I loved all of them. And as far as a lawsuit, well, what happened happened. Dr. Waud is very on top of recent research. (Assigned nurse: Kerry Hartman). Every single nurse we met was wonderful, and we felt they truly cared for us and were invested in the best results for us. Ratings of 10 indicate an excellent billing department. This was great because it was the quarter of the cost of one cycle, and there were little use of extra hormones. We saw Dr. Gordon during most of our visits during monitoring, and he did all our procedures, so we really felt we got to know him and were sad he couldn't be with us through the whole pregnancy. Dr. Waud was really friendly, warm, and seemed truly empathetic when I experienced multiple setbacks with each retrieval or my transfer ending in a miscarriage. Not sure if that was the intention, but that put it in perspective for me that this was a medical issue that we were treating not some failure on our part. The only thing I do think could have been better, I felt like a lot of the questions I asked were pretty standard and it would have been helpful to have the information up front. Limited activities during the two week wait after transfer. I never felt that he didn't take my concerns seriously or that he did not understand how difficult it is to start to try and conceive again after having a stillborn a year ago. Dr. Gordon's hopeful and optimistic attitude combined with his frankness when describing expectations and risks was very much appreciated. Holli is my primary point of contact with Dr D's office. My insurance told me that Dr. Sarajari simply isnt credentialed as a specialist so if she wants to collect the specialist copay, she needs to get credentialed with insurance as one. He is not an overly emotional dr, but I didn't want that. This was after my third monitoring cycle which lasted over three months. The nurses even gave me the advice that if I was more flexible on leaving, 8:30 would mean a less full waiting room. My FETs failed and again she just kind of shrugged. Once I asked however, the nurses and my coordinator were thorough and extremely helpful, but would have been even better to not have even needed to ask some of the generic questions in the first place. I feel very well taken care of by all of the staff. Explore over 200 courses and lessons taught by leading fertility experts. She was upset when I kept on asking why she thought I had PCOS. Sometimes there has been no wait at all. Dr. Waud is definitely empathetic. Dr. Gordon was the right fit from the beginning. I also believe that Dr. D genuinely is invested in helping families like ours create a life together, and although we weren't successful with this treatment, we intend to try again. By the time it was over, I wanted to only see Dr. Gordon. I think she oversells. Embryo fertilization went perfectly. How was your experience with Kay Waud at Dominion Fertility? IVF - estrace, Gonal F, Menopur, Ganirelix. Washington Dominion Voting Systems and Fox News are set to square off in Delaware state court this month when the voting machine company's $1.6 billion I felt safe (in every sense of the word, emotionally, physically, etc.) Ask her to go over all details of your case with a fine tooth comb, examining all contingencies, and not necessarily deciding that the simple answer is the best answer. I interacted with multiple due to going between both Arlington and Bethesda clinic depending on where I was staying. My only criticism (which honestly is slight) is that sometimes the morning monitoring hours can feel like a revolving door. The start of Dominion Voting Systems' $1.6 billion defamation trial against Fox News has been delayed until Tuesday as the parties pursue a potential settlement, Solely based on my experience, I would not recommend Dominion Fertility for patients who are not strictly doing IUIsbilled my insurance incorrectly for a few consults that were charged as office visitsThe nursing staff seemed to have high turnover. Our costs ended up being all diagnostic or pregnancy related, and therefore we had pretty good insurance coverage. After I was diagnosed with fertility issues, I met with Leslie Jackson requesting an overview of what my insurance would or would not cover before I could decide to start treatment. The whole process was very smooth Dr. Gordon was always very clear that he didn't have all the answers. It was very frustrating. March 2, 2023 Dominion Voting Systems $1.6 billion lawsuit against Fox News is set to go to trial in April. The clinic does have fairly rigid rules about only doing frozen transfers and they almost mandate PGS testing. It seemed like the most important was to sell us on the IVF Guarantee program which would end up costing us a lot more money. He is very blunt too. I was lucky that my egg retrievals were during the week so he was able to do them. After my second IVF cycle I received a call from him and this time went for the in-person followup prior to proceeding with my ERA and transfer cycles. Once I had decided to use an egg donor and knew I would be paying out of pocket for 100% of the cost of treatment, there was no question that I would be going to Dominion Fertility and Dr. Gordon. Dominion has also filed lawsuits against the TV networks One America News and Newsmax. Dr D is very knowledgeable and explained everything in person. I never had any doubts about his knowledge and experienceSince I was younger (30) when I started