cash equivalents would include each of the following except

Determine the equilibrium level of national income. A. Disclosure of the arrangement in notes to the financial statements. Brainscape helps you realize your greatest personal and professional ambitions through strong habits and hyper-efficient studying. Returns on credit sales. A) allows companies to report cash inflows from interest and dividends as either operating or investing cash flows. The transferee has received substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership. C. Recognize a refund liability associated with estimated returns. In addition, the company may not have preferential positioning in bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings. Current Ratio vs. Quick Ratio: What's the Difference? postage expense 140 Which of the following statements is true under IFRS? C) $171 million. On its statement of cash flows, Mercer should report net cash outflows from investing activities of: G & =50 \\ D. None of these answer choices are correct. D. None of these answer choices are correct. Which of the following statements correctly describes the reporting of cash? B. a bank service charge. A. combining of duties. C. monitoring Gershwin would record this reduction by crediting accounts receivable and debiting: Tom's Textiles shipped the wrong material to a customer, who refused to accept the order. Which of the following is not true regarding accounting for transfers of receivables under IFRS? A. C. money on hand. If Jason underestimates the dollar amount of ending inventory, what effect will it have on net income for the current accounting period? The level of sales. Because of the uncertainty regarding client creditworthiness, outstanding account receivable balances are not cash equivalents even if the invoice is due or shortly to be due. Cash cannot be combined with cash equivalents. On February 1, Derrick Company establishes a $200 petty cash fund. Cash and cash equivalents area group of assets owned by a company. Ireland Corporation obtained a $40,000 note receivable from a customer on June 30, 2016. Making payments from a petty cash fund requires: \qquad\text{Share of office department expenses}&\underline{\text{\hspace{10pt}10,500}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{15pt}4,500}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{10pt}15,000}}\\ A grey area of cash equivalents relates to certificate of deposits for terms longer than 3 months that can not be broken. The entry to record the reimbursement of this petty cash fund includes a debit to Postage Expense for $140, a debit to Printing Expense for $54, a credit to the Cash Over and Short account for $1, which is the amount of the overage, and a credit to the Cash account for $193, which is the amount of the check that will be cashed to replenish the fund. Step 5: Enter the company's book balance from its accounting records A. Bad debts expense is measured indirectly, and the allowance for uncollectible accounts balance is measured directly. C. Rebound should recognize an increase in 2017 net income of $50,000. The conversion should provide results comparable to those that would have occurred if the business had completed operations using only one currency. A. Stock dividends do not affect assets or liabilities and are not considered investing or financing activities. X & =80 \\ C) An investing activity. D. a liability on the balance sheet. Establishment of responsibility B. Segregation of duties C. Independent internal verification D. All of these answer choices are correct. These prepaid assets may be refundable. D. The transferee relies on funds from the transferor to maintain operations. Cash yields also allows a company to strategically hold low-risk investments for future use while still attempting to preserve purchasing power better than holding cash directly. D. bank service charges. C. Bad debts expense. The company's days' sales uncollected is closest to: 53.7 days The entry to record the setup of this petty cash fund includes a debit to the Petty Cash account and a credit to the Cash account for $200. C.) Commercial paper. Removal of the pledged receivables from current assets and including them with noncurrent investments. Money market funds. A company writes a check to replenish a $100 petty cash fund when the fund contains receipts of $94 and $3 in cash. $4,000 (increase in bond interest payable) - $1,000 (decrease in bond discount). D. The transferee relies on funds from the transferor to maintain operations. On its statement of cash flows, Phillips should report net cash inflows from financing activities of: The work of one person acts as a check on another person to prevent fraud and errors. A,) Restricted cash funds cannot be reported as a current asset. Sales to customers. Which of the following is FALSE about the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002? A. \text{Net income}&\underline{\underline{\text{\$\hspace{5pt}22,580}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{\$\hspace{11pt}3,020}}}&\underline{\underline{\text{\$\hspace{5pt}25,600}}}\\ The cash received from customers was: A. addition to the balance per bank statement. A) allows companies to report cash inflows from interest and dividends as either operating or investing cash flows. Accounts Receivable, 12/31/19: 125,000 A. D. Taking the difference between the unadjusted balance in the allowance account and the desired balance. C. Cash is listed first in the current assets section. In a statement of cash flows (indirect method), an increase in available-for-sale securities should be reported as: B. a credit to Petty Cash. b. bank certificates of deposit. B. C. Recognizing bad debts expense. C) U.S. GAAP. A grocery store that usually charges $7/pound for beef is willing to lower the price to$5/pound when a huge shipment comes in. C. documentation procedures. Accounts Receivable, Dec. 31: $47,000 errors. Consistent with U.S. GAAP, IFRS classifies cash flows as operating, investing, or financing. B) Neither U.S. GAAP and IFRS. A. Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Charles T. Horngren, C William Thomas, Walter T. Harrison Jr., Wendy M Tietz, FS 3345 Lecture 8 - Guest Lecture - DV in the. In determining cash flows from operating activities (indirect method), adjustments to net income should not include: C) An addition for a gain on sale of equipment. Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield, Daniel F Viele, David H Marshall, Wayne W McManus, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, First 20 Elements of the Periodic Table of th. NSF check. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our. Restricted cash. Complete the necessary journal entry by selecting the account names and dollar amounts from the drop-down menus. B.) C. The transferor does not maintain effective control over the transferred assets through either repurchase or redemption agreements before maturity or the ability to cause the transferee to return the assets. A petty cash fund of $200 is replenished when the fund contains $5 in cash and receipts of $192. False, Cash is the asset most susceptible to improper diversion and use. Sale of preferred stock for cash, $17 million. D) Notes payable issued for a tract of land. a. C.) Restricted cash funds may be combined with Cash. Issued 5,000 shares of $5 par common stock for cash at$15 per share. The prior year of interest was unpaid. Accounts Receivable, 1/1/19: $75,000 If a company uses the balance sheet approach to estimate bad debt expense, bad debt expense for a period can be determined by: Ariel Courage is an experienced editor, researcher, and former fact-checker. The bank's discount rate is 10%. How has deregulation helped consumers in some industries? B) $23 million. C. Cash overdrafts are not allowed. M & =0.1 Y+50 "Accounting for Digital Assets: Key Considerations. In recording the check, the company should. C) Maturity of at least 3 months. It expects the Painting department to increase total office department expenses by$7,000. Enterprise value (EV) is a measure of a company's total value, often used as a comprehensive alternative to equity market capitalization that includes debt. B. combining of duties. Complete the necessary journal entry by selecting the account names and dollar amounts from the drop-down menus. No changes for those departments gross profit percents or their direct expenses are expected except for store supplies used, which will increase in proportion to sales. B. providing a double record of all bank transactions. False, Internal control over cash disbursements is more effective when companies pay by check, rather IFRS defines cash as cash on hand and demand deposits. Overdrafts typically are not shown as current liabilities on the balance sheet. A company should be able to sell or liquidate a cash equivalent immediately on demand without fear or material loss to the product. All of the following are examples of cash except: Meredith Company's records reflected the following as of September 30: C. A retroactive restatement is necessary due to a change in accounting principle. \qquad\text{Advertising}&\text{\hspace{15pt}1,200}&\text{\hspace{20pt}500}&\text{\hspace{15pt}1,700}\\ B. Contra asset account. Important elements of an internal control system for cash disbursements include each of the following except: The same person that prepares the check should also record it in the proper journal. B. independent internal verification. Decrease in accounts receivable, $9 million A. Consider the following macroeconomic model: C=0.7Y+100G=50I=30X=80M=0.1Y+50\begin{aligned} a. \end{array} Increase in long-term notes payable, $13 million. D. None of these answer choices are correct. e. money market funds. A company's investment in receivables is influenced by several variables, including: Note that the Petty Cash account is only used when a petty cash fund is first established or when the amount of the fund is increased or decreased. A petty cash fund of $200 is replenished when the fund contains $5 in cash and receipts of $190. A. Cash and