I always knew I wasnt losing my mind but I still cant understand whether this is something good or not. Our family cat Rocky was a precious cat to me and passed away in late 2010. I saw a ghost cat in my home a few years ago. I have also felt it move on me. 7- Yes they communicate with human voice; weather female or male voice..they speak in my language and rarely English.. My husband and I ALWAYS sleep with our bedroom door CLOSED. It must have been meowing because its mouth was open as if it was, but I couldnt hear it. I feel the same thing. My bed is huge with no tangle points. Thanks for sharing your situation. He seemed distressed. A fitted sheet can be used on top of the bed, when the cat might have unsupervised access to the bed (new or gently used). go Away want to sleep!, then had a thud on my chest, couldnt get up or move, was pinned, went cold, felt a cloud of cold around me, ne then put lamp on when could move ten mins later! It stopped after a while, which to me confirmed that this was the case. I couldnt fall asleep because of it. But does anyone know how to stop it? As one commenter reported. Tho keep in mind bruises take a few days to appear, why was mine there the next arvo? It all started about a month ago. It is well known that some entities thrive on the fear generated by their victims. Love to all.. Kin. You are able to differentiate between the unbalanced brain chemistry and the paranormal. The music and speaking instantly stopped. It happened just last night, as a matter of fact. Also one night I even felt a human or The first was the night after my beloved cat of 20 years was put down. I cant explain it. Then the doona moved. I decided to ignore it. My back kills me of the morning. these cats hate each other. Scared me so bad, I havent slept at home since. He does not feel them, so he is convinced that it is RLS , Restless Leg Syndrome. Exactly! Then walks exactly like a cat does, I hear nor see anything at all. WebThis always used to happen to me. I could feel each paw depress the duvet, I could feel the duvet touch my skin as it walked. You explained it well, Paula. Hi Ann I sometimes have weeks with no encounter. I would like to think that it was a guardian angel. Youre protected. So I dont think its an evil entity. I recently moved and it have been happening way more than it used to, and like 3 even 4 cats sometimes. I completely understand what you are going through. Ive felt it a couple of times since my son did fairly normal but a little more walking around. The first light on the left comes on when the unit is powered. afraid to go to sleep. Now, I tend to ignore anything strange going on, which is rare. I still feel a cat or whatever it is on my bed at times too. I was awake. Well see if it ever escalates or if anyone in my house feels it too. Ive had experiences with pets that have passed on too. Hi Colton! But I personally Dont Believe in ghosts. I googled it just now and found your page. I havent been able to find anything or anyone who has had this same experience. You all sound like wonderful, sensitive people. Have experienced things in life and this is no biggie. I moved rooms and didnt feel it for some time them it visited a couple of times but just walking feeling all over the doona. As the name implies, bed bugs ( Cimex lectularius) are most commonly found on beds, but they'll also move into couches. Im sooo happy to find these posts are still active. I searched after dealing with it for months. It was terrifying! My little girl is sleeping But even though some of our experiences are similar, I dont think they are all exactly the same. This first startd with me always waking up in the middlr of thr night and i didnt know why. It scares me to feel something that I cant see. I didnt realize this was so common. I havent been able to sleep in my bed since i saw the footage. He spoke slowly, and he had a southern accent. She started walking up and then all of the sudden it was like a pounce of pressure on the upper half of my body mostly on my face and exposed hand. I would look over because it distinctly felt like a cat curled at my side. (29) And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting. It has talked to me on more that one occasion & every time in the same pre-recorded robotic type of voice. Except it wasnt the cat and my At times , it feels like someone is pulling at my socks from different angles, whether I have socks on or not. I can feel it and hear it. I dont find it scary at all. Like a cat has jumped on the bed but none are there. Feel free to share your experience in the comments below, and discuss your situation with others. I looked this up because the same EXACT thing was happening to me. Ignore the cats or whatever they are as difficult as it sounds. Sometimes Ill roll over real fast and whatever it is,feels like a Magnet at opposite poles,then it collapse. He was a Rottweiler and he would stand up to my long mirror, barking loudly, trying to jump up on my dresser. Theyre not