Starting in the 1920s, a number of adjustments were made to the traditional temple garments, including shortening the sleeves and pants. Freemasonry is a Gnostic, Universalistic, Luciferian religion that denies the Godhood of Jesus Christ. All we want is Christ. The LDS church considers Joseph Smith as a prophet. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints abolished the practice in 1890; it still believes that the principle of multiple marriages can be applied in heaven. It is the religious tradition of the latter-day saint movement of Restorationist Christianity initiated by Joseph Smith. In the first pages of the Book of Mormon it explain the purpose of the Book of Mormon it is another testament of Jesus Christ and we study both the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Web101 crazy Mormon beliefs. The Gospel of John the Beloved is a good place to start. Kinda what I was thinking reading through this is really the only thing that I was confused about I agree with most everything else. BUT, the Bible does stress immense importance on baptism. Smith said God the father (a title given to god), and his son instructed him not to join the existing churches because they are wrong. You can connect the rest of the dots. Mormons believe that Christ, after his death and resurrection, followed up on that promise and visited other lands throughout the world. Brilliant scholarship has been done on it. Swimming is usually done for recreation. The sincerely held beliefs of faithful Latter-day Saints have been mocked on Broadway Shows, late-night adult cartoons, and bloggers who seem to have an axe to grind against the church. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all Eternal God. Its now 2 hours. And it is commanded in the New Testament: The Morman Church has added to Christ s commands, again, making the Bible appear incomplete. In the Bible (John 10:16), Christ explains that he is the Good Shepherd and that he will be killed. WebWe believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; Their goal is to paint The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in a negative lighteven if they have to twist the truth to do it. The first pages also have testimonies of 11 witnesses of Joseph Smith translating these texts. You would just end up in a lesser kingdom of glory, and completely by choice!! Why is he called a prophet? Furthermore, they embrace different texts, including the Christian Bible, the Doctrine and Covenants, The Doctrine, and the Pearl of Great Price. "And Peter said to them, Repent and be 101 Most Powerful Bible Scriptures on Faith. Lets find out answers to your questions by looking at some unknown facts. 100 years ago, these garments had special Masonic symbols on them, but not anymore. Required fields are marked *. 1. Joseph Smiths treatment of the Bible sure tells us a thing or two about his personal character, doesnt it? Contrast with how the Bible tells us to search the scriptures and to be like Bereans and know the times as did the sons of Issachar. While jesus was alive he did not claim to be God. Though over 10 million Mormons are spread across the world, a little is known about them. Joseph Smith did not write the Book of Mormon and there were multiple witnesses in which proves he did not make it up it was a book of historical text. The Mormon Church even commissioned a department of archeology to investigate. But once you find out what Mormons believe, you can see what it looks like when good folks put some other books above the word of God in the Holy Bible. If somebody claims they translated the Bible -but analysis shows they just added some new content with the intention of deceiving the reader- Im not so sure I want to follow a guy like that. Somebody should remind them to search the scriptures like the Bereans did. Joseph Smith had 34 wives. If you invite Mormons for a barbecue treat, then he would eat cheesesteaks or any other dish and not meat dishes. Soaking in Mormonism is referred to as penetration without thrusting. So are Latter-day Saints totally bizarre and weird? Sounds like a nice belief system. Because how members choose to keep the Sabbath day holy can vary, it's easy to see how the idea that Mormons are not allowed to go anywhere or watch TV on Sundays began. Odd, all my Bibles say nothing of the sort, concerning the reference to 1st Corinthians 15:40-42. Easy to happen. I think most LDS people are sincere, honest folks who want to do whats right. Keep following only the scriptures I enjoy my faith. They're committed, they have a strong testimony. Glad Im not the only one who looked this up! Were members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Mormons believe that it is important to lead their lives in a way that is pleasing to God. panakes 5 yr. ago Salvation comes through the declaration and acceptance of Jesus Christ as your lord and savior. They study their family history (genealogy) and find those who died without a knowledge of the gospel. While the Bible has great authority in its historicity, scrutiny from scholarly research over centuries, such evidences as the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, eye witness testimony of early disciples, verified prophesies and so on, to prove its authenticitym, one mans vision which stands in opposition to these things is not to be trusted. Many people have come to faith in Christ because of these amazing discoveries about the Bible! [3] 4. Children are not born evil because of someone elses choice. Just like pizza can be made in different ways & still be pizza, we may have some differences with other Christian religions but we still accept Christ as our Savior, we worship Him, he died for us & rose again, breaking the permanency of death, & He continues to guide us through the Holy Spirit. WebThey believed their god (s) required sacrifices in exchange for their well-being. I guess the difference lies in judgment. We believe The Book of Mormon helps us to learn of Christ. Three levels of heaven are described here as telestial, celestial, and terrestrial. Thus, children are not baptized in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints until they are at least 8 years of age. Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father and The Holy Ghost are three separate beings, but they together are one God, there are references to each one of them calling them God, but that is because they are all in the God Head. WebThe article, "25 Bizarre Mormon Rules You Wont Believe Are Real," highlighted some things that are true about Mormonism, but also added things that were not entirely You might be wondering about what a tree octopus is and where is it found? WebThe Weird and Sinister Beliefs of Mormonism. To understand this principle, a basic Biblical understanding of baptism is required. This special underwear is a symbolic reminder of the covenants and is seen as a source of protection from the evil world. Currently, over 50,000 Mormon missionaries are serving across the globe. Mormons believe in the crucifixion, resurrection and divinity of Jesus Christ. How can politicians be Christians During the 1970s, the church members were instructed they could make their garments after the approval of local leaders. The garment in the 1840s was first described as a one-piece undergarment that extends to the ankles and wrists and resembles a union suit. Why is the book known as the book of Mormons and not the book of believers? But they lose spiritual balance when they fill time with fun-seeking activities. Visit online dating sites. Have youcommitted to follow Jesus? Luciferian Freemasonry like LDS- claims the Christian Church has left people in the dark and thats why you need them. Earlier, Mormons struggled a lot because of marriage traditions. However, it is fine consuming chilled coffee, Pepsi, or any other form of caffeine unless it is not heated. WebA lot of people that practice other religions feel that the beliefs are crazy and weird that is part of the religion of Mormonism. Problem is, theres no record of it. The Bible teaches that there is one God from the very first verse of the Bible when it says In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.. It is also referred to as the garment of the holy priesthood. Therefore it was a comforting practice for the loved ones left behind to be baptised in proxy as a visble sign of the work God already had performed previously in the heart of the deceased prior to death, but who had never had a chance to obey Jesuss command. People call us Mormon but that is not what we call ourselves. Faith Founded on Fact is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Recently, published an article highlighting topics in Church culture or doctrine that might be considered strange to people who are not members of the Church. If you think about it, allreligions have unique beliefs. And they believe Jesus Christ came to visit them. The first meeting is called Sacrament Meeting, where the bread and water are passed around as a memory of Christs last supper and to renew promises the Mormons have made to serve Christ. did you know, most Mormons are narcissists. According to This is a unique belief among other religions, and some might find it to be a little weird to read about Christ visiting other places than Jerusalem until they realize that Christ promised to do so. When Jesus cursed the fig tree, he was effectively saying the entire nation was lost. I do think its important. It is also possible that, depending on what the tattoo is depicting, some members with tattoos may not be allowed to serve missions, according to The largest group of Mormons accepted American leader Brigham Young as the new leader. I know Ive commented on a few different things on here tonight, Im sure it might be coming off aggressive. Though, we make no warranties, either express or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability of the information. And they believe Jesus Christ came to visit them. I want to understand what makes the Mormon congregation Christian? Go to an LDS Singles Conference. In fact, if members or visitors do not have dresses, skirts, or suits, it is acceptable for them to wear their best clothing to church. The attire is known as Temple Garment and is worn by people who can make sacred promises to God. However, I would encourage any legitimate seeker of truth to put their confidence and trust in what the Bible says and not be led astray with any who teach otherwise. What did Joseph Smith see to know it was God and Jesus? (John 1:1). While it is true the Church does discourage members from getting tattoos, the Church does not ask members to remove any tattoos they may have, nor should members. The verse means the the book of Rev. They have invested so much in this practice that they have become world leaders in genealogical records. Mormon temple marriages last for eternity. Some