I apply for food stamps and am DENIED because I am just at their income limit because they DONT COUNT CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENTS!! On top of that I have been forced to pay an extra 52 a week for child care at a daycare my ex told the court he went to. Bravo! I left my relationship asking time ago withtwo little ones. The system here in Nebraska needs redone for certain situations. The kids will come to their own conclusion in time. Both parents are not required to be working. I have like 4-5 years of this nonsense to pay. This lady is a classic example of someone who abuses and takes advantage of the system and the courts do nothing. And while I agree, dont have kids if you dont want child support easy to say, like you never put your pens in the wrong girl? And even if she HAS worked, she still does a majority of the caretaking of the kids after work, stays home with sick kids, taking them to doctor, etc. This system simply destroyed me and any hope i once had. Then be involved in their care-taking/homework/life and work you ass off to make a good relationship with your ex wife who is probably fed up with your entitled opinions about owning the kids when she does all the work of raising them. I still have two more years and last year I lost my employment and because I was out of work for 3 months it went up to 4K and now NYS child support is asking for double what I was paying every two weeks. Your poor excuse of Darwinian / Draconian dont have kids model is fascist and most relates to the Peoples Republic of China with child limitations. If the court told me that I could take the kid/s and make my wife pay me I could not even consider that a possibility. I worked and attended a full time program for nursing., every three years, advancing a level. She wants for nothing, and is more fortunate than most kids who are growing up in 2-parent homes. This isnt just my child its hers as well and I pay all this money for a kid I no longer see! No such luck for moms. I did the same thing. And I have no criminal record. This process actually made me consider going back to school to practice family law just so I can advocate for fathers rights. Kids were not home they must have been at a friends house. It is impossible for the father to have a decent life and have fun times with the kids and give them the things he would like to when he has to give 50% of his income to the mother. I think child support is only necessary if one parent refuses visitation and the other parent is completely left responsible for the children. My sons mom agreed that this amount was absurd and that the back pay (arrears) was ridiculous and stated she would clear it up. Dont pay up, well arrest you and put you in jail. Whete is the one that hey no suppory bit see the other drvelopment better. While the government is very efficient with its enforcement of child support laws, it might be more beneficial to address its child custody statutes. I live about 25 miles outside of Cincinnati Ohio. This is a basic civil right. If a father becomes unemployed and then takes a lower-paying job, a reconsideration of the amount of child support due might be appropriate. Of course, who wouldnt want to go do fun things when they get to see their kids? He put himself there by his own bad choices he should not be rewarded by lowering his,support to almost zero. Another stereotype feeding many of the problems with the current child support laws is that of the deadbeat dad. My last child will graduate this year. How can you justify $1,000.00 in support monthly? Praying for your x to become a better man, Lady I worked 2 jobs for 18 yrs cooked, cleaned helped kids with homework while ex slept in or stayed in pajamas all week. Lets discuss reason why single people dont have to pay back welfare. A lot of what Im hearing is biased, based on bitterness, or based on what you may have heard about a few people. Check out our Virginia Child Support Calculator. She pulled their daughter out of school because it made her son gay. It should be 50/50 automatically and child support should never give more money to one parent than the other. Having the higher earner shoulder more of the financial responsibility, just because they can makes little senseespecially when they are ones who see the child the least! I had to track it sown to get credit and when I did they didnt refund my 9000 of being over paid they just kept taking and I was quite a bit ahead. What do I say? I say we dont separate fathers from mothers in this battle for new legislation and justice. How did she earn this additional money? We gave him and my daughter their own land and mobil home. Judges dont get to know every case there are just to many and to them its only a job and they could care less if you are struggling due to an idoit you were once involved with,you are only a paycheck to judges and lawyers and they sure dont give a crap about the child. Make sure anything she says can and will be used against her in the court of law. These are just some things that need attention. You need the experience and advice of strong lawyers representing men. You want to be a real parent? Now this system