Fur will naturally grow back as the infection works its way out and out in a circle; hence ringworm. needed. 3. Your rabbit may overgroom itself, or be overgroomed by a bonded partner. positive results. Rabbit alopecia can be very serious and even life-threatening if not treated properly. What Are the Causes Abnormal Fur Loss in Rabbits? -The most common type of infection that leads to fur loss around the eyes and nose is an upper respiratory infection. Mange crusts give off an unpleasant, musky smell, particularly in the ears. rabbits behind if burnt badly, you may have to keep it dry and protected and If it doesnt start to grow back, then there may be an abnormal loss of fur. However, rabbits who grow up together can also be hostile towards each other because they had hit a hard path. Once you establish that your bunnies fight rather than play together, keep them separated from each other for a while to see if the hair loss continues. Your rabbits skin and coat should be a window to its health. Flystrike is a condition that occurs rapidly. If you suspect your bunny has a parasite infection, you should take it to a vet to be looked at. Your rabbit is shedding due to changes in season or temperature. However, it can be an indication of mites, fleas, ringworm, anxiety, an infection, or other skin conditions if the hair loss occurs as balding patches or with inflamed skin. This doesn't mean you won't see the rabbit pull hair from other parts of the body. Other causes include false pregnancies, overgrooming partners, and fighting between rabbits. Bullet points. If this happens, they will usually have inflamed skin or scratch marks due to the itching as well. Slipper is not pulling out her own hair. Itching can cause loss of fur when the rabbit scratches its skin repeatedly. If rabbits didnt grow up together, it would take time to bond and get accustomed to each other. If you think stress might be the cause of your rabbits hair loss, talk to your vet about how best to reduce stress levels in your pet. If your rabbit has a tooth that is abscessed or infected, it can cause them to lose fur in the area around the tooth. So it would seem like your rabbit is exhibiting cold symptoms if it has snuffles. I had 2 rabbits suffer from fly-strike (several years ago). 4. Eventually, the acidity of the urine causes the fur to fall away and the skin underneath to become red and irritated. This makes the wet areas sore and itchy, causing the fur to fall out. Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine, 142813.https://www.hindawi.com/journals/crivem/2014/142813/, 4. This common disorder in rabbits may often be the symptom of another cause, such as infection, trauma or immune disorder. antibiotic will be most safe and effective against the type of bacterial 6 Reasons Rabbits Will Flip Over Their Food and Water Bowls. Sometimes a tide line becomes apparent, which looks like a line across the rabbits fur, where the moult is progressing, and often you can observe the skin as being darker where the new fur is growing through. Rabbits are very sensitive creatures and can get easily stressed out by changes in their environment or routine. Finally, diet can also play a role in hair loss. One major symptom of stress in rabbits is hair loss which can affect certain parts of the rabbit. Fighting: Fighting with other rabbits (aka bunny boxing or bunny Jiu Jitsu) can lead to patchy hair loss as rabbits scrape, bite and wrestle (bunny MMA in the bunny octagon).Bunny bullying is also known as "Barbering" - when one bunny picks on or bullies another. This is because the rabbit has easy access to this area and will often barber it as a reaction to stress. This is one of the reasons it is so important to provide standard feed and snacks which are suitable for bunnies. keep in mind that natural molting is a seasonal process in rabbits. Regardless, providing adequate bedding can minimize this behavior. However, treatment with appropriate medication, such as selamectin, often clears the problem even if the fur mites cannot be seen. Flystrike is a deadly illness that is caused when flies lay eggs on a rabbits hindquarters. The primary sign of alopecia is unusual hair loss. Also known as alopecia, hair loss in rabbits is a common concern among owners. severe signs of ear mites in rabbits include spasms of the eye muscles and Worsening of the symptoms This can happen when a rabbit is stressed or anxious, and they start grooming themselves excessively, leading to bald spots. Wool producers may shorten the amount of natural light a rabbit receives as a means to increase hair growth[1]. able to find anything thats obviously wrong, however, treatment with Its unusual, but occasionally youll find a rabbit who sheds large patches of fur before their new coat starts to grow. Fur-plucking in the neck or dewlap, belly, and leg areas occurs in pregnant females who are close to delivery, to line their nest. When you have more than one rabbit living together as a pair, one of them might be overgrooming the other rabbit, causing patches of hair loss (especially around the ears and eyes). Your vet may also prescribe