As a Christian, (A Mormon one at that) what you say seems right. Essex: Longman Group. And remember what was the end of the corrupters from before our time. Al-Sharaf, A. Badi, J. He discusses aspects of curriculum development, examination, appointment and payment of teachers, organization of teaching, supervision of pupils at school, supervision of pupils on their way home, discipline of pupils and conflict resolution and final graduation of students. There are many aspects to that. Then will they not reason, but most of them are defiantly disobedient. bismillah w salat w sallam ala khair al khulq sayidna Muhammed, apologiesjust a little clear up..bells and dogs. The main difference between the views of the Western and the Islamic is the source of knowledge. Your email address will not be published. Thus avoiding conflict between areas where freedom of thought ideally should be allowed unchecked i.e. (Bloom, 1956) The second level of the of Blooms taxonomy are the comprehension objectives, which represent the lowest level of understanding, an individual must not only have knowledge, but must also understand what he/she knows (Damirchi, Seyyedi, & Rahimi, 2012). For a comprehensive treatment of the subject see Islams Heritage of Critical Education: The Missing Catalyst in Addressing the Crisis Informing Modern Muslim Presence by A Sahin at However, in the Christian West there was already another authority in place i.e. This is although it may sound surprising, as most Muslims today seem passive. 2, pp175-182. Against critical thinking pedagogy. sorry i am going over board but if the mass migration to the Holy land was taken up, but may i suggest that if with in the muslim convoys that mobiles be switched off so that we can shun shaytan as much as possible. And the rational sciences logic, philosophy, math, astronomy, etc. @Keelan: Alexander kings comment seems a reasonable response, no? New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associate. the eyes and ears = the windows to the heart.God forgive us. Which according to Bloom is the use of abstractions in particular and concrete situations (Bloom, 1956). It focuses on reasoning and logical thinking. Soozandehfar, S. M. A., & Adeli, M. R. A Critical Appraisal of Blooms Taxonomy. Due to the fact that science is seen in the Quran as the method to recognize and identify the divine, Islamic educational pedagogies were never historically restricted to religious knowledge but was broadened to incorporate secular disciplines (Al-Sharaf, 2013). He served as the Islamic & Quran Coordinator and Islamic Studies Teacher for the Tarbiyah Academy. But while they look alike, they have some important differences. 2009. New York: Cambridge University Press. 2015. An interesting concept. 109, No. There are hadith that speak also of wisdom being in the hands of angels and being given to us when we are humble and taken away when arrogant. Evaluation of knowledge and critical thinking at Islamic Azad University. This is despite the materialism and utilitarianism that is now dominant in certain circles, which is abhorrent to Islam. Within a year after his shahadah, Imam Mikaeel enrolled at the Dar ul-Uloom al-Madania in Buffalo, NY, where he learned to read Arabic and memorized the Quran. Masalah Pendidikan. Hayes (2015) explains, By critical thinking we mean thinking for ones self as opposed to just accepting what authorities of various kinds tell us to think. In the name of your lord.(Quran). What kind of tool do I need to change my bottom bracket? To compare three traditions on at least 5 topics and list key figures would take many more than a few. . He writes in his Treaties on the Method of Studying, And be careful that you do not restrict yourself to a general reading without following up that reading with close analyzation and deeper investigation. Democracy and human rights are often held to be Western values, while authoritarianism and oppression are considered the characteristics of a decadent East. Secondly, from the eighth century to the sixteenth, there was a continuous tradition of Arabic-Islamic scholarship dealing with pedagogical and didactic issues. 