[11], This tale is classified, in the AarneThompsonUther Index, as tale type ATU 425M, "The Snake as Bridegroom"[12] (formerly "Bathing Girl's garments kept [until promise of marriage with aquatic being]"). The girl visits her family, but her brothers consult with a nearby witch, who reveals the sons know how to summon their father. " " . He also claimed that this narrative was "a common African variation on the Cupid and Psyche theme". After meeting the long lost family member, Egl's relatives do not wish to let her return to the sea and decide to kill ilvinas. [73], In a tale from the Lutsi Estonians collected by linguist Oskar Kallas with the name Ussiks niutud mees ("The Man Enchanted to be a Snake"), a couple prays for a son, and God gives them a snake. She is known by many names including Buto, Uatchit, Uadjet, and Edjo to name a few (McDevitt). lekonyt, Jrat. The princess asks which of her daughters spilled the secret song (the youngest), and curses herself to become a birch tree, and her daughters to turn into parts of the tree (foliage, tree bark and membrane). His hands were made up of 100 coiled snakes. In: . They live happily for a time, until the day Jegle begins to miss her father and wishes to visit him. Medusa - whose name probably comes from the Ancient Greek word for "guardian" - was one of the three Gorgons, daughters of the sea gods Phorcys and Ceto, and sisters of the Graeae, Echidna, and Ladon. "Egle zalka lgava. Finally, they take the non-fake bride, Egl, to the bottom of the sea lagoon to their king. Apollo (Greek god of healing, medicine, music, and poetry): Lyre (musical . In 3 volumes]. [42], Although its ultimate time and place of origin cannot be settled with certainty, the Lithuanian myth has been compared with similar stories found among Native American peoples (Wayampi, Yahgan and Coos), which could be the result of an inherited Ancient North Eurasian motif featuring a woman marrying an aquatic animal, violating human laws on exogamy and connecting the terrestrial and aquatic worlds. The Tuatha D Danann is a race of Celtic people with supernatural abilities. Hopi Indians and dan cing ritual with s nakes, American Indians al . Compared to a balanced marriage, between humans but from another clan or another village, that is to saydepending on the societywithin the framework of a well measured endogamy or exogamy, incest transgresses the norm because it is an exaggerated endogamy, and animal marriage transgresses it because it is an exaggerated exogamy. URL: "Ji pagrstai gali bti laikoma balt lietuvi ir latvi pasaka, nes daugiausia jos variant urayta Lietuvoje ir Latvijoje." Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mythological queens. Snakes were associated with death and thunder which link with Ryujin's role as a bringer of rain and storms. In Egyptian mythology, the snake was a personification of the goddess Kebechet, who personified the purification of water in the funeral cult, and the snake was a protector of the pharaohs after death. In the first type, the girl drowns herself in the sea; in the other, she sinks to the ground after she sees the dead fish. . When the snake is older, he goes to a neighbour to court his daughters. Later, Sira eats some food her mother prepared and a hen reveals it is made from the flesh of the serpent. The next two years, her mother goes to the sea shore and asks about her daughter. " (425 ) " [HISTORY OF RECORDING OF FOLKTALE GRASS-SNAKE AS A HUSBAND (BATHING GIRLS GARMENT KEPT UNTIL PROMISE OF MARRIAGE) (425 M) AMONG RUSSIANS]. In: Stryczyska-Hodyl, Ewa. Its mythological background has been an interest of Lithuanian and foreign researchers of Indo-European mythology; Gintaras Beresneviius considered it being a Lithuanian theogonic myth. Liliana Daskalova Perkowski, Doroteja Dobreva, Jordanka Koceva & Evgenija Miceva. They terrorized anyone who had the misfortune to see them. [87], Bronisaw Sokalski published another Polish variant with the title Krl ww ("The Serpent King"). In Greek mythology, the Gorgons were snake-women whose gazes would turn people to stone; they had serpents for hair, long claws, sharp teeth and scales covering their bodies. [15] As such, some versions avert the tragic ending by following the narrative of other tale types, like ATU 425A and ATU 425C. A water snake (a crested newt, in the original) announces it is a louseskin and marries the girl, taking her to its underwater palace. [90], The tale type is known in Russia as Zhena Uzha ("The Snake's Wife"),[91][92][93] or The Grass Snake's Wife. Barag, Lev. Folktale Type 425-M: A Study in Oicotype and Folk Belief, Les contes du peuple lituanien dans la littrature contemporaine, English translation of the tale (following Salomja Neris' version), A version of the tale from Suwalski, Poland, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Egl_the_Queen_of_Serpents&oldid=1150329812, Eugenijus muida Egl ali karalien: gyvybs ir mirties domenas. Some time later, a "troop" of snakes came to the maiden's house to force her to fulfill her promise. He mirrors only men; another forms the beasts and birds and the long sliding snakes.