vermont mountain lion sightings

When seen in Florida, they are of approx. VT Fish & Wildlife photo by Deb James. Help us document the biodiversity of the Green Mountain State. I know what they look like and this silhouette was very much the same as that cat last summer. I have learned one thing in my career, and thats to never say never, she said. We need them for the health of our forests.. John Lutz, Eastern Puma Research network.. Hi I am from Arlington, vt. could you email me the pic and the story behind it please, thanks. There was a tin of American Spirit tobacco on the table (Ottmanns), a laptop (Bettys), a notebook (mine), and a tumbler of Bacardi and Coke (Ottmanns again). Its not my call. Tracks are among the most common forms of verifiable evidence of Mountain Lion sightings, so it helps to have some idea of what to look for. I started asking a lot of questions, and realized theres only one explanation for the answers I was getting: They are here., You could have 30 in Connecticut alone. Li mistaking that long swaying tail. What set it off was a National Geographic special on mountain lions in California, right after my daughter and I had two encounters in my driveway, Betty told me. I started this blog for people to discuss mountain lion sightings and reports in the Green Mountain State of Vermont. My favorite mountain lion story while living in California years ago was the turkey hunter who crouched down in front of a rock then used his call several times. As a hobby gone astray, I have recorded more than 20,000 big cat sightings, from all states, east of Mississippi River since 1969. The debate rages in Maine, where the last confirmed cougar kill occurred in 1938, and in New Hampshire, where the last confirmed kill was in 1885. I was aware, too, of how a certain mythology surrounding the animal had taken root in Vermonts culture and even its identity: The University of Vermonts athletic teams, for instance, are known as the Vermont Catamounts, and their logo features a snarling cat lunging through the cleft of a V.. The scientific name for the catamount is Puma concolor. Harrigans interest in cougars was sparked in the late 70s, after he took ownership of The Coos County Democrat and began noticing the steady influx of reported sightings. Betsy started as an intern at WNPR in 2011 after earning a Master's Degree in American and Museum Studies from Trinity College. Cat. Its documented through track surveys, aerial surveys, trapping and collaring surveys. My husband hunts and tracks. Because theyre a northern animal, they have snow shoes by birth, Bernier said. Too loud, too close and too deep a voice to be a shy bobcat2 nights with a big fire blazing. We strolled across the tavern parking lot and ducked into the forest, where Ottmann maintains a portion of his $15,000 worth of wildlife recording equipment (hes had no luck capturing a cougar on camera, though, despite more than a decade of trying). The last catamount in Vermont is finally, officially, certainly dead. I thought it was a deer and slowed in case it ran in front of me. I have seen plenty of bobcat in my life and my son and I were even lucky enough to see a lynx about 8 years ago. Skip to content. Interesting history. These are rare, single events, and in such cases, the cat will leave a prominent trail of evidence wherever they go: indisputable game camera photos, camera photos, scat, tracks, sightings, Bernier said. The Network's interactive map also shows confirmed sightings in Quebec, Maine, Connecticut and New York State. If you search vally news archives I believe its there-its clearly not a dog. It took me by fantastic surprise! It was a beautiful golden red color (like a red squirrel), about the size of a medium dog (maybe 40lbs?) The dam is a protected area from hunting. So special. It continues in Connecticut, where that South Dakota cat was killed in 2011, and in Massachusetts, despite two credible reports in the past quarter century (in one case, DNA-confirmed scat; in the other, verified tracks). Were getting more and more home entries every year. He drove me out to the spot. He didn't want to dispute what people are saying they saw, he simply says they need proof to substantiate it. If you believe you have seen a mountain lion and want to report it to NH Fish and Game, please contact the Wildlife Division at (603) 271-2461 or to request an observation report form. Bobcat tails, though prominent when they walk, are only about six or seven inches long. 3 Last 10 Years. I heard what sounded like a loud mountain lion roar, 2 nights in a row, camping in Bennington, Vt, upper pasture of Senator Sanford's farm bordering the mountain forest. I have no choice but to take this seriously, he told me. There was NO doubt it was a cat, it was huge about the size of a Great Dane, sleek and leggy. Because they are.. Your email address will not be published. And Im assuming whatever were doing right now, its not working. Theres probably 100 in Connecticut, Ottmann interrupted, rolling a cigarette as he spoke. However, reports have started surfacing again in recent years, and we have now spoken with no fewer than SIX reliable people who have SEEN one (maybe the same one, for all we know, but I doubt it) around the Rutland area -- primarily in Mendon or Chittenden -- in the last year. But no. Just found this site, two weeks ago a good friend took