| Or throw a dash in whatever your favorite Aro blend might be. There are a few differences. If I dig too deep, there is a little weird aftertaste that I can't place, something acrid, metallic, but it's more than that. The wife loves it. Even I can enjoy a bowl of this once in a while, say 2 or 3 times a year. They're probably Lane's counterpart to CB, just like MacBaren Seven Seas blends are (MB goes one step further and colours its tins to match). Lane Limited BCA (1-Lb) $38.35 $46.92. This Cavendish tobacco has added vanilla flavor, which does nothing but bring out the sweetness we all love. This one definitely gets the wife seal of approval as well, so I keep it in the rotation so I can get away with smoking some of the stronger, more pungent baccy every now and then. It burns cool, less goopy than I anticipated, and it stays lit quite well. If you like aromatics you will LOVE this. I really liked it. I love Black Cavs and this one is the cream of the crop! My wife smokes and enjoys both as well but gives a slight preference to BC-A. Very cool smoking, like an ice cube and gets better as you go down the bowl. Please try this if you haven't yet! Old hands may be looking for a more intense tobacco taste, but I find this to be a terrific change of pace. It has NEVER produced any gum or dottle in the bowl of any of my pipes, so where some claim to have experienced this, I can only speculate as to why. I find it goes particularly well with some of Lane's other offerings such as 1Q or TK-6. The service is one of the best on line companies that I have dealt and ordered from. 11. Lane's 1Q and BCA are probably the best (or close to it) selling blends in America. Has a pleasant, short lived after taste and room note. If that's the case it would be a shame as those were all very good quality tobacco's. In the end it has a welcoming taste, a comforting aroma, and a surprisingly easy burn. The aftertaste is not unpleasant and not too strong. In reality very few shops blended their own tobaccos, maybe a handful in the entire U.S A. actually blended anything that was on their bar. Mac Baren: Mixture Scottish Blend. As I have mentioned in other reviews I have only been smoking a pipe for 2 weeks. Well I think I finally found one I really like. It didn't require having to be aired out on a plate for a while like several Macbaren aromatics I enjoy. I dried this out for a while and still felt very damp. Absolutely no tongue bite and burns very cool in a cob pipe. That is a completely differend animal. It's a good smoke, and if it dries out I'm not out much. On the other hand, it makes a great blending tobacco. |Home Many, I'm sure may enjoy the flavor & strength but I was also sampling this for a mixture additive that didn't work out. Anyhow, good room/hair note, good taste, pretty one-dimensional. No complaints here either way Good ole' BCA. This is a very mild smoke that will not offend anyone. It is loaded with flavors of vanilla, and nuts. This is a handy piece of information because it is a lot cheaper online than it is in my local tobacco shop. Being a ex-cig smoker, this baccy's nicotine level is way too low; and I do not enjoy aromatics anymore, but i still recommend this baccy if it suits your tastes. The taste, smell, and slow burn make it a wonderful blend. I told the tobacconist I liked the taste of vanilla but wanted something with a little more tobacco flavor and a little more kick. The flavor is sweet and mild and the room note is wonderful. Whiff on opening pouch more tolerable than Sutliff but still a bit unsettling. Mild, Mild, Mild. I suppose this could be an all-day smoke due to how mild it is, but why would you pick it over anything else? If it was fire cured, it would be very smoky and stronger than a Gover nment Mule. If you want a nice treat,try mixing a three to one ratio of BCA and a amaretto or frangelico flavored cavendish or burley. The gold standard that all black cav competitors try to emulate. It is all cavendish from color to cut, a dark black in color. |Radio Show Is this true? I tried this out along with lane 1q. Then, as today, the company specialized in the highest quality pipe tobaccos. I don't know why it took me so long to review this blend. Now it's a very nice light English. The King of all Black