is nothing but a ponzy scheme for women ran by man hating feminists, As father of 3 boys Im currently paying $2028 a month to a college educated woman with a degree who sits at home and recently just purchased a 2013 camry with child support while my bills building up my trash bill is suspended and gas utilities is off its struggle and fustrating this woman is avoiding court summons because I want a divorce..but the state has already ruled in the favor of the woman the children resides with both parents but documentation states one parent Ive written them and called and they listen but do nothing marriage is a joke along with child support lawsnot fair i love my boys just as much and more, Im so sorry rose but youre so full of yourself do not generalize your own perception of men or parenting values with your own personal experience thank you. I was even told to stop trying to get out of your responsibility. Women are good for wanting more than equal rights for themselves, but dont want men to be treated equal if women are expected to pay support. Youre right though, hes brilliant (obviously you knew this when you had unprotected sex with him) all he had to do was get locked up for 8 years now he gets to kick back, have fun and not pay you. And the article. This problem might be solved with an Attorney. if you get a divorce and youre a man and have kids if your wife runs off with the pool boy all she has to do is hire an attorney and she will get the kids and you will be basically a ward of the state. Many fathers sincerely want to do right by their children, but simply dont have the means to do so. Read Dr. Stephen Baskervilles book, TAKEN INTO CUSTODY to learn the extent of the corruption. I agree about that the loss of freedom to do whatever whenever by the custodial parent. It was the father that busted the door down and found the boy. Be there for the kids or dont be there at all. It is what it is. I raised all 4 of mine alone two are twins he paid me 350.00 a week !!! Outburts, cops frequently called, manipulation out the wazoo, litigation after litigation, anxiety at an all time high, my son in therapy, and me terrified about what my childs dad is willing to do next to make a point. Lisa STOP far more great fathers are being fucking over by dead beat mothers looking for a handout! Always remember a woman has a choice who she sleeps with, just like a man has a choice on who he marries. They dont. Wheres the task force? My family court judge refused and stated that Your [ex-]wife (NOT our children) deserves that money. God bless! Open your mind and see the truth. There are several organizations around the country that focus on supporting and maintaining fathers' rights, both in family courts and through legislative action. Dont you see what is happening? Unfortunately, some parents dont take initiative to support their child but I do see that the system is flawed, I. If she doesnt, and he does, once again her decision. I dont believe children should have to live back and forth with parents. Imagine having to come home from work to cook dinner, clean, help with homework (and those science projects take some effort) and spend a little quality time with the kids before heading to bed, then waking up to do it all over again the next day!!! Sounds like someone doesnt want to admit whats really going on, but wants to place all the blame on the ex. The average father wont bring home enough money to get a decent place to live where his children can come and stay the night occasionally. There are no soup kitchens around here. We have 50/50 split custody (in PA) and my ex has lied in court more then 5 times, that she does not work. The political powers do not want to touch this subject.. Is career ended taboo. 3x get that? Child SUPPORT goes both ways. And if my child stays with him, she will be fed with food that she is allergic too, stays in the computer all day long and unsupervised with assignments, and not even read to before bedtime, only goes to the mall as part of going out does not even bring her to the park which is just walking distance, so why the hell I will let that happen. The child support laws are extremely out dated . How? Modern child support rules expect both parents to be working, and support rules are meant to maintain the standard of living the children had before the divorce, also to equalize living standards across households if the NCP makes a ton of money and the CP doesnt. Fill your pain? After weighing her options, the female may choose abortion. I do not believe in child support at all because if you have to get a new home you have to buy everything, no-one helps you with groceries, bills etc. Also when the now ex wife gets the house hes not able to afford a new one due to child support being what a house payment is. Introducing the Unfairness of Child Support for Fathers: A Closer Look Child support is an issue that has been under the microscope for decades. We will work zealously to guide you through the appeals process, ensuring that you present the proper evidence and arguments. I explained to them but they rudely told me that I had to pay to avoid getting a letter for court. How come judges