the suffix refers to quizlet

Select the medical term that means "toward the head or upper part of the body.". ___ is normal menstrual (men/o) flow, and ___ is excessive menstrual flow. 4. Select one: answer choices. Arthrolysis (Arthro - Lysis) A type of surgery performed to repair stiff joints. 14) The prefix "brady-" means which of the following? the prefix in the term polyarthritis is defined as . En la siguiente grabacin escucharas una narracin sobre los programas de televisin que ve Roberto y que ve Susana. Which term means pertaining to the blood vessels? The ________ plane divides the body into front and back portions. The medical term that means "treatment of the mind" is ________. What is the electric flux through a spherical Gaussian surface centered on the origin and having a radius of 5.0 cm? 16. A. 7) Which of the following terms refers to the ability to breathe comfortably only when in an upright position? B. Select one: SUFFIX -IA AT THE END OF A MEDICAL TERM MEANS: Definition. Q. The medical term that describes a pain in an ovary is ___. Dermis (derm - is): The dermis is the vascular inner . B. right upper quadrant D. hypoxia. a B. normal 44) Dysphonia is a common symptom of which of the following conditions? inactivating a poison Which organ system keeps blood constantly supplied with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from the body? Sub - meaning below, clavian - relating to the collarbone or in anatomical terms, the clavicle. C. cancer of the pancreas 4) The term "lithiasis" is best described by which of the following? D. pathophysiology, Which of the following is a screening test for cervical cancer? Systemic anatomy condition of C. chemotherapy Which of the following is the chemical symbol for iron? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like -asthen(o), -cele, -gram and more. change the us to a The suffix that means "to control or stop" is: Path/o/logy The medical term that means "the science of or study of body changes caused by disease" is: Tumor The combining form onc/o means: Encapsulated, Slow Growing, and Expansive If a tumor is found to be benign, it is: Neoplasm The medical term for new growth (of abnormal tissue or tumor) is: The suffixes -ician and -ist can both mean a medical specialist. myeloid A good technique to help with memorization is the following: D. Treatment by means of drugs, such as antibiotics, pain killers, or anti-inflammatory drugs, Treatment of cancer using drugs destructive to malignant cells and tissues, Which of the following is a symptom of a disease? A. Which of the following means below or deficient? laryices venous venial venile venic, What does the suffix in the word intracranial mean? D. 3, Which of the following is the medical term for "scar"? A "tonometer" measures the pressure within the: A procedure of one who works by hand with cold. Site Map|Site Rules|Privacy Policy. 2- Terms, Mastering Healthcare Technology Ch. C. Cells eyelid. -form True or False? B. Select one: A. functional Select one: Select one: B. True or False? Select one: . D. overweight. Other sets by this . Occupational Analysis of Medical Assistants, After answering all 50 questions, go to the. B. Callus D. Other names for a nevus (mole) include birthmark or beauty mark. Select one: The combining vowel connects the root to the _____ or to another root. Common Prefixes. noun (sfks ) 1. grammar an affix that follows the stem to which it is attached, as for example -s and -ness in dogs and softness Compare prefix (sense 1) 2. anything that is added at the end of something else verb (sfks , sfks ) 3. A true suffix refers to a syllable or a group of syllables attached to the end of a word root (or stem) to modify the meaning of the word root. 2- Cell P, Mastering Healthcare Technology Ch. D. Cell (plasma) membrane, Which of the following is not a type of muscle tissue? Using word parts, you could decode this termpericardiumfrom Ms. Ks medical report to mean: Most often the combining vowel is the letter, The combining vowel is usually dropped when the suffix begins with, Mr. J has nerve pain, identified in his medical report as. -ina. B. myositis 37) A patient scheduled for echoencephalography will undergo a study of which of the following? B. Fibroma 1 Small b. 28) Colporrhaphy is the repair of which of the following? The piano was so out of tune that it sounded (bad, badly) even to me. ex: alve/olus (cavity/small), bronch/iole (bronchi-like/small), -ize, -ate polymorphoid, Which term below means pertaining to bone marrow? 11) The prefix pertaining to fingernail is which of the following terms? 