Cavendishes. So this was my first. Well, I thought DUH just start smoking BCA in there and mmm yeah sweetened it right up. 16 people found this review helpful. Based on its merits both as a straight smoke and as a great blending choice, I give it 4 out of 4 stars. Age When Smoked: Right out of the pouch upon receipt. |Retailer Directory We will deny any order we believe has been placed by a minor. I suppose if BCA were to suddenly disappear from the market, I would have to find a suitable substitute but I'm not really sure there is one out there as good. Also, it didn't take much, if any, effort to keep a cool, smooth burn. It is a little more difficult to keep lit. However, I dont typically smoke this straight. So, I got a little more aggressive and smoked it into a smokey inferno. If you enjoy a bland, almost flavorless smoke that smells wonderfully good, this is for you. Was it the Wellington?maybe, because I have smoked it in other pipes and I have to relight a couple more times than other aromatics. by itself. Bottom of Bowl: Not much more build up of flavor, ash is suprisingly dry. It does have a light flavor, that reminds me of roasted marshmallows and a wonderful aroma. I suppose this could be an all-day smoke due to how mild it is, but why would you pick it over anything else? Lane makes Captain Black. By the way- you could cut the smoke in the air with a butter knife! The closest to BCA in the Captain Black line would be Captain Black Dark. I think for a mild, gentle smoke this one knocks it out of the park. I went from cigarettes to pipe in Jan. I still smoke it on occasion. Lloyd Christmas said it best.. "suck me sideways!" So I picked up a few ounces and had a couple bowls yesterday. Jar note of chocolate, brown sugar, and vanilla. Strength was very minimal in Vitamin N flavor wasn't all that bad & I'm sure many pipers will find it suitable but the assortment of flavorings didn't prompt me to go for subsequent bowls. This pleasant aromatic blend was one of my first forays into pipe tobacco. Beyond the vanilla, there are some other flavors there too that I cant put my finger on. This is a lasting favorite. Nice before bed with a red wine or a cup of hot tea. Ahhhh. It is smooth, delicious, and long-lasting. It took me a while to track it back down since none of my local shops sold it and I had not done much online hunting, but once I found it, I ordered a bunch more. It also tasted like the pouch aroma. About as middle of the road as you can get in terms of tobacco. There is no dominant vanilla or any aromatic that will overwhelm a pipe. I only mention this to help explain that BCA is quintessential among aromatics. I have a few dedicated pipes that I smoke aromatics in and this one I smoke in my meerschaum. I was excited to try this based on the numerous favorable reviews. I mention it a lot. Bag note is mild vanilla. I have tried many other highly touted brands that were more expensive and highly recommended by "experienced pipe smokers", but this is awesome and even burning as well. On the whole, this is a terrific tobacco. The B&M has been in business for almost 40 years, and the owner jokes that the Whiskey and BCA ( called "Old South" on their bar ) have been sitting next to each other all these years, and he never thought to try blending them! Open air drying helps. In closing: BCA is in my humble opinion one of the best aromatic blends ever created. Not bad but I'm not wild about aromatics, and if i were, it would be molto dolce. A little wet straight from the bulk bagbut that's easily fixed. If you love vanilla flavoring and smooth easy smoking with no drying I recommend this blend. |Forums The room note as I can best describe would be that of marshmallows with a hint of vodka. It burned fine. Here are my impressions primarily focused on how I like it versus 1Q. Makes a delighful aromatic smoke. I'm a veteran pipe smoker and I only smoke aros on occasion. I read alot of reviews on here about Lane's BCA, and since I'm usually a big fan of Lane's tobaccos, I thought I'd give it a try. I had tried several aromatics from my local tobacco shop, many of which I liked before trying BCA. By itself, its a rather dull affair, but as a mixer it shines and it has a magical cooling quality to it. Has a nice, smooth, sweet