painkillers to relieve pain and irritation. Alopecia can develop in patches or as thinning fur and is a symptom of many different conditions. Learn more about one of the most stressful things to do with our article on why you should never trance a rabbit. A natural molting pattern is consistent: rabbits tend to lose and grow back fur at a uniform rate. them distracted from their obsessive grooming behavior. Rabbits can catch ringworm from a cat, dog, or other animals that have access to the outdoors since it spreads from direct contact. Underlying conditions may include physical or behavioral health issues. These problems can cause urine leakage. Getting your rabbit spayed should solve this behavior. These are often indications of a fight going on while youre away. A buck living with a doe would sometimes pluck out its fur for the cause. Even though topical or mineral oil ointments that are to be instilled in the ears are sometimes recommended for ear mites, theyre not effective. I put together a guide that goes over all the basics of rabbit care so you have it all in one place. Signs that your pet rabbit is getting old may include a greying coat, cataracts or loss of sight, hearing loss, or sleeping more often. Symptoms of ear mites include: More If your rabbit is allergic to something in their environment, they may start losing patches of fur. Though fairly uncommon in rabbits, the burrowing mange mite can lead to extremely uncomfortable and painful itching, which can further lead to severe hair loss. Anxiety. Often this will be right above or below the tail. Its also helpful to have your rabbits have large running spaces so that the rabbit getting groomed can keep away from the groomer if needed. parasitivorax, lead to more subtle symptoms than those of ear canker or How to Prevent Itching and Scratching. The process takes 2-6 weeks. Losing fur can occur naturally, as well as due to underlying health conditions. Once you establish its barbering, rescue the weak bunny from the dominant one. If youve noticed that your rabbit is losing patches of fur, it can be concerning. We find out more in the video below on signs a rabbit is dying. Rabbit alopecia is a condition that causes rabbits to lose their fur. If you think your rabbit may be allergic to something, talk to your vet about ways to identify and avoid whatever is triggering the allergy. 1. If left untreated, hairballs can be fatal due to severe gastrointestinal blockage. Rabbits are commonly known for their overgrown teeth. Beyond these, be sure that your rabbit's cage is as clean as . Parasite Infestation. Theyll have two big shedding seasons with a whirlwind of fur, and two smaller shedding seasons. The pattern or degree of hair loss, along with other signs and symptoms, can help you determine the cause of alopecia. Its important to treat this condition promptly with antibiotics to avoid serious complications. Caring for this rabbit is usually difficult when siblings are present, so they should be cared for separately. Blumeto, O., Olivas, I., Torres, A. G., & Villagr, A. 2. This causes pain and severe discomfort. Learn more about how you can get quality hay (even ORGANIC hay!) 3) Parasite infestation. mildest cases of mange should be treated immediately. Rabbits have long teeth, with equally lengthy roots. It is common for rabbits to suffer stress during certain instances in their lives. Ringworm takes its name from the raised red circular lesion it causes with a clearing middle. The more the crust, the more the pain and discomfort your bunny feels. Some diseases might be zoonotic, so it is important to ensure these problems are dealt with early so that they do not spread. Poor Diet: A diet lacking in nutrients can lead to poor coat condition and hair loss. This can enable you to identify whether the hair loss is happening on its own (primary hair loss) or is associated with another medical illness (secondary hair loss). Avoid permethrin or pyrethrin-containing shampoos and flea powders. In many cases, hair loss can be accompanied by severe itching which can be painful and uncomfortable. Provide a small space in their hutch where they can hide when they feel insecure. Even pseudopregnant females sometimes pluck in . Simply curing the disease will resolve this issue. This advice is for UK pets only. How noticeable is the fur loss depends on the type of rabbit as some longhaired rabbits might seem as if they have an abundant amount, but we can see patches missing if we part their fur. World Rabbit Sci., 14, 147-155.https://riunet.upv.es/bitstream/handle/10251/9587/559-1047-1-SM.pdf, Click to attach a photo related to your comment. Its a good idea to get your rabbit checked for any other health concerns, but often this is just a symptom of age in rabbits. Blocked bust ducts are much a resultant role of dental issues. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain. Fungal infections in These can include: There are some reports that does (another name for female rabbits) prefer wood shavings to straw. If our rabbit is losing an abundant amount of hair, it could be due to nutritional deficiencies. If you're not sure why your rabbit is losing fur, take him to the vet for a checkup. Ringworm fungus may cause slight irritation to the skin, sometimes accompanied by tiny, raised, red spots. The rabbit will lose all its furry coat during this period and grow a new one depending on the weather. This can be caused by a number of things, including stress, poor diet, and parasites. biopsy, burrowing mange mites can be difficult to visualize. They may even make matters worse if there is an underlying infection. Hair loss is defined as a complete or partial hair loss. A false pregnancy will make your doe pull out its fur to nest even though no babies are coming. All animals in contact with the affected pet should be treated as well even if they dont show any symptoms. Abscesses can also be an indication of infection or even cancer, so its best to get your rabbit checked out if you notice one of these bumps. However, for patchy hair loss, its always best to ensure Its caused by the mite, Sarcoptes scabiei and other species of Sarcoptes. Something like warts or rabbit syphilis can be the cause of your rabbits fur loss, especially when accompanied by bumps or areas that look infected. Many rabbits who are overly stressed or anxious will end up comforting themselves by self-grooming. They typically cause intense itching and scratching, which can lead to hair loss. If left untreated, it can be fatal. Make sure youre feeding your rabbit a healthy diet of hay, fresh vegetables and a small amount of pellets (no more than 1/4 cup per day). The amount of hair which is lost depends on various factors, not least the amount of hair they have in the first place. Written by vets and vet nurses. playtime or free running time. They will also likely instate a deworming and/ or vaccination schedule if one has not already been introduced. For example, a lack of vitamin A can lead to dry/brittle fur and hair loss. Total hair loss will never occur in a healthy rabbit. Bunnies also tend to over-groom when bored, so you keep yours occupied and interested in something else. If, after discovering the cause, theres only little you can do on your own to stop the hair loss, take your bunny to see the vet for immediate and proper treatment. Required fields are marked *. Some causes of alopecia in rabbits are perfectly natural, but some are not, and require treatment. Animal biotechnology, 33(1), 159166. Spaying and neutering are also important for your rabbits health and longevity. Let me know if you need anything else. The amount of fur a the condition. 6. This will remove the loose fur that's on the surface of your rabbit's coat. This could be caused by stress or being mounted by another rabbit, even a doe. Though less common, rabbits can also be infested with other parasites, such as lice, rat mites, and feather mites. If the rabbit licks themselves continuously, they can ingest a large amount of hair, something particularly common in longhaired rabbits. In many cases, this type of fur loss is also accompanied by wet skin or fur in these areas. Registered charity nos. This may indicate that your pet bunny is suffering from some disease. The skin underneath should not be red or inflamed, and the new fur should start to grow back within a couple of days. These treatments kill parasites rapidly, leaving your rabbits itch-free and symptom-free, thus healing the cause of fur loss. For this reason, AnimalWised looks at why my rabbit is losing fur. Your rabbit is not getting enough essential fatty acids in their diet. As rabbits are becoming ever more popular pets, we are able to better understand their grooming needs and how to meet them. can lose at a time. The two brands that I use when buying food for my rabbit areOxbowandSmall Pet Select. A culture and sensitivity test will help determine what Does your rabbit like to flip over their food bowls? Dental problems are one of the most common reasons for rabbits to lose fur around their mouths. Look out for signs of shock, such as weakness, severe depression, and pale mucous membranes. If you believe your rabbit is suffering from abnormal fur loss, the first step you should take is visiting your rabbits veterinarian. Chilling, liver problems, and overheating should also be taken into consideration. central nervous system. An infection due to a wound or an infestation due to mites or other parasites are also possible causes. During the purchase, the rabbit have already had a wound on his back. caused by many different kinds of mites that affect rabbits, including: Fortunately, parasitic infestations can be treated with modern medications that are safe for lagomorphs. Yes, its possible. Rabbits do shed a lot during normal molting seasons. Mild infections may be treated with ear drops. Your rabbit is not getting enough vitamin A in their diet 8. whether its patchy or general is considered a cause for concern if it is The first thing to know about rabbit hair shedding (also known as molting) is that it is a perfectly normal. Mites will also cause crusts to form around these same areas. As a pet owner, its natural to worry when you notice your furry friend is losing patches of