I give up now and will put $100k into VTSAX (and reinvest all dividends) and keep $20k cash as an emergency fund. Also looks like I can roll it over to a 401k plan, because I left my former employers years ago and can no longer contribute to it. Stocks Part XVII: What if you can't buy VTSAX? Glad youe here and hope to see more comments from you. He was so insistent I take credit and so upset when I didnt, he hasnt spoken to me since. Congratulations on graduation with no debt. This means it's often not wise to sell stocks out of fear; in fact, this is how most people lose money. But it takes a bit of extra effort. Plus they are more expensive. In the book, he outlines a simple and uncomplicated approach to investing by choosing to invest in diversified index funds through Vanguard. Finally, remember this is for my 19-year-old and other young folks with decades ahead of them. Some years in that 40 year span your investments will take a 40%+ hit. Great resource. Thanks for the kind words. So know I have this 401k, I checked it in July 2012 and it was 7000k plus. Nicarugua Wife doesnt have one or any retirement account yet. Mauritania Even its expense ratio, at .09%, is excellently low. My house is paid off, I have no debt, I already have my retirement taken care off. understand it is a job as well as an investment. Will let you know how the experiment turns out if you are still blogging in 2025. Things are different this time. Today, in our compliant world, those with many of those same skills are outcast and given the label ADD attention deficit DISORDER! Case Study #3: Let's get Tom to Latin America! UN-earned income. Difficult place to live. Its just not a good investment. And clearly he has done a wonderful job raising you. You gave me personal advice ~8 months ago, and since then Ive opened a Roth IRA and funded it with VTSMX its grown %16 so far! You have had the pleasure of seeing it. This physically hurts me. Heres the return on VTSAX in context: 3-year = 23.07% It is your financial freedom. Get the latest tips you need to manage your money delivered to you biweekly. well done. Your comment is a bright spot in my day! I agree with your statement that you and all the people who pursue early financial independence are aberrations. Well written blog. Once youve read those posts youll understand what the stock market really is, how to invest in it and why youll need to be ready and able to accept its periodic plunges. A regular IRA wouldnt help in this regard. Many thanks for helpful advice. Thanks for the tips Jim. JL Collins is a financial expert and author. He enthusiastically explained the fun of being able to measure balances by crossing the tens of thousands threshold: seeing twenty thousand turn to thirty. For that last one I sometimes get credit. what he doesnt mention is that we met when he and his accomplice Trish kidnapped me in Ireland while I was on a bicycle trip. I want to add more to it like transferring 75% of my emergency fund ($17k) into but Im afraid I will need it sooner than expected and I dont know how easy it will be to take out of the VTSAX. Ive continued to save my money but had I just held it in there instead of wasting my time reading so much conflicting, pointless information and trying to find the best I would have nearly triple what I have now. Maybe it wasnt me. Im very impressed that youve worked out a repayment plan with your friend on that loan. I understand your point about buying more shares during the crash, but wondering what your approach is in the opposite situation. Case Study #I: Putting the Simple Path to Wealth into Action. . Especially from those doing so with kids. IRAs can only be opened with earned income. Custodial accounts seem like they have options, but we lose control of them between 18 and 21. F-you Money: John Goodman v. jlcollinsnh How I failed my daughter and a simple path to wealth My path for my kid the first ten years What we own and why we own it What we own and why we own it: 2018 The smoother path to wealth Putting the Simple Path to wealth into action Why I can't pick winning stocks, and you can't either https://jlcollinsnh.com/2013/11/25/death-taxes-estate-plans-probate-and-prob8/. But before you do anything, I strongly encourage you to read thru the entire Stock Series. Once you strip away all the hype and complexity from folks trying to sell you stuff, whats left and what works is pretty basic. That was a real possibility when she was a girl and the elderly were the poorest group [Continue Reading], Update by JLs Team This year is the 12th anniversary of the blog, and to celebrate were highlighting some of the most loved posts of all time. If I am fully invested and we get a 50% drop in the total market index and I lose my job, what amount of cash should I have on hand so I do not sell the index fund at market lows? Dad, she said I know this is important. The 9% is the average total return, which includes capital gains. Most people will argue this strenuously. It sounds like you have a couple of great kids and that is a blessing beyond money. Your questions on IRAs and 401Ks are covered here: Debt, whether good or bad, represents an amount that you owe to someone else. Would you recommend for them an IRA? Years ago, when my wife and I were paying off a mountain of debt, I used to get so ticked off when people would besmirch the teachings of Dave Ramsey, who, in my eyes, could speak no wrong. I purchased 500 credits from GET (guarantee education tuition) and already done with that. Seek advice cautiously and never give up control. Thank you for compiling such as straight-forward, easy-to-remember list that can be useful to anyone. Yikes! My wife is 42 years old and is a school principal. Myanmar https://jlcollinsnh.com/2018/03/16/stocks-part-xxxii-why-you-should-not-be-in-the-stock-market/, Taxes in retirement: Chautauqua 2015 Reviews, 2016 registration open, Case Study #15: The Scavenger Life -- Freedom first, then Financial Independence, 3rd Annual (2015) Louis Rukeyser Memorial Market Prediction Contest results, and my forecast for 2016, Personal Capital; and how to unload your unwanted stocks and funds, Stockchoker: A look back at what your investment might have been, Case Study #14: To Dream the Impossible Dream (and then realize it), Gone for Summer, an important note on comments and random cool stuff that caught my eye, Stocks Part VIII: The 401(k), 403(b), TSP, IRA & Roth Buckets, Stocks -- Part XXVIII: Debt - The Unacceptable Burden, Case Study #12: Escaping a soul-crushing job before you're 70, Case Study #11: John, a small business owner in transition, Trish and Stan take an Intrepid Sailing Voyage, 2014 Annual Louis Rukeyser Memorial Market Prediction Contest results, and my forecast for 2015, Chautauqua February 7-14, 2015: Escape from Winter, Stocks -- Part XXVII: Why I Dont Like Dollar Cost Averaging, Jack Bogle and the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Greetings from Prague & a computer question, Swimming with Tigers, a 2nd chance on the Chautauqua, a financial article gets it wrong and I'm off to Prague, Homeless, and a bit on the strategy of dollar cost averaging, Wild Turkeys, Motorcycles, Dining Room Sets & Greed, Roots v. Wings: considering home ownership, Meet Mr. Money Mustache, JD Roth, Cheryl Reed & me for a Chautauqua in Ecuador, High School Poetry, Carnival, cool ads and random pictures that caught my eye. But to get that you surrender your capital to the insurance company which is betting youll die sooner rather than later. Second, are your EJ funds in a taxable account? Thanks for the stock series, its been refreshing to finally close the chapter on this researching phase I spent too much time on. 10 years of investing, all things being equal, will take you exactly as far whether you are 20 or 60. 4. Using the Search button might very well provide your answer. Your daughter is very lucky to have such an experienced parent. But if reaching financial independence is important to you, the chart below will give you a good idea as to just how powerful your savings rate can be. Even if you were to get lucky, they retire, quit, die or simply lose their touch. Chautauqua 2018 Greece: A week for the gods! Personal Capital special Valentines Day promotion, http://blog.famzoo.com/2011/04/pave-road-to-retirement-for-your.html, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2015/06/02/stocks-part-viii-the-401k-403b-tsp-ira-roth-buckets/, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2011/12/27/dividend-growth-investing/, https://personal.vanguard.com/us/funds/snapshot?FundId=0585&FundIntExt=INT, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2011/06/03/my-short-attention-span/, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2011/06/06/why-you-need-f-you-money/, http://beyonddave.com/2011/06/teach-your-children-well/#comments, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2011/06/07/the-myth-of-motivation/, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2012/12/07/stocks-part-xiii-withdrawal-rates-how-much-can-i-spend-anyway/, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2012/05/26/mr-money-mustache/, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2012/04/15/stocks-part-1-theres-a-major-market-crash-coming-and-dr-lo-cant-save-you/, http://www.madfientist.com/traditional_ira_vs_roth_ira/, https://jlcollinsnh.com/category/case-studies/, Vanguard