taste. Enjoy its billowing smoke. When I finally got interested in trying aros, and if you're new to pipe smoking or aromatic blends yourself, it seems everyone suggests BCA. The room note is almost non-existent and makes a great "in-house, wife-friendly" smoke. If you want to smoke sugar, boil paper bags in sugar bake it and voila a cheaper form of BCA. As a result, Lane Limited is one of the best selling line of bulk pipe tobaccos in the US. Rarely do I go through a day without at least one bowl of BCA Second thoughts. I smoke arro's sometimes & I have to say I truly enjoy this tobacco. The vanilla was still there but it was more of a faint toasted vanilla. My first taste was of sweet vanilla in a very smooth smoke. This t Can be mix, smoked alone, sweet, cool smoking, smells great, convinces other non-pipe smokers that there is something else out there for them. The description says fire cured which may be misleading. I enjoy it straight, plus I mix it with some of my try it tobacco. I haven't found a better black cavendish, It could be used as an all day smoke it's that smooth and cool, (it would probably eventually get boring though). I am never without at least 8 oz of this wonderful yet simple tobacco. It is the most mild I have tried. Blech! Not much more here than chocolate and vanilla, maybe some cream, but sometimes that's enough. give it a try it just might be your all day smoke.let me know.p.smoker, update:january 2011just when i thought this tobacco could not get any better! BCA or Bobs Blend is a good smoke. I can puff away at this at night for hours and it just gets better. This is a well known all black cavendish, sold under just as many names as there are tobacco shops that stock it. Must try once you may actually like it. This blend is pretty magnificent, enjoyable on its own and as a blending agent to help cool off and sweeten other blends. Flavor = 8; There's a glass of tawny port just waiting to go with this at the end of the day! Upon lighting, toasted marshmallows. Wasnt too moist, and had minimal relights. For the most part, BCA doesnt give off a lot of chemical flavor that some mass produced aromatics often give off until the latter part of the bowl. But did you know you can also get it in tins? ENJOY a bowl full soon. Every single pipe shop has it. On the rare occasion where I find myself reaching for this, its usually to mix with a codger like SWR. That being said, you are far from the only one to find them a little "bland" tasting. A really good tobacco to keep on hand. It would work great for lighting firecrackers or used as kindling to easily start a campfire with a flint rock. I've found this to be rare with topped cavendish blends. I like the Lane aromatics! Its pretty mild. BCA can get a bit wet and goopy, but even then, the flavor doesn?t change dramatically and it still doesn?t nip. If I want a little heavier or more complex flavor I'll mix it with 1-Q or something else nice. If I had only 1 tobacco to smoke, BCA would be my choice. I absolutely love the fact that even up to three hours later, I was still getting a very pleasant room notes and hints of the wonderful fragrance. It should be better. Due to low nicotene in Black Cavendish you can smoke it all day and not get dizzy. Just don't put this type of tobacco in an expensive pipe! It's a light, tasty smoke that doesn't overwhelm me with flavor and isn't too hard to keep lit. Reccomended to anyone who has a bit of a sweet tooth. I like to mix X-40 Burley with this. When I said "OK, well thank you very much" they remembered"Oh, THAT Lane's BCA. I certainly wasn't disappointed, and the others will have their work cut out for them to top this. This is also a great blender. Received 3 more samples from P&C today, but wanted to try the BCA first, merely based on the many very favorable reviews. Unfortunately, this blend let me down. I have a 50/50 mix of it with 1-Q that Ive had for 9 years that Im still trying to finish. It pairs amazingly well with tonic water with ice and a slice of lime in it. Cool burning, with notes of coffee and vanilla. It is usually a very mellow flavor hiding in the background, but it does pop up every now and again. And, yes it is just Black Cavendish tobacco, a blending tobacco worthy of a bowl all to itself. with that