cash equivalents refer to the value of a company's assets like short-term bonds, treasury bills, commercial papers, etc. A. However, U.S. GAAP designates cash outflows for interest payments and cash inflows from interest and dividends received as operating cash flows. Financial Accounting Standards Board. Brewer agrees to settle the receivable (and accrued interest) in exchange for a cash payment of $150,000. Proceeds from sale of land and buildings: $45 Control is most effective when two people are responsible for a given task. Galaxy sells used videogames for cash and provides a one-week return right. C. The credit and collection policies. The company allocates office department expenses to the operating departments in proportion to their sales. True 3. electronic funds transfer C. added to the book balance. Accounts Receivable, Jan. 1: $52,000 This is because cash and cash equivalents are current assets, meaning they're the mostliquid of short-term assets. Even if a debt is ready for collection, there is no guarantee the client will be able to pay. A demand deposit is a type of account from which funds may be withdrawn at any time without having to notify the institution. All of the following are procedures used in accounting for a petty cash fund EXCEPT: Record a contra-receivable in the year of the sale. To this, we will add the $150 interest earned and subtract the $810 book error in check #1221 ($4,900 $4,090) to determine the ending balance of $25,960. A bank issues a debit memorandum to notify a depositor of: Select the items below which must be adjusted to the book balance: book error The following information is available for the Maribel Company for the month of June: The unadjusted balance of the company's Cash account was $26,620 at the end of June.The bank statement shows a balance on June 30 of $26,960.Outstanding checks totaled $4,000 at June 30.Deposit in transit totaled $3,000 on June 30.The bank statement included unrecorded interest earned in the amount of $150.Check #1221 (in payment of account payable) was written for $4,900, but recorded in the accounting records as $4,090. equipment section of the balance sheet. debit Cash Short and Over for $3 Advanced Accounting Ch. C.) money orders. collections of accounts receivable by the bank \text{Cost of goods sold}&\underline{\text{\hspace{10pt}63,700}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{5pt}34,100}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{10pt}97,800}}\\ Cash and cash equivalents must be listed separately to obtain a line of credit. C) $240,000. Barkley had acquired the building in 2013 at a price of $150,000. D. correction of bank errors. A note receivable Mild Max Cycles discounted with recourse was dishonored on its maturity date. mail clerk Therefore, money owed from clients is not the same as cash equivalents. cash over and short 1 However, money market mutual funds are not federally insured. C. The transferor of the receivable surrenders control over the assets transferred. In deciding whether financing with receivables is a secured borrowing or a sale under IFRS, the critical element is the extent to which: D. Accounted for on the installment basis. D. A company may invest its highly liquid cash in order to earn interest; these investments are D. owner's equity balance at the beginning of the month. A. Complete the following journal entry by selecting the account names from the drop-down menus and entering the dollar amounts in the debit or credit columns. C. $39,220. the collection of a note receivable by the bank for the depositor. When you use an aging schedule approach for estimating uncollectible accounts: d. How should the income tax expense section of the income statement for 2017 appear? Selling (as well as buying) fixed assets are considered investing activities. B. an addition to the balance per bank statement. D) $405,000. During the same year, $500,000 of the bond discount was amortized. B) An addition to net income in determining cash flows from operating activities. C & =0.7 Y+100 \\ an invoice approval initiates the recording of a purchase. called cash equivalents. B) $169 million. C. service charges. Felicia Rashad Corporation has pretax financial income (or loss) from 2015 through 2021 as follows. A) Cash from operating activities increased. D. Credit sales in the period of the return. In 2016 Rebound recognized an impairment of $200,000 due to a troubled debt restructuring. GAAP requires these to be reported as operating. B) allows companies to report cash outflows from interest payments as either operating or investing cash flows. Money orders. $80,000. This B. \end{array} The journal entry that Brewer would make to record this transaction would include a loss on troubled debt restructuring of: Cash management strategies include all of the following except _____. The O'Hara Group is owed $1,000,000 by Hilton Enterprises under an 8% note with three years remaining to maturity. A. liability. Redeemable preference shares acquired and due in 60 days b. ISDA. A. A. automated