here to do you good! My eyes in that split second that it takes to wake up and focus saw movement right by my face. Its hard to explain but when it happens to you it will all make sense. It makes sense. I felt the bed move a little. I Let it circle me three times see if it was just shows playing and it wasnt. The one that I trust is Jake Ducey @ jakeducey.com. My husband thinks its our previous dog we had to have put to sleep as he was dying of kidney failure. Much to their total amazement and relief, more and more people visiting Kims blog are finding that they are not alone in the bizarre things that are now being visited upon them, for whatever reason. September 28, 2015 January 18, 2019 Kim 363 Comments feels like a cat walking on my bed, ghost cat jumping onto my bed, invisible animal landing on my bed, video on unexplained paranormal phenomena, why it feels like an animal walking on my bed. I have almost always had cats my entire life. Do not reach out to these things. Your cat may be unsettled when you have visitors and may hide under your bed until they feel confident enough to come out. I do believe,like someone else metioned that there is a whole other life that us people have no clue about and maybe some of us are more in tune with that other so called life.who knows?? Im not sure that Id hear anything. It has to be something for all of us to be going through this? I am tired so please leave me alone. I was wide awake and in a normal state of mind when all of this happened for more than one night thus they are for real & not a fragment of my imagination. I was kind of scared, but excited at the same time because I think it validates other dimensions. I feel someone walking or crawling on my bed soon as I lay down, I noticed it always has to be behind me. I am seeing stories all over online of the same experiences but no one has a name or any idea of something supernatural. These are also times when Im in bed that I also hear what sounds like voices speaking and I cant understand what theyre saying. So I stayed uo for awhile, tried to settle back down and relax, got on my phone and was just playing around on my phone online. I call it ghost cat Not sure what it is thou. Ive even felt the cat on the arm of the chair next to me. I have tried to think of every possible excuse (as I have a background in the Sciences) to no avail. I could feel the purring through the blanket. I got comfortable on my right side, got my book and was about to start reading it when something pulled me off my pillow towards the foot of my bed, of course it seemed strange at first more than anything because it just didnt seem real. Im feeling it less than I used to, but it still comes around now and then. It seemed to be jumping up and down and up and down. Ive experienced this a few times in the last few days, but tonight I woke up to the feeling of a cat jumping onto my bed and then fighting with another cat. What happened next? I was just about to drift off and it startled me quite a bit and my heart began to pound like crazy and I felt like it ran up to my face. Now this has happened and i am wondering if therr is more to it than i thought. This amused me and i tried to lift my right leg thinking it was nothing more than a leg cramp. I think its just ghost cats hanging out Its the same with Me as well. their experiences suddenly stopped then began again two months later. My Grandmother gave me a set of blessed rosary beads for my confirmation, and they stay on my headboard. I dont currently have cats and it scares the shit out of me. WebIf you have a playful cat, its possible that the interaction with you around the stools is play. Do I need a medium to get this cat to move on.. Good grief.. lol. I dont have any cats right now but maybe I should. It is bad to the core & should have absolutely no place on my bed. I feel honored that one or more of my cats has come back to visit me. I have to ask; of all the people commenting here, who all has taken or takes either a PM medicine (Tylenol PM or off brand) or Benedryl? Thanks Kim, I still feel it every night. It jumps on the bottom of my bed , walks to the bend of my back and I can feel the weight pushing up against me. I thought I was going nuts and didnt tell anyone. This will be the first time Ive ever said any of this to anybody out loud. And, as disturbing as this phenomenon can be, I guess at my core I didnt want anyone to judge me as crazy, or to tell me my home may be inhabited by a presence other than my own. One time in particular I was lying in bed by myself. I felt like I was on laughing gas.I felt wonderful,euphoric..this was 10 am.I thought i had been like that a few minutesIt was hard to wake uplooked at clock.2pm.What did they do to me???? I checked the camera footage at that exact time and it looks like a cat jumps on the foot of my bed, then shoots over to my face and wakes me. It is slightly comforting to read Kims post and everyones replies, and Id like to commend the courage and strength of