The slaves will also mention another who was captured and taken somewhere else--Glendir. Behind the guardian is his master's skeleton, but if you attempt to loot it he will attack. You will definitely be attacked by groups of asabi, and you'll need to fight your way to the large stone structure at the opposite end of the ruin. When you're finished in the temple, head into the Valley of Winds. A. Lliira's Heart: At the fourth level, the harper scout gains this permanent +2 saving throw against mind-affecting spells. Once you have the hand, use its special power--it will point you to the next artifact. This daze lasts for five rounds. Return the baby to Adam or, if Adam is dead, take it outside to Nora. The kobold hiding behind the broken table directly opposite the stairs has the cards. An archangel stands where Karsus was previously, and it will tell you that Karsus has agreed to help you. The book describes how the bandit chief was obsessed with finding a tomb in the vicinity. In the temple you will face a handful of stingers, including the stinger high priest, a fourth-level humanoid/sixth-level cleric who can cast negative energy ray. SoU adds a new campaign that runs in parallel with the NWN story, as well as the content listed below. Help the others kill the kobolds that have invaded. She will give you a key to the fortune-teller's caravan. If you enter the room, the gates will shut and a manticore will come bounding at you. There are a few ways to save Becka, though. Statue of Jergal C. Archer Statues D. Secret Door E. Kel-Garas. The Spell Orb C. Secret Door D. Minogons/Formian Hive Entrance E. Strange Machine F. Sphinx Statue G. To Formian Hive H. Portal Room I. When the lich is dead, the shadow servant will appear and inform you that you are the new lord of the estate. After creating the stone, the urns and the machine will be destroyed. At the sixth level, the arcane archer is given two seeker arrows a day. The assassin is the deadly cousin to the rogue. Note, however, that you can only do this once, and as soon as you receive one token the other pedestals will become inactive. Note that once Mara is safe, she will tell you that the Helmthorn Berries, needed for A Cure for Drogan, are in the pot on the stove in the kitchen (the berries will still be there if you don't save her). Kill the warden and take his key. Karsus will explain why he is being punished and allow you to read his confessions. Bards can also play a song to distract the kobold. If you don't want to pour all your points into rogue skills, just take one with you: Dorna Trapspringer will be the henchman you want. - Shadow Daze: At 3rd level, the shadowdancer may inflict an illusory daze upon a target once per day. To enter the plane of shadow, you will need shadow gems. The switches on either side of the hall will slow the rate at which the fireballs shoot, but if you flip the switches too many times, the rate will return to its fastest setting. Eagle's Splendor: At the fourth level, the harper scout can cast eagle's splendor once per day. NwN1 Category: Hakpak Requirements: OC Xp1 Language: English Tags: creatures, Shield Guardian Reskin, Reskin, Shield Guardian, retexture, Guardian, Shield Files: Attachment Size 3.21 MB Permissions & licensing: Open - Free & open only if project also open Top Modules NWN NWN 2 IceBlink The Raventhal Help the master jumper, and he'll open the blocked passage. The walls vanish and reappear, and you just need to find your way around in spite of the ever-shifting passageways. Evil characters take note. If you take the rubies, the statue will come to life and attack. This will be a tough fight. You may recall, from your conversation with Urko, that Deekin possesses the tower statue. He says that if you bring him a rod that the chief possesses, he can open the passage. It can be prohibitively expensive if it isn't one of your class skills, though, so as an alternate you can boost your charisma with potions of eagle's splendor for those times when a silver tongue is more important than a bloody blade. Once you've answered the riddles correctly, Riisi will give you some focus crystals. Fixed some errors. At the fourth level, the extra damage is 1d6. Quest: Thayvian Enclave If you agree to help Szaren set up an enclave in Hilltop (try to persuade him for some extra gold up front), return to Hilltop West and enter the community hall. Once the cavern is clear, head to the north cave, where Tymofarrar awaits. A. Instead, you'll want to set up a deal with her: She wants you to kill Tymofarrar and return the tower statue to her. The pool is of no use to you yet, so pull the lever. Continue fighting through the caves to the slave pen. Beginning with the interlude, you'll also be able to select Deekin the kobold bard. The center area of the caves is actually a huge trap. The choice is yours--either you must fight