2011. The traditionally transmitted sciences included Quran, Hadith (the traditions attributed to the Prophet Muhammad), Law, and principles of jurisprudence. Criticism and difference of opinion are two completely different things. Educational Review, Vol. There really is no difference between the religious and the secular. endobj 1 0 obj This requires a belief in the wisdom of Allah and trust in Allah. Mumtaz, M. A. However, as Hayes points out when dealing with the ideas and thoughts of others searching for plausibility may in fact be more challenging than thought processes based in skepticism. The term Western can have multiple meanings, depending on its context. 2016. Johnson, S. Teaching Thinking Skills, In C. Winch, (ed) Teaching Thinking Skills , London Continuum. The Meaning Of Al-Qalb and Disclosure In Al-Qur`an. According to Gunther (2006) there are multiple examples of the Islamic religiously based educational system emphasizing critical thought in students. Harvard University . The Social Science, 7(4), 625-629. The way these concepts are interconnected and how despite the different timelines and the labels with which they were described, the basic concepts remain the same. In many ways, the views of Europe's Muslims are distinct from those of both Western publics and Muslims in the Middle East and Asia. Muneccimbasi, A. L. (1660). The differences between Eastern and Western thought can be clearly seen in modern society, despite globalization and unifying influences. Makdisi, G. (1989). Al-Sharaf (2013) and Altunya (2014) are both of the opinion that Islamic pedagogical outlook is based in engineering critical thinkers. Al-Jahiz places school teachers as the champions of society and the best of all educators. Essentially the theological professors became the pastors. Eastern and western cultures are dramatically different in a variety of ways. Hussien, S. (2007). Retrieved Oct 16, 2017. IIUM Research Management Centre: Kuala Lumpur. Sidiq ibn Hasan al-Qanuji (1889), wrote an encyclopedic work on learning and teaching, which he titled Abjad al-ulum (the simple truths of knowledge) in the eighteenth century. So there is absolutely no ground for any criticism, but there can be differences of opinions. Is there a way to use any communication without a CPU? When we struggle, and do mujahada, in thinking about our deens wisdom and the Quran there is a reward for that, if we have the correct niyyah. Why is a "TeX point" slightly larger than an "American point"? Al-Jahiz (869) penned his treaties, The Book of Teachers (Kitab al-Muallimin) in the eight-century. He explains that this ideal is due to the emphasis placed on Learning by God in the Quran and by the Prophet Muhammad in the collections of his sayings, such as, Seek knowledge from the day of your birth to the day of your death or seek knowledge even if it be in China, all demonstrate the importance of learning and education in shaping the ideal Muslim society (Al-Sharaf, 2013). 2005. Did Jesus have in mind the tradition of preserving of leavening agent, while speaking of the Pharisees' Yeast? This sometimes becomes excessive or at any rate misconstrued as excessive. 3, 342-356. These auxiliary sciences were never static and adjusted throughout the ages according to the threats to Islamic society. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Eye on Education Inc, n.p. An Eastern mind is not interested in the meaning of life - it is interested in the purpose of one's life. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Diallo, I. If you are skeptical about the Oneness of God, then your reflections and skepticism become open displays of an untrained mind. According to Makdisi the term doctorate was called licentia docendi in medieval Latin. Crusades were directed at the liberation of sacred land considered rightfully Christian, whereas Jihad was about rescuing souls.. The Truth i Eternal, so is Allahs promise of his severe punishment or the excellent reward of paradise. Badri, M. B. Contemplation: An Islamic Psycho-spiritual Study, Shelbourne Enterprise Sdn. Griffiths, M. The Teaching of Skills and the Skills of Teaching: A Reply to Robin Barrow, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 21(2) 203-214. A comparison is made between the two notions and the implications of both. The pastors gained their authority from the church i.e. 2002. His methodology is a deep dark secret however unless one gets into scientific study of what we see. As for tyranny, it is abhorrent to Islam. While they have many differences, they also share a number of important similarities that reflect the common human desire to understand the world and our place in it. Imam Ghazzalis `Ihy Ulm al-Dn (Book 1), Kitab Bhavan: New Delhi, 1982. When get people who say, they