Some figure headings were not close to the actual figure in the PDF version. WebYou can download the PDF using the following link: Introduction to Psychology PDF (14.7 MB) To share these files with your students, copy and paste the text and download link above into a page or announcement in your learning management system (Blackboard, Canvas, etc.). The only drawback is the relatively limited number of photos, illustrations, tables, charts, and graphs. Additionally, the open nature of the text automatically lends itself to easy updating and customization. There are 14 chapters in total giving a complete understanding of the introductory course for psychology. The discussion on the DSM (and associated Figure 12.6, and Table 12.3) needs to be updated to the DSM-V (see also criteria for ADHD in box at beginning of Chapter 13). The author's approach to relevant topical areas is an overarching one. This made it very difficult to help students navigate to a certain page for information. As noted by the author, this text is somewhat shorter than other introductory texts, which may be of interest to instructors. The latest reviewed version was checked on 26 February 2021.There are template/file changes awaiting review. Learning objectives are presented at the beginning of each section of a chapter (alth. As stated above, this text is very clear and easy to understand. I enjoyed the information provided on the "need to escape everyday consciousness." Module 1: How Psychologists Think. It is one less step to that the student has to do; therefore, it increases the likelihood that the student will learn that particular concept. This will be the one area that the author will need to keep up-to-date when discussing diagnoses. Stress is included in the Each chapter begins with an example that is likely to be relatable to most readers. Psychology is a popular major for students, a popular topic in the public media, and a part of our everyday lives. There were no inconsistencies noted in this text. Commercial texts often cover the cultural variations in disorders (i.e. Reviewed by Donna Weber, Senior Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Stout on 1/7/16, The textbook included the topics and chapters that I expect to be included in a General Psychology course. There were references to video clips however it's unclear how to access them through the PDF version. Introduction to Psychology 1st Canadian Edition Charles Stangor and Jennifer Walinga Download this book This book is designed to help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. Finally, some more contemporary issues such as e-cigarettes and binge drinking could be incorporated in Chapter 5, along with recent legislative changes regarding recreational marijuana. I found it very easy to use which I believe is the absolute first step of engagement for students. When conducting this review I compared this text to four other introductory textbooks (Gerrig, Zimbardo, Desmarais, & Ivanco, 2010; Myers, 2013; Passer, Smith, Atkinson, Mitchell, & Muir, 2011; Schacter, Gilbert, & Wegner,2013). One of the strengths of the text is its modularity. Chapter 3: Biological Psychology. The sections seem appropriate in length to serve as standalone units. One constructive criticism would be to add a list of key terms for each section and/or chapter. In the hard copy and downloaded pfd/Word copies I noted many that the Psychology in Everyday Life sections were written in a smaller font and subsequently not as easy to read. The discussion around whether our actions are largely due to nature or nurture did not include material around various theories of heritability, leaving the discussion to sound largely based from a personal perspective. The book does not seem overwelming which many college textbooks seem to be. Chapter 8: Motivation. Navigation is straightforward. I didn't have any major navigation problems, and the video links that I clicked worked well. The index is appropriate, but I was not able to find the glossary. The word psychology comes from the Greek words psyche, meaning life, and logos, meaning explanation. In some respects, the I could not find any grammar or spelling errors. The book is well organized and does not overwhelm the readers with enormous blocks of text. Some may be psychology majors, however most will not. I would generally encourage students to use a critical lens while reading this text and to contribute their own personal insight/ideas particular with regard to issues such as culture, race, ethnicity, gender, age, and socioeconomic status. The text is organized in a logical fashion, starting with analysis of behavior at the level of the cell and moving up to the final chapter, which is an analysis of behavior from a social perspective. I also did not see Broca's and Wernicke's areas discussed. (Chapter 12) ii) In Chapter 9, the author states that "Intelligence is defined by the culture in which it exists," but there is no elaborative discussion on the meaning of intelligence in collectivist cultures. II. The key takeaways are useful for students to review important concepts in each section. This book is designed to facilitate these learning outcomes, and