people have called us Mormons, but we prefer the proper name of the church to emphasize our belief in Jesus Christ. Men typically wear suits and ties, and women wear dresses or skirts. if anyone have any question no matter what we can discuss them. Corinthians 15:20-34, So the family can all be sealed together basically meaning the family can be together in the celestial kingdom (heaven). That is remarkable when you consider that the divorce rate among other Christians almost always mirrors the 50% national average of non-Christians. Why is there not a cross on the steeples at the Mormon churchesdo you call where you worship a church? The public is always invited to attend Mormon church services. When I'm not writing about it, I'm often enjoying the great outdoors. Hi Diane. WebMormons or the followers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are followers of Americas largest homegrown Christian faith. But here is why from a Christian standpoint although I cannot comment on anything from a Mormon perspective about the subject. The American Continent Was Originally Settled by Ancient Near Easterners. Im sorry to hear your father is difficult to deal with. He made us. Web10 No Drinking Hot Drinks While Christians are happy to go around turning water into wine and drinking until they pass out naked in tents like Noah, Mormon scriptures specifically And keep asking those questions. 2. If God did in fact speak to smith why did he go make his own book? The Book of Mormon claims there were ancient civilizations in North America. Also, their families are not allowed to visit them. In the Mormon church, members are asked to research their ancestors. Tithing is an individual choice that the faithful voluntarily chose to give in secret. This is known as the God Head. The This is a safety precaution to prevent water-related accidents. Not only that, but Jesus was there at the beginning! Hi Carson, I think baptism is often times misunderstood. They cant play in tournaments, leagues, and on regulation basketball courts. Nearly half of them live outside the US. This dress code idea likely comes from members tending to dress up to show respect for the sacredness of renewing their covenants, but there's no stipulation on men wearing white shirts or women not being allowed to wear pants. Faith Founded on Fact is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to But LDS folks take their misunderstanding of this verse and build a whole doctrine around it. However probably the decisions of one person who I am sure is still learning right and wrong and growing probably shouldnt speak for an entire group of people and how they would act in the same situation. Jesus Christ created all things in heaven and earth! When Christ was killed on the cross, he cried an earnest and desperate prayer to Heavenly Father. I've built and exited several brands and companies, and now I focus much of my time on sharing my faith. Hope that helps. Christ is the only one who can cleanse of all righteousness for eternal life because He is the Son & the Christ & Spirit. They claim that they are raised with the idea that its okay to lie if its for a higher cause. Throughout the church, it is okay to say a lie to anyone if it is saving the church. Heres what the LDS official website says: Members of the Church believe that marriages performed in temples are sealed, or blessed to last for eternity. Heres how it is said among the LDS faithful at the official church website: asmanis-God oncewas- and -asGodis-manmay become., But the Bible says in Malachi 3:6a For I the Lord do not change and in Revelation 1:8 he says I am the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty., In fact, godhood is what the serpent promised Eve in Genesis when he said, in part you will be like God. (See Genesis 3:5). It is a religious text published by Smith, and he translated it from golden plates with the help of divine power. They also believe that multiple Gods exist but each has their own universe. It says he knew us BEFORE he formed us in our mothers belly. 12 Missing People Who Disappeared Mysteriously and Later Found Alive, 8 Most Notable Cases Of Harlequin Baby That Will Give You Goosebumps, 10 Facts About Tree Octopus That Will Soon Disappear, 20 Bizarre Publicity Stunts by Brands to Attract Potential Customers, 10 Strangest Stars in the Universe That Have Bizarre Properties, 10 Strange Jobs That Might Pay You More Than Your Current Earnings. In a Mormon Newsroom article for first-time visitors to a Mormon church service, it mentions, "Youre welcome to wear any clothes that you feel comfortable attending a church service in. Actually, they do a lot of things differently in order to serve others and to strive to be good members of society. The number dont add up. Because of their choice, we can all die and do not live in a perfect Garden of Eden. Its completely and totally a symbolism thing. And when you dig deep, you find that they place these other books ahead of the Bible in their belief system. The Bible also uses this phrase in relation to married couples who leave their mother and father and become one. Today, Mormon temple clothes are a pillar of faith for many people. ? If Jesus was not God, how does His sacrifice on the cross wipe away our sins? Every young Mormon expects to serve a two-year mission overseas. They did not need to come into existence because they always were. Your email address will not be published. Marriage Expert Explains, Why I Keep the Sabbath Differently Than You & Why That's a Good Thing. No archaeological finds. He described his encounter with God through fire and the voice. Does that make them non-Christian?He said that a church in a mans name is that mans church. I think its super interesting that the resurrection of Christ is more significant to you than the crucifixion. But you cant say that about the LDS books. Married couples were forbidden from keeping each other happy in their homes. If you are following Christ, we believe you are on the right track. Everyone gets a chance to accept their baptism when theyre stuck in purgatory. 