a number of pictures of a large cat 100 feet from her deck. Massachusetts and several other New England states have bear hunting, or harvest, seasons, which proponents say help control populations. Was getting ready to let the dog out but I thought it was a big dog that was loose. We walked to the other side of it to get a better view (its back was to us) and it suddenly realized we were there and jumped up and looked right at us. It crossed the road and went into the woods. Its tail was gigantic and it was swishing it back and forth. My e-mail: /// my mailing address 99 Beagle Boot Lane, Maysville, WV 26833 You might enjoy reading the comments, > There are plenty of places for a family of animals. A few years latter our friends saw the mt lion cross rt 100 directly below the spot of my incounter. I know the difference. Its closest living relative is the cheetah. One time a found a perfect mt lion print in the soft silt by the bull run stream only 70 yards from my front door. Anyway, I hope you see this message. Not yet. In some areas of the east, the absence of apex predators has led to a surplus of deer, which have then ravaged the understory and ground levels of vegetation. I want emails from Fodor's Travel with travel information and promotions. He set down his cigarette and looked me in the eye. October 30, 2015 by Dana Kobilinsky. There, too, is Crowells photograph, grainy and old: the hunter leaning against a tree stump, his head propped casually on his left hand, elbow to stump, shotgun cradled in the crook of his right arm. If these people say they saw something, Im going to listen., If theres one thing people on all sides of the debate can agree on, its that a breeding population of cougars is essential to the overall health of New Englands ecosystems, which currently lack an apex predator. We are pretty sure there's a large actin our vicinity. Very distinguishable nails marks in the snow. Dashboard for displaying mountain lion reports to the public. The key to Morses assertion can be found in the term breeding population. Although the fact that cougars have traveled through New England is irrefutable (a DNA-confirmed roadkill is hard to deny), Morse believes its unlikely that they have settled here and created a self-sustaining population. Get started. Waterbury Roundabout is an online news site launched in May 2020 as a volunteer effort in collaboration with the University of Vermont's Reporting and Documentary Storytelling program to cover local news in and around Waterbury, Vermont. The last catamount in Vermont is finally, officially, certainly dead. Stay clear and give 'em space. And so we come to the great divide over cougars in New England. Credit: ViralHog VT - Cougar tries to break in house The cat was a goldish / tan color not real big but at least twice the size of a full grown fox,very long thick bushy tail.The tail was almost as long as its body. Please make your sighting as detailed as possible. Ottmann nodded. And then he drove up into my yard to read the meter. Canada Lynx. People often get very emotional about it, Hawley says. Sill Editor. In their estimation, the presence of a breeding cougar population in New England would likely stem from our proximity to Canada, where, as they rightly point out, DNA analysis has resulted in 19 positive identifications across Quebec and New Brunswick since 2001 (although some of these were shown to be of South American lineage, suggesting escaped pets). 2023 Yankee publishing, Inc., An Employee-Owned company, all rights reserved. All reports are the wee hours of the morning. Besides, Ottmann had revealed that hed been charged by a bear in this same piece of woods, and I felt conflicted about diverting my gaze from the underbrush. . Apparently, Barnaby is blind because he couldnt see it. Bearded, bowler hat, expression impenetrable behind facial hair and the stoicism of an earlier era. Welcome to the blog dedicated to discussing mountain lion sightings in Vermont. But one day. ), or someones coworkers mother had seen one from the back porch of a summer camp back in 07 or maybe 08, and shed tried to get a picture but this was before she got her first iPhone, and by the time shed retrieved her camera from the living room, the cat was long gone. Let us know the date, time of day, how long the sighting lasted for, where you saw the cat in Vermont, and describe what the cat looked likeand was doing. Lucky the house cat got away. At first I thought it was a deer because of the color and size but as we drew closer I saw the thick long tail and realized what it was. Sincerely, Though native to the western half of the U.S., mountain lions are long-distance dispersers and young male mountain lions sometimes strike out looking for mates and food. More information visit Indeed, in 2011, a male cougar was hit and killed by a car in Milford, Connecticut; through its DNA, wildlife biologists were able to trace the cat back to South Dakotas Black Hills, some 2,000 miles distant. I never say never to people who are calling with a sighting, he said. Ottmann grew up and still lives just minutes from the tavern; his familiarity with the establishment was obvious (after we met in the parking lot, he led me into the building through the kitchen, greeting each of the staff by name). Equinox, Manchester, Vt told me he has seen them in the high mountain road there. She will also discuss the latest confirmations of cougars in the East, including the recently documented suitability of a substantial amount of wild habitats from Manitoba to Louisiana and Maine to Georgia. During Harolds tenture at Middlebury College, he spent many an evening with wife martene, conducting in field investigations across Vermont. 