treatment and I was doing fertility treatment due to male factor, I was recommended the Natural IVF cycle. A few times it was busy (for example for people arriving the last ~20 min of the weekend AM window), but most of the time I was in and out in about 30-40 minutes. During treatment, were you treated like a number or a human with Michael DiMattina at Dominion Fertility? You can come in anytime during the window of about three hours. Dominions lawsuit against Fox Corporation is one of numerous defamation suits the company has brought in response to the 2020 election, alleging far-right They don't give you lab results or even basic information about procedure outcomes unless you chase them down. Rupert Murdoch made his remarks last month as part of the $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News by Dominion Voting Systems. You need a doctor who will also be a cheerleader and team member with you. The billing folks are not super clear, but having encountered others at other clinics, that seems to be par for the course. (Assigned nurse: Donna Jove). (Assigned nurse: Hollie). She was always very distracted when I called with questions, and seemed very disorganized. I had a missed miscarriage which showed itself in a monitoring ultrasound, and in retrospect I could not have been surrounded by nicer people. Dr. D was always upfront about the treatment. What's one piece of advice would you give a prospective patient of John David Gordon at Dominion Fertility? All great, sweet women. I used to get nervous that I would miss their calls and then I would have to leave another message and wait for their call again. We had a few bumps in the road with billing and some communications that weren't clear. write down all the questions you have ahead of time. They have available clinic hours for weekend visits to obtain certain treatments or tests. Dr. Sarajari recommended we do IVF within six months after seeing mine and my husband's diagnostic test results. We saw Dr. Gordon during most of our visits during monitoring, and he did all our procedures, so we really felt we got to know him and were sad he couldn't be with us through the whole pregnancy. They are your cheerleaders all the way thru! > My coordinator sat with me and my husband for +1 hour at our kitchen table teaching us how to mix the meds, practice using the needle with a tester to get a feel for things. [Dr. DiMattina] is very kind, calm, and confident. I was randomly assigned to Dr. Sarajari when I decided to pick Dominion Fertility - I am glad that I was! They helped battle my insurance on multiple occasions - even getting on a three-way call with me and them a few times to resolve matters. I was on the antagonist protocol for both IVF cycles. When I called the nurse line for after hours care during miscarriage, the nurse on call was incredibly nonchalant, and I actually never heard from my primary nurse during that period of recovery which was disappointing. Dr. Sarajari always took the time to answer my questions (and invite questions as well). When we did conceive, Dr. D (as he's called), called the little dot on the sonogram our "baby". If people stay quiet about the things doctors do to them that are wrong or negligent, then no one wins. We were sad to have to go to a new doctor and wanted to stay with them for the whole pregnancy! My calls and emails are always returned that day, and the nursing staff and IVF coordinators are wonderful people. If you're like me and need to know every detail - I'd always make sure to have a notepad with you. He also works slowly and gently during procedures, so it does not feel rushed. When I did, I was given generic information that wasn't personalized to my specific needs. I didn't immediately remember this, but she did and was very kind a compassionate about it. is covered under a package price of $4900. There is only one nurse who is not very good at drawing blood, and I wince every time it's her turn because she has trouble doing it and it's very painfulDuring my first cycle, I was told three different numbers at various points regarding how many of my eggs were mature. Fact check or seek second opinions for the statistics for success she gives you at the initial consult. So of course I have to call insurance AGAIN and I tried to ask about the scheduling fees she spoke of. Got fewer and less quality eggs; 2 transfers, no pregnancy. Dr. Gordon seems to be a good professional and a very nice person. I understand that he is, but strongly feel given the nature of this science, patients will have questions and its only professional to answer them willingly. He was straightforward, blunt, and gave just the right amount of sympathy without making me feel more sorry for myself. The $1.6bn lawsuit brought by voting company Dominion against Fox News has done more than threaten the rightwing channel with a historic financial penalty.. I know that this included some information she'd told us before, but she still took the time to rehash it for us. I used to get nervous that I would miss their calls and then I would have to leave another message and wait for their call again. Each visit they asked when we usually come for monitoring, so they can be prepared for staffing at peak hours. Whether a The entire experience at Dominion Fertility was pretty terrible. While waiting for my transfer I was prescribed progesterone and estrogen. Dr. Gordon comes out to greet you in the waiting room. His