5) Menarche refers to which of the following? Dermatosis (dermat - osis ): Dermatosis is the general term for any type of disease that affects the skin, excluding those that cause inflammation. 2) Which of the following is the term for an abnormally low white blood cell count? Select one: Like the suffix, 'er' when added to any word will denote the action performed by the person. What of the following statements about sub- and hypo- is true? -ory B. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. What might a room look like if it is haphazardly\underline{\text{haphazardly}}haphazardly decorated? -osis -iatry -ory -ile, The term vermiform means B. Reproduction Read these instructions before taking this practice exam. There is more than one way to make a term a plural. Mr. Epstein gave Shara and (I, me\underline{\text{me}}me) commendations for our academic performance. Transforma sus oraciones. Select one: ex: sinus/itis (cavity/infection), Pleur/isy (lung covering/inflamed), to express condition of inflammation, infection, -ium, -olus, -iole, -cule, -culus, -cle, -culum, -ellum The diagnostic term Ankylos/ing Spondyl/itis refers to the auto-immune condition of Rheumatoid Arthritis and actually means: The diagnostic terms My/asthenia and Neur/asthenia mean: The diagnostic term that means pain in the tendon is: The diagnostic term that means abnormal build up of calcium on the kneecap (patella) surface is: Tearing loss of a body part like a bone chip or ligament. C. Metabolism B. hypoxemia Suffix = Meaning. Select one: -pathy Choose the correct suffix for terms that refer to an infection or inflammation. A. Select one: B. Nucleus B. 4. The main purpose of these word parts is to modify the existing explanation of a word without changing it. (Select all that apply.) bursa (a small, fluid-filled sac that acts as a cushion between a bone and other moving parts) carcin-, carcino-. C. Atopic dermatitis What is the MEANING of the word REHEAT? Which of the following suffixes means an instrument for visual examination? -lytic -oid -ium -ectasia, Surgical repair of the aorta is called aorto_____. Verb variations of a stem word usually describe: Distinction of the object from something else, Adjectives usually modify a noun (thing named) denoting quality, quantity, extent of, or _______. Mara est hablando de las emociones que ha sentido ante ciertos acontecimientos (events). condition of A. analgesics one stone caus/tic (burning/relates to or refers to). The term Dys/chondro/plas/ia literally refers to: The term for X-Ray film (recording) of a joint is. 39) Which of the following branches of medicine specializes in the study of the musculoskeletal system? ", Select the prefix that means "none." Then apply it to the word root for the applicable body part. All medical terms have a root word. coutez et rptez: numro un. D. cancerous tumors only, Tissue growth by cells dividing in response to a normal demand, such as callus formation on our hands when we work hard, is called ____. A uniform surface charge of density 8.0 nC/m is distributed over the entire xy plane. Cardi/o can grow into. 30 seconds. 104F burs-, burso-. Prostatectomy means ___. a C. Cardiovascular system Select the correct medical term for the armpit. The process of recording x-rays is radio____. C. dermis Neitherpubliccriticismnortheremovalofhistitlewere(6)\overset{(6)}{\underline{\text{Neither public criticism nor the removal of his title were}}}Neitherpubliccriticismnortheremovalofhistitlewere(6) enough to convince him to serve in the military. Tiny c. Slow d. Large 19. If a patient is being treated for hyperthermia, he/she has abnormally: In the term "periosteum" you know that the suffix refers to. ex: ser/ous (composed of serum/state of), -tic A. Words that have the same meaning as another word, such as shinbone and tibia, are called ___. 19) Which of the following suffixes means "cutting operation"? Note: None of these questions will appear on the CMA (AAMA) Certification Exam and answering them correctly does not guarantee that you will pass the CMA (AAMA) exam. (b) Give three examples of cultural blending in Spain's American empire. D. People who consume enough calories can still suffer from micronutrient deficiencies. 50) Which of the following is the CORRECT spelling for the focusing ability of the eye? Refers to both the muscular system and skeletal system (Betts et al., 2013) The middle and thickest . Select one: What is the prefix for "across"? ato Also, test your knowledge in anatomy and physiology. nerves. True False, Which suffix relates to disease? 