0. Reported catamount sightings all over Vermont MyNBC5-WPTZ 16.6K subscribers Subscribe 15 Share 4.5K views 10 years ago Reported mountain lion sightings are popping up all over Vermont. Also the hotel keeper at top of Mt. On Jan 22, 2015 while walking in North Fayston, VT I came across what I believe to be a Catamount paw prints. Growing up in northern Vermont, Id heard stories of sightings, though always a few steps removed from the tellersomebodys cousin had seen a cougar cross the road on their way home from deer camp up in Canaan (or was it Coventry? Morse introduced me to her cat, Allister, whom she referred to as her portable puma. Then she fetched me a beer. And yet there I was, on a Saturday in early November, crammed into a booth with Bo Ottmann, 48, and Bill Betty, 72, of Cougars of the Valley, the organization that Ottmann founded in 2007 to gather evidence of and alert the public to the big cats living among us. Those calls continue today; a local Milton business owner said she's heard of three puma sightings in Milton just this summer. Mountain Lions Living Mountain Lion Sightings in Vermont in Vermont? I encourage everyone who has seen a mountain lion or heard of a report to please leave a post here. Box 313, Maysville, WV 26833. Having retired from a career at General Dynamics, he devotes many of his waking hours to cougar research, a passion hes cultivated for nearly twodecades. According to the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, only four confirmed sightings occurred in the state from the late 1700s to the early 2000s. Vermonts last known cougar, also known as a mountain lion or catamount, was killed in 1881 in Barnard. We watched the entire time. And, a couple of biologists I talked to when I was putting this exhibit together, said that it's. I was walking 3 dogs at night all with leashes only 75 to 100 yards from the house I was staying at when it happened. His studies NEVER ended, even after going nearly blind by the mid-1990s. The big cat on the ground before him, motionless, yet somehow still embodying that particular feline litheness, as if, with the flick of its tail, it might bound to its feet and disappear into the woods. Anyone can get fooled. I think they never left, Ottmann piped in. They certainly have, you know, lower levels of conflicts and home entries than we do here in Connecticut. Hi Cris, The last catamount killed in Vermont stands under glass just inside the doors to the Vermont Historical Museum in Montpelier, a hop, skip, and a jump down the block from the statehouse. Its important not to rule any possibilities out, including the chance of a mountain lion, according to Bernier. Welcome to the blog dedicated to discussing mountain lion sightings in Vermont! My understanding is that they can roam a 50 mile radius as home, so seeing one there could mean it lives 50 miles away in the woods. We watched it for nearly 10mins trying to figure out what it was (not thinking for a second that it could possibly be a mountain lion). Would love some feedback just do not see how to upload photos. If yes, like most state Highway Agencies, they should have a record of both the pickup of its carcass, as well, as to where they dumped it. Happy hunting Mike Copeland. At around 9:30, Snow said, I was outside working and I heard the horn blow. We were both very startled and when it ran away it had a long tail with white and black at the tip.I lived in Colorado for several years, in the vicinity of mountain lions, never saw one and never thought for a moment that they could possibly be in Vermont. Its acceleration was amazing. It was a few miles south of the Hanover exit. When a cats around, its not hard to find evidence. Just adding my two cents to the discussion. Please email us at thank you!! The Spatz and Sue Ottmann referred to are Christopher Spatz and Sue Morse, two of the better-known and arguably most experienced cougar skeptics in the Northeast. They have not received any reports of large cats in Waterbury so far. Originally I began in the Mid-Atlantic States, but widely expanded my collection to include all the New England States, at the suggestion of the late Prof. Harold Hitchcock of Vermonts Middlebury College. Very Very fast. Normally we have good cameras but we were just up there for a quick delivery. Other sightings have come from individuals with various responsible backgrounds. Any known activity in Southern Vermont? Sincerely, John Lutz, 99 Beagle boots Lane, Maysville, WV 26833 or, Hellomy husband and I were at our Vermont vacation home taking a furniture delivery. A rare Missouri mountain lion sighting was reported recently after one of the big cats was hit by a vehicle in Franklin County. I was traveling west on Route 131 in Wethersfield just west of Downers 4 Corners on January 22 about 12:15 AM during a light sleet and snow storm when a big cat ran across the road in front of me. About a few miles from the covered bridge. Jul 9, 2021. What a site. The scientific name for the catamount is Puma concolor. Though the infamous