he has used three techniques to help focus students on behavior: Chapter Openers: Each chapter opens showcasing an interesting real world example of people who dealing with behavioral questions and who can use psychology to help them answer them. This book help students organize their thinking about psychology at a conceptual level. However, links seem to change so quickly on the internet that this is a significant issue. Though the topic of emotions and stress can be separate. As with any introductory psychological textbook, the author typically demonstrates the greatest conceptual accuracy and strength in their own content area (social psychology, in this instance). the case of PTSD in Chapter 7). The tables are drab: black and white, small font. I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out where the next sentence began after the reference! Introduction to Psychology utilizes the dual theme of behavior and empiricism to make psychology relevant to intro students. Generally, Stangor's text has limited coverage of health psychology, stress and well-being, motivation & achievement, and Canadian researchers. Web"Feeling comfortable and safe with a therapist is an important part of beginning the healing process. Module 2: How Psychologists Know What They Know. The adaption focused on revising the book to make it relevant for Canadian post-secondary students. While there were mentions of culture in some chapters, it was not included in every chapter despite the availability of the research. The text would also benefit from the inclusion of more research on the impact of technology on student behaviour (e.g., how/ why does the use of cell phones impact our driving? ; Chapter 9 on Intelligence is intelligence nature or nurture? The author appears to have set up a predictable cadence to each chapter beginning with learning outcomes, chapter content, and ending with a synopsis of key points. Bronfenbrenner's bioecological model). The beginning of the chapter presents clear learning objectives, which serve as an expectational guide, and ends with a summary of key points to consider. WebIntroduction to Social Dreaming: Transforming Thinking (Psychology, Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy) ISBN 9781855753426 1855753421 by Lawrence, W. Gordon - buy, sell or rent this book for the best price. The text seems fairly comprehensive in how it introduces the domains of psychology and roots them in empirical research. The images were accurate and pertained to the chapters. If accuracy is defined as the absence of bias, there is nothing that would likely be glaring to the typical undergraduate reading the text. There were links provided throughout the text; however, I was unsuccessful in getting these links to work and so I cannot report on the usefulness or appropriateness of these learning supplements. In the author's preface, he states that the typical length of introductory psychology textbooks serves as a detriment to student learning. Reviewed by David Foster, Professor, Open Oregon Educational Resources on 4/19/19, The text aligns well with APA standards for Introductory Psychology. Compare prices on BookScouter. Though I will recommend the addition of a few videos and quizzes to promote the interactive learning for the students. I found this open Library Textbook to be accurate, error free apart from a few topics like Stress and Coping. Grammatical errors did not stand out as I read for content, organization, consistency et cetera. Module 1: How Psychologists Think. The text was missing a table of contents and index (in the PDF version) which made it difficult to quickly review the flow of the book or where to find information. I felt that more citations were needed throughout though, given the attempt of the author to reinforce the importance of scientific literature, particularly for highly charged information (i.e., racial differences in IQ, rates of sexual minorities in the US population). Class discussions can easily be formed. Consistent with his concern, his text is not as comprehensive as others I have used to teach introductory psychology. Students face various difficulties in their learning environments and need tools to handle such challenges. I particularly liked the way that it described key research and illustrated research findings with graphs and other images. Research Foci: Introduction to Psychology emphasizes empiricism throughout, but without making it a distraction from the main story line. For example, as a cognitive psychologist, there were some concepts within the learning and memory chapters that I would generally explain differently to students to increase clarity. However, the book certainly covers the classic studies very well. Each chapter covers a specific topical area in psychology that is later expanded upon in the chapter. The topics provide a nice overview of the many facets of psychology and easily build on each other. Some missing topics include an introduction to inferential statistics (Ch. The textbook fails to address major psychological issues that an introductory class needs to cover. Discussion questions are written to invoke thoughtful responses and personal engagement with the material. I found his use of Dr. Phil as an example of a psychologist to be misleading. This textbook also provides students with built-in assessment questions to test their comprehension along The book used a consistent approach in displaying the materials in separate submodules within each chapter and providing a chapter summary at the end. Clear attempts at inclusion. Many of his chapters are also shorter in length and contain less content than the texts I would typically use. faculty in more In Chapter 10, I would like to see evidence for the facial feedback hypothesis tied in with the James-Lange theory. 