Is one of your children having trouble with a subject in school? Maybe youve even sped up on a mountain road at night, thinking you see glowing red eyes in the woods? If your arthritis acts up, itll soon rain. Other people liked the wampus cat as a creature of Cherokee mythology. When I asked my Tennessee-based family about the most common Appalachian superstitions, I was shocked by how many we still practice today. Your wish will be granted. This years festival falls on September 17 and 18, 2022. We came in and went out the kitchen door. Other than the folklore of the Appalachian Mountain, there are more shocking superstitions that have been passed down by several generations. Legend tells of a brutal battle betweenCherokee and Catawba warriorson Brown Mountain,which left many dead on the battlefield. Learned a few new ones too. Artists impression of the Flatwoods monster. get my head peeled, and daddys Tipper (and Ethelene)Im fascinated by superstitions, although I prefer to consider them mountain folklore since a fair portion of them have some underlying factual basis. I am one of those that claim not to be superstitious but Ive been know to put an X on the windshield when a black cat crosses in front of me. Appalachian Folklore, Wives' Tales and Superstitions. c) Always go out the same door you came in. Don't throw your hair out! Ethelene-Good stuff this morning. One of the stories given by a priest in 1721 stated that these huge creatures used to stalk them at night. On December 15, 1967, the Mothman was credited for the collapse of Silver Bridge, which killed 46 people. The daughter, Betsy Bell saw a girl in a green dress swinging from the limb of an oak tree. I love this post! Im surprised I have not heard all the superstitions Etelene wrote about as my parents believed in all sorts of sayings. Youll drown if you swim right after eating because of leg or stomach cramps. on: function(evt, cb) { Similar reports came in over the next few days, and the sensational story was soon picked up by the local newspaper. This could have been so much more. I stopped suddenly (a movement that explains this particular memory) and asked him why. A bird in the house means there will be a death in the family wring their necks for dinner. Treading on an ant nest will cause rain that day. Wonder what that means? Appalachian superstitions surrounding Christmas also came from Scotland and Wales As in all cultures which celebrate Christmas, many superstitions and myths surround the holiday, most of them based on the pagan celebrations of the winter solstice which predated the Christian holiday. An enslaved person of the Bell family reported being followed by a large black dog on evenings as he visited his wife. To cure thrush, the seventh son or seventh daughter will blow into the affected childs mouth. He had it nailed shut. A dog howling at night is a portent of death. Theres nothing any more lonely-sounding than a dog that will not stop howling at night. Some of the ones I remember from my mother are, dont open an umbrella indoors, bad luck. His son, Drew Bell approached an unknown bird perched on their fence but it flew off and was of extraordinary size. i) Dont walk under a ladder. Another record state that the spirit was clairvoyant and capable of crossing long distances with superhuman speed and capable of being in more than one place at a time. Its bad luck because it was believed pigs cant swim. If you see a white horse, youll have good luck. Blowing smoke in the ear cures an earache. Jerry Crew, a logging company employee, discovered a set of extra-large footprints in Six Rivers National Forest. A woman has more ribs than a man. Never tell a dream before breakfast or it will come true. (German), Spitting on a new baby will bring the child good luck. Dream of a baby, someone you know will die. Now I can really be afraid of everything. hands were tough as shoeleather. That person will blow breath in the childs face three times for three days and the thrush will disappear. Ive done a fair amount of writing on weather folklore over the years, and I know of three or four books on the subject. Make a wish on a shooting star. They gathered a group of adults and went to investigate, and when they reached the top of the hill, they . The Appalachian culture is known to be full of myths, legends and ghost stories which might scare off visitors to this region. Sometimes, there's a nationality so you know which immigrants brought them over, but there's not backing up with footnotes or anything. Dream of killing a snake, youve either conquered or befriended an enemy. One man, claiming he had knowledge of how to deal with witches, boasted that his silver bullets were keeping the witch at bay. If a black cat crosses your path, turn and go a different way. 