46) Which of the following are round bacteria that grow in pairs? adding es changing ex to i changing ex to ices adding ies, What suffix means condition of? -scopy Prefixes often indicate number, position, direction, time, or negation. C. tumors arising from epithelial tissues verbs A. Arc_Avalon. SURVEY. Patients suffering from hypothermia may need to be warmed up gently polymorphology 3) An area of dead myocardial tissue is best described by which of the following? A patient who has an inflammation of the joints has: The correct division into the component parts of. B. C. Overnutrition can be defined as a lack of proper nutrition. D. Mohs surgery, The outermost layer of the skin is called _____. The adjective nuclear pertains to a _____. You are checking a report for errors and find that one of the procedures listed is misspelled which one is it? A. any tumor regardless of the cause He has been coughing (bad, badly) all morning. The combining forms pil(i)-, pil(o)-, and trich(o)- all relate to hair, The hypodermis or subcutaneous layer consists mainly of ___. : -ectomy: The suffix refers to the surgical removal of a body part. Mr. Hs diagnostic report gives results of a procedure called laparoscopy, which is the. The term defined as the process of drawing away from the mid-line or middle is: The movement in which a limb is placed in a straight position is called: The term 'af/ferent' (as in sensory impulses) is defined as: If you rotate your shoulder around a central point, it is called: Graduates of a Medical School still take the: Little Change, Slow Progression, and Long Duration. -emia:: The suffix refers to conditions related to blood. 42) A patient who has hypergonadism, prolactinoma, and hirsutism will most likely be referred to which of the following specialists? A nephroma is a(n) ________ of the kidney. D. The human papillomavirus (HPV) infects the cells of the skin and causes pediculosis. Select one: You have just heard a word that begins with a "n" sound, but you cannot find it in the dictionary under the letter N. What other letter combinations could you try? Select one: -ical C. right lower quadrant Barrier for fluid loss and waterproofing Medical Terminology: Prefix = Beginning and is the descriptive part of the word; Root = Middle and is the subject of the word; Suffix = Ending . polymorphism Another example, arthr - meaning joint, and itis - meaning inflammation. C. Chemical -osis If an+1a_{n+1}an+1=an_nn 1an\frac1 {a_n}an1 and a0_00=3, find a11_{11}11. Select one: A. bleeding B. rupture C. repair D. flow (of body fluids) D. flow (of body fluids) The medical term for inflammation of the larynx or voice box is ___. D. cancer of the lung & bronchi, The most common approach to cancer therapy is ____. suffix definition: 1. a letter or group of letters added at the end of a word to make a new word: 2. a letter or. A. Malignant melanoma is the most common and most dangerous skin cancer. The suffix "-rrhea" in the word amenorrhea means ___. 3 The suffix usually indicates a specialty, test, procedure, function, condition/disorder, or status. The root word "epigastric" refers to the upper middle region of the abdomen, just below the rib cage. ato Select one: many stones B. lactose intolerance B. Klinefelter syndrome ex: flex/ible (bend/ability), con/tract/ile (together/draw/able to), -ician A. Tinea pedis, an infection between the toes of the foot, is better known as athlete's foot. myeloma When a person has a circumcision, where is the cut made? 10) The combining form "cephal/o" refers to which of the following? D. Atoms, The suffix "-oma" refers to ____. -labile cells are continuously dividing, Which of the following levels is the highest level of structural organization? A. Malignant melanoma is the most common and most dangerous skin cancer. Hyper-: The prefix refers to things that are above, beyond or excessive compared to a normal amount. D. hypodermis. B. benign tumors only B. Developmental anatomy pertaining to Neurology is a discipline that would most likely treat patients with disorders of the: One of your professors is using a term that sounds like it starts with a "Z"but you have read every Z term in your dictionary and it's not there you should try looking under the letter: A basketball player was back for yet another visual examination of his knee joint. en el espacio correspondiente para completar la oracin. Hair B. coronary artery disease 16 terms. -graphy. septi septa septums septumies, If the term ends in ex, the plural is formed by _______. -itis Choose the correct suffix for terms that refer to a visual examination of a body part such as a joint. Like a suffix, a prefix can provide important information about the word root. A. Bedsores A. small or large Which of the following word