everyone. I have absolutely no idea why this is so. At the slightest movement from myself it is gone. It does not leave, it just quiets down & stop bothering me as far as I can tell. Very troubling, but it never harms me, I just loose a lot of sleep. It looked almost as solid as a real cat, but it seemed to look a little blurred and whitish, for lack of a better description. Ive felt it more vividly during sleep paralysis episodes, but when I fully wake up I feel it lightly on my bedding and when it touches my body it feels tingly and sometimes like mild electric shock. We had a lady come out and pray over the home & us. What I said is true and real. i wasnt powerless, i went with it. I was brought here by googling feels like cat on my bed. Ive had this for many, many years and in multiple places weve lived. But nothing was there. Then you could feel this presence. That's the case with many cats that fear objects like plastic grocery or garbage bags. Its so unnerving that I have been getting my husband to lay with me until I go to sleep. Thats a plausable theory. And when you see it as a blue and white spirit, does it appear as a solid object that you can touch or can you see through it like a ghost? I absolutely love it. The invisible cat has spent most of the afternoon licking my toe and is currently sitting behind me on my computer chair. Sometimes he leaves for a minute or two, but he always comes back. once, my nephew slept in the other side of the room on a mattress on the floor and he said yes, he felt the footsteps at night sometimes but like me decided it didnt matter. I havent heard from anyone who has experienced that. Hi, Marsha. They scratch the end of my bed, climb up, walk around, on me, on my pillow, and basically do whatever they want. It was just a flash image, as I fell asleep. I dont think its a cat. Also pictures of the sky you will see a lot of things flying around that arent visible the way you see them is by a sparkle of light thats reflecting off of their craft whatever it maybe look for Sparkles of light in the blue sky where theres nothing else there is very hard to see but once you see it youll see it everywhere. i was just messing around with meditation. unbelievable part starts . I just figured it was my Dad in heaven. Other times its just one person speaking, but I cant make out any of the words. I got up and went to bed with my wife. Maybe squirels etc. Yes, I actually felt . No one was there. Now wide awake, i crawled back under the doona again, turning my back on the house cat now snoring. I just ignored it . My dogs are not alarmed by it. this is hoe i found this thread. This will keep the bed clean when you are not watching. Are you still experiencing these cats? I cant say for certain whether she is avoiding the master bedroom as a result of this phenomenon, but I certainly cant rule it out. My experience started only a few months ago and up to this point I had been fine with it. paws on my face, hearing growls! It felt like a kitten, which took a very regular path around my bed. I had a dog pass away and buried in my yard about 12 years ago. I have in the past yr n half lost 3 cats, one was my precious I had 15 yrs. Hi, Jules. Ive said repeatedly that I cant see it, but thats the biggest problem. I have just been trying to sleep but as I have a blocked nose am unable to breathe properly and being a nose breather cannot sleep. They are ghosts! I would wait for a while to make sure I wasnt just imagining it and then Id quickly look and nothing would be there It makes me cry everytime. I do not think it is a cat. We had a cat for almost 15 years, but she was long gone by the time this started. I dont want it to happen to me either. What does this mean? It was a comforting feeling. I hope that you find a solution for your problem. This began for me during menopause, perhaps because this is when I began having sleep issues. I have read the many comments on your blogs and other web sites and find that in almost every case, there are so many commonalities, but differences as well that I can relate to. Like Ive told others, I dont think that you have anything to worry about. Im sure of it. Thanks for sharing. Maybe 2-3 times a week? He watches something in the room that I cant see. This time i ignored them, then i felt like little mice about 3-4 of them run across my forhead. After my American Eskimo dog passed away several years ago I heard her bark each time I came home and rang the doorbell. What the hell is this? Almost as if someone walked by the bed and bumped into it. After the second time, I was afraid to turn out the light. A few years ago i found out how to leave my body and explore (astral projection) To do it you first have to bring your body to a certain state or vibrational level. I still havent lived that one down. I keep them cut to short an OCD habit of mine. Most times I throw the sheet off or make a sudden jerk that would hopefully toss it away. I had it last night and many times before it feels like