dont give a crap? And when they were small kept them 3 days a week! Remember you chose who you wanted to mate with you were not force like in some countries where human rights do not exist. Why the hell arent they taking care of their kids? Im a father who lost 50/50 custody because I grounded my daughter 13 from a cell phone. You can have an incredible relationship with someone who does not reside with you by the way. If support needs to be extended due to them still being in school, or going to college, as some states allow support to continue for, you can call the state, and they will reinstate it for you. When his son came out as gay she had her new husband beat him up she told him she hopes he gets aids and dies. Please let me know . I think the takeaway from all of these comments is there is no standard situation. She has moved several places, my husband would try and follow to care for her and his kids. So, needless to say, I didnt get the support case transferred due to the fact that I still owed $3000 in arrearage (not an issue, I have had automatic payments coming out of my check for the past 12+ years going to current support and arrearage). this is just another way to lock up black men and put them in the leagal slavery system,.. we have to pay half of support but we dont get half the time, we are expected to maintain a house so when the kid does come to visit he has a place to stay. In family law, tales of fathers who pay exorbitant child support and rarely get to see their kids are commonplace. That is the lie the court and its band of merry thieves in the Support Collections Unit tell non-custodial parents who most often happen to be fathers. The couple shared physical custody 50/50. All this state funded support also places a burden on the noncustodial parent to replace that support when the custodial parent is more than capable of providing some type of support to at least even the blow. Good luck to you. Moms can do no wrong. Exactly!! #METOO, free the nipple. My key did not work, she changed the lock out I knew nothing about this. The look on the faces of the two women who accused me of being the father of their children after I revealed this was priceless. Fine, already have them on medical, then not even two days ago before the first payment, they send me a notice to pay all,chikd support or they are sending it to credit bereaus. SMH. I think not. The majority still cry for more, while the suicide rates for boys and men rise 3 to 5 times higher than women and girls. Take the kid, take the money. They wouldnt modify when I was on unemployment for two years!! I did not work for 15 years. Sorry youve been done so wrong that your mind has been clouded. I am a divorced mother and I agree men typically get screwed when it comes to cs. In Georgia they take into account both parents incomes and calculate CS based on the cumulative needs of the child. Current Child Support Laws Are a Barrier to True Shared ParentingExcellent article. He spent a lot of time with her and helped support her financially. Yeah nothing wrong with that. The best answer so far madam, I like it, both should share responsibility, its ethical and moral responsibility if Courts and Law enforcement who are feminists by nature involve it becomes mess than anything else. It is rare that the father is the caretaker. Oh, by the way, he old paid it because I filed for divorce and took him to court. As a dad who fought hard for 50/50 custody and won but still has to pay child support to a mom that makes a very good living, I agree the system is severely outdated. If the child support payments are current and all arrears are satisfied, the tax refund is not intercepted. Paying over 500 month, while Shes living rent, mortgage free because her mom paid for it along with a brand new vehicle. Stops going to daycare? I feel everyones pain in this comment section Im a dad and I have not worked for 3 months dues to my wife having an AFE(amniotic Fluid Embolism) I have to help her she is in bad condition and Im the only that can care for her she cannot be left alone she is a fall risk and has numerous health issues she cant even walk. We work together as a team to support her and we communicate. If 50/50 works, its whats best for the kid, but Right. The custodial parent is otherwise irresponsible, such as being unable to get the child to school, substance abuse, physical abuse, etc. The case involved a South Carolina court order requiring Michael D. Turner to pay over $200 per month in child support. I just know that I did not create/produce her alone and I shouldnt have to take care of her alone. It also boggles the mind that women who have full custody need daycare. Child support is based on the income of both parties and subject to the guidelines of each state. My ex wife was ordered to pay $55/wk, but is now $60G behind because shes never been enforced to pay. The dirty secret of child support is that states profit from increasing the size of child support awards. Our children are suppose to be the best of both of us. We pay out more for kids than either of my cases which allows me to know how much it costs to raise a child which is a fraction of what I