catamount has been declared extinct in Vermont since 2018, several people spotted big cats that they thought to be mountain lions on Ripley Road two weeks ago, according to posts on Front Porch Forum. The cat was huge and tail was at least 3 feet long and thick. We think theyre coming in from Canada, Betty told me. As a carnivore biologist, Hawley says he would love it if mountain lions were here. But its also a great story that lays out how an animal this large, at 150 pounds, traveling through even rural areas, leaves signs and is detected. Perhaps, then, the ultimate question isnt whether cougars are among us, but rather how we can encourage them to settle here. A few days ago my husband was jogging at 5 am near our farm in Morgan Vermont, and a huge BLACK Cougar stepped out onto the road. We met for lunch on a Sunday morning in early March, and it didnt take long for me to understand why Harrigan is such a popular columnist. I can send the pics I have. We even enjoyed the pleasure of taking them out to dinner, then returning wiith them for a delightful 3 days with them, dicussing the big cats, while they vacationed at their Atlantic Oceanfront Cottage.. HHH was firmly convinced, wild cougars inhabited Vermont, as well as each of New Englands nothernmost states. Since 1890 in the U.S. and Canada, there have been 100 attacks on humans at all, according to the research organization The Cougar Network. The Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife accepts reports of potential big cats using an online form here. It has, in fact, more names than any animal in the world. Harrigan is 72 and lives just outside the northern New Hampshire town of Colebrook; he has a long, craggy face that seems almost to have molded itself after the mountainous landscape of his home state. "There are about eight to 10 reports of mountain lion sightings a year, some by tourists, some by veterinarians, and some by a wildlife photographer," Linzey said. I worked in Hartland for a few years and it seemed to be common talk. It wailed just one time but it woke me from a sound sleep. [Betty] and the other guys dont do this shit. my friend has agreat hunting camp in sandgate vt. he just sent me a photo from a trailcam on his property,and without a doubt he got a picture of a mountain lion I dont know how to transfer photos to here,but I can do it to an e-mail. This is a natural wildlife corridor coming down off of the Worcester Range headed over towards the Green Mountain Range. It does NOT surprise me, you would have seen a wild, free-roaming, native eastern cougar, aka puma, mountain lion in Vermont. The truth is, I was by this point dubious. Photo courtesy of Dave O'Donnell. I know it wasnt a Bob Cat, as I have seen them a few times in the wild, while hiking in the woods in southern Connecticut. J.A. We hadnt seen a cougar, nor any evidence to suggest a cougar had traveled these woods recently. I could never forget your love for the big cats! I will try to take more photos with an object to show scale. Even in the controlled environment of a lab, the truth about Eastern cougars seems to be almost willfully eluding its seekers. I doubt it but it could be a mountain lion. The females are where its at, she said. He waves me over and shows me an animal lying in our driveway. I could shoot my self in the rear for not taking a cast or picture. Fish and Wildlife Service declared the eastern mountain lion extinct in 2011, sparking many calls to the Vermont Fish and Wildlife office about potential sightings. Hear the full interview: Megafauna mania: our obsession with mountain lions and other large predators, Connecticut Dept. His mention of these encounters was so matter-of-fact that I found myself nodding along. Saturday Sunday: Closed. I also had the vague notion that when it comes to cougars, people tend to sort themselves into one of three camps. In early 1980s I saw a large tawny colored cougar in Leyden, Massachusetts, crossing a dirt road with uninhabited woods with many deer and critters to eat and hills with cliffs and likely caves for dens. I'll tell you that.. Eastern bobcat. I showed several farmers and they all said wow that is a huge cat track. Lets learn to live alongside this very large animal is one of the schools of thought. Since my 1st contact with Prof. Harold Hitchcock in 1981, I have collected big cat sightings from across Vermont from the internet. Hawley: Wildlife biologists across the United States know where the current mountain lion range is. There were pine cones on window sills, a well-used hatchet and a variety of animal figurines on display, and, near the television, a stack of videos including Life of a Predator and The African Lion. It is what wildlife biologists call an apex carnivore, which means it can overpower pretty much any other creature in its environmentwith the exception of an armed human. The date was June 17 at about 1 pm. The second sighting in myakka preserve, hopping a fence. I studied the track it was the front paw left in the silt while the cat was drinking from the brook. A 140-pound male mountain lion was hit by a car and killed in 2011 in Milford, Connecticut. The cat traveled down through New York and was last sighted at Lake George in New York state before it was hit by a car and killed on the Wilbur Cross Parkway in Connecticut. It used to be that a bear would go into a house when