3. Psychology matters because it helps us understand behavior and that our knowledge of psychology is These theories form the bedrock of our disciple upon which new research is laid upon. In the classroom I would draw attention to areas of the text that need updated/augmented and describe the most current research findings, adding cross-cultural and international perspectives. The statement that "Most Psychologists go into research" does not seem accurate. The book seems to be organized in a fashion so that the content can be updated quite easily when needed. Graphics could be enhanced to be more engaging for students, but the text itself is well-written. Two examples would be Marcias theory of identity in Chapter 6 which is presented as a table but would work better as a matrix and Figure 3.11 which demonstrates that bodily regions that require greater motor control are afforded more space on the motor cortex. Display features were clear and useful. All American statistics would need to be replaced with Canadian ones (e.g., Table 12.1, Figure 13.2, etc.). The focus is on the American population. With any general psychology textbook there is a large emphasis on the historical context of the field, theorists, physiology, and behavior. The author talks about the different Axis in the DSM due to this being a 2015 version of the text. Chapter 3: I didn't see norepinehrine discussed. The examples provided seem to be relevant and compelling. The writing is clear both at the micro level of individual sentences and paragraphs and at the macro level of lucid organization. The text is well written and in language that student's can easily understand. Even though the text is a bit outdated (2010), there are ample opportunities to include culture and diversity. While I/O is not currently commonplace in other introductory texts, Stress and Health typically warrants a chapter. I had a hard time understanding why some of the chapter summaries were not at the ends of the chapters (e.g., Chapters 4 and 7). In the author's preface, he states that the typical length of introductory psychology textbooks serves as a detriment to student learning. Chapter 14 on group behaviour does not address how culture mediates group behaviour as discussed in many other commercial texts (i.e. For example, Chapter 4 explains how the trichromatic theory and opponent-process theory of color vision are correct, but the author could elaborate by explaining what part of the visual process each theory best explains. Learning is another insufficient topic that is touched on but it is across two chapters: direct and indirect learning. Although the author states (in the Preface) that the text contains a marginal glossary of key terms, I could not find such a glossary. In Chapter 13, the pie chart depicting the proportion of types of therapy practiced is from 2001, making it nearly 20 years old. As well, I think it would be helpful to create a student guide to the text as did Houston Community College (2011)or add student glossary, index of terms to the text. For the most part, I found the content to be accurate, error-free, and unbiased. I appreciate the section in chapter 6 on Parenting as an example. WebPsychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. WebPsychology is the scientific study of mind and behavior. Sleep-related eating disorder was also not covered. Free shipping for many products! I appreciate that the author devotes an entire chapter (chapter two) to psychology as a science/ research methodology. Chapter 5: Needs some attention to research on multi-tasking. Also missing are the monocular cues of texture gradient and motion parallax, as well as any discussion on bottom-up vs. top-down processing. The book starts with an introductory chapter that includes the Each chapter section starts with clear objectives for the reader, and key takeaways, followed by critical thinking questions. The exercises and critical thinking are to some extent helpful to build on the concepts learned. This is seen through examples used and pictures (i.e., figures predominantly presented images of white, male bodies). The amount of coverage is appropriate for an introductory textbook. The textbook incorporated various elements of cultural relevance. read more. This book covers all the chapters needed to give students an understanding of psychology. Overall this textbook is of the same caliber that most general psychology textbooks are, but it has the significant advantage of being free to the end user. WebAn Introduction To Psychology - S.K. ). I would also like to see discussion on "learned helplessness.". read more. Based on the review I would recommend changing the White Ghost story in Chapter 1 and supplementing Canadian and more International examples in the Chapter Openers. Reviewed by Troy Pilgrim, Adjunct Instructor, Rogue Community College on 4/11/17, The text covers many key components typically found in an introduction of psychology class. Additionally, the surgent topic of mindfulness practice is not covered nor the relevance of Neuroscience in our understanding the connection between the brain and human behavior. 