Index International Shares Fund, Vanguard US Total Market Shares Index ETF (VTS), https://jlcollinsnh.com/2013/05/02/stocks-part-xvii-what-if-you-cant-buy-vtsax-or-even-vanguard/, https://investor.vanguard.com/what-we-offer/college/overview, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2012/05/12/stocks-part-vi-portfolio-ideas-to-build-and-keep-your-wealth/, http://www.madfientist.com/traditional-ira-vs-roth-ira/, http://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/on-retirement/2010/12/16/3-risks-of-purchasing-a-fixed-annuity, https://personal.vanguard.com/vlip/Pdf/s433.pdf, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2013/05/22/stocks-part-xviii-investing-in-a-raging-bull/, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2012/06/06/why-i-dont-like-investment-advisors/, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2014/01/27/stocks-part-xxi-investing-with-vanguard-for-europeans/, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2014/06/10/stocks-part-xxiii-selecting-your-asset-allocation/, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2014/08/25/stocks-part-xxvi-pulling-the-4/, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2014/11/12/stocks-part-xxvii-why-i-dont-like-dollar-cost-averaging/, https://www.vanguardinvestments.com.au/retail/ret/investments/funddetailVISIF.jsp, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2012/12/18/stocks-part-xv-target-retirement-funds-the-simplest-path-to-wealth-of-all/, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2018/03/16/stocks-part-xxxii-why-you-should-not-be-in-the-stock-market/, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2014/07/27/stocks-part-xxiv-rmds-the-ugly-surprise-at-the-end-of-the-tax-deferred-rainbow/, https://jlcollinsnh.com/2013/11/25/death-taxes-estate-plans-probate-and-prob8/, When Your Country Becomes a Global Outcast. . I am currently contributing 6% into my works 401k to receive the full 5% matching contribution, and am now sold on pouring the rest of our savings into VTSAX. We have a mortgage and my business pays for a truck payment that my business uses to operate (no other debt). Its good to know also that should I decide to continue at least part time after the FY money, I should invest my income. Well, parents cant teach what they dont know. You are fine putting your money there. My kids, whether on their own or through the efforst of my wife and I, do well with their emotions and behavior. This post is for you. But what you say here: feed into it and not think about it to much for at least the next 10 years. is, by far, the most important key to your success! yep, our conversations over lunch and dinner certainly helped forcus my thinking. Chautauqua 2014 preview, closing up for travel and other random cool things that caught my eye of late. Please help, please advise!! https://jlcollinsnh.com/2011/06/07/the-myth-of-motivation/. Thanks for sending me the link. So I e been itching to start. Where do I see VTSAXs performance? Just dont get scared out when the market drops. I am in the process of reading all of your stock series right now and hope to come across more of a how-to-invest as I read. See point #9 and The Monk and the Minister. I'm an ex-FAANG employee and I'm fortunate that it's treated me well. Closing up shop plus an opening at Chautauqua, my new podcast, phone, book and other random cool stuff. Great article and even greater follow-up discussions. I check it today and its 10K plus and I havent done a thing Sorry for torturing with all the above. https://jlcollinsnh.com/2014/01/27/stocks-part-xxi-investing-with-vanguard-for-europeans/. Hope she picked a strong insurance company in the right state. The Simple Path to Wealth is now Published! Is there any notable difference between VTSAX and the ETF VTI? In fact it has the. That would cut cost out totally and put dividends straight into your pocket (or even better, reinvested). Jim, I fear there is much you would disagree with in Dave Ramseys advice to investors, including his recommendation of purchasing load funds from American Funds through his ELPs, hiring a commission-based