are using the internet to study Islam and then decide that hadeeths are not for the modern world, that all religion is the same or that there is a messenger after Muhammad, then that is what happens to an untrained mind that tries to engage in critical thinking. He explained that critical thinking wasnt a skill that students naturally possessed but rather a skill that was slowly learned and mastered (Muneccimbasi, 1660). Then ask you self in truth with Allah as your witness, WHO is more honorable then the humble servant of Allah among the people, Who strive with might and power for Allahs Cause with the small provision Allah have provided for him but with the great blessings of Faith, Righteousness, and a pure Heart. Equality and fraternity are expressed effectively in the mosques of Islam, where you can simply see the black and white, poor and rich, weak and strong etc., standing side-by-side and shoulder to shoulder in their prayers to the One and Only God. It only takes a minute to sign up. Otherwise, you commit intellectual treachery and the secrets of Islam are closed off to you. This study is intended to examine the Western and Islamic critical thinking . 21:22, 23:91), iv. Your email address will not be published. According to Al-Jahiz (869) a good memory is needed and valuable for the learning process. Beirut: Maktabah al-`Ariyyah. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. ., Ahmed Badi, J. We arent learning only for learning sake but for spiritual benefit, and we arent spiritually striving for spiritual benefits, but for intellectual benefits too. How many citys and people have Allah Al Mighty not destroyed with a complete destruction, And brought new generations after that. The last of the objectives according to Bloom (1956) is the evaluation objective which is defined as making judgements about the whole. So are the remaining two sourses of Ijtihad and Qiyas. Badi, J. Critical thinking undermines meaning-receiving. Mamat, A., Ali, M. S., Omar, S. H. S., Abidin, Z. Muslims believe in the One God, Who revealed the one religion to all those prophets. In short, there is little difference between the core ethics of the West and Islam. Thinking from a Western viewpoint involves just the body and mind which is described as the ability to analyse arguments, draw conclusions through reasoning, make judgments and assessments, evaluate circumstances, and find a solution to a problem. P%u*:O!^~WL.{zROA)<6LrVy(`M}=xNN,.TnTU2_C_&kOP(nA(E\Z#SU`r|hTXHei2P<2y,'F*RY`56&4qZW@/:!e*A`tP T*7?8S"{VUIZ7 $~S'?4.FgqUWMj LfecHzs^_|t+Z 5 2-}s~m= G0~' %$?R; ]xc"ej1ht*Ci19FBHuz=NpMt*F 3{sSi]6&upZw5RX|,T*c}:`9 Bismillahall knowledge is sacred knowledge because it stems from Allah SWT alone. What has all this to do with ethics? Moore, B. Since the countries in the West were generally those that colonized outside of Europe, the term Western became associated with European colonialism. Theory and Practice, 212-218. Even Muslim dietary laws require that the permitted meat is prepared in a manner that emphasizes cleanliness and a humane treatment of animals. Western civilization is an enlightenment of the mind. Makdisi (1989) explains why Islamic scholarship did not face the same crisis that the Christian world faced. the exclusive autonomous right to issue opinions having the value of orthodox (Makdisi, 1989). It focuses on building a spiritual and intellectual culture. Ghaffari, H. (869). Anderson, L. W., & Krathwohl, D. R. A Taxonomy For Learning, Teaching, and Assessing, Abridged Edition. Journal Pendidikan Islam, 13(2), 13-28. The differences listed below are heavily stereotyped, generalized, and polarized. 2014. & Tajdin, M. Creative Thinking An Islamic Perspective, 2nd Ed. The International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society, 6, 15-29. ., & Mat Ali, S. N. . What are possible reasons a sound may be continually clicking (low amplitude, no sudden changes in amplitude). Evaluation of knowledge and critical thinking at Islamic Azad University. At the time, Americans still seemed to differentiate between Islam and Muslims, with half saying they have positive views of Muslims. Eastern philosophy is too rich and diverse to be able to bundle into one category that can be compared with Western and Islamic philosophy. Al-Jahiz (800cc) wrote that that a student should be taught: writing, arithmetic, law, the pillars of religion, the Quran, grammar, prosody, and poetry. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Retrieved September, 2021 at: IIUM: Kuala Lumpur. studying some Islamic subjects, perhaps fiqh, aqidah, etc can be likened to how it was at school you can get an A grade in chemistry by memorising the whole textbook but actually understanding very little. Indeed, Islam is not opposed to the democratic spirit. By Western culture, we today mean chiefly the culture of the materialistically minded and technologically advanced societies of those countries. 2009. Imam Mikaeel is passionate about meeting the needs of students of knowledge, building Islamic literacy, working with youth, and striving for social justice. Most Western logical thinking depend on customary law. How to add double quotes around string and number pattern? Historically speaking, what have been considered "reliable" sources of knowledge in Eastern philosophy and Western philosophy? I think you, Ms Umm Jehan, appear to confuse criticising and critiquing. Education, Knowledge and Truth, London: Routledge. Muslim Education Quarterly, 8, 37-46. I love Allah and Rasulullah. B., & Yabi, S. Literature Review on Concept of Tafakkur in Islamic Mysticism. Vol. Memorization is a training of the mind. So spirituality and intellectuality are connected symbiotically in Islam; our spirituality and intellectuality feed off each other. The question still remains, how did the Islamic pedagogical system synthesize the sacred and skepticism? %PDF-1.7 Tafsir al-Imamayni al-Jalalayni.Qaherah: Dar al-adith. George Makdisi (1989) believes so, Two major intellectual movements, which we have long considered as of exclusively Western origin, have their roots deep down in Islamic soil. For one thing, The term Western can have multiple meanings, depending on its context. Journal of the American Oriental Society , Vol. Can empiricism be found in any Eastern Philosophy/philosopher? Umaruddin, M. The ethical philosophy of al-Ghazzali. This is something I have seen time and time again with my own eyes. scientific thinking style as in (Q. Science and other fields where never controlled by the religious scholarship. Are there any recognized modern eastern or Asian philosophers out there? At the age of 18, he embraced Islam after reading the Quran and the Autobiography of Malcolm X. Copyright 2022 MuslimMatters: Because Muslims Matter. Stated clearly by Bloom himself, the knowledge objective primarily emphasizes the psychological process of remembering. But rather married the two (Al-Sharaf, 2013). Krathwohl, D. R. (2002). Risalah fi Adab al-Mutalah. A View of Education: An Islamic Perspective. In fact, these laws are in line with the same trends that have made organic foods so popular. His book focuses heavily in issues and questions regarding learning and education at a more advanced level. 1985. Ibn Sahnuns treatise also sticks with the Islamic norm of placing Quran memorization as the base for educational pursuits. Allah is not unaware of what you do! that which was sought to aid the primary sciences. k1#o2 * ! These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. In short, there is little difference between the core ethics of the West and Islam. Otherwise, how could Jalaluddin. The Western view relies on t heir thought and research on the subject matter Methodology used is based on descriptive, comparative, evaluative and critical analysis from both perspectives. Which according to Al-Jahiz displays the value of school teachers. Makdisi explains it very clearly, the competence of the professor was subordinate to the authority of the pastor. Conceptual Thinking from the Western and Islamic Perspectives. Within Islam, each individual is accountable for himself or herself and all are equal before God. Islamic. This is an appreciation which according to Gunther is not evident in our society. An Islamic Concept of Education. How can we understand the different approach of Ibn Sahnun and the majority of Islamic educationalist and Al-Jahiz (869) and others who exhibit an abhorrence for memorization based pedagogy? Tradition of Arabic-Islamic scholarship dealing with pedagogical and didactic issues have positive views of the was. Sacred land considered rightfully Christian, whereas Jihad was about rescuing souls any without! Critical Appraisal of Blooms Taxonomy Islamic is the source of knowledge in eastern philosophy is too rich diverse! Tex point '' slightly larger than an `` American point '' to displays... 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