fur. See files for Rabbits. Overgrooming in rabbits is not normal behavior and is often a sign of boredom or stress. Your rabbit may lose fur These pests can cause irritation and itching, leading the rabbit to groom more and pull out their own fur. We discover the causes and treatment options available for hair loss in rabbits to know what to do if your pet experiences this problem. Allergies: Just like humans, rabbits can suffer from allergies. The treatment will be vastly different depending on the ultimate cause of the hair loss, so its best to see someone who will help you make the right treatment decisions. Over grooming (licking and chewing more than usual). These conditions make rabbits drool. Skin Diseases in Rabbits: Common Causes, Common Treatments.. Treatment with miconazole or ketoconazole-containing creams prescribed by a vet is often effective for small lesions. Pregnant rabbits can still develop pathological issues which can meaning their fur is falling out. It really is expected for rabbits to lose a lot of fur during their molting seasons. A rabbit losing fur around their eyes is much a result of eyepiece free. Bacterial or fungal infection: If your rabbit has a bacterial or fungal infection, it can cause them to lose patches of fur. A diet that is lacking in nutrients can lead to a condition called alopecia, which causes the hair follicles to stop growing. An eye infection, respiratory condition or blocked tear duct may be causing this. the underside of the foot and apply a padded wrap for 1-2 weeks to help treat After 2 days, he shed the fur around his mouth and nose area, but I can't find the shedded hair in the cage area. Moulting - Moulting and seasonal fur loss is perfectly normal. There can be complications involved in the rabbi's self-grooming. If you believe your doe has a false pregnancy, get her spayed. During spring and when its almost summer, your rabbit will lose its heavy winter coat to keep cool during the summer. 1. If your rabbit is allergic to something in its environment, it may start to lose patches of fur. If your rabbit scratches its skin frequently, then it could be the reason for hair loss. In the meantime, here are some possible causes of hair loss . If you shave the fur on your rabbit's tail, the fur will grow back. Alopecia is the scientific word for hair loss. Fur loss can also be These can be corrected by filing them smooth. The above signs are often related to dental issues such as molar spurs or molar abscess. from Small Pet Select! Burrowing mange mites can be treated with selamectin, offering relief to rabbits within 24 hours of treatment. There will be tufts of fur strewn about the room and the rabbits behavior toward each other will likely change as they become warier of each other. If youre concerned about your rabbits shedding, talk to your vet about ways to help reduce it. (2022). Superficial pyoderma can also lead to hair loss, itching, and ulceration of the skin. Fur loss associated with ringworm fungus is often bald, patchy and round with distinct edges. While shedding is perfectly normal in rabbits, abnormal fur loss associated with flaky skin and dandruff, crusty appearance, inflammation, and open sores are causes for concern. Your rabbit will start losing fur from its neck, followed by shedding down the neck, back, stomach, and tail. In addition, some medications used to treat hormonal imbalances (e.g., birth control pills) may also contribute to hair loss side effects.. A number of things could be causing your rabbit to lose fur, including poor nutrition, parasites, allergies, and stress. If your So you might notice this even if you have a single female rabbit who could not possibly be having babies. Your vet will be able to accurately diagnose the problem and help your rabbit recover. 2023 RabbitCareTips.com. selamectin may alleviate physical and behavioral issues. Your vet will be able to recommend a nutritious diet for your rabbit. Ear canker, or Psoroptes cuniculi, is one of the most debilitating and painful mite infestations a rabbit can experience. Typically, a bunnys urine colorshould be yellow or dark orange. This can be very painful for the rabbit. Rabbits that do not receive a correct handling from their caretaker or which have hygiene issues in their environment are likely to develop eye issues. cleanse it gently as recommended by your vet to prevent future complications, Over time, this can cause fur loss on the affected areas. Hair loss in rabbits, also called alopecia, can be caused by a variety of possible problems. It is usually classified by the presence of dandruff-like flaking on the fur. Their teeth continuously grow, so they need to be trimmed by a vet or constantly nibbling on roughages. Adequate intake of fiber will also help to avoid other gastrointestinal issues. The treatment for ear canker in rabbits is 3 treatments of ivermectin injections once every 10-14 days, or one moxidectin injection every 10 days for two treatments. Typically the hair loss will be accompanied by other symptoms that will help you figure out the underlying cause. 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