parts means the same thing as, Which of the following represents the correct division of the medical term, The part that provides a term's essential meaning is known as the. When a medical term has two suffixes (as psychological C. Laser treatment Respiratory system adding s -itis, The suffix in the term "polycythemia" is _____. Example - Teacher, Gardener, Performer etc. Select one: A laryngography is a test performed to evaluate vocal cord function. A. under the tongue This content should not be used in place of medically-reviewed decision support reference material or professional medical advice. able. Follow the model. D. hormone therapy, Which of the following is a benign tumor developing from fat tissue? C. antibiotics 28 terms. D. non-celiac gluten sensitivity, The gallbladder is located in which abdominopelvic quadrant? Which of the following prefixes means "excessive or above normal"? myelology neuroses, What is the correct plural form of the word larynx(the medical term for the voice box)? Cholecystotomy. A. ony D. Pain, The general name assigned to a drug (for example, acetaminophen) is also called the ___ name. within C. Warts -ary 33) Korotkoff sounds are evaluated by which of the following procedures? -form D. flow (of body fluids), The medical term for inflammation of the larynx or voice box is ___. -ary, The suffix in fibroid means _____. C. Swelling Medical terms always end with a suffix. A. Proteins help us build our body structure. D. Chondroma, Which of the following genetic disorders occurs only in boys? C. Vitamins, carbohydrates, and lipids are major nutrients. ex: lip/oma (fat/tumor), glauc/oma (cloudy/swelling), -osis, -esis, -asis, -iasis, -sis Select one: If the term ends in -ix, adding -es will make it plural. The umbilical region is labeled as number ___ in this diagram. C. cyan(o)- mucoid Me molesta que el peridico no haya llegado. C. second degree a word the comes in the end. myelism, The word part -iatr/o means _____. 12) Inflammation of a sweat gland is known as which of the following terms? 32) Which of the following is an incision made to enlarge the opening of the external urethra? thoraces Escribe una de las palabras de la seccin As lo decimos! blood D. Tumor, Why are some cancers also called carcinomas and others not? A suffix is a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning or function. Select one: micics, Which of the following suffixes denote pertaining to? D. third degree, method used to calculate the amount of fluid lost as the result of a burn; divides the body into 11 areas, each accounting for 9% of the total body area, A diaper rash is an example for which common skin disorder? Medical Assisting|CMA (AAMA) Exam Arthrogram breaks down into its component parts as such: arthr/o (joint) + -gram (record). B. Medial Thalam/o. A prefix is a small part that is attached to the beginning of a term. A. gastr(o)- B. mouth carcinomae The suffix -rrhea means "________." discharge Select one: D. structural, The term "primary care" refers to ___. A prefix is a word part placed ________ the root. Localized hypothermia of the hands, feet, ears, and nose can lead to frostbite They may also have a prefix, a suffix, or both a prefix and a suffix. the suffix refers to quizlet. Laparoscopy is the process of viewing (-scopy) the contents of the abdomen (lapar/o). A. syndrome respiratal A. This term consists of two combining forms and a suffix. The Function of a Suffix C. Leiomyoma fix s-fiks ()s-fiks suffixed; suffixing; suffixes transitive verb : to attach as a suffix suffixation s-fik-s-shn noun Did you know? 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Atopic dermatitis What is the prefix that means `` excessive above! Other moving parts ) carcin-, carcino- the beginning of a word without changing it to... Surgical repair of the following genetic disorders occurs only in boys who works by hand with.... The existing explanation of a word part placed ________ the root ies, What suffix means of. Are evaluated by which of the following within c. Warts -ary 33 ) Korotkoff sounds are evaluated which! Look like If it is haphazardly\underline { \text { haphazardly } } haphazardly decorated `` or! He has been coughing ( bad, badly ) all morning -iatry -ory -ile, clavicle! Provide important information about the word root to things that are above, beyond or compared... The cells of the following conditions spherical Gaussian surface centered on the origin and having a of... A. under the tongue this content should not be used in place of medically-reviewed decision support reference material or medical. 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