Kel-Garas again, or attack Ali, a ninth-level ranger. When all the shield guardians are dead or disabled, return to Ashtara. You convince the kobolds to take you as a hostage instead of Mara, which requires an easy persuasion check. The fourth leads into the stinger caves. This means that character classes that do not naturally gain this ability must take a wizard level in order to become arcane archers. For the third herb, you'll need to finish the Kobolds in the Kitchen quest, found at the Bubbling Cauldron Inn in Hilltop West. Two shield guardians reside in the west fragment, in the houses in the southern section of the street. Note that attacking Dagget will get you more than you bargained for--he's an 18th-level wizard with meteor swarm, incendiary cloud, and numerous other nasty spells. To Asabi Camp B. Buy what you need before returning to your home plane. Eventually, you will have to kill her. Using the cantrip of the opposite element on any of these pedestals will yield a magical token. For example, you might create a Gnome Barbarian to prove to other players that Gnomes make the best warriors, but after awhile realize that you are spending more time glorifying him with tales and poems than actually fighting. Go there, and enter the farmhouse. It also has a fairly impressive arsenal of offensive spells, including time stop, lighting bolt, cone of lighting, and dragon breath. Inflict Critical Wounds: At the eighth level, the blackguard is granted the ability to cast inflict critical wounds once per day. The hermit is a strange man who talks in circles. When you return to him later, he will offer you the calian belt for 40,000 gold, but you can talk him down to 35,000. If you've let Hurc or Urko survive, Chief Arzig will speak with you. Dying Man C. Deekin's Shop. You'll have to answer three riddles (or two, if you answered the "five children" riddle earlier). Note that this damage is not multiplied when calculating the damage for critical hits. Leave, and head to the High Forest. If the blackguard's level is more than twice the target creature's hit dice, the target is instantly destroyed. yet I have a nagging feeling I made the wrong choice. It increases to +2 the fourth level, +3 at the sixth level, +4 at the eighth level, and +5 at the tenth level. He is a tough opponent but nothing you can't handle. Shield Guardian C. The Great Library D. To North Fragment. HoTU: How in the heck do you defeat the third guardian of the path in Chapter 3. For Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide on the PC, Guide and Walkthrough by Orest. Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Once the kitchen is clear, remember to grab them. The prestige classes are interesting hybrids--by choosing very specific feats and very specific skills, you character can unlock access to a variety of unique abilities. The dead wind is nowhere near as tough as the wise wind. At the first level, it does 1d6 extra damage, and with every other level another d6 of damage is added. At the ninth level, he can summon a vrock. Shadow Daze: At the third level, the shadowdancer can cause an opponent to go into a daze for five rounds. There are only a few things to do in the community hall. Abilities: Hit Dice: d8 Proficiencies: All Simple and Martial Weapons, Light and Medium Armor, Shields Skill Points: 4 (Plus Intelligence Modifier Bonus). Improved Invisibility: At the ninth level, the assassin can cast improved invisibility once per day. But don't fear. The high arcanist's room contains a chest that's locked with a DC of 25. If Adam survived, he will offer the kobold a gem for the baby and then ask you to supply the gem. When you roll the dice and attempt to disarm a trap, for instance, the DC is the number you must roll (in addition to any modifiers) to disable the trap. To Hilltop West B. Halfling Caravan C. The Fortune-Teller's Caravan D. Old Farm E. Szaren F. Blake House G. To Hilltop Foothills. A. Once all the levers are activated, the doors to the chamber will open. Craft Harper Item: This ability allows the harper scout to create a potion once a day. When the manticore is dead, be sure to search its lair for some +1 half plate. And to the east of the floor lever you'll find a shadow robe (casts camouflage and displacement, each once per day). The red line marks the safe path back. As you enter this area, you will be attacked by basilisks. Return to the kobold hideout. Now the primary quest starts in earnest. Abilities: Hit Dice: d8 Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Light Armor Skill Points: 6 (Plus Intelligence Modifier Bonus). Kill the gnolls guarding the slave pen and then open the gate. Daily news, reviews, interviews, previews, walkthroughs, databases, and more for role-playing games available on PC and all console platforms. Elves and characters with search skills will be able to bypass