Right now colleges are mandating vaccines to return to school for students, I feel its time to take this to a higher level in the court system, enough is enough. Don't Report On Pentagon's Secret Leak! He's aware that the US spends about 45 percent of global spending on defense and military--and more . Why would anyone like the AMA who are supposed to be intelligent doctors change what God had made? Come on now. Sadly people lime McConnell are in bed with Pelosi. Energy Independence: Eliminate the federal gas tax of $0.18 per gallon and eliminate the EPA, allowing prosecution of polluters to answer to citizens, not Washington, and allowing coal, oil, nuclear and other forms of energy to be safely explored. We have rights in our Constitution that empower us to stand up and God is with us! I am praying for you Mr. Paul for your protection and continued stand to be heard and embraced! Have Americans read Dr. Ron Paul's written plan for the country? Let us put this into practice 2 Chronicles 7:14, If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.. We all need to put our money and time to where our mouth is! Are Americans ready to upset the apple cart in a controlled and methodical way for the betterment of the greater good? I continue to refuse to go anywhere I do not have to go with a nose diaper on my face. My husband will not be allowed to return to a job he has done for thirty years, if he doesnt get the vaccine. It was not the language of someone we are told is the leader of the free world. Rand Paul is correct. IFA is connecting intercessors at the state level. You must be logged in to post a prayer. life) is that Obedience Is better than Sacrifice. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); In agreement with these prayers. Thank You, Lord, for the chance to serve You and stand up for You and Your glorious kingdom. Or will we stand together and say, absolutely not. In the land of hope and change, where a little malaise . Father , keep her resolve strong, come alongside her and strengthen her to trust in Your ability to provide for ALL her needs through Your wonderful riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Heres how. I will forward to family and friends. Will the End of the Petrodollar End the US Empire? Copyright 2023. I would highly recommend looking up and reading through these resources. I absolutely choose freedom! I pray for Senator Rand Paul, for his protection, Lord and for his stance on freedom. And if youre not careful, YOU could pay the price., Few people in America today have Dr. Pauls knowledge of the inner workings of the government. I dont know if I can do that, I will need your help and the Lord helped me and with his help I was able to speak into the lives of two of my first cousins (at my brothers funeral) fighting depression and they are healthier and living well. Such a brave man, standing up to Fauci and the others. Next Page. And even if they do double down, we were called for such a time as this!! Thank You, Lord, for the chance to serve You and . If the Lord has set you free, you are free indeed. Here's the full text: Prayers for strength and protection. If God is for who can be against, glory to the king of kings and lord of lords. Yes, judgement comes to the house, the house repents and STANDS. Each of us old and young have been brought forth for such a time as this. Amen and Amen , I absolutely agree. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another). On three occasions, he sought the presidency of the United States: as the Libertarian Party . Check out his house before his presidency and his new one on Marthas Vineyard! 11. This speech is a must-read piece by anyone who seeks to understand the real reasons why America remains in a downward spiral of social and economic failure under the endless growth of Big Government and runaway debt. Joe Biden and his administration are as dangerous as Hitler. We do not trust the vaccines ( especially when they had a perfectly good vaccine of hydraquaraquin which they refused to let us use & I have heard of other workable vaccines that are safe from good doctors which they will shut down any talk of It would be good to follow up with action. Please give us strength and courage to do as You ask. Are you led by the Spirit?? A friend told me that if most people are for something, it is probably wrong. Saith our GOD! I do appreciate it He wraps up the speech with three things he doesn't want to do that sum up the Ron Paul message . He's pushed numerous conspiracy theories about masks as. It might take a little personal effort. Joshua 10:25. He sponsored more than 600 legislative bills. Share this page with your friends God bless him. Great word Dr. Paul. - Second Amendment is For Everyone, Dr. Ron Paul's Urgent Message for Every American. Rand Paul is a liar and coward. This week probably marks the moment that schadenfreude finally left the Ron Paul campaign. You have NOT been given a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a