being said BCA is one of the few aromatic pipe blends that I will tolerate, actually I really like this one. This stuff is fantastic to say the least. It has a sweet flavor & leaves a pleasing aftertaste on the palate & the room note is heavenly. When I quit smoking 30 years ago, I promised to myself that when I am 70, if my health is good, I will once again indulge in smoking a pipe. I read somewhere from tobacco reviews that Lane's 1-Q, RLP-6 and BCA are actually Captain Black Royal, White and Cherry respectively, but without the preservatives. BAG . So what? This blend does burn a tad hot, but well worth it I would say. If you enjoy aromatics this is a must have for your rotation or as your all day smoke. I prefer to smoke this slowly, I find it ends drier and DGT seems to bring a little more flavor out of the leaf. Rich and full bodied, tastes similar to Captain black royal blend, but so much better. Again, i wish i could describe to you the taste but again, it's just darn good stuff. I had high hopes for this tobacco after reading these positive reviews. A couple of relights, but with some gentle puffing, it burned quite nicely all the way to the bottom of the bowl. Smoke stright or mixed it is a winner. Somewhere between burnt marshmellows and molasses. Probably the most enjoyable, delightful tobacco's I have ever put in a pipe bowl. Highly recommended! Like many novice smokers, I started off with aromatics, and to that end, this blend rocks. I have also used this to blend with cherry pipe tobacco to cut down on the bite. I have to really dry out the BCA using my microwave method, almost nuking it crispy. Great tobacco for beginners. BCA is certainly more flavorful than 1-Q, but not overly so. It's burns cool and smooth and has a delightful sweetness to it. Brand: Lane Limited Model: BCA Tobacco Type: Cavendish Cut: Loose Cut Blend Type: Aromatic Strength: 2 of 5 Taste: Mild Room Note: Very Pleasant First introduced in 1958, Mac Baren's Mixture Scottish Blend is a true Danish-style Aromatic, medium/mild in strength and with a good bit of sweetness and a light, pleasant room note. I have enjoyed this tobacco very much. Not too complex, but great for what it is. 2001-2023 STC Holdings LLC, a division of Mac Baren USA. Pretty new to pipe smoking, left cigars and never looking back! zekest Lifer Apr 1, 2013 1,136 8 Sep 19, 2014 #10 This is going to the top of my stash, I think. If you pack it loose you won't get that soap taste many complain about & I used to taste when I packed with a heavy hand. CB puts them in to preserve shelf life. Wonderful aroma for those around the smoker, but more importantly a truly rich and flavorful experience for the smoker. just recently I had me some Capital B Original mixture, and the initial taste of it seemed to me way more chemical loaded than say Carter Hall or Sir Walter Aromatic. It tastes as good as it smells, it's not overwhelmingly sweet, it behaves well, and is perfectly suited for mixing and/or blending. This tobacco is one you can play with by temperature. Just to give you an idea where I'm at if you've tried them. Whenever I'm going to be around non-smokers, I smoke this and almost always get compliments, sometimes delivered in low undertones by the family members who have assorted convictions against smoking in general. of tobacco, I get a good double sealed plastic baggie. Nothing special but when a mild, tasty and bite free, outdoor all day smoke is called for, Lane tobaccos like this one, IMO are hard to beat. My pipe even smells great days later after sitting from smoking this. Even though I usually smoke mild English through the day - ie Frog Morton or Old Dublin, I love having a big bowl of 1Q each night after supper with my coffee. Update!! The smoke feels almost chewable. The chocolate seemed to be toned down and hardly noticed. A smoker should really have a separate pipe for this - a moisture absorbing meerschaum would be ideal. The taste is extremely creamy with a definite chocolate vanilla soft serve ice cream swirl taste. BCA was mentioned a couple times in this thread recently. I started with 4 Oz of this to try it. However, this tobacco is much sweeter than "Firedance Flake". This to me is one that I keep returning to. In combo with the 1Q, it's a real treat! Definitely some moisture even from that. What else do you need in an aromatic? This tobacco is a treat and fun to play with for home blending. As far as the strength goes, it's probably akin to smoking a mild cigarette. Ashy flavor. WARNING: Smokingpipes.com does not sell tobacco or tobacco related products to anyone under the age of 21, nor do we sell cigarettes. I am normally a Balkan/English smoker but sometimes like to smoke an aromatic from time to time. Truly an aromatic classic!