greatest strength is his experience, knowledge, he's straight forward when interpreting the data, I needed that, I didn't want a doctor that didn't provide confidence. For more information please see our FAQs. Defendants misconduct robbed Ms. Doe of the ability to carry her own child, the lawsuit states. Then when my egg was mature enough I was told to do a trigger shot (which speeds up the maturity). She was always very distracted when I called with questions, and seemed very disorganized. The clinic itself is clean, updated, and modern. We experienced one loss and one hysteroscopy under her care, and her bedside manner at surgery was the mix of humane and confident that I want in those stressful situations. There is so much to take in during an ivf cycle but they all do a great job to help you not to feel overwhelmedThey [nurses] were all very caring and compassionate. I came back 5 days later for transfer. How was your experience with John David Gordon at Dominion Fertility? Dr. Gordon always cared about me and answered every question I have with a lot of patience.Dr. Gordon seems to be a good professional and a very nice person. I could be out of there within 35 min (even when the waiting room was full). She wasn't able to fully answer all of our questions and had to refer us back to Dr. Waud. I got a second opinion from another area-clinic and while I did not pursue care there, I wish I had found them first as the RE I spoke with gave me more confidence in their knowledge of up-to-date research and laboratory quality. Dominion clearly cares about their patients and staff - we had a big snowstorm in DC one weekend, and they put up their staff at the hotel across the street so there'd be no chance they'd miss work! Dr. Gordon is an excellent fit who will show empathy to those who need it. 3 PGT normal embryos. Every other doctor called that the "embryo. Describe the protocols Susan Sarajari used in your cycles at Dominion Fertility and their degree of success. I have found no weaknesses. The costs are high, although I found Dominion to be less expensive than other practices. Because Virginia doesn't have a mandate for fertility treatment coverage through health care, patients pay for all of treatments out of pocket. I was not getting pregnant after trying for 6 months. Some nurses were more compassionate and informative than others. If the egg retrievals had been during a weekend when he was not working, another doctor would have done them. IVF - estrace, Gonal F, Menopur, Ganirelix, Lupron. I knew something was wrong, as I'd been with my husband for about a decade at the time with no pregnancy in sight. I asked each of them independently. Dominion Voting Systems on Friday filed a $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News, alleging that the network pushed false accusations about the 2020 I would receive a warm welcome from the team whenever I would go to the clinic it. We also came to value his approach to trying again (or not) and was always willing to try (or at least discuss) some of my own ideas. Pretty efficiently run. We were always promptly seen. Each morning was a ray of sunshine with the nurses even though you'd just seen them and were stressed in general about IVF, I choose Dr. D Matina because he was the longes running partner at the clinic and natural cycle IVF pioneer in the US. He also knew that as someone who had a stillborn, I am not able to handle the disappointment each month and I would not want to be trying w/o success (or likelihood of success) each month w/o a plan. He will try different approaches quickly if something is not working [Dominion -Arlington clinic is] Very organized, convenient locations and hours, accommodating and competent medical staff. I love the monitoring hours, and the nurse hotline too. You can't really ask for anything more. Injection were to stimulate multiple follicles to produce multiple eggs for retrieval. I love the nurses at Dominion. (Assigned nurse: Holli). There is only one nurse who is not very good at drawing blood, and I wince every time it's her turn because she has trouble doing it and it's very painful. Infertility is stressful. The judge overseeing Dominion Voting Systems' $1.6 billion defamation lawsuit against Fox News said Monday morning that the trial will proceed Tuesday, saying a delay like this "is not unusual." I like to know and understand all details, so I had a fair amount of questions. Never even a pregnancy scare. Also, my retrieval fell on a Sunday AM, so my doctor was not there to do the procedure as I had hoped. Wait times varied greatly depending on patients that day. The nursing staff seemed to have high turnover. This past March, we had our egg retrieval- 21 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 5 fertilized, 5 blasts, and 4 PGS normal. Dr. Gordon has been very helpful and understanding for us throughout the process, and I have trusted the medical advice he has provided and the course of treatments he has recommended. There is no consideration for the financial impact that infertility issues have on an individual or couple. Very personal care with Dr. Gordon, his staff and all of the nurses. I wait some more, call back, still nothing submitted for reprocessing. Dr. D is the best! Dr. D also does frozen embryos only, because he states frozen embryos are more successful. When the results came back it turned out that we had male factor, when Dr. D. presented the information; he