What is strip cropping and how does it help farmers have high productivity? Focuses on most efficient use of non-renewable as well as on farm resources. Livelihood Diversification Strategies and Soil Erosion on Mount Elgon, Eastern Uganda: A Socio-Economic Perspective., Ramanjaneyulu, A. V.; Nagula, S.; Sravanthi, D.; Ramana, M. V. (2020). Various factors determine the suitability or feasibility of contour cultivation, such as climate, soil characteristics, regional drainage, knowledge, available labor and economic resources, specific relief or topographic conditions, and scale of farming. The advantages of growing several species in the same field together convince farmers to adopt the promising practice. Strip cropping helps to stop soil erosion by creating natural dams for water, helping to preserve the strength of the soil. (2018). Zhang, Yitao et al. Gathagu, J. N.; Mourad, K. A.; Sang, J. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. 5). Frequently this can be used to add another cash crop but it also reduces surface water runoff and erosion, improves soil health and fertility, and reduces wind erosion. When this water infiltrates streams, reservoirs or underground aquifers, it does not cause degradation. Many farmers in sloping lands are also not aware of contour cultivation, or its effectiveness and benefits, or the consequences of erosion. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Note that pests not only damage crops physically by eating but bear viruses critical for specific vegetation. Money never sleeps, is the famous quote by Gordon Gekko in the film Wall Street. Reduces soil erosion. Technically correct. In arid and semiarid regions, strips may be placed perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction for wind erosion control. When the fast-growing plant is harvested, the slow-growing one has more space to develop. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Wind strip cropping. For light soils, it is recommended to alternate grain crops and fallow with perennial grasses equal in strip width. Contour cropping is also capable of mitigating drought risk by increasing the moisture content and retention of soil [9]. Strip cropping is an important technique for increasing the soil-protective role of crop rotations. (Accessed 25 July 2022). Secondary species seldom bring additional income to yield producers but are the cheapest conservation tillage technique. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.00331. With smart agricultural software, the feasibility of strip cropping agriculture implementation considerably increases. Intercropping has significant advantages over monoculture farming, which are aimed at boosting yields and more efficient usage of land and resources. Increases the yield of each crop in the . Now, lets see the main types of strip cropping you can perform on your fields. Plant and animal life is often killed off, taking years to regenerate. Basically, strip cropping agriculture is used either to improve soil health or support primary species growth. Certain layers of plants will absorb minerals and water from the soil more effectively than others. Strip cropping and fallows are also used on lands prone to wind erosion. For this reason, you must not plant potatoes with eggplants or tomatoes; however, they go well with beetroots. Blue Hubbard squashJaime Pinero. Her specialty is the development of technologies for satellite monitoring of natural and artificial landscapes and surface feature change detection. What percentage of offspring would be expected to have short whiskers? 10,6 e0129245. The field is divided into narrow and contiguous strips to allow for a modern farm machinery movement and for the adjoining crops to take advantage of synergistic growth effects. Strip cropping is a rewarding farming practice that provides additional advantages apart from solely growing yields. The Cons of Strip Mining. Row Ratios of Intercropping Maize and Soybean Can Affect Agronomic Efficiency of the System and Subsequent Wheat. PloS one vol. Which is the most effective way to prevent viral foodborne illnesses? It does not store any personal data. Where was the Dayton peace agreement signed? However, narrow lanes could greatly complicate field activities that require the use of large vehicles. The strips with the greatest surface vegetative cover capture soil eroded from upslope areas. Double crops protect soil against wind and water erosion. Trap intercropping allows saving on pesticides with no chemical application at all or partial treatment of trapping areas. Strip cropping is a method of farming used when a slope is too steep or too long, or otherwise, when one does not have an alternative method of preventing soil erosion. Read More 5 Advantages of Geothermal Energy ExplainedContinue, Effects of energy waste are; air pollution, soil and water pollution, economic losses, industrial inefficiency, and climate change. On the negative side, one crop may tend to harbor (host) plant diseases and pests which are detrimental to the other crop. Reduced fertilizer demand means lower production cost. NSW Environment and Heritage. Under strip-cropping conditions, alternate parcels of different crops are grown on the same field. The main disadvantage with strip cropping is that it leads to the disintegration of the land. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. (Accessed 25 July 2022). While trap species attract (or pull) pests, repellant ones push them away. What is strip cropping and how does it help farmers have high productivity? On March 30,2023, EOSDA along with its partners in Latin America hosted a free webinar on contemporary precision agriculture methods in the utilization of sensors, soil treatment, and agri-insurances. 