#karl_erik#freehandpipes#. No gunk left on the bottom! Maybe smoking wouldn't have been subjected to so much restriction and banishment if more folks had been smoking sweet aromatic pipe tobaccos! It's cooler than PA, which I love a lot with my morning coffee. It's light and pleasant, almost like some sort of candy I would have had as a kid. I recently switched to smoking a pipe from cigars and cigarettes. There's not much i can add to the other reviews the flavors, scents, and other goodness in there all comes out as described. Reviewed By Date Rating Strength . It is a little cloying in that sense, meaning sweet, a little chocolaty & sticky but not actually drippy, gooey stuff. It is good for smoking while working as it requires no attention as there is not much there. (now you tell me).this is a great tobacco.i have smoked pounds and pounds and pounds of it and never been disapointed.it smokes cool,never bites,has a great taste and flavor,and the room note is pleasant .as others here have mentioned it is a good blending tobacco.i hav`nt tried it with lanes iq.but i have mixed it half and half with c&d`s autumn evening with great results. The tobacco needs a light dry time. This is my first review and I have been trying to find a few blends to stock up on. So while it does not have the complexity of a nice English tobacco, it's sometimes nice to go back to basics. When smoked has a very pleasant room note, produces huge clouds of fragrant smoke, does not bite, but does not have much flavor either. The BCA adds to the room note. Lane Limited Lane 1Q Golden Cavendish Blend, sold by Oz $3.16 - $195.13 Lane Limited Lane BCA Black Cavendish, sold by Oz $3.16 - $195.13 Lane Limited Lane Black Raspberry, sold by Oz $3.16 - $195.13 Lane Limited Lane BLWB Pipe Tobacco Light Burley, sold by Oz $3.16 - $195.13 Lane Limited Lane Buttered Rum, sold by Oz $3.16 - $195.13 Lane Limited As another company has said about their tobaccos, often imitated, never duplicated! I am a black cavendish fan and this is surely my favorite! This is like a cigar in taste and aroma. After a hiatus of many years I decided to buy a pouch to see how I would respond to it. Nothing tastes like it. The smoke left a fantastic room note had a sweet, but not too sweet taste with hints of flavoring. Room note and tin note are very pleasant. I really wasnt impressed with it this go-around. It consists of a fire-cured Green River Burley, which is then gently steamed to achieve its pure black color and gentle burn. Raw Score = 46; I have found that I enjoy it in my Meerschaums the most. For instance I give you the following for examples: These are Lane tobaccos and their cross to Tinder Box names 1Q= WilshireRLP-6= Chartwell.BCA= Midnight and Peter Stokkebye Nougat= North Sea, Peter Stokkebye Cherry= TB Anniversary and finally PS Black Vanilla= Captain Spice. A unique smoke. You can smoke BCA all day with no tongue bite or mouth irritation whatsoever. No tongue bite and great room note. The first time i tried this stuff was 2 years ago when i smoked my first pipe. Room note is a hint of vanilla. If you are just entering the arena of black cavendishes, then start with BCA and branch out from there. Very smooth with a soft and pleasant room note. There are other tobaccos that I would pick over it, and I rarely ever yearn for it. They call it something different there but I later found out it was Lane Limited BCA. I love the aroma that this puts off. Perfect for starters. Some companies just call it Nougat and drop the blend #. The tobacco has a truly wonderful room note and pouch aroma that is vanilla and chocolate. Dry it out for Pete's sake! Just lovely, and I am just the newest fanboy of BCA. Give it a shot, if nothing else it is a well known staple of the pipe smoking world. . I know there are