system. than by cash. A bank reconciliation contains all of the following items EXCEPT: D. Write-off of bad debts. On April 1, Troubled would: 130 Reporting Comprehensive Income," Page 6. A. collection of a note receivable. C. a debit to various expense accounts. Rebound should ignore the change, given that recovery of its previous impairments is not allowed under IFRS. C. Multiplying ending accounts receivable in each age category by the expected loss ratio for each age category. The entry to record this interest includes a debit to Cash and a credit to Interest Revenue for $150. The difference between cash and cash equivalents is minimal. A) A deduction from net income in determining cash flows from operating activities. D. $220,000. Opetty cash. Cash paid for bond interest = $400,000 (interest expense) ? C. Expected amount to be received. A. B. \text{Allocated expenses}\\ Treasury stock purchased for cash: $50 Cash paid to acquire office equipment: $40 A. having bank auditors verify the correctness of the balance per books. C. Peecher would debit notes receivable when the note is collected. $36,000. restricted cash. A party authorized to enter into legal relationships on behalf of another. Jason Tierro, an inventory clerk at Lexmar Company, is responsible for taking a physical count of the goods on hand at the end of the year. D. Restricted cash funds cannot be reported as a current asset. The Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) internal control standards apply only to companies listed on the U.S. exchanges. Add the deposits in transit of $3,000 and subtract the outstanding checks of $4,000 to determine the ending balance of $25,960. The assets considered as cash equivalents are those that can generally be liquidated in less than 90 days, or 3 months, under U.S. GAAP and IFRS.. Effect of Parents' Education on Student SAT Scores. D. Receivables are never settled outright at the time of a restructuring. C.) Commercial paper. 2. lists items such as currency and checks along with their dollar amounts At the end of business on September 1, the total displayed on the cash register tape shows $1,059 of cash sales for the day. The reconciling item in a bank reconciliation that will result in an adjusting entry by the depositor is, A company reports a debit balance in Cash Over and Short as a(n), On a bank reconciliation, outstanding checks are, Internal control consists of all the related methods and measures adopted within an organization to safeguard assets, enhance the accuracy and reliability of accounting records, increase efficiency of operations, and ensure compliance with laws and regulations. 485534650554550572487533526410515578442580479486528524492478425485390535. The present value of $50,000 using a 10% interest rate. C. miscellaneous revenue. College Grads Internal control over cash disbursements is more effective when companies pay by check, rather than by cash. The value of the cash equivalents must not be expected to change significantly before redemption or maturity. Permitting only designated personnel to handle cash receipts is an application of the principle of: The use of pre-numbered checks in disbursing cash is an application of the principle of: A company writes a check to replenish a $100 petty cash fund when the fund contains receipts of. Question Transcribed Image Text: Current Attempt in Progress Cash equivalents include each of the following except money market funds. ForYearEndedDecember31,2019SalesCostofgoodssoldGrossprofitDirectexpensesSalessalariesAdvertisingStoresuppliesusedDepreciation-equipmentTotaldirectexpenseAllocatedexpensesRentexpenseUtilitiesexpenseShareofofficedepartmentexpensesTotalallocatedexpenseTotalexpenseNetincomeClock$130,00063,70066,30020,0001,2009001,50023,6007,0202,60010,50020,12043,720$22,580Mirror$55,00034,10020,9007,0005004003008,2003,7801,4004,5009,68017,880$3,020Combined$185,00097,80087,20027,0001,7001,3001,80031,80010,8004,00015,00029,80061,600$25,600. D. no accounting entry to record a payment when it is made from petty cash, no accounting entry to record a payment when it is made from petty cash. C. A sale. Cash flow from operations is stable. Cash equivalents include all of the following except: Cash is the asset most susceptible to fraudulent activities. C) was $23 million. Three of the most common tools of financial analysis are: Horizontal analysis, vertical analysis, ratio analysis, The comparison of a company's financial condition and performance across time is known as, products that are in the process of being manufactured but are not yet complete are called, The ability to meet short-term obligations and to efficiently generate revenues is called. Brewer Inc. is owed $200,000 by Carol Co. under a 10% note with two years remaining to maturity. Apple classifies its broad assortment of financial instruments as cash, Level 1 instruments, or Level 2 instruments (based on how the item is valued). The $20 million in sales is decreased by the $3 million increase in accounts receivable. B. C. Income tax refund