the danger--there is a secret door directly behind the statue of Jergal. Neverwinter Nights $4.99 at Fanatical GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. You can weed them and balance the playing field a little. You can receive some gold or a free reading as your reward. Examining the statue will reveal two large rubies for eyes. Consult the maps below for the transportation locations from the tower to the plane of shadow. If you don't have, and aren't planning to acquire, thieving skills, you absolutely want the rogue/cleric Dorna Trapspringer. He will ask for 200 gold, but you can talk him down to 150. You can then add items to your henchman's inventory and re-equip him or her. This will not work, however, when engaged in combat. Otherwise, you can just let them go or kill them. Choose this, and you will return to the wood. You might be able to find Deekin at his store, but if J'Nah lives you will not be able to retrieve the statue yet. You can break into Toman's house, but he doesn't have much to say. You also choose where they go: Silverymoon or Hilltop. After you begin spotting its tracks, it will eventually appear. Anyway one of my favourite class combinations is a Fighter/Rogue/Weaponmaster if devestating critical is allowed and you are able to reach epic levels. He will tell you that if you can get him freed from his servitude, he will give you the statue. So, if a dagger does 1d4 cold damage, Shadows of Undrentide simulates rolling one four-sided die. Master Drogan will be revived, and you can proceed to the interlude. They will settle on a deal, and ask you to meet them at the big rock. 8 - EXIT TO LEVEL 2 OF HELM'S HOLD. Additionally, Kel-Garas himself will appear at the far side of the room and attempt to cast hold person on you as you cross. More interestingly, though, you'll find Garg's book and a silver key. For instance, if the light is blue, you can walk down the water hallways without being harmed. Harper scouts get significant bonuses to saving throws and spells that increase certain statistics. First, you can persuade Rumgut that Becka will never get any bigger. You can enter the temple and persuade the minister to set up a deal with Musharak, in which Musharak will share his profits with the church in exchange for a supply of wine. Wizard Spells Spreadsheet: 52kb: Download (Ext.) Imbue Arrow: This powerful ability, granted at the second level, allows the archer to summon a magic arrow that, if it successfully hits, casts fireball upon impact. Inside you'll find a good stash of magic items, including a periapt of wisdom +2, a cloak of protection +1, and a scythe +2. Try to get in and attack him as quickly as possible, and leave his minions for after his temporary death. He shouldn't be too much of a challenge--he's only sixth level--but he does have the standard monk feats like stunning fist, improved knockdown, and flurry of blows. If you speak to Telnix first, and agree to ignore the others, he will give you a cloak of Ao, which provides +1 for constitution, +2 for AC, and +1 for saving throws against mind-affecting spells. If you plan on fighting the gnoll chief, which isn't necessary, you can enlist the aid of the kobolds through persuasion or intimidation. The arcane is a powerful hybrid of ranged warrior and spellcaster. As you find items that might make your henchman more powerful, speak with them and choose "I want to change your tactics." on January 18, 2006 at 12:35PM PST. It will transform into the rod of dawn, which can cast several powerful healing spells. While not quite as big as Neverwinter Nights, Shadows of Undrentide is still a huge mass of land covered with quests and critters. Note that if you attack the kobold before you have the baby, the baby will be killed. Prerequisites: Alignment: Evil Skills: Hide (5 ranks) Feats: Cleave. You will be one stone short--simply stand on the last plate to open the sarcophagus. This resistance increases as the assassin becomes more powerful. It is available once the harper scout reaches level five. Make sure you rest up (and teleport back to Hilltop for supplies if needed) between battles. Looting the graves in the crypt will cause you to be attacked by the undead and will shift your alignment to evil. SOU - the 10 shield golems (too old to reply) Devast8or 19 years ago Hi all, I'm in Undrentide where I need to kill the 10 shield golems for the Asabi slaver. Kill everything, and then head down the hole into the hive. The gray slaad will summon other slaads, so concentrate your energy on it while your henchman and the summoned formians attack the others. The answer is "I will be hanged." The battle isn't extremely difficult, but it will be one of the toughest you've faced so far. According to Dagget, the shadovar--the residents of the shadow plane--have been disassembling the tower piece by piece. There are four of these, and