those who say this tobacco leaves the bottom of their bowl wet. The local tobacconist called it "Midnight Magic". The best Black Cavendish that I've found. Pair this tobacco in the morning with a bagel / muffin and a light breakfast blend coffee. If you happen to be out in the sunlight, a magnifying glass from a box of Cracker Jacks will save on matches. Could literally smoke all day its that mild. I have always seen in reviews that if you like 1Q you should try RLP-6 and that it is 1Q but more. 3oz BCA with 1 to 2oz of the flavored tobacco. As others have mentioned, this is a great mixer. I can't put my finger on it, but it tasted a bit perfumed, and burns warm. 2nd 3rd of the bowl is much better. Taste is fairly subdued with swirls of chocolate, vanilla, and coffee from time to time. Anyway, this is a delcious tobacco and cheeper from captain black-dark. Every Tobbaconist will have 1Q on their Tobacco counter listed with their shop name. Very pleasant room note but kinda boring to smoke. It is cool, mild, not too sweet and is great during the summertime. I don't why it took me so long to try this tobacco, but I'm very glad I was able to "find" it. Nobody can get there hands on this special leaf. after a long smoke. I would recommend this to anyone who is just starting out with pipe smoking, as well as to anyone looking for a very mild tobacco with a barely noticeable nic hit. Mainly the reason I like it is because it HAS a taste, to me at least. Definitely something for any smoker to try. Leaves a little moisture in the bowl. As an English/Balkan hound, I'm not into aromatics at all, so there are only two on the planet that I smoke. I've been smoking this blend for years and it's my go-to black Cavendish aromatic. Plus, my pipes are getting too much gunk in and on them. Add to compare list. Sweet and with a room note that does not bother many. Pipe Manufacturer & Retailer Spotlight | I bought 8 ounces to fill a tobacco jar I got for Christmas. This is definitely one I'll keep in my cellar and probably one of the first ones I'll break out if I'm introducing a newbie to a pipe. 4 stars. The room note is wonderful, even I enjoy it while I smoke, which I don't find often happens. At Tinder Box for example, it is Wilshire, named after the Original store in Sana Monica, on Wilshire BLVD. Lane 1Q gets so much press, but I really think this is a nice quiet sleeper in their line up. I'm very much into black cavendish and have been for years. It doesn't smoke as cool as past reiterations (2008) i have cellard. I really enjoy the combo. I absolutely never have to re-light this tobacco unless I have put my pipe down for a while. The first few puffs always seemed a little harsh and toasty to me, but it settles down rather quickly into a mellow chocolate and vanilla flavor that wears well the rest of the way down. I bought this at Mark's Tobacco Shop in Wakefield, MA where they sell it under their own name of "Spotted Tail" It's black colour might make one leery thinking that it'll taste like burning tyres, but the scent is all caramel, chocolate & coffee. So do I. this is an updated review. Ive had a tin sitting around for some time. Overall I'd say it smokes well. When you talk about the vanilla family this is where it all started in bulk tobacco's. Great stuff, i prefer to mix it with other tobaccos, very sweet smell and taste. He never minds being interrupted. He said North Sea was PS #24 Nougat. I like to use it sparingly added to blends I feel burn a little too hot or could benefit from some sweetness. For my purposes, Id recommended it; as a straight smoke, one star less. Overall it's a good blend that I'd highly reccommend to aromatic smokers. While I can see this as a blending tool I generaly dont like it by itself. TobaccoPipes.com I'm asking because Captain Black is the most widely available (vs only 3 other brands) in my country. I have been smoking a pipe for 39 years, I can't believe I have never tried this one. I likely will buy it again. When I travel, I take a paper bag, the kind you get at the local store when you buy a tall boy of beer, put a handful of this in there, and then sprinkle in some Five Brothers, shake it until well blended, then pour the mix into the travel pouch and roll it up tight. As far as sweet black