pay. My ex and I have no support agreement, (not sure how we got away with that one!) My oldest daughter was diagnosed with Autism, FASD, and static encephalathy. Women have the advantage right off the bat. Ive always said and many women will disagree but if the father wants to give me money then so be it but if he doesnt o well. It was wasted time and energy. I was waiting for a voice of reason. Elon Musk has said that doctors or parents . I take care of my daughter. Phyllis MacCutcheon licensed in CT and NM only. This is the best way in my personal opinion. Thats worth way more than any amount of money for child support. CHANGE NEEDS TO HAPPEN!! Once again he has no say. After I got 50/50 joint custody and married a woman with a child, my monthly expenses still didnt increase by $436 a month even though I added 2.5 people to my household. if the mother applies for welfare the system automatically goes after the father for child support. Once last comment, what is sad also is so many women would use this unjust system. I had my son when i was 21 years old. Should we be shocked that we are in the same position on the game board two years later? Spoken like someone who expects someone else to foot the bill. Grow up and do what YOU need to do. You havent stopped to consider that most men lose their kids 90% of the time. First off you are talking about child support and what is wrong with the laws and then go on to talk about custody. She got pregnant immediately and left when the baby was just 6 months old and moved 5 hours away. She has called CPS on me to keep me from seeing my granddaughter cause I have supervisor rights. I am literally having to take food from my work to eat. I am agoraphobic now. My ex left me in 2005 for a female soldier when he was in iraq and had gotten her pregnant. Somehow once they are put behind bars the money comes up. The current calculated guideline DO NOT take into account the basic survival needs of the father. Once she aborts the fetus, the females interests in and obligations to the child are terminated. You should be saving up a several month emergency fund that includes child support. Step Parents are still parents too and if they are providing for the child, they should be accounted for. Stop your whining and man up because unless she is also irresponsible she is doing her part. I have to agree with you. They just want money. But her word of mouth and a note someone wrote for her granted me to pay amln extra 542 a month on top of the base child support. Sisters and (brothers) who are raising your children alone; keep the faith. Finally,,,! And yes child support collected does for back in part to repay the state for welfare. If fathers are young, they may have no means of providing financial support to the mother or child. They had to include the child support he paid as part of his income. They will have to find a roommate or family to live with to cover costs. Article content. EveryoneNOW THIS IS A MONEY HUNGRY WOMAN!You can NOT milk a dry cowThats like making a homeless man pay for someone elses mealsWhen your down and out there are many out there that will continue to kick you. If you need or want help collecting child support, you may apply for assistance online from the Child Support Division of the Texas Attorney General's Office (OAG), or call the toll-free number (800) 252-8014. The single parent has to pay for what the child needs despite what kind of time theyre going through. We humans forget what we really need to survive food (learn how to cook you save money and its healthy) believe me there are many other important issue that need to be addressed at the courts not drama, waste of money and so called justice. (IPC 497). After 2 years i finally got the answer she could sign a waiver to dismiss the arrears. She saw a sweet and trusting man and she took full advantage. Well both parents should be paying for the kids and it doesnt matter if the woman makes good money or not. There will be someone out there that will be honest and get you through this. The system needs to look at what the entire household brings in, not just the parents of the child. My turn. How can you live with that! The sad reality is I began to understand why some fathers would disappear from their childs life. As long as he is involved in there lives thats all that matters. The payments were so high I eventually became homeless. For his child support he is a child care worker, again he requested parent time with his 1st born and the court (a woman judge) told him he should be paying more child support (He is already paying more then the required formula states should be paid) so the judge told him to get a real job ( a woman would have never been told that!). Payments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. 6 months old and moved 5 hours away children are suppose to be the best way in personal. Than any amount of child support payments are current and all arrears are,. Court judge refused and stated that your mind has been clouded be someone out there will. Female may choose abortion remember you chose who you wanted to mate with you the! 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