SOUND MIND. Lord, help me to stand dressed in Your armor and my big girl pants. Remember that Jesus came as a bond-slave. He can turn the hearts of men. Ive practiced medicine for 33 years, I have been telling everyone for a year now that Dr. Anthony Fauci and other public health officials were NOT following science, I think the tide has turned, and more and more people are willing to stand up. It has been a systematic and thorough removal of God and HIS laws. Thank you so much for awesome prayer and support. We American citizens are all subject to audits from the IRS, but the U.S. central bank is not? He is a voice crying in this wilderness. Dr. Ron Paul's Urgent Message for Every American 05-20-2020 https://investingoutlook.co, By Adam Wiederman He's stepping forward with a new message every American - especially those who are retired or nearing retirement - needs to see. Thank you for his speaking out and his encouragement to us all. Lord help us to be a testimony of Your love, as we learn to lose our lives, but gain our life in Christ. In JESUS MIGHTY Name! Of course not! He met with every President of the past 40 years and ever Fed Chairman. I dont recall seeing or saying anything about fighting. She has a film Noncompliantmovie.com about this topic. Dr. Ron Paul, the former U.S. Presidential candidate and 22-year Congressional veteran, is back in the spotlight. U.S. Sen. Rand Paul once called President Donald Trump a "fake conservative." Trump had lobbed his own insults at Paul, saying he "reminds me of a spoiled brat without a properly functioning . They share Jesus Christ with the possibility of death and torture. And why? And spent many hours in top secret, closed-door meetings. No one should follow the CDCs anti-science mask mandates, Children are falling behind in school, and are being harmed physically and psychologically by the tactics you have used to keep them from the classroom last year, Im not a career politician. Published July 01, 2015 Advertiser Stansberry & Associates Investment Research Yes, Gods love is what the world will respond to. I stand with Rand Paul because he stands for Godly biblical principles and our God given Republic. Once again we have absolute authority from Jesus how could we not stand strong if we really believe in what Jesus has done for us. I too am grateful for Rand Paul, but we need real help and legislation against these mandates. Sometimes these simple things right in front of us are the scariest (and Im preaching to myself, here), but our wonderful Good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus, has REPEATEDLY promised He will never leave us nor forsake us! May God super naturally protect, and preserve all who are speaking out in DC. Father help the church to take our true position in holiness in Christ, as more than conquerors and get on our faces humbly before you until you tell us exactly how to overcome all these covid lies and foes, Father even as you instructed your I speak Deut. When good people do nothing evil takes over. Praying for you Mr. Paul; that The Lord will continue protecting you and your family, so you can fulfill your God-given destiny and purpose..You have been placed at this position to bring Justice and Truth to your people, stay strong and firmed! May truth, justice, Gods principles prevail. Are we willing to fight along side those who are leading the charge. Children can't consent to transgender treatment, Intercessor Tools for National Day of Prayer, THE HELMET OF SALVATION: HOPE, A PRAYER TEACHING. Father let men be found liars and unfaithful but not you or your word who said to ask and we would receive, who said to confess and we would be forgiven and cleansed, Father, Ezekiel 22:30 says, I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none. Father Jesus stood in the gap for us, he won over all principalities and powers! Will we allow these people to use fear and propaganda to do further harm? Keep the fight we are with God and you! I served in the military for 20 years and would do it again if I had to. Are we seeing any sound mind legislation being pushed on the American people?? We have the responsibility in the mandate to keep our countrynoncompliantmovie.com. "After so many years in Washington, I thought I was immune to being shocked by what our government does," Dr. Paul says. So may we as the church act on this wonderful word! I believe we have been lied to from the beginning. Send your Warring Angels & your Heavenly Hosts to intervene & protect this mans job..destroy every plot, plan & ploy of the enemy!!!!! God bless and protect Senator Rand Paul!! Weve all become too soft, too spoiled, and way too comfortable. The founding fathers of this nation gave their all for our freedom as well. How Would You Fix This Colossal Multi-Trillion Dollar Mess? Father God, creator of heaven and earth and all that is there in, I give you glory and honor, Lord your Word says where the Spirit of the Lord is there is LIBERTY