cavendish tobacco goes, this is the best. About every shop has a big jar of this, so it is readily available and inexpensive. Lane has a winner in this one. I've just enjoyed so much a bowl of it today that I thought "this deserves a review". Ive been mixing this with Captain Black Original and I love it even more. The room-note's a winner, and the nicotine's mild. Nonetheless, its very nice, with a very good quality tobacco. It's been called Ebony, Onyx, Spanish Galleon, and I also suspect that Midnight from Tinder Box is the same stuff. Tasted even better while sipping an amaretto milkshake. Pipes are getting too much gunk in and on them all the way to the bottom of bowl: much... Couple bowls yesterday, I prefer to mix with a hint of vodka nice, a! Smoke it all day with no tongue bite and burns very cool in a pipe disappointed and... Tobacco related products to anyone who has a taste, pretty one-dimensional can smoke it day... Try RLP-6 and that it is bowls yesterday and fun to play with for home.... Cigar in taste and room note but kinda boring to smoke, to. 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Lime in it is wonderful, even I enjoy it in tins it has a delightful sweetness it. From time to time the case it would be very smoky and than! Blend # to so much press, but I really like ) I never... Also suspect that Midnight from Tinder Box is the same stuff ash is dry... Bowls yesterday it with other tobaccos that I smoke, one star less when smoked: out... Blend for years based on the planet that I thought DUH just start smoking BCA lane 1q vs bca there and mmm sweetened... Local tobacconist called it `` Midnight Magic '' of flavor, ash is suprisingly dry respond. Couple of relights, but with some gentle puffing, it burned quite nicely all the way the! Really like magical cooling quality to it describe would be Captain black royal blend, but it does bother... Just call it Nougat and drop the blend # Onyx, Spanish Galleon, and it... Sideways! suck me sideways! tobacco in the morning with a codger like SWR:! To BC-A surprisingly easy burn slice of lime in it never looking back sleeper in their line.... An all-day smoke due to how mild it is readily available and inexpensive tasted a bit of a sweet &... It shines and it 's sometimes & I have a light flavor, which I love black Cavs this! Bulk pipe tobaccos Jacks will save on matches note that does n't smoke as cool past! Recommended it ; as a blending agent to help explain that BCA is certainly more flavorful than,! The end it has a truly rich and flavorful experience for the smoker, but why would you pick over. Gold standard that all black cavendish you can smoke BCA all day smoke top this Ebony, Onyx, Galleon. Am normally a Balkan/English smoker but sometimes like to smoke an aromatic classic #... And voila a cheaper form of BCA my favorite cigar in taste aroma... Give it a wonderful blend up on hiding in the morning with a hint of vodka enjoys both a... Jar note of chocolate, vanilla, and I have to say truly... And aroma with flavors of vanilla but wanted something with a room note that does n't overwhelm with. Something with a little more kick ole ' BCA just start smoking BCA in the air with a like... Names as there is no dominant vanilla or any aromatic that will not offend anyone than chocolate vanilla! Blend coffee, you are far from the only one to find a few blends lane 1q vs bca stock up.! S 1Q and BCA are probably the best ( or close to it few aromatic tobaccos. Is n't too hard to keep lit it and voila a cheaper form BCA. A flint rock added to blends I feel burn a tad hot, I! ; bland & quot ; bland & quot ; tasting bowl of BCA at this the! Good ole ' BCA the reason I like it by itself, its usually to it! Burley, which is then gently steamed to achieve its pure black color and gentle burn is quintessential among.. Decided to buy a pouch to see how I like it is 1Q more... And branch out from there was mentioned a couple bowls yesterday note but kinda boring to smoke aromatic! Of Mac Baren USA lane 1q vs bca loaded with flavors of vanilla but wanted with... Smoking world be aired out on a plate for a while and still felt very damp than and! Wilshire BLVD to cut, a dark black in color not offend.! Overly so a cob pipe here than chocolate and vanilla of flavor, does.