someone wasnt home. I noticed that there were many great websites, blogs, and discussion boards devoted to mountain lion sightings in other states of New England, but not one just for Vermont. To date, Keeping Track has helped conserve 40,000 acres in 12 states and inQuebec. I started this blog for people to discuss mountain lion sightings and reports in the Green Mountain State of Vermont. On the other side, there are those (as represented here by Bill Betty and Bo Ottmann, along with a number of others I spoke with) who say the overwhelming quantity of anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise. I was awakened by a wailing sound that I thought was a woman in great pain and fear in my front yard. We live pretty much in the midst of the Green Mountains in the town of Andover. Whats happening in Waterbury? Adult males may be more than 8 feet long (from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail), and can weigh between 130 and 150 pounds. It had a round, pudgy wild cat face with black accents. In 1994, scat collected after a sighting in Craftsbury, Vermont, was found to contain cougar hair (the animals are prone to ingesting their hair while grooming), and the commissioner of the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department circulated a memo with the following line: It is possible that cougars of unknown origin may be breeding to a limited extent in Vermont. Lou: I am still awaiting your pictureit is now October 1st. That, however, does NOT mean a breeding colony of these animals has returned there. : I am basically a pro whitetail hunter living in Roxbury vt. A harvest is kind of twofold. He said there were two, he called them mountain lions.. It is also known as cougar, panther, mountain lion, and puma, though catamount is the preferred regional vernacular. They especially come down from the mountains when there is a big water shortgage. As livestock farming came to dominate the landscape, pressure on the big cats slowly mounted on two fronts: The number of farmers wanting them dead was increasing, while the rapid transition from forest to farmland meant their habitat was shrinking. He was also convinced, wild pumas were traveling South from the eastern Canadian Provinces of Ontario & Quebec, into northern Maines vast wilderness.I have an assortment of reports from across Vermont, if interested in copies. It took the animal down, held the animal in its paws, laid on its side and kicked it /gutted it with its hind legs (I have seen my cat do this). Now, lets start talking about our favorite big cat! When you look at a state like Connecticut, with all the people we have here, all the trail cameras we have in the woods, all the cars we have driving you can imagine if we had an established population here in Connecticut, we would know about it pretty quickly. The cougar was so close I could smell it. Subsequent DNA testing found that the animal was from South Dakota. John A. Lutz So its this gathering storm. Patrick's reporting has appeared on NPR's Morning Edition, Here & Now, and All Things Considered. Now the bears, they dont even care if people are home, theyll go right in the house. Its on the property that we own over there. There is no question about it: cougars are not only being seen in eastern North America, some are attempting to recolonize their former habitats. There were caribou antlers mounted above the front doors, and the interior walls were covered in row upon row of books; a long table was piled high with still more books in seemingly random arrangements. Wildlife do really crazy things, and you just never know.. Weve got a growing bear population. What time of day was it? However they put out a statement that IF there were to be a wild cat such as this it was illegal to shoot it. Given the long, shared border between these provinces and New England, along with plentiful evidence that other species cross this border regularly, it seems entirely possible that cougars would also engage in international travel. Hi Mike. 24 Hour Hotline: 304-749-7778 if interested in discussing our favorite subject. You wouldnt shake hands with a man like that, she said, and though she was smiling I could tell she was serious. For instance, a favorite food for deer is the seedlings of forest tree species. But I still wouldn;t want to run into one. On one side, there are those (as represented here by Sue Morse, Kim Royar, and Christopher Spatz, along with a number of others I spoke with) who contend that the lack of verifiable evidence is proof that the animals are not here. He honked his horn to scare them off, and the cats made their way into Snows yard. Both the front (left) and rear paws of this animal . Massachusetts, Virginia, Vermont, and Wyoming. Take some great pictures, leave it alone and enjoy the experience, Barrett said. I could hear the steady rush of traffic on Route 315. She favors plaid shirts, green Dickies work pants, and hiking boots, and she chided me for shaking her hand too gently. And more home entries than we do here in Connecticut taking a cast or.... Me to her cat, Allister, whom she referred to as her portable Puma farmers! Latter our friends saw the mt lion cross rt 100 directly below spot. Go right in the Green mountain State three camps that is a big dog was... 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Delphi Murders Suspect, Articles V