11 Forbidden Places in the World You Wish Could Visit Anytime Soon. Web10 The Virgin Mary Wasnt A Virgin. These beliefs come from the Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, Doctrine and Covenants and the other sayings of Joseph Smith, Brigham Young and other founders of the LDS church. It is reported that people have lost their jobs for going. WebMormons believe in God the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Ghost existing as three separate individual beings or personages. Make sure to use a recent photo of you in modest clothing. Not even Mose see God in His fullness. (D&C 130:22) But the Bible says God is Spirit. (and always will be). The Bible teaches the Trinity all the way from Genesis-to-Revelation. Meat is not consumed during famine, summers, and winters. Celestial marriage. This 1 ritual determines eternal heaven or hell? Sometimes no hot drinks mean no tea or coffee. After the abolition of plural marriage in 1890, various groups of Mormons broke with the LDS Church and formed denominations of Mormon fundamentalism. Mormons believe in Plural Marriage. Latter Day Saints who undergo the temple sealing ceremony wear special undergarments. The quote in the post of 1 Corinthians 15:29 is from the regular old King James Version of the Bible. Okay, so lets discuss. And they say so right here at the official LDS website: While we do not believe the Bible to be inerrant, complete or the final word of God, we accept the essential details of the Gospels. You cite on at the very beginning of this article. But in the original Hebrew, its worded in a very peculiar way. Wherefore, if little children could not be saved without baptism, these must have gone to an endless hell. (Moroni 8:12-13). Christopher Hitchens, the belligerent and loquacious atheist author and social Hi Shirley, I think theres a potential confusion here. The truth is religion is man made. In your article, you discussed eternal marriage. To me one of the most interesting beliefs of the LDS people is that all men can become gods of their own planets one day. Yes, we believe that to enter heaven, Christ stands before God as the sacrifice for our since through grace. A portion of that statistic is no doubt a result of the type of faithful people who marry in an LDStemple. Yes, Jesus Christ is the Creator. We preach the same gospel as the Bible. They believe that the Book of Mormon confirms information found in the Bible. Its so embarrassing that the church doesnt even print it. WebMormons believe that the love felt between spouses and families of outsiders is not as strong as for those within the faith. This teaches that we are all subject to the fall of Adam and Eve. He knows how we should live our lives in the way that we would feel the most fulfilled. They are Not Allowed to Swim. Are they all cast down to hell? We are only Why do you baptize those that are already deceased into the Mormon religion? kathy jesus is God God was the only one that could redeem us because he made us. They are less diverse when compared with other Christian groups. Exodus 33:11 says Moses did as well. Mormons are normal people, but their life is different from others. While I was able to locate the quote from the good folks at Fair Latter Day Saints, I wasnt able to find out which specific creeds God told Joseph Smith were corrupted. While it's true missionaries are discouraged from swimming, just as they are discouraged from participating in any potentially harmful activity like rock climbing or horseback riding, it is not because Satan has power over lakes and rivers. They didnt stand for this, and the oral sex was struck down in a few years. The boys in white shirts start working at 9:30 AM and dont stop until 9:30 PM. However, the idea that members are asked to have their tattoos removed could come from potential missionaries with tattoos being chosen to serve a mission where their "tattoo is either culturally accepted or to a colder climate where long sleeves, and tights for women, will cover their tattoos," according to You dont hear about the Joseph Smith Translation too much. The church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints also believes in kingdoms of glory though which means if you told God hey I dont really want to follow your commandments and be baptized you wouldnt be in the his kingdom of glory, but if you are not an inherently bad person either you dont go straight to hell. We dont use the symbol of the cross much because we focus on Christs resurrection. The word Mormon originates from the Book of Mormon. Great smart responses. Latter Day Saints believe the Trinity is three separate Gods. God is the judge, not a family member. Several communities, like Hinduism, Christianity, and others, exist in the world. Members of the church are all given specific duties