advisor, promoting actively-managed funds, saying that fees dont matter much, investing all in Growth funds instead of Total US Stock Market Funds, and encouraging people to stay 100% in stocks throughout retirement. Alls good. University of Rhode Island. Collins: Christine, first of all--and you've alluded to this already--but let's be clear that when I was talking about my daughter and that she's putting money in on a regular basis, and that . So pay yourself first. Monica & I are with you. At the top rate of 39.4% it is 20%. Stocks -- Part VIII: The 401K, 403b, TSP, IRA & Roth Buckets. We discuss with father and daughter duos JL and Jessica Collins, and Doug Nordman and Carol Pittner. Many, many thanks for your advice and your quick reply. Oh, and I am hard at work on the book. My question is, I want to semi-retire in about 20 years. How in life to you have time to write these lengthy spreads? VTSAX is an index fund that invests in stocks. But doing so ends the experiment. Im planning a post focused on that subject in detail. After being a newbie and drowning in the pool of information I sold all of stocks within 2 months and have since sat on the sideline. However, if these funds are in a tax-advantaged account, think IRA or 401k, you can move them without tax consequences. I will take my chance with the complex one. Spain BTW, if you havent already read it you might find this of interest: Not that I deserve it. Just avoiding debt is huge, but you are also sitting on 135k. Buy cost 0.15%, Sell cost 0.10% I think im around your daughters age. Gold star! Well heres an example of opportunity cost. Over the past two months, I have moved my money from American Funds (with 5.75% front-end loads with high expense ratios) to Vanguard, in VTSAX. To help, they sent me a draft copy for review. Its best to take action based on what we know now. Dont bother. Even better: Buy more shares. Italy Requirements: They work 40 hrs/wk or volunteer if work is unavailable. Also, the Vanguard options with my 401k are as follows: VBMFX Total bond market, VFINX 500 Index , NAESX Small Cap. You mention you might move out/get married in the next five years. Is there a reason that I should switch my ETF to the Investor share mutual fund? Im actually paying taxes in a foreign country but will qualify for the foreign income exclusion for taxes next year, so funding a Roth while Im abroad makes sense. I had enjoyed reading it in the past. Before the week slips away I just wanted to take a moment to wish you and yours. It could happen according to Kondratieff wave for example. Im also thinking of making this conversation of ours into a Case Study blog post like these: https://jlcollinsnh.com/category/case-studies/. New subscriber here! Overall GREAT ADVICE, unfortunately the school of hard knocks often is the best and only teacher, just be there without or restained I told you so reaction in the future. Mexico Her work has been featured on LendingTree, CreditSesame, and Barclaycard. Hopefully this is a positive start to a secure financial future. Ill look forward to your feedback on it. I am brand new to your site and Im really thankful youre having this very informative blog for us. Any new money, Id steer to a fresh account with Vanguard. Willing to go a step further? But MF has helped me see the advantages of a regular IRA and how to convert them in early retirement to Roths. The most valuable thing you can buy with money is not cars or clothes or vacations or houses. The financial is the last big bugaboo. I started out my journey with a low income and debt, unlike the stories I hear from others who were building wealth while earning six figures by age 23 and had no debt. Thank you so much and I will definitely be coming back to your site every day . 10% of my income goes into a Public Employee Retirement Account (PERS) and my employer matches 15%. These are an expected part of the process, like blizzards in New England and hurricanes [Continue Reading], By Shawn Jenkins and Jonathan Mendonsa Shawn Have you ever considered your career to be like a brokerage account for financial freedom? JL Collins wrote his book The Simple Path to Wealth for his daughter (it started off as a series of letters to his daughter about money and investing) and then it turned into a blog in 2011 and then it turned into this book that was published in 2016. Thats exactly what I plan to do for Jessica once she has earned income. on his "rules for the road"--as well as a candid conversation about the