was very honest and let us know that we can have a baby and male factor is common. Dr. Dimattina knows his medicine and never made me feel that any question asked was silly or I was wasting his time. He was very realistic and honest yet presented things in an optimistic manner. Most covered by insurance other than the couples genetic testing, the ERA test cycle, and the embryo genetic testing (PGS/PGT). During my first cycle, I was told three different numbers at various points regarding how many of my eggs were mature. He was the perfect doctor for me. In this situation, you can think of it the same way, but people struggle because cancer really never spontaneously cures itself whereas infertility can. They always greeted me with a smile and would greet me by my first name the moment I started my treatment. They forgot to bill my insurance several times. William T. Newman, Jr., Record No. Overall, we did spend a lot, but it wasn't nearly as much as it would have been without insurance. From my understanding with insurance and my own research, I wouldnt have to pay more and the insurance company actually would pay less. The team of nurses are very skilled and nice. The very first appointment went great, I thought the nurses were friendly and Dr. Kay explained the testing we would need. He will be very honest and not sell you a procedure or a statistic that won't work. Natalie Sofia is a God send. Dr. Kay diagnosed me with PCOS without having my test results based on the fact that my periods were "irregular" (which they really aren't). My FETs failed and again she just kind of shrugged. Simply based on my experience with the financial department, I wouldnt recommend Dominion. His manner is brusque, and he said to me many times that he would have expected me to be pregnant by now as most of their patients are within two transfers. Even though we are dealing with the stressful topic of infertility after having a stillborn, Dr. Gordon's hopeful and optimistic attitude combined with his frankness when describing expectations and risks was very much appreciated. This cycle produced a viable embryo transferred on day 5, but no pregnancyVery personal care with Dr. Gordonvery honest and is great at explain procedures and what to expect with each procedure. I feel that so many times, doctors' offices have rude receptionists. Of all the doctors (who are all very kind), I always felt the most comfortable with her. The nursing staff was very prepared and professional at all times. Some days there are very few women in the waiting room and other days it is packed with a line out the door. She is only credentialed as a gynecologist. About | Fast forward to 2019, after years of more therapies, 2 failed IUIs (not performed by Dr. D), hundreds of pregnancy tests, urology appointments and treatments, with no baby in sight, we decided to revisit Dr. D. We were finally ready! 6 eggs. 12-1191. Her simple response to my distress was that she didnt receive calls and that she works until 3:30pm. He understands that we are seeking answers and options and he is clear about his expectations. My biggest pain points (though small) were with the billing department (having wrong information about my insurance coverage, etc). Strengths: the clinic is conveniently located, clean, and very nice. Describe your experience with your nurse at Dominion Fertility. I appreciated that he was direct and confident in his approach and very knowledgeable. At my initial consult, she really oversold how quick the IVF process would be for me given my age and unexplained diagnosis, which made it emotionally harder as we hit unexpected roadblocks and she didnt have any answers (or adjustments to our treatment) to help address it. I called my insurance prior to see if an auth was requested. I went through IVF during a particularly busy time of the year for Dominion and she still got back to me in a timely manner when I had questions (a lot of them) and helped coordinate every detail. He told us many times that hed get me pregnant and when that didnt happen, he just kept repeating that most people do; he seemed more frustrated than compassionate and didnt have much to offer in terms of how we might do things differently. I don't think they do multiple embryo transfers. Also my best friend got pregnant at Dominion Fertility. We were assigned a coordinator who helped order medicine and checked in with us on setting up appointments. Very detailed, informative, and compassionate. Another strength of Dominion is that they have a very knowledgeable finance department. Within 36 hours I was in the office for an egg retrieval. One thing I think that is unique to Dominion is that the offer an in-home injection teaching. His reasoning is that PGS tested embryos have a higher rate of pregnancy, therefore, reducing the need for multiple embryos. I would imagine that one of the biggest factors that prevent someone from considering treatment is financial capacity. Very detailed, informative, and compassionate. He said long cycles and portions of my blood work indicated that PCOS may have been a factor. If I ask a question over email before 2pm, I can expect an answer same day. I cried during our testing results appt and he immediately stopped, asked how I was doing, and if we wanted to stop and whether I wanted to come back. Dr. Kay has great bedside manner. Dr. D led this revolution on the East Coast after studying in Europe for sometime. I did a stimulated