receivable. D. independent internal verification. B) An investing activity. D. automated controls. Drebin would record sales revenue on the date of sale equal to: An internal control system is used to do all of the following: Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires each of the following: 1. A Restricted cash. A. Pledging receivables. B)shoes and apparel The total value of cash and cash equivalents on hand is referred to as cash equivalents. A company reports a debit balance in Cash Short and Over as a(n): O commercial paper. B) $55 million. Cash dividends paid, $14 million. The age of the receivables transferred differs from the average age of the receivables. The following data are from the accounting records of Marshall: A. Accounts receivable are normally reported at the: no accounting entry to record a payment when it is made from petty cash. A. deposits made by electronic funds transfer. Complete the legal prerequisites to record their sale. 40. The transferor is considered to have surrendered control over its receivables if: b. Credit deferred interest expense for $25,000. Sun Company owns 14.5 million shares of stock of Center Company classified as available for sale. The entry to replenish the fund would A. credit Cash Over and Short for $3. Browse over 1 million classes created by top students, professors, publishers, and experts. B. A. physical controls. How do constituents requests help members of Congress perform their jobs? DepartmentIncomeStatements\begin{array}{c} \text{2021}&130,000&25\\ C. Estimating annual sales returns. All of the following are classified as cash except. A) $13 million. Cash and cash equivalents may have different insurance coverage. An investment that is readily convertible to a known amount of ash and that is sufficiently close to its maturity date so that its market value is unaffected by interest rate changes is a(n): The comparison of a company's financial condition and performance to a base amount is known as. What is major purpose of an imprest petty cash fund a. B. deducted from the bank balance. checks. Cash equivalents are investments that can readily be converted into cash. Coins and currency. A company writes a check to replenish a $100 petty cash fund when the fund contains receipts of $94 and $3 in cash. Step 4: Compute the adjusted bank balance Treasury bills. bank error All of the following are classified as cash except: Not record sales until the right to return has expired. Debit loss on sale of receivables for $25,000. This problem has been solved! cash 150 bank account balances). Memorex should: Record an allowance for sales returns in the year of the sale. C. Factoring receivables without recourse. Restricted cash. On a bank reconciliation, outstanding checks are: B. mechanical controls. The United Nations Development Programme regularly releases its Human Development Report. &\underline{\hspace{2pt}\text{Income (Loss)}\hspace{2pt}}&\underline{\hspace{2pt}\text{Tax Rate}\hspace{2pt}}\\ 15. petty cash 200 A. bookkeeper. Though risk for both is fairly low, cash equivalents may receive favorable yields. Cash Equivalents Explained. Add any unrecorded deposits to the back balance 1. signature card $0. 3. a transfer of cash from one party to another that does not involve a paper document interest earned on checking account Peecher would credit a discount on note receivable when recording the sale. B. The second sample shows the SAT math test scores for students whose parents are high school graduates but do not have a college degree. B.) Stock dividends are reported in connection with a statement of cash flows as: D) Not reported on the statement of cash flows. Cash and cash equivalents refers to the line item on the balance sheet that reports the value of a company's assets that are cash or can be converted into cash immediately. A. Prepare journal entries to record the issuance of capital stock in each of the following independent cases. Which of the following is true? B. 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Independent internal verification d. all of these answer choices are correct is replenished when fund... Following statements is true under IFRS Recognize an increase in long-term notes payable, $ 9 million a recognized. Are correct $ 15 per share over as a ( n ): O commercial paper and! Investments that can readily be converted into cash assets transferred initiates the recording of purchase. Land and buildings: $ 45 control is most effective when two are! Rebound should ignore the change, given that recovery of its previous impairments not... Have preferential positioning in bankruptcy or liquidation proceedings of another of duties c. Independent internal verification d. of. Unrecorded deposits to the balance per bank statement Programme regularly releases its Human Development report increase in 2017 net in. Amounts from the drop-down menus signature card $ 0 more about the standards follow. ( n ): O commercial paper Enter into legal relationships on behalf of.! 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