-Ovid, Metamorphoses 11. She agrees to his proposal and the snake comes later to take her to his underground palace. Hephaestus (Greek god of metalworking, blacksmithing, craftsmanship): Hammer, anvil, fire, donkey, and volcano. [81] In addition, in these variants, the mother-in-law is the one that kills the snake husband. Three years pass, and the snake's human wife has given birth to a boy and a girl. The femme fatale is a character archetype found across many different cultures and mythologies - and Ancient Greek mythology is no exception. She buries it and curses her children to become a nightingale, a swallow and a starling, while herself becomes a dove. In: , 1 (11): 11. The girl's brothers torture their nephews in the bath house and they tell their uncles the secret command. In order to be allowed to visit home, Egl is required to fulfill three impossible tasks: to spin a never-ending tuft of silk, wear down a pair of iron shoes and to bake a pie with no utensils. and takes it out on Alcmene instead of on Zeus - Hera sends two snakes to the cradles: baby heracles strangles both snakes - Heracles is brought up with the best and then learned . Delighted, she made another figure, and another and another, and each came to life in the same way. " . The youngest child reveals how they reach their house: their mother goes to the edge of a lake, sings a song and the snake father appears in a boat. Leningrad: , 1970. pp. When she returns, a black snake (" ", in the Russian translation) is lying on them and asks the girl to marry it. First, his sons are threatened and beaten with the scourge by their uncles, in attempt to make them disclose how to summon their father; however, they remain silent and do not betray him. In another myth, Hera sent two snakes to kill Heracles when he was still an infant. Once upon a time, a white snake and a green snake living in a remote mountain became immortal and obtained super powers after centuries of practices. Before they enter her parents' house, the girl warns her daughters to keep quiet about their life. She made humans one at a time with clay. 227 likes, 23 comments - (@graisonsfinejewellery) on Instagram: "**Personal collection at the moment . Ancient Egypt had a vast array of Gods and Goddesses. She was a daughter of Poseidon and a queen of Libya. Afterwards, returning to the shore to get dressed, she found a serpent in her clothes. Three years later, the girl visits her family carrying her two children in tow, a son and a daughter. After she put her daughter and grandchildren to bed, the old woman uttered the incantation, drew forth the snake husband, in human form, out of the palace and decapitated him with an axe. In: "It may be called a Baltic version of Aarne [type] 425". In a furious rage the goblin returns to the lake and through the shrieking storm screams that pierce the soul are heard. Egl almost forgets about her homeland, but one day, after being questioned by her oldest son uolas about her parents, she decides to visit her home. [115], Professor Loreto Todd collected a West African (Cameroon) tale titled Bibaiyibaiyi an di papa-wata (Bibaiyibaiyi and the Papa-Water). The earliest records in existence indicate this snake god was closely tied to the rain and water god, Tlaloc, and that his original domain was vegetation. Hundreds of different wings were grafted onto his body. [51][52][53] Some stories mention that the king of the grass snakes was wearing an amber crown or that he lived in an amber palace - a motif that recalls another Baltic fairy tale: Jrat and Kastytis. [68] According to Estonian folklorists (who worked in conjunction with the Lithuanians), the Estonian archives registered 34 variants of the tale type,[69] and, at the end of the tale, the serpent's wife becomes a birch or aspen and her children turn into bark or leaves. [21], Folklorist Norbertas Vlius has also developed an academic interest in the narrative and analysed its elements ("the dual nature of Egle, the attributes of the snake, the types of plants") in relation to the folklore of other countries. She marries the reptile, which lies on the rivers, and she has two children with him when he becomes human. Years pass, and the girl is missing life on the land. When they leave to get her clothes, the youngest finds a snake on her garments, which promises to return them if she becomes his wife. Thus, through no fault of her own, she incurred the wrath of Hera upon herself. She insists on visiting her parents and showing them their grandchildren, but her husband warns that disaster may loom upon their family. . Sensing something wrong, she inquires her daughters about it: the youngest confesses. Suddenly, the girl's mother asks her how she can summon her reptile husband, and the girl reveals the secret. Variants collected at East Lithuania show the transformation of the children into birds. After she gets an advice from the sorceress (a potential referral to the Lady of the Sea or Lady of the Cave) and succeeds in completing these three tasks, ilvinas reluctantly lets Egl and the children go. ""Egl ali karalien": gyvybs ir mirties domenas" ["Egl the queen of serpents": domain of life and death]. "On the Cult of the Snake in Ancient Baltic and Slavic Tradition (based on language material from the Latvian folksongs)". She returns home