'Appalachian Folklore: Omens, Signs and Superstitions' explores the historical and cultural evolution of the pioneers who first ventured into the Appalachian Mountains. When a person dies in a home, open a door for his/her spirit to pass. If cows are laying down, or leaves are upside down, its going to rain. And dont ever walk under a ladder leaned against the building. However, the Brown Mountain lights were some strange lights from around 1910 during the time electric lighting was becoming widespread and the lights were from a locomotive train. Never leave a baby's washed diapers on the clothesline during a full moon because they will attract evil forces. READ MORE: Visiting Expedition Bigfoot Museum (AKA Sasquatch Museum) in Cherry Log, GA. Found in the Blue Ridge Mountains ofNorth Carolina, the Brown Mountain Lights are a true Appalachian mountain mystery. Some of these known cultures by the traditional people of the Appalachian may not be widely practised in the present day, but their myths and mountain folklore were passed down through several generations. I dont know if these will help, but they may provide a catalyst for you. Appalachian Mountain Roots Facebook page. I have heard the one about being sure to depart through the same door that you arrived through my whole life. If a person has a goiter on the neck, he/she should go where there has been a death, take the hand of the deceased, and rub the dead hand over the goiter. The account is free. What Is Appalachian Granny Witchcraft? If you see an owl in the daytime, its bringing a message that bad luck will soon come. The Sasquatch was a hairy creature, known for bellowing, stealing livestock, and shaking trees. Game Commission, it was a big delay. She hid under the pelt of a large cat and got turned into the half-woman, half-beast we hear about in this famous Appalachian myth. Anyhow, I just wanted to say thanks for sharing.Whitney Miracle. Two brothers, Edward and Fred May and their friend Tommy Hyer reported having spotted a bright object cross the sky and land on the property of a local farmer on 12th September 1952 at 7:15 p.m. This system was passed down orally through the years and practiced as a way of keeping the folklore alive. a dove around you is a visit from the spirit of one you love who has passed. LOL I also remember both of our Grandmothers tossing salt over a shoulder for a superstition, but I cant remember what for. Few wanted a spoon to fall. The event made local and national news, and even prompted an official U.S. Air Force inquiry! I love love love Appalachia & am proud to be from this Neck of tha Woods! And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live., **Featured Image: by DimaDim_art at Pixabay. A full moon makes people act wild and mean. Links for Book One and Book Two. It includes hundreds of whimiscal superstitions as well as folk cures, charms, and chants practiced by the early settlers of Appalachia. Ossman & Steel's Classic Household Guide to Appalachian Folk Healing: A Collection of Old-Time Remedies, Charms, and Spells. Appalachian Folklore and Superstitions In the next few weeks on Zoo Fam Podcast, we will be discussing Appalachian Folklore, superstitions, and expressions that are only heard here in the mountains. You might be surprised how widely held this belief is. I often fell asleep trying to get that. When they went to bury the body, a rattlesnake There are still claims that the lights seen today are of the spirits of the Catawba women still searching. If it is the left ear, you're being gossiped about. Dont cut your nails or hair on Sunday. Lolll But first I have to say I was cracking up laughing at some of the comments above. Many of these mountain folklore sayings were passed down by my great-grandparents, but still live on a century later. She even forced Betsy to break off her engagement with Joshua Gardner before eventually disappearing for good. In folklore, it was a spiritual green-eyed cat which had occult powers or sometimes was taken as an undefined imaginary animal. This was a punishment for hiding beneath the pelt of a wild cat to witness a secret ceremony. Break a mirror seven years bad luck. (My mom used to call these lie bumps.). I have heard most of these superstitions, but then were heavily scots-irish and german around here too! Print length 180 pages Language English (Think Adam and Eve.). My grandfather helped me compile a list for school (45 years ago). Have you ever heard the saying. All these beliefs are commonplace deep in these mountains and passed down by oral tradition. I have a few superstitions to add to the growing list. A few weeks ago, I came home after a hasty, masked, social-distancing trip to the grocery store. Never leave a rocking chair rocking, or you will invite spirits. The bird might have wandered from its migration route and been unrecognized in the area, people brought up the legend. . So very interesting and I also like to read what might be the origin of such ideashow did they get started, etc. Dont wash clothes on New Years Day or you will wash a family member out. This is where Appalachian cultural stereotypes such as family loyalty, rebellion against authority, and passion for self-defense gave rise to the image of hillbillies as wild, reclusive mountain men. Some Common Folklore and Superstitions Held Among Mountain Folk written by Ethelene Dyer Jones. Milk or food stolen from a neighbor and fed to a child will cure whooping cough. This was a commonly held belief back before the whooping cough vaccine when children came down with the dread disease and their little bodies were wracked with fever and severe coughing. If a child keeps sucking his/her thumb, he or she will have an overbite. READ MORE:30 Fascinating Blue Ridge Mountains Facts, READ MORE: The 15 Best Fall Festivals in Georgia. On their way to see the light, the boys stopped to tell their mother, Kathleen May, who asked National Guardsman Eugene Lemon to join them. If you like what you see or read (I hope you do) and would like to use it, please email me and ask at [emailprotected] 2008 - 2023. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I would look into the Apple shop which is a non profit for storytelling in the region. Appalachia Bare. In the mid-20th century, the UFO movement began to influence the Brown Mountain lights story. the scarcity of Pawpaw trees was thought to be a sign of the end of the world. all over the place. Ones own Pee, bout a spoonful in the ear. If squirrels build nests low in the trees, expect a bad winter. Dont cut your babys hair before their first birthday. Nickel: the visitor was in boot camp with the veteran. Jim Casada If you give them to newlyweds, it will cut their love. I have heard alot of these sayings, from my Great-Granny, Mamaws & Papaws, & Aunts, Uncles & Cousins too!! Given that, this list might call some to your mind. The Sheriff of Mason County, George Johnson stated that he believed the sightings were due to usually large herons. All are located off NC-105 S or NC-181 near Asheville and Boone, and offer great scenic vistas at any time of day. Karen, my dad had an employee who never went in the main entrance of their factory because it had 13 steps. If a picture in a frame suddenly falls and breaks, it is a sign of death. Thanks to Ms. Jones for this guest post. Some legend tells about a brutal battle between the Cherokee and Catawba warriors on Brown Mountain which left several warriors dead. Brown eggs are better and more nutritious than white eggs. by Jake Richards and Silver RavenWolf. Many had to do with death and sickness, an understandable reaction to the dangers of the early days of life in this country. If you dream the same dream three times, it will come true. A large number of the included things were more general superstitions than specific to the Appalachians. The Iroquois tell stories of an aggressive, hair-covered giant with rock-hard skin known as Stone Giant which they referred to as the Genoskwa. When the moon is full hold a silver coin up to it and ask it to bring you money!!!! Rare Books Peculiarities of the Appalachian mountaineers; a summary of legends, traditions, signs and superstitions that are almost forgotten. Photo by Tim Bertelink on Wikimedia. I have heard-if you drop a dish towel in the kitchen it means someone is coming to see you : ) The hauntings began sometime between 1817 and 1821, when the Bell Witch would show up disguised as an animal, such as a dog or bird. I knew some of them from our Ozark traditions. appalachian mountains My mother still turns them upside down when she sees one- they just dont stand well that way. My family is all from West Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee. If a prisoner survives an execution (hanging, electrocution, etc. It includes hundreds of whimiscal superstitions as well as folk cures, charms, and chants practiced by the early settlers of Appalachia. Tales of wild men in the woods date back to ancient times, including indigenous cultures and medieval Europe. Their eyes were supposedly so sensitive to the sun that they remained nocturnal, which is why theyre called moon-eyed.. If you cut or shave your hair, itll grow back thicker. Dont cut a babys hair until after the first birthday or the child will have bad luck. Jim says my presentation yesterday up in Kentucky was GREAT! g) Dont do any canning or gardening during your period. Loll The factory made cowboy boots. Other people gave reports of similar sightings with two volunteer firemen saying they saw it was a large bird with red eyes. Todays Guest Post was written by Ethelene Dyer Jones. I had not heard of some of these at all! If you sweep underneath a single persons feet, he or she will never marry. These lights are purported to be ghost lights near Brown Mountain in North Carolina around the Appalachian Mountain area. Finding a four-leaf clover means youll have good luck. So, its called the Judas Tree.. In the past weve tried both routes. Dona Very gruesome I thought hed tell me about some danger Id encounter, like a wasp nest he hadnt cleared, or, perhaps, some angry bird or rabid squirrel. If the dough for baking bread cracks while being shaped, a funeral will occur soon. Tipper, If blackbirds build a nest on your house its a bad omen. If you were born in the good old mountains and hollers of Appalachia, you have been taught more than a few superstitions or old wives tales. Unlike other Appalachian monsters, the Moon-Eyed People were considered to be a distinctively separate race of people, rather than supernatural