1.5, 2.2, 3.17, 4.29, 5.9, 9.4, 10.4, 10.6, 10.8, 13.7, 14.9, 14.13, 14.15). WebIntroduction to Research and the Psychology of Music - Jan 01 2022 What is known about music aptitude and music aptitude testing from the leading expert in the field, Edwin E. Gordon. So, with the exception of a chapter on stress and coping (which I cover in my course) the breadth of coverage is excellent, with all of the typical and expected chapters. For example, the emergence of Positive Psychology and Neuroscience have provided a new and fascinating lens through which we look at human behavior. About the Open Textbook. However, proofreading is not my strong suit. Author was very careful and sensitive about the cultural relevance. I like the depth of the information and how it is displayed. About the Open Textbook. I love the organization of this text. I reviewed the pdf version of the text. I found minimal grammar errors however, there were several typos (i.e., existence of unneeded text, missing spaces). The writing style aims for a literate audience and in that sense may challenge students who need simpler prose and multiple real life examples to make concepts clear. About the Open Textbook. Each chapter is internally consistent in terminology and framework, and the book is organized consistently. Text was broken up into easily readable sections. v) Likewise, Chapter 13 would benefit from an inclusion of the effect of culture on treatment outcomes. Chapter 7: Some concepts were discussed without the associated terminology (such as "biological preparedness" and the "overjustification effect"). Introduction to Psychology, 1st Canadian Edition was adapted by Jennifer Walinga in 2014 from an American open textbook published in 2010. WebAn Introduction To Psychology - S.K. Some of the terms used in chapter 12 and 13 are not in use in this present age. In the section on intelligence, the author mentions variation among US racial and ethnic groups in IQ scores, but offers only a superficial explanation of why these differences exist. Web"Feeling comfortable and safe with a therapist is an important part of beginning the healing process. Not only are major themes left out of the book but also tangential topics are included (e.g., bystander effect instead of sexism, ageism, and other vital topics). Psychology is a popular major for students, a popular topic in the public media, and a part of our everyday lives. iii) At the end of Section 11.1, the author states that "there is evidence that the Big Five factors are not exactly the same across all cultures" but he doesn't elaborate on these differences. The textbook I currently use has only 14 chapters and two Appendices. I read the text as a pdf and did not attempt to download or read it on an iPad or Kindle, for example; nor did I print it. Structure of presenting each topic is the same in each chapter. Table of Contents. The text contains a Table of Contents but no Index. The concepts in each chapter are explained in a way which is easier for students to These spacing issues between words seemed to be in the pdf, WORD and hard copies. There is an issue with the formatting of Table 5.1 (the latter part of the table is cut-off). I think that this is the rule not the exception when teaching Psychology. In this area, the book is very accurate. 4.6 (608) Hardcover $4678 to rent $14664 to buy FREE delivery Jan 17 - 23 The author did a good job of including timely and important research. The Science and Psychology of Music - Jun 25 2021 This book provides a broad introduction to the scientific and psychological read more. As a learner in an introductory course, the errors detected would likely go unnoticed. The content areas are directly aligned with the learning objectives presented at the beginning of the chapter and flow into the key summary points very well. The statement that "emotional IQ texts are unreliable" in summary of chapter 9 also does not seem accurate, unless unreliability is defined and also applied to intelligence IQ tests. Also the font in a number of the Figures is too small to read (for example, Fig. The only grammar error I noted was that when discussing the work of the Harlows that the author notes they were affiliated with Wisconsin University rather than the University of Wisconsin. WebIntroduction to Psychology: Seventh Edition by Mark H. Kavanaugh Ph.D. 5.0 (1) Paperback $2201$29.99 FREE delivery Fri, Jan 13 on $25 of items shipped by Amazon Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior by Dennis Coon, John O. Mitterer, et al. 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