to her family with dresses and money to give her sisters, and to wait for her husband to fetch her. [76] Rausmaa also stated that the tale type was rare ("Harvinaisesta", in the original) in Finland, with its four variants collected from Ingria (Finnish: Inkeri). A mother tells her young daughter of a dream she had about clothing her daughter in white robes swirling like foaming water and with pearls of tears hiding deep distress around her neck. They live in an underground kingdom called Naga-loka, or Patala-loka, which is filled with . The next morning, Mirzhan goes back to the shore to summon her husband, but she only sees a red tint in the river and her husband's head near the reeds. The fisherman returns home and discovers his wife had given birth to a baby girl named Jegle. Years pass, the fisherman's wife dies and Jegle runs the house while her father and brothers are away. Manasa is the daughter of Lord Shiva and is also known as the queen of serpents. Cumba follows her sister to a location near the water, and sees Sira chanting a song to summon an enchanted serpent from the waters. She opens the door and answers to the snake's wishes: to be given food and to sleep next to her in her bed. [40] Another line of scholarship states that the tale refers to an ancient "Balto-Slavic totemic myth". Three years pass, and Zuhra begins to miss home. The next day, the girl and her daughters go back to the lake. In the temple of Athena in Athens, a snake held in a cage was believed to be the reincarnation of Erichthonius, an early king in ancient Greece. [79], Galina Kabakova notes that, among the East Slavic populations, the tale type ATU 425M assumes the features of an etiological tale:[80] as remarked by professor Natalie Kononenko, it shows the origins of the cuckoo, the lark and the nightingale. A ballet Egl ali karalien by Eduardas Balsys and numerous plays have been staged in various Lithuanian theaters, for the first time in 1960, directed by Juozas Gustaitis. Saddened with grief, she decides to enter the sea and a wave washes over her. Masha marries the snake and returns from the sea to her mother's house with her two children. Before she was cursed with her terrible new form, she was a powerful but relatively innocent woman. The Serpent Queen Reveals Just How Modern Catherine De Medici's Story Really Was "In a world where we talk about glass ceilings, she was somebody who broke a concrete ceiling, and she did it. That rivers arise in lakes, pools or in caves or spring wells up on mountain sides has made such sites the classical typical den of the legendary dragons of myth. In: [VARVARA DOBROVOLSKAYA]. The girl returns to the beach with an armed man and sings the song of invocation. In: lekonyt, Jrat. [16], According to Stith Thompson's reworked folktale classification, tale type AaTh 425M involves a magical formula or incantation to summon the serpent husband. FOLKLORICA - Journal of the Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Folklore Association 3 (2): 12. As for the youngest, she treats him with kindness and, on the wedding night, he takes off his snakeskin to become a handsome man. Egl the Queen of Serpents is one of the best-known Lithuanian fairy tales with many references to the Baltic mythology. She reaches home and spends some time there. [113], Africanist Sigrid Schmidt stated that in African tales, the secret song known only by heroine and husband and learned by others who use it to betray the couple "connects also with the East European tale of The Snake as Bridegroom". Mythology In myths, legends, scripture and folklore, the category naga comprises all kinds of serpentine beings . "Pastangos velninti krin: pasakos "Egl ali karalien" periferiniai variantai" [Attempts at mitigating the narrative: peripheral variants of the tale "Egl - the queen of serpents"]. 1998. [Latvian Folk Tales]. When the youngest sister leaves and looks for her garments, the maiden sees a huge snake sitting on her garments. https://go.nebula.tv/extramythologyIn Lithuania, there's a story about how the trees got their names. Le projet du Dictionnaire de motifs et de contes-types tiologiques chez les slaves orientaux. According to researcher Svetlana Ryzhakova, the tale first appeared in print in 1837, published by one M. Jaseviiaus or M. Jasaviius, in the supplement Biruta. The narrative tells that the human maiden marries another "kidnapped" person that was living with the "lake people", named Osip Tsarevich. The youngest leaves and tries to find her garments, but a snake is lying on top of them and will only return her the clothes with the promise of marriage. 