the switches that open them are located in the caverns in the corners. A happy ending for William's story will make catching the wise wind much easier. As soon as Heurodis sees you, she will approach and begin talking. A. Note that flipping a switch out of order will close all the doors. One of the other significant differences between Neverwinter Nights and Shadows of Undrentide is the difficulty. This ancient spirit needs you to play exterminator. Located in the western fragment of Undrentide, the arcanist's tower is the location of the third and final wind, the dark wind. Tired of running the mouse over every single barrel and crate to see if you can even open it? The grand matron is the most challenging, as she is a 10th-level cleric/second-level monk. When you agree to kill J'Nah, the quest begins, and the dragon will give you a powder that will help in your fight. It is only a seventh-level elemental, but unfortunately it is protected by a field that makes it temporarily invulnerable. Make your way to the lever in the center of the room and use it. Some of the terminology used may seem foreign to someone who hasn't spent many late nights rolling 20-sided dice and eating slice after slice of stale pizza. Found in sarcaphogus after solving rune stone puzzle (1 of 4 possible), Flame Lash (1x/day), Gust of Wind (1x/day), special power, all base classes but monk and fighter, +1 attack, massive criticals (3 damage), Ranger only, +1 constitution, +2 AC bonus, +1 saving throws vs. mind-affecting spells, Given by Telnix if he thinks your are Ao incarnate, Haste (5x/day), damage reduction +1 (soak 5 damage), Available from Musharak if you ask him to "scrounge" for you, +1 cold damage, damage resistance: cold 5/-, +1 Appraise, +1 Craft Trap, +1 Disable Trap, +1 Hide, +1 Lore, +1 Move Silently, +1 Open Lock, +1 Pick Pocket, +1 Search, +1 Set Trap, +1 Use Magic Device, Located on bones in northwest corner of lower level, Teleports user to Drogan's Farm (if they have a focus crystal), Found in the pile of wood behind The Smith. I use the ring on them, but then I cannot harm them. Neverwinter Nights has a very flexible system for character modification, so don't worry much about the decisions you make early on. By choosing this class, characters will devote themselves to the art of the bow, and for their devotion they'll receive several powerful bonuses, making the arcane archer a very deadly adversary. Apparently you can only find the five 'Golem parts' for the Shield Guardian Golem if you are a level 5 Sorcerer or Wizard, or better. Make sure you remember to constantly give potions and equipment to your henchman. Climbing down will require a dexterity check, and if you fail you will fall and sustain some damage. You can just kill him outright. The library is located in the east fragment. Each pair is associated with a particular alignment. There are some fights that are just ridiculously hard, and you'll no doubt wonder if you missed some huge section of the game, and as a result a few levels, when you face some of the challenges in store. Note that if Szaren has set up his shop in Hilltop West, you can sell the baby for 500 gold, but if Adam is still alive and you attempt to leave with the baby, he will attack you. Cat's Grace: At the third level, the harper scout can cast cat's grace once per day. The hobgoblin merchant has some decent items for sale, but he will offer to find you something really special for a small deposit of 100 gold. Note that there is no way to avoid fighting J'Nah. Open Lock/Disable Trap Traps and locks. The sarcophagus in the center of the western wall contains the armor of command (+3 to AC, +5 to persuade, and +2 to charisma) and a stack of 13 arrows of the vampire (+2 vampiric regeneration). You can kill Karsus, if you choose--he's a 15th-level wizard--but you'd be wise to let him live. Equip the ring and disable the four shield guardians in the north fragment (there are two located by the door to the asabi camp and two in the rooms in the northwest section). You must speak to herbalist's dog first (Ranger/ druid only), Makes the bears in the gnoll cave friendly, Teleports user to Drogan's Farm (in conjuction with Mystra's Hand), Given by Formian Queen if you agree to her deal, On corpse of Zombie Warrior in southern chamber of upper level, Found on various bookshelves in chapter two, Casts offensive and defensive spells simulataneously, Awarded after solving the strange machine puzzle. This is one of several quests related to the wine. Once you have all three ingredients, bring them back to Ayala for some experience. In the western passage at the far end, you will find three tombs. Quest: The Missing Guide Explore the area immediately surrounding the caravan--there are three holes that you can climb down. They won't hurt you. If the chief agrees to the arbitration, bring Klumph to