cat is running on my bed. I immediately sat up and yelled out our cats name, as I turned on the light. I do at times think about it differently and wonder am I loosing it? The I was laying awake on my left side with my left arm next to a pillow in the middle of the bed. It will walk all around me. If its Bad, since it hasnt hurt me I Believe it best to Ignore it- maybe it will go away by me not showing any kind of I have felt my face being touch befor.. Also my hair being pulled and my covers getting tuged on.. I just now had the experience, again! Thanks, Opa. I have cats, but theyre not in the bed when this happens. The more I give it attention the worse it gets. !I almost had heart attack! Youre safe. I can feel it/them come right up to my face and then I feel a quick breeze or puff of air in my direction. A bout of the zoomies will help the cat run off any additional vitality. I woke up when i felt the cats and looked at time, fell asleep and then cats were back and this time felt like the mice on forehead and i looked at the clock. I thought for sure my husbands cat was on my bed but nothing was there. This time I calmly watch it for a while. Id just think one of them jumped up then down real quick. It moves as you move almost to the same spot lower ribcage area. Sometimes I swear I see a one of them out of the corner of my eye but do a double take and nothing is there either. I used to be afraid too, but Im not anymore. He would step on my hair an pull it. I often feel one walking on my bed, but the cat that I have left is fast asleep. So far thats been it I sometimes I feel like I enjoy the company but like I shouldnt my real cat also makes me feel safe but she doesnt stay long. It was after I realized that I was doing something out of the ordinary that I could no longer do it. Ive also felt a person sitting on my bed. Jump from the lol. I try to do my best to not connect to deeply with clients to take on any of their junk. They cannot stand this & will leave within a minute or so. I tried Once to catch it on video, but the fact that my camera phone light was so bright, I dont think I ever relaxed long enough to allow it to happen. I also have no knowledge of the prior occupants of my unit, and I dont feel like, or at least recall, that its been happening for much longer. I dispelled this as part of the phenomena because in my inability to move or scream, I groan loud enough that I usually wake myself up, and usually my first thought is what the hell do my neighbors thing is going on in hear (if they heard that). Good luck with yours. I can feel the edge of the mattress sink down. How I know that? That wasnt all. However Before he moved in with us (Nyla the cat, and myself) and when he is away on business for a few or more consecutive nights in a row. Last night ,I felt like something was kneeding It has weight, I could feel it step on my pillow and indent the pillow.This all started 5 years ago when my 30 year old mare died.I actually had to call a paranormal team out , because I was loosing so much sleep.I started arming myself with my camera and shot a lot of pictures around the room and caught a picture of a grey cat sitting on my bed. I looked up Large Hadron Collider to find out what it was. I often feel a cat jump onto my bed, but nothing is there, of course. I was in my reclining chair, and when I looked up from what I was doing I saw a dark cat running toward the chair. Be persistent and unrelenting. I tells it i bought this house because i love it and that it whatever it is is more than welcome to stay bt just leave me alone. This happens to me, too, but only in one bedroom. You are not having episodes. One afternoon while taking a nap I felt two of them join me in bed in broad daylight. My shih-tzu has been acting very weird. Now I still get that at times but most of the time it feels like a cat jumping onto my bed then walking around and nothing is there. Specifically a man and probably someone who had passed over. Other times I have woken up and seen them one even followed me to the bathroom and waited outside. Its where you are at the R.E.M. Youre doing the right things to get rid of it, but as long as you leave the room and sleep elsewhere its not going to leave. I seem to have attracted what I call visitations all my life, all different and in different residences. The next day i thought nothing of it other than my wicked imagination. Its very strange. I like to think its my old girl visiting me, when shes able to find me in the right sleep zone. Visitors may be unsettling your cat. At first I just saw a sparkle that looked almost like tv static. Then the weirdest thing happened. Sleep paralysis happens at this stage but you are awake. I can feel a cat walking on my bed just like she would when she was here in the physical form. about your experience and others who talk about a cat figure I think this : 1- It maybe a kind of animal like spirit trying to be in a presence of human; as I said its obvious that these things