or ways they can help out in the church. If Christ pleased Heavenly Father does that not show that Christ could have done different and is separate from God our Father because God was pleased with his decision? Copyright 2023 Jim Harmer of St. George, Utah. The church reveals that it adds nearly 1 million members every three years. However, some reports reveal that they cant swim on Sundays. LDS books say both God the Father and Jesus Christ have flesh and bones. If you study other Christian religions you will also find differences between them (baptism for one example). Why do you baptize those that are a!ready deceased into the Mormon religion? Its really not a translation. Were not arguing with you. Christ is baptized of John the Baptist. There are beliefs. They finally shut it down when it became clear That is contact. A member may be assigned to make a program for the church service each week, to serve as a bishop (leader of a congregation of about 300), to play the piano during services, to teach a youth class, etc. In this passage, Jesus is prophesying that his church will stand like a rock. I dont know why these beliefs are strange. Are they then not Christian? They fast (skip food and drink) for 24 hours to show their devotion to God, and donate the money they would spend on those meals, plus a generous amount to charity. Plus, of those 6 narcissists, 1 was Mormon, and she was a narcissist 55 years before she became Mormon. So I was researching it tonight and came across your article. It takes a contorted and twisted reading of the Bible to honestly believe that. Though the section never says "Satan has dominion over the water," the saying was passed around and used as an excuse for why missionaries could not swim or participate in water sports. However, Christians didnt find Mormonism as an official denomination. We can accept the gift of salvation or not. The lack of actual evidence doesnt stop LDS folks from believing it. And they are all people Who make good decisions and bad decisions. I have experienced this in Salt Lake City, the east coast, in the south and in Colorado. Started in the garden of Eden (surely you wont die). To me, this is as clear of a reference to Christ, the Spirit, and God being separate beings as anything. You said it just means that God knows each one of us he knew who we would be. I serve in my community, never harm anyone, and love my family. Mormons usually prefer eating vegetarian foods. Or did he convene with the Nephites? Yet, this is a deception because they teach the philosophies of their prophet Joseph Smith whose teachings and supposed visions are contrary to the Bible. It says in Genesis 2:24 that when married they shall be one flesh this is what it means to have a celestial marriage, in Mark and Luke they are explaining something that is without true authority and the power of God. Why would we need to manipulate Christ and his love? The idea of hell or not being allowed to re-unite as one with God seems incredibly harsh. Where do you live because there are LDS churches all over the world. They practice clothing rituals and wear undergarments that have religious significance. I hope some of these could be really true. I am a member and there is one scripture that has been quoted to me, by non members, is the verse in Rev. Only God can do that. To many, some of the beliefs of Mormons will seem unique and different. Have Mormons read Galatians 1:8?How do they get past this one? I would like to post this on FB but dont know how. And that should be EQUALLY focused on with the resurrection. Wearing this garment is also an outward expression of an inward commitment to follow Jesus Christ. This is not true, as many married LDS men who did not serve missions, including Donny Osmond and Steve Young, can attest. But I also respect you as my brother in Christ regardless and as much as I might disagree with you, I dont mean to offend you at all. In the case of divorce, a Mormon can get remarried. The Book of Mormon says (see above) Jesus was Gods first creation. Im pretty sure that if you create something, it would be pretty hard for it to be your brother. And counting. When Adam & Eve partook of the fruit (the act of partaking, because God said you will surely die) they brought mortality & death into the world. They can also submit regulation of military T-shirts of different colors to the church for the addition of the symbolic markings. We believe that his death didnt define him, but his overcoming death. Nobody who believes in Jesus Christ should ever be a member of the Masonic Lodge. I have never heard of an active couple who did not get their sealing canceled when divorced. Thanks for writing this. Did Jesus Christ travel to North America to preach to the lost sheep of the house of Israel? The term Mormon was used to refer to members of these sects. So that they can go to the kingdom of god. However, I believe that this merely shows their unity in purpose. But I dont believe people go to hell for not being baptized. Nice. They lied so much to keep communities safe that lying became their habit. Up until 1990, the Temple Sealing ceremony was almost identical to the first Masonic ceremony. The author quoted correctly but misattributed the quote. Is yourFaith Founded on Fact? And Jesus had plenty of lost sheep of the house of Israel right inside Israel. Hebrews 1:8, ESV. Does God not love these people? 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