _____ impact on a brand's long-term sales or on consumers' repeat buying loyalty. This includes raising awareness through different mediums to increase sales, as well as to create and . 6 types of sales promotions. Terms related to Argument and Argument Evalua. The Growth of Sales Promotion. There are major differences in the metabolism of morphine and the illegal drug heroin. When considering using a sales promotion, it's important to remember the two main risks of the "sales promotion trap":. The reason is that the manufacturer has to sell an extraordinarily high number of cases at the discounted price to cover the normal base sales that would have taken place without the promotion. The four main tools of promotion are advertising, sales promotion, public relation and direct marketing. What is the difference between the "old" and "new" accounting procedures with respect to promotion? In the battle for 'share of stomachs', some supermarkets are cutting costs and attempting to compete more effectively with food discounters, while others are moving upscale, providing improved store environments and higher-quality food offerings. Aunt Marie's is a local restaurant. e) Loss of organizational, A firm's power and prestige in domestic markets may be significantly enhanced if it competes globally A) which can translate into improved negotiating power among important groups. The main drawback of a multi-national strategy is that it does not allow a company to: a. exploit scale economies in product development or marketing b. closely monitor buyer preferences in each local market c. modify its products except for the most supe, Why might penetration pricing potentially impact brand image and product positioning in the long run? 3. Having new responsibilities will require the manager to creatively solve their own problems, as well as guide their employees towards beneficial solutions. Which one is it? Consumer sales promotion -related spending increased from $56 billion in 1991 to nearly $100 billion in . i. A defined set of reasons to promote can be a great start. Premiums are merchandise offered at relatively low prices. 2. a) Large number of buyers. Sales promotion has grown substantially in recent years. b. (a) monopolies have grown (b) people are selfless (c) government is good at directing a production (d) people are typically selfish. retailers, consumers, and the sales force. There are numerous benefits to promoting a current employee: Succession planning prepares future leaders and saves your company time and money when transition occurs. Amphetamine poisoning can cause intravascular coagulation, circulatory collapse, rhabdomyolysis, ischemic colitis, acute psychosis, hyperthermia, respiratory distress syndrome, and pericarditis. In the introduction stage of the product life cycle, marketing efforts are primarily focused on: a. building customer awareness of the product. Your manager will have a team to lead so tasks related to the previous job will have to be done in a fast and efficient manner. The consumer price sensitivity also excelled the growth of the sales promotion; the consumer has become more price sensitive due to inflation as consumer look for value . Attributes and utilities of the above, consumers buying products online have dramatically affected ____... Customers objections job, they are trained for arranging sales talk, sales force 56 billion in and towards! Mair has recorded one such policy statement in the metabolism of morphine and the drug. 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