whatever they are- are very attracted to humans; I dont know why. I did not get afraid at all, and it stopped right away. I have burned white sage in there and a friend sent me holy water. However in my room only one or two of them come in occasionally, so its usually just my cat and I in here. Carol. The only other strange thing I experience when I get into bed, which only happens with the walking sensation or the awareness of a presence in the room, is that I have the strangest sensation that my legs are vibrating like a tuning fork (not to be confused with restless leg syndrome, which I have had from time to time.) Its so strange. It started after my cat of 16 years weatherby had passed away. I also found a picture I took with a young boy standing in the woods looking at my friend and I. Your cat may have had a traumatic encounter with a bag so the sight and sound of a rustling plastic bag can send your kitty into hiding. This has been going on for over a year, and a couple of weeks ago I set up a camera in my bedroom so we could watch my dog while we are gone. At the slightest movement from myself it is gone. When there is no cat,I feel something latching onto my back,at first,it small and if I lay there,it seems to grow until in envelopes my entire back. That does sound like sleep paralysis. I had the same thing happen to me 2-3 years ago. I think that he senses it, and hes protecting me. I tell the cat to leave the room but she just continues to walk around me on the bed, playing at my feet, laying by my back or laying by my head. That way I dont have to worry about the closet. I dont know what it is, but I know Im not even close to being asleep; in fact, it has happened when Ive been wide awake but in bed. He has to be near my face, and he watches the floor. Thats when I got scared and pulled the blanket over my head and prayed. It doesnt even freak me out or anything. Ive been experiencing the same phenomenon for a while now, maybe a couple years. I know that doesnt really help, but Id rather think its a dog than something else. But something that everyone has had in common on these comments is that they have all had a cat and I have never had a cat in my life I got out of bed cause I was sooo spooked I thought it was a rat or spider something that could have been real from how real it felt ! We really do have to ask: what is going on? So Im now really awake (00:50) and all of a sudden Im mulling over other experiences of presences. I have burned white sage in there and a friend sent me holy water. There have been some comments reporting that some pet dogs react by running out of the room in what appears to be fear and agitation, but so far, I dont think anyone has reported the reaction of their cats. But then I started to get sneaky and try to catch it out. I must be sensitive to spirits and other entities. It might pretend to be a cat as I have also heard purring before, but it is merely disguising itself. I have been experiencing what feels like invisible cats on my bed for about two months. Ive never before thought of it as such. They still want physical love. The rebuttals to all of those that experience this were all giving potential logical explanations. That is so frightening, Enie. I too think its a parallel universe. Its not my site, but I post my articles and stories here. A guy named Jake commented last night. The pattern of steps is very predictable too. Back then the problem wasnt a cat. I woke up and opened my door (first clue), and simultaneously saw her in the living room! The fleas you may see on your cat or dog are immature fleas from eggs on the floor or outside that hatched into fleas and jumped back onto your dog. I believe everything youve said. Maybe its my husbands cat that died many years ago. If anyone has any other advice for Jake, here is the article. But I want to know what it means. Its like a long legged, delicate trouncer has come upon me. I would immediately order it to leave, San. It is a creepy feeling to have this occur. It, or they jumped up and came up and sniffed the cross and I told them to leave and they have. I dont really believe in ghosts, so I Then i was woken up by the feeling of something walking up against my left side. Ive never had a bad feeling when going through this experience. Thanks for sharing your experiences. Cant make out any of this to anybody out loud i tried to my! I told them to leave, it just quiets down & stop bothering me well! Kims post and everyones replies, and Id like to commend the courage and strength of everyone if therr more. To bed with my left arm next to a pillow in the same EXACT thing was happening to me that. Of voice it distinctly felt like a Magnet at opposite poles, then it collapse home and rang doorbell... Quick breeze or puff of air in my home a few days to appear, why was mine there next. Figured it was my Dad invisible cat walking on my bed heaven duvet touch my skin as it sounds you find solution! 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