journey to financial freedom with his daughter, the inspiration for his original . We included his comment at the end of this post in our most recent newsletter and figured it would be helpful for the community to resurface this post. Great question. Your stash will grow rapidly, as will the dollar amount of the 4%. And I think its coming. Anytime you can live off it you are financially independent. The Simple Path to Wealth: Your Road Map to Financial Independence by JL Collins (epub)|1.0 MB The Simple Path to Wealth: Your Road Map to Financial Independence and a Rich, Free Life by JL Collins This book grew out of a series of letters to my daughter concerning various thingsmostly about money and investingshe was not yet quite ready to hear. What are you thoughts, or your thoughts on how to choose? In this book, JL tells a cautionary tale about his personal experience with the real estate market. Increase the amount the longer they are in the plan. Your mindset, your habits, and your determination. Time Machine and the future returns for stocks, Kibanda: Mr. Anti-house buys his dream house. Great blog! Ive lived, worked, and traveled in over 50 countries over the last 15 years I reckon: Perhaps 40+ years from now you might want to add a Vanguards Total Bond Index Fundto smooth out the ride. 3. China If you are very smart you will use these times as an opportunity to buy more shares at bargain prices. Anyway, thanks for the comments and, as always, I look forward to your next post. So, what does a month in Ecuador cost anyway? On Twitter, gone for Chautauqua and dark on comments till November, Tuft & Needle: Our Walnut Frame and Mint Mattress, Kibanda Part 5: Pretty, and pretty much done, Stocks--Part XXXIV: How to unload your unwanted stocks and funds, My Talk at Google, Playing with FIRE and other Chautauqua connections, Stocks -- Part XXXII: Why you should not be in the stock market, An International Portfolio from The Escape Artist, How to Invest in Bitcoin like Benjamin Graham, Sleeping soundly thru a market crash: The Wasting Asset Retirement Model. Tearing down those barriers of complexity are key for getting people to do the basics, from which most of the value is earned. Almost everyone else you meet will be borrowing money to buy this or that. How to choose? But what about a long term bear market? since beginning of the year saving 50-60% take home check a month, rolling over continuously into Vanguard. Second, one of the benefits of this is you are also learning to live on less. Of course, youll also want to be sure to keep some emergency cash. And, of course, you have to pay that anytime you spent that Roth money. The same portfolio can be had in an Investor Shares version VTSMX with a $3000 minimum. What amount do you suggest for an emergency fund? Her looks, her brains, her charm (she takes after her mother) and her behavior. Chautauqua 2014 preview, closing up for travel and other random cool things that caught my eye of late. Will simple investments based on blind trust in some index funds outperfom complicated investments backed by up to date knowledge and good trading algorithms? Your plan administrator or HR department should be able to help with this. Historically, we saved somewhere between 12-30% and in the past 18 months we have been saving 30%+. Ignore this. Financial regulation is something automatically appealing to many people. glad you liked it and thanks to Malachi for linking you in. I know youve discussed this stuff before, but Im getting a little confused about the levels of investing. They are thankful not only for advice but that they can spend time on things they like and let lazy investing do the work for them. Thats where the most beautiful travel is for me. Thanks for writing. since beginning of the year saving 50-60% take home check a month, rolling over continuously into Vanguard Gold Star, X2!! Congratulations on your progress so far. if so what do you recommend? The negligence that led me to DIY investing, Part XXXVI: Estate Planning 101 -- The Simple Path to an Estate Plan, The Top 9 (Bad) Arguments Against Bitcoin, Investing with Vanguard for Europeans: 2020 update. Those issues alone will likely lead me to continued work beyond the point where I feel we can get by on a 3% withdrawal rate. Shilpan's Seven Habits to Live More with Less, Stocks -- Part XIX: How to think about money, Stocks Part XVIII: Investing in a raging bull, Dining with the Ghosts of Sarah Bernhardt and Alfons Mucha. Vanguard link here: https://www.vanguardinvestments.com.au/retail/ret/investments/funddetailVISIF.jsp Max taxes, depending on your bracket, and max control. Thanks to the book, I'm now on the path towards FIRE financial independence/retire early. And this is assuming I have a 6 month emergency fund put away in a savings account. Yikes. Greetings! I could not have said it better myself Stocks -- Part IX: Why I don't like investment advisors. There are no Federal guarantees for annuities. For the past 15 years or so weve been on the path I describe. Stocks -- Part VII: Can everyone really retire a millionaire? Stocks -- Part III: Most people lose money in the market. Btw these posts and the money mustache posts, are great. The chart is taken from my pal Darrows (Can I Retire Yet?) We also do this for our daughter and it is the greatest gift you can offer as long as you train him to understand it is not to be touched. I cant wait to hear your theory on hunters and gatherers. Thanks! With a Roth, you have to pay tax on the money before you make the contribution. That is how I got to 2025 as the end of my experiment (but these ideas are all in the formative stages and subject to change as data come in). Glad to hear things have worked out so well. So why not suggest diversification into various vehicles. Senegal Im asking myself if thats too heavy on the real estate side, and wondering if im not better off selling this property to buy the other one. Glad you like the podcast! Still, I really feel like I can do this with a little guidance, which you are providing. Thats a big goal around here! Index, VTSGX Total Intl Stock index. . (My 16yo son is a saver, so he will probably be more excited about it, but its something he needs to hear.). Fund your Roth first and then your taxable account. How I lost money in real estate before it was fashionable, Part I: Impossibly Naive. Case Study #2: Joe -- off to a fast start! Chautauqua 2018 Greece: A week for the gods! Everyones sitch is different, for sure. This is the reason a 20% bond holding has actually out-performed 100% stocks in some studies. You can use VTSAX in both. Have already rolled Tiaa-Cref and the third retirement company funds over to Vanguard, and so far have over 90% in stocks. My family simply didnt know about personal finances or any other finances, consequently I never learned until now. Any chance you caught this comment? I would hire experts but do not want to sign anything over. Is this right, and should I open a traditional or Roth IRA? . That chart you posted from your friend Darrow, it doesnt seem realistic. Am I missing something? Does the withdrawal rate change if you decide to invest in the Vanguard balanced index fund (60/40 stock/bond split) as opposed to VTSAX? My dads been retired since 2005 and my mom has a few more years to go, since Im still in college and my older sister is in law school. After college, I have two options: joining the wonderful world of work or going to law school. That ~14 year period of 5.5% returns includes the tech crash of 2000-2002 and the crash of 2007-2009, the largest since the Great Depression. Will see how it works. They were entirely in debt and didnt have a clue themselves. Like the Idiot I am, I fought and fought against it. It is a rocky ride. But we can speculate on what might happen forever. Only you can answer the question as to whether you can handle that. http://money.ramblingfever.com/2012/01/dont-sell-yourself-short-on-investment.html. and plan on implementing these rules. Finally, spreading your blog-message like wild fire among family/friends/co-workers; and still counting down the days until i can get my hands on some copies of your book. Youll find most of the answers to the questions you are asking. As I mentioned above I worked a year in the states and my employer did something I should be thankful for too, they forced me into an Employee matching 401k with Vanguard. Sounds like you are on a great path. Ive been taught that I need to save my whole life. Ill leave it to you to figure the impact of paying that $500 in tax each year you fund your Roth. Ima 35 yo single gal whos been working for 10 years but not stashing like she should until now. To fully answer would require an entire post, but in short I am not a fan of annuities, and it sounds like your mother doesnt really understand what she has in hers. Yep! Well, send him the easiest, best one youve got. I have some money in Edwards Jones mutual funds. 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