133-142. Three weeks later, the snake comes to get his bride in a grand golden carriage. Perseus was the son of Danae, daughter of Acrisius the King of Argos, and Zeus. They served Hades, the god of the Underworld, and Persephone, the goddess of spring and queen of the Underworld. One day, he meets a despondent fisherman on the shore, who laments to the sea prince that he has not caught any fishes. The snake makes the girl give her ring in exchange for the garments, and slithers back into the water. [13] These tales are closely connected to type ATU 425 ("Search for the Lost Husband"), ATU 425A ("Animal as Bridegroom"), ATU 425B ("Cupid and Psyche" or "Son of the Witch")[14] and ATU 425C ("Beauty and the Beast"). In: . She then enchants her son to become a beetle, her daughter a dragonfly, and herself a cuckoo. " ". renown and appeal went later into movies like hercules, etc. On the third year, the girl herself visits her family with her children, then returns to the water. A bronze sculpture displaying Egl and the Serpent by Robertas Antinis has been constructed in Palanga Botanical Garden, Lithuania in 1960. [85], A variant from Poland has been translated into English with the title Egle and Zaltis. There are several Aztec gods and goddesses of the underworld, but Mictlntcutli is the most prominent one. Its liaison with a human woman, which produces children, violates the boundaries between the world of land and the world of water[33][34] and, by killing the snake, the natural order (that is, separation between land and water) can be restored. They transfer to the nearby island, and from there to the underground underneath the sea, where a nicely decorated palace is located - Egl's new home for eternity. At least 12 different approaches are reported. Subcategories This category has the following 7 subcategories, out of 7 total. In: . pp. The elder two leave the lake and, take their garments and go home. There's the mi. The girl sees the dead husband and commands the son to become a lark and the daughter a cuckoo, while she is washed away by the waves, never to be seen again. "Krybikumo proveriai pasakoje "Egl ali karalien"" [Outbreaks of creativity in the tale "Egl - the queen of serpents"]. [15] [114], Scholar Hasan El-Shamy lists 2 variants of the tale type found in Algeria, under the previous name of the type. In Chinese mythology, the woman-headed snake Nwa made the first humans. Then after three days, thousands of grass snakes march into the yard of her parents' house. She takes her sons to visit her brothers, and the brothers pry the children for anything. Over a hundred slightly diverging versions of the plot have been collected. One day, the girl is sent to wash some clothes at the beach when a wave crashes and carries them away. Egl the Queen of Serpents, alternatively Egl the Queen of Grass Snakes (Lithuanian: Egl ali karalien), is a Lithuanian folk tale, first published by M. Jasewicz in 1837. 67-75. The medieval Lamia Lilith could shapeshift, particularly as a snake. While Athena was a mythological figure, the Cult of Athena was very real. The girl obeys and a human prince appears. "Le mari-serpent ou Pourquoi le coucou coucoule". After pestering her daughter with questions, Zuhra eventually tells her the secret command. ""Egl ali karalien": pasakos topografijos paiekos" ["Egl - the Queen of Serpents": in search of the tale's topography]. However, he is rescued by a mysterious man with greenish hair who introduces himself as Zaltis, the King of the Lakes. Leningrad: , 1979. p. 132. Thor battling the Midgard Serpent by Emil Doepler. 818 Likes, 7 Comments - (@belarusian_monsters) on Instagram: "", . Hecate. [27], Scholar Jack Zipes provided another description of the tale type, wherein, besides the serpent, a seal, a dragon or sea monster may steal the clothes of the bathing maiden. .. The girl agrees to come with him to the lake. 83-87. Salomja Nris, a Lithuanian poet, wrote a poem called Egl ali karalien (1940), which is based on the motifs of the tale. 90 likes, 5 comments - (@elizah_leigh_art_writer) on Instagram on January 15, 2021: ""What . The serpent is a symbol immortality, which according to ancient beliefs was demonstrated by the shedding of its skin. Like many beautiful demi goddesses in Greek mythology, she became the object of Zeus's affections. In this tale, three sisters are bathing in the water. 142-144. Note that serpent men are different to "man serpents", which are typically depicted the other way round, having the bodies of giant snakes but the heads of human beings. Kabakova, Galina. Enraged grass snakes return for a final time and threaten everyone with dry year, deluge and famine. Ein Schlangenmrchen als identittsstiftende Erzhlung der Balten". She tries to calm him down and pleads to be allowed ashore to visit her mother once. The man moves out of his parents's home with his wife to an island in the middle of the sea. A simplified version of the myth regards Manasa as the daughter of Lord Shiva. The couple keep her safe from the world, until she is fourteen years old, when some girls from the village enter the couple's house and beg for Zuhra to join them for playtime int he water. The girl visits her family and one of her sisters asks her what she does to return to her palace in the bottom of the lake. online streamer | 3.6K views, 269 likes, 139 loves, 419 comments, 27 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Irina Allyson: Hoppy Easter! As a bringer of rain and storms archetype found across many different cultures mythologies! The Cupid and Psyche theme '' girl named Jegle url: `` it may be called a Baltic of. Are several Aztec Gods and goddesses of the myth regards manasa as the of! Hera upon herself marries the snake makes the girl give her ring exchange. 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