beings. Some Common Folklore and Superstitions Held Among Mountain Folk written by Ethelene Dyer Jones He just smiled and said, Its just a superstition. To support our blog and writers we put affiliate links and advertising on our page. If a bad storm is coming, put a 2-edged axe into a stump facing the storm to ensure the storm goes around you. To cure thrush, take a child to a person whos never seen his/her father. Most of these sayings Ive heard all my life, but then I grew up in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Dogs get them from eating cats! If your nose is itching, it means company is coming. This is a large American crane almost as tall as a man with a seven-foot wingspan that has reddish colouring around the eyes. Blind Pig The Acorn To release this curse, pinch a little and throw it over your left shoulder. Dont rock an empty rocking chair. Make a wish on the first star you see. 4.3 out of 5 stars 18. . But a few were very familiar to me! . This legend went on to state that the haunting followed them into the night which made John Bell have a facial paralysis. Also known as the Bell Witch Haunting, it is a legend centred on the 19th-century Bell family of northwest Robertson County, Tennessee. Why take chances? Photo courtesy Foxfire Museum & Heritage Center Germans (a.k.a. Dont let a pregnant woman see a dead person or the baby will have a birth mark. Its a harbinger of death. If you hear a screech owl at dusk someone will soon die Today, tourists come from all over the country to visit the home of the Flatwoods Monster. If your ears burn, somebodys gossiping about you. There are several tales about the Brown Mountain lights which were told by several people from the Appalachian region. Are you superstitious? Maybe most of us would say, No! Yet we grew up in an area where certain superstitious sayings were often repeated and believed by some people. You know! Old energy and dirt will follow. If the right, good things are being said. Amy is excited to share her passion for the outdoors through her writing! Ed Ammons had me cracking up when he said balding is a blessing, we need a cure for hairy (Who wants to try that?). Never close a knife you didnt open, or youll have bad luck for 7 years. If you say the wrong name in conversation, the named person is thinking about you. Festivals, Folk. Vance Randolph, a folklorist described the wampus cat as a kind of amphibious panther which leaps into the water and swims away like a colossal mink. Hello Gary. Wear a buckeye in your bra to ward off rheumatism. 6. } this was such a great post. So we ended on a happy note!!!! Ive heard if you drop a dish towel in the kitchen it means somebody is coming. I see some were converted from bad luck to bad manners. Itll take the babys breath. The story of the Mothman began on November 15, 1966. Pink sky in the morning sailor take warning. })(); There are tons of things I could tell you about myself, but all you really need to know is I'm crazy in love with my home in Appalachia-the people, the food, the music, the colorful language, the sustainable lifestyle, the history, the soaring mountains, and the deep dark hollers. I have undoubtedly forgotten some. I would look at Ron rash's something rich and strange short stories. Dimples on the chin are said to be made by the devil's shoe. Id planned to sit among all the beautiful blooms in our flower garden, Gabriels Garden. It didnt happen here in Kentucky! If the sun shines while it is raining, it will rain again tomorrow. Your email address will not be published. We were always told growing up never sweep under a persons feet or they will never get married. Robert L Smith, a wildlife biologist told reporters that the descriptions from the sightings fit the sandhill crane. It meant you'd have good luck all year. Blind Pig The Acorn Rubbing the head of a person with red hair is good luck. We cut extra wood, sealed windows and doors, and bought generators waiting for what was surely going to be a hard winter. If a black cat crosses your path youll have bad luck. When an eyelash falls out, pinch it lightly between your thumb and forefinger, then make a wish and blow. Folklore & Superstitions in Appalachia | Blind Pig and The Acorn Appalachia, Folklore Folklore & Superstitions in Appalachia January 15, 2021 In my latest video I discuss folklore and superstitions. If you shudder for no reason, someones walking on your grave. The history of Appalachia itself is the history of the granny witchcraft tradition; although the name is relatively new, the customs go back a long time. Cut extra wood, sealed windows and doors, appalachian folklore and superstitions even prompted an official U.S. Force... Through her writing strange short stories and advertising on our page act wild mean. Hair, itll soon rain baby 's washed diapers on the first birthday or the child good luck route! You arrived through my whole life, Wives & # x27 ; tales and superstitions Among! Up the legend appalachian folklore and superstitions. ) be full of myths, legends and ghost stories which scare. 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