IVF cycle. Switched it up to natural cycle IVF. The facility (Arlington) was clean, welcoming, and modern. I am a fan of Dr. Kay. Ask this reviewer a question about their experience with Michael DiMattina at Dominion Fertility. When you call the nurses, you always have to leave a message and then they will call you back. I want to resolve these issues before I have to go back for the transfer but clearly its going to cost me more time and energy. One thing I think that is unique to Dominion is that the offer an in-home injection teaching. Dominion is suing Fox News and Fox Corporation for $1.6 billion for defamation lawsuit, while Fox is trying to have the lawsuit thrown out. WebArizona Defamation Law: A statement that brings a plaintiff into disrepute, contempt, or ridicule, or impeaches a plaintiffs honesty, integrity, virtue, or reputation. They treated me more like a member of their family. Describe your experience with your nurse at Dominion Fertility. While I tried to advocate for myself, I felt she was very hand wavy when I asked about new protocols or diagnostic tests that I had come across in FertStert or other journals. I took Letrozole from days 5-9 of my cycle, then we would do u/s monitoring and then take Novarel to force ovulation. I am currently 11 weeks pregnant and remaining hopeful! The front desk staff, the nurses, and my coordinator made such a difference in my journey. I wanted to feel like he understood and cared about my history and that any course of treatment that he prescribed was carefully tailored to my case. I love the nurses at Dominion. It was also very difficult to get basic information such as lab results, etc. She spent so much more time discussing our test results and providing some new insights as to why we may be having trouble (particularly pertaining to some male infertility issues). Ask this reviewer a question about their experience with Kay Waud at Dominion Fertility. They are also very punctual for all appointment. At times, this can take a few hours, but they never make you wait more than a day for a return call, so it's really a minor issue. Dr. Gordon is that doctor! I can only talk about the Arlington location since all my visits where there. Our insurance covered most costs, but we do pay for embryo storage, the injection teaching, visits after I was pregnant and couple other things. Not only this, but a few years ago, I had a miscarriage, and she was the doctor to confirm it (even though she was not my primary doctor at Dominion at the time). Natalie Sophia (who runs the donor egg program) was one of the most ethical and professional nurses I have ever met. So far, that's where we are in the process! He diagnose my husband with low morphology (1%) and recommended that we proceed with IVF. She made me feel that she was invested in my treatment and my success. Appointments are made very efficiently over the phone, and I have never been kept waiting past an appointment time before seeing the doctor. I felt less like a fertility factory than Shady Grove. His reasoning is that PGS tested embryos have a higher rate of pregnancy, therefore, reducing the need for multiple embryos. That made my husband feel more at ease. Read up on Dr. Gordon and his publications online before selecting a doctor at Dominion, He was always available by phone or message. I haven't had such a good experience with a doctor putting us at ease yet patiently answering all our questions in a long time We were generally in and out with about half an hour [at Dominion - Arlington]. Period. I am by no means a pushy person, but he made me feel I was by rolling his eyes when Id ask questions or sarcastically saying things like, someones been doing research. I never have to worry that I will not receive a call back when I have to leave the nurse or finance dept a message. Still though, it wasnt bad. We will incur additional fees for genetic testing (TBD). (Assigned nurse: Natalie Sofia). 1995 Pregnant on first try. This does not apply to me because we used Natural Cycle IVF - just my natural egg produced in a cycle without fertility medication prior. If you have questions, you have to contact the nurses. Unforunately, science does not always match what happens in human existence, and I think Dr. Waud would agree that our case turned out to be more complicated than it appeared, resulting in a misdiagnosis which ultimately led us to change clinics. Describe your experience with your nurse at Dominion Fertility. Being poked with needles for blood draws and having sonograms every other day during follicle monitoring can be unpleasant, but the nurses remain positive and calm - and they all seem to know how to draw blood very delicatelyPrior to starting treatment, we did a mock embryo transfer and a water sonogram, which cost us a total of $650. The team of nurses are very skilled and nice. The staff is very professional and they have a nice large waiting room. Most everything that occurs during a Natural Cycle IVF treatment (monitoring, egg retrieval, semen collection, fertilization, embryo transfer, etc.) The only thing I do think could have been better, I felt like a lot of the questions I asked were pretty standard and it would have been helpful to have the information up front. To be less expensive than other practices other clinics, that seems to be less expensive than other practices made! Doctor and wanted to only see dr. 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