2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of strip cropping? Soil water management practices (terraces) helped to mitigate the 2015 drought in Ethiopia., Mugagga, F.; Buyinza, M.; Kakembo, V. (2010). Even in this case, there is no need for farmers to do it physically as they can assign the task to the scouting app from the comfort of their offices. By doing so, the method prevents damages, loss of lands and habitats [10]. Select species with similar water needs (e.g. The advantages and disadvantages of strip cropping are similar to those for contouring. Kateryna Sergieieva joined EOS Data Analytics in 2016. When strips of soil are strong enough to slow down water from moving through them, the weaker soil cant wash away like it normally would. It does not store any personal data. Intercropping involves a certain arrangement of plants that gives the basis for its classification. Makes the crops within the field more structurally diverse e.g. After viewing the problem closer remotely, agriculturalists inspect the area in person for details and proper reaction. Row ratios may vary, including either single or multiple rows. Besides soil protection, strip cropping with cover crop may be additionally used as green manure or grazing and forage material. Thats why tracking the vegetation state and conducting activities will also be separate for each species. Developing nations are increasing the types and varieties of crops they are planting. The advantages and disadvantages of strip cropping are similar to those for contouring. 3. The intercropping practice involves sowing different species (two or more) in one terrain with no distinct arrangement in rows or in the same rows. Soil Protection And Enrichment Manuring is often performed to shield the main crops from heavy rainfall and strong winds, and enrich the upper and lower soil layers with useful substances. Nonetheless, wise matches in intercropping combinations bring positive results. The alley cropping system suggests growing crops in-between trees, bushes, or hedges forming alleys. Strip cropping alternates strips of closely sown crops such as hay, wheat, or other small grains with strips of row crops, such as corn, soybeans, cotton, or sugar beets. This contributes to a boost in overall fertility. A common and beneficial combination is cereals with legumes like corn and beans. The weather, the fact there is so much A lot of people pass away every year as a direct result of an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Request a demo and see how EOSDA Crop Monitoring can help you manage your fields. In strip cropping, small grain or hay strips are planted to enable infiltration and sediment filtering, hence increasing water absorption and reducing water erosion threats. As the name hints, the intercropping technique aids in trapping pests to protect the main culture. The main disadvantage with strip cropping is that it leads to the disintegration of the land. The advantages and disadvantages of strip cropping are similar to those for contouring. Contour farming also reduces crop production cost by protecting crop species and water resources. Relay intercropping reduces temporal overlap in harvesting different species, but the second crop must be tolerant of the shade of the first one. In this interview, Lidia Lelechenko, Account Executive at EOSDA, explains how remote sensing helps grape growers and winemakers take better care of their vineyards and reach sustainability in their practices. The advantages and disadvantages of strip cropping are similar to those for contouring. Bad For The Environment. In general, strip cropping is applicable to a steeper but mainly longer slope than contouring alone. Another useful agricultural practice in this case is terrace farming. Available at: https://doi.org/10.17221/158/2016-PSE. Sponheim suggests the concept of strip-cropping has been around for nearly 50 years. Conserves natural resources and enhances the quality of the environment. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Gathagu, J. N.; Mourad, K. A.; Sang, J. (Accessed 25 July 2022). strip cropping, contouring, terracing . Lincoln University is reported to be an efficient remedy from squash bugs, squash vine borers, spotted and striped cucumber beetles. Contour farming requires knowledge to identify contour lines, create vegetative barriers and ridges, cultivate crops, and maintain the farm. Fields analytics tool with access to high-resolution satellite images for remote problem areas identification! strip cropping reduces soil erosion due to rainwater runoff and wind. Today, staying ahead of the game requires farmers to keep up with the latest technology trends. As the name suggests, plants are arranged in rows in this case. Strip cropping is a method of cultivating crops to prevent soil erosion. Reasons for intercropping include saving space and resources, ensuring better yields in case of poor returns of the main culture, repelling pests, reducing weeds, proving nutrients for the neighboring plants, among others. Strip intercropping: In this method, we will grow more than one crop in strips to allow independent cultivation in the same piece of land. How are strip crops used to control erosion? Biological controls. Strip cropping also tends to filter out the soil in the runoff through the strip with the closely grown crop. However, possible disadvantages of intercropping, in this case, include developing resistance to insecticides or uncontrolled pest nurseries. What is the importance of strip cropping Class 10? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". This occurs due to the conservative nature of the method, which allows organic matter to accumulate on (and in) soil without being lost to erosion or leaching. The methods name gives a clue to what it implies. Risk of soil erosion by wind and water as well as crusting are greater with inadequate surface residue. Reduces pest pressure. By entering details on performed events and analyzing them later, agriculturalists can predict inputs and elaborate an optimal irrigation or fertilization plan, identify the most fertile field zones to increase seeding rates, etc. Strip cropping alternates strips of closely sown crops such as hay, wheat, or other small grains with strips of row crops, such as corn, soybeans, cotton, or sugar beets. The most effective strip-cropping rotations include perennial grasses and legumes that alternate with grain and row crops. Terrace farming is known to mitigate the risk of natural hazards like flooding and landslides. The above outcome is particularly beneficial for soils that have been affected by drought and desertification. Soil moisture as a factor affecting the microbiological and biochemical activity of soil. Plant, Soil and Environment 62(No. By reducing soil disturbance, contour cropping increases the concentration of carbon in soil, which is good for soil health. This correlation allows farmers to make weighted agricultural decisions. Disadvantages of hydro energy are; capital cost, environmental impact, climate dependence, aquatic organic effect, and plant-distribution challenge. Alley cropping, also sometimes referred to as intercropping, is the practice of planting rows of trees with a companion crop in between. Disadvantages: it is difficult to maintain cover on the soil; it encourages pests, diseases and weeds; and it can reduce the soil fertility and damage the soil structure. Strip cropping can improve crop yields by encouraging infiltration and thereby increasing soil moisture. Storage of carbon in soil also reduces atmospheric greenhouse gases, and can contribute to the mitigation of climate change and global warming. Disadvantages of Strip Cropping The End :):):) The main disadvantage with strip cropping is that it leads to the disintegration of the land. Some estimates suggest that contour farming can reduce erosion by up to 50% [2]. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Thus, the sunflower is supposed to give a high NDVI index while flowering. (i.e. Apart from the above-mentioned features, the farming platform offers users other useful functionalities as well. What is the main disadvantage of a contour canal? However, their immediate neighborhood complicates field operations. If the aim is to attract pests with trap plants, and thus distract them from the cash species, it decreases pesticide applications and reduces chemical contamination. Laying out strips takes time 2. a) Advantages of strip intercropping include (select all true statements): Reduces the amount of herbicide needed on the field. Here are the main of them to consider: The need to use additional field equipment for different crops, Different plant needs and soil conditions for fertilizer application, Fitting different vehicles down the narrow rows, Higher equipment cost due to row strips width. 6):250-255. Strip farming is the growing of crops in narrow, systematic strips or bands to reduce soil erosion from wind and water and otherwise improve agricultural production. Certain layers of plants will absorb minerals and water from the soil more effectively than others. Diversifies the vegetative structure. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. The variety of types and purposes of strip cropping only prove its efficiency on the field. Such practices are useful but cannot be relied upon entirely to eliminate severe infestations. Thus, the approach is not only beneficial for soil and yields but belongs to sustainable farming practices, meeting their primary goal of soil conservation and rational consumption of natural resources. What are the benefits of strip crop farming? In the case of strip cropping, this approach makes particular sense because different bands consist of different plants, at possibly different development stages, and different needs. It also limits the efficient use of machinery so it is not suitable for highly mechanized systems. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. In this interview, Lidia Lelechenko, Account Executive at EOSDA, explains how remote sensing helps grape growers and winemakers take better care of their vineyards and reach sustainability in their practices. . 2. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. - makes more time available to successfully raise vegetables to completion. However, strip cropping benefits also involve certain efforts, which are simpler to implement with smart farming. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". 9 When do you need to use strip cropping? However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. It proves efficient to use strip cropping to reduce soil erosion, especially on sloped lands. 3 What is strip cropping and how does it help farmers have high productivity? Regarding the time of seeding, plants are sown either at the same time or when other species are already flowering or ready for harvesting. 10,6 e0129245. One of these is through the conservation of soil fertility. Picture of Strip Cropping Average Cost. More corn stover could be removed because the soil is better . Available at: https://doi.org/10.3390/w10101312. Because of this, farmland stays fertile much longer. . This occurs because runoff becomes restricted by the ridges and vegetation barriers, thereby allowing more water to infiltrate the soil. . The facilitative version ofstrip croppingcan be independent from or a rotational adjunct to the agrobiodiversity version. 3. Under strip-cropping conditions, alternate parcels of different crops are grown on the same field. Strip cropping is help to stop the soil erosion by creating natural dams for water to helping to preserve the strength of the soil. The economic answers lie in the vast array of species and spatial possibilities as well as the timing of the cut and carry. Effectiveness of Contour Farming and Filter Strips on Ecosystem Services. Water 10(10). Read More 5 Disadvantages of Hydro Energy ExplainedContinue. 7 How has modern agriculture affected the genetic diversity of todays crops? Farm level same land unit : High-value crops : A shift from less profitable and sustainable crop or cropping system to more profitable and . It requires 50 to 60 per cent less labour. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. CONS. 6). How has modern agriculture affected the genetic diversity of todays crops? Functioning of terraces During an intense storm, a large part of the rainfall arriving at the soil surface . Contour farming advantages and disadvantages include; 1). We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Strip cropping also tends to filter out the soil in the runoff through the strip with the closely grown crop. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Grosbellet, C.; Vidal-Beaudet, L.; Caubel, V.; Charpentier, S. (2011). Ensures the basic needs of mankind. Double cropping has a number of advantages including: Protects soil erosion, maximizes your profit, and enhances the quality of your soil. 10 Jun. You can click I accept to accept all cookies, and you can review the cookies used in our Privacy Policy here. Contour farming can improve soil fertility through various means. That provides additional advantages apart from solely growing yields of offspring would be expected to have whiskers. And varieties of crops they are planting of this, farmland stays fertile much longer visit `` Settings. Creating natural dams for water, helping to preserve the strength of the game farmers! Around for nearly 50 years and Subsequent Wheat may be additionally used as green manure or grazing forage! Cropping reduces soil erosion by up to 50 % [ 2 ] of advantages including: Protects erosion. Encouraging infiltration and thereby increasing soil moisture as a factor affecting the microbiological biochemical! 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