Chief's Cavern. Do so. This will make the fight significantly easier, and it will be easier still if you have the gnolls on your side. The maximum level for the harper scout prestige class is five. Trouble with Shield Guardians in SoU Ch 2 Share 4 posts Empyre65 1,707 245 Jul 02, 2018 #1 I am having a problem that I have never had before with the shield guardians in SoU Chapter 2. But if you do speak with them, you'll learn that they want to be put out of their misery. If you watch your tongue, you can enlist the aid of the gnolls to help you fight J'Nah. To kill Tymofarrar, she will give you the phylactery of ice, which will turn you into a frost giant for a short period of time. Kill them and then rest up. Shadows of Undrentide (SoU) is the first of the official expansion packs. Riisi will tell you about the kobolds and how they gained entrance to the laboratory. There are 5 new classes in NWN SoU. There is a new option: "Rewrite the ending." ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Ali will inform you (though you have probably noticed for yourself) that the oasis is dry. This is it--the final fight. You can either try to get him to pay the "kobold defense tax" (just as you can with other NPCs in town) or donate money to help those hurt in the attack. The chest is empty, and the doors will close, trapping you inside. Try to lure the undead toward you so you can disarm the traps at your leisure later and then rest up once the room is cleared. As you approach it, your journal will update and you will receive some experience for your discovery. Mischa importable henchman package. He can cast finger of death, greater dispelling, and, for defense, shadow shield. He won't remove your slave collar, but he will allow you to venture further into Undrentide. As a reward, he will tell you how to operate the strange machine in the next room and explain that the machine will provide you with a power stone when used correctly. August 2019 in Official Campaigns. Telling him to leave will award less experience, and Szaren will not set up his shop. One of the major additions to Shadows of Undrentide is the fact that you now have much more control over your henchman. A powerful undead priest has set up shop in a tomb nearby, and his power has somehow drained the water. However, if you successfully help Szaren in the Thayvian Enclave quest (which begins on the road in Hilltop East), Toman will be kicked out of his house and Szaren will set up a decent shop inside. Once that quest is finished, and Mara the cook is safe, you'll learn that the berries are in a pot on the stove in the kitchen of the Bubbling Cauldron. Talk to Haniah, standing near the inebriated mayor. Shield Guardian. You'll find some loot, including a ring of animal friendship (+12 to animal empathy). A. Proceed past the door to the southern end of the eastern hallway, where you will find a secret door. This is NWN, there's several ways to skin a cat, and taking a defensive-focused route + normal still spell and the odd high level spell with no somatic component should still work fairly well. Use the key to open the door to the tomb, then get ready for your toughest fight yet. He will inform you that they fled to the north. So, basically, it's going to be a tough fight, and the powder and gnolls will be helpful. But you will want to at least kill Tymofarrar for her to get some experience. The crypt is located off the north fragment. During the conversation, you will learn something important: A kobold named Deekin has taken the tower statue, but the mummified hand is still in their possession. In addition, the shadowdancer gets the hide in plain sight ability, allowing him or her to move into shadows even when being looked at. If your character is a paladin, the rubble will fall away, revealing a passage. It's a good idea to initially ask him to free Deekin, though, if you have no plans to kill Tymofarrar. Inside his sarcophagus you will find a longbow +1, a gold ring, and the key to the elven test room (he will also give you the key if you complete the Spider Infestation quest). To obtain shadow gems, kill the shadovar as they appear. If you can use ranged weapons or spells to destroy the Mmythallar, all the better. The maximum level for the blackguard prestige class is 10. There a few side quests here, though, so start by visiting the halfling caravan near the gates to Hilltop West. G. to Hilltop Foothills levers are activated, the shadow servant will appear and inform (! First of the opposite element on any of these pedestals will yield a magical token content listed below fortune-teller caravan! Of animal friendship ( +12 to animal empathy ) by a nwn